I am WAY too busy to diet...

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I am WAY too busy to diet...

Post by kccc » Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:11 pm

... so thank goodness I'm doing No-S instead. :)

I started a demanding job with a commute in January, so haven't been here as much as I used to be. Life is a little on the crazy side as I try to re-balance and re-focus. Additional family demands have resulted in my being a little more frantic than I think is good for me.

However, I am SO grateful for No-S under these conditions. I could not maintain anything where I had to count or weigh or THINK about what I was eating on a daily basis. At this point (over 2 years, I think), the N-day habits are so ingrained that they don't take much thought. I still plan meals (on the weekends), and I take my leftovers or "default" meals for lunch. Simple pattern that still holds, even if more of my meals are "prepare ahead" or "quick-fix" now. Had to work out breakfast (with the commute), but that's in place now too.

If I had not been doing No-S for a while, I know what would have happened -I would have started eating TONS of junk. Partly because junk is "fast," but mostly because I would eat out of stress. I am stressed right now. But I'm not dealing by eating. :) And that's good, because I know abandoning basic health habits only leads to MORE stress.

Right now I appreciate every "point of sanity" in my life, and No-S is on the list! So, develop those habits, because at some point they will seem like a life preserver to you!

(Thanks again, R.)

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Post by belser » Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:16 pm

Gosh what a great post! Thank you so much for taking the time to write it!

Too solid flesh
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I am WAY too busy to diet...

Post by Too solid flesh » Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:59 pm

I'm sorry that life is so demanding just now, and hope that things will settle down a bit.

Congratulations on sticking to NoS despite all the stresses and strains.

Very best wishes.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:01 pm

KCCC, though I wish the "stress test" weren't necessary, I'm very happy to hear no-s is holding up for you under these conditions (and that it's even a "point of sanity" holding you up a bit)!

It is funny how most conventional diets feel like ballast, something extra, that we immediately reach to jettison when seas get too rough. Habitually ingrained no-s is more like the mast, fixed to the ship itself, something we can cling to to keep from being swept away by the swirling chaos all around us.


Too solid flesh
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Post by Too solid flesh » Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:23 pm

reinhard wrote:It is funny how most conventional diets feel like ballast, something extra, that we immediately reach to jettison when seas get too rough. Habitually ingrained no-s is more like the mast, fixed to the ship itself, something we can cling to to keep from being swept away by the swirling chaos all around us.
Good images! For the next edition of the book, perhaps?

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