June challenge!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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June challenge!

Post by ~reneew » Fri May 29, 2009 5:28 pm

I'm issuing a challenge for you to do the best month that you've done yet!
I know that the majority of us can use some improvement and I don't want us to feel like 1 red is a failure, so... just do better than your best habitcal month. Calculate it out and see what would be "best" for you and go for it. We'll cheer eachother on.

* Remember to only post once on the first page please, so that we can all get our first post in hopefully on the first page so we can edit those to view easier. Then after the 3rd of June, we'll all post at the bottom to encourage eachother.

* re-read the last paragraph if you skimmed it :roll:

Congratulations to those of us that did a no red month in May!!! Woohoo!
Last edited by ~reneew on Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by ~reneew » Fri May 29, 2009 5:28 pm

I'm in...

June 1: green, and a very good green it was!
June 2: green...I want to munch, but I'm not :D BIG dinner plate... I better do a salad plate tomorrow :oops:
June 3: green :wink: I'm eating on salad plates today.
June 4: S day for my son's birthday. It's also the first day of summer (no school) and I felt I needed it. :wink: Summer with the kids home is tough. Help!!!
June 5: green.
June 6: green I'm trying to make up for Thursday because ...1R = 4G for me. :cry:
June 7: S day
June 8: green :wink:
June 9: green
June 10: green easier today, one child is eating mush, (wisdom teeth out) one gone a lot, another is at Gpa and Gma's, and the other can find her own food...
June 11: green
June 12: it will be green
June 13: S day idiot :cry:
June 14: S day not quite as bad
June 15: green it was
June 16: green :wink: All 3 habitcals are green
June 17: green
June 18: defiant! :evil:
June 19: green again and I've been thinking a lot about what happened: see below
June 20: S day and a good one too, would you believe? I even waited all week to have a rootbeer float and now I don't want one!!! :shock:
June 21: I banked my S and stayed green!Woohoo!!
June 22: green
June 23: green and man is it hot out... I had to go to the YMCA to do my exercise!
June 24: greenand doing good.
June 25: green
june 26: green and down 18... at least I'm back to where I was before Memorial Day weekend. STAY OFF OF THE ROLLERCOASTER
June 27: S day
June 28: S dayI thought I'd try an N day, but I now am looking at a platter of sweets... :wink:
June 29: green one day left!
June 30: Green Woo hoo!!!!!!!

I feel successful because even though I had a red, I banked one too. I don't want to get into the habit of saying a red is o.k. then I can make up for it, but I did. From now on, I will try to bank one ahead of time to use for any reds later. But, I don't think the 4th of July is a good time to try it... One day at a time during the summer! I was in panic mode when school got out, and I think I'm doing fairly good and even had some respectable S days... I'm getting there!

I've issued another challenge!

I've thought about it and I don't know where my defiancy on the 18th came from, but it wasn't a binge which it would have been in the past. It was more like a pressure release valve. And, it also took a bit of effort to go red! It was like I had to talk myself into having the stuff instead of talking my self out of it!!! Wow!!! Is that a tiny spark in the ring where the fire will be???

Livin' and learnin'!!!

If someone could brainwash me and tell me that Saturday is Tuesday, I'd appreciate it!
Last edited by ~reneew on Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:40 pm, edited 69 times in total.
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by bluebunny27 » Fri May 29, 2009 5:36 pm

Recent months :

11-1-2008 280.0
12-1-2008 266.0 ( Nov. 2008 Down 14.0, Total : 14.0 )
1-1-2009 254.0 ( Dec. 2008 Down 12.0, Total : 26.0 )

1-13-2009 250.0
2-1-2009 244.0 ( Jan. 2009 Down 10.0, Total : 36.0 )
2-19-2009 237.8
3-1-2009 234.0 ( Feb. 2009 Down 10.0, Total : 46.0 )
3-14-2009 232.2
4-1-2009 229.8 ( March 2009 Down 4.2, Total : 50.2 )
4-14-2009 224.8
5-01-2009 221.6 ( April 2009 Down 8.2, Total : 58.4 )
5-15-2009 217.8
6-01-2009 215.6 ( May 2009 Down 6.0, Total : 64.4 )
6-16-2009 211.6
7-01-2009 208.2 ( June 2009 Down 7.4, Total : 71.8 )


My objective for july 2009 : I'd be happy to lose between 5 and 6 pounds this month.


Updated HabitCal - Up to june 30th
Subject to a few changes.


Weigh in this morning (7/1), 208.2 ...even STEVEN !! ;-)
Last/First weigh in of the month. Ready to start july on the right track hopefully.


Future weigh in dates and objectives

6/01/2009 215.6
6/05/2009 214.0 ( Down 1.6 )
6/10/2009 212.8 ( Down 1.2 )
6/16/2009 211.6 ( Down 1.2 )
6/23/2009 211.0 ( Down 0.6 )
6/29/2009 208.2 ( Down 2.8 )
7/01/2009 208.2 (Even STEVEN)

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds - - - 06/29/2009 : 208.2 pounds
7 months 29 days / 71.8 pounds
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Post by Thalia » Fri May 29, 2009 5:41 pm

I'm in!

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Post by Marianna » Fri May 29, 2009 5:43 pm

Planning on a Green June! Thanks for the headstart!


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Post by guadopt1997 » Fri May 29, 2009 5:44 pm

I'm in!

This challenge definitely helped me stay on track yesterday so I am happy to say:

June 1: success!!!
June 2: success
June 3: failure meant to have two slices of pizza but ate 3.5 instead. Thought about just imagining a very large plate but who am I kidding? Still, it was just that and no sweets or snacks later on, so I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself, especially in view of my stated goal: to be able to say, like Hunter Gatherer did: "I have mostly gotten past the "No! I failed! Now I must fail the rest of the day too!"

June 4: success
June 5: success
June 6: Not a total idiot S day
June 7: Not a total idiot S day
June 8: success
June 9-11: success
June 12: S event this evening--daughter's 12th birthday party. Intend to stay green 'til then.
Did well on Friday. Stayed no-S 'til evening as planned. Did not go nuts Friday evening BUT
June 13-14: OMG, GMO as my daughter would say! Yes it was the weekend but I feel like coloring the days RED. Went way overboard on Saturday with party leftovers, then felt sick most of Sunday morning and didn't eat 'til noon (reasonable amount), left the house, then came back at 4:40, had a snack. Horrible gross dinner, then some more grazing after that. Not quite as bad as Saturday but my stomach was so distended! Have to listen to the S days gone wild podcast again...
June 15: success What a relief. Also, scale went down three pounds between yesterday and today, so the weekend did not cause much damage except to my psyche...
June 16: failure/success. Finished the food off my daughter's plate after eating what was on mine :x /didn't snack or have sweet later in the evening :o :D
June 17-18: SUCCESS (even though I worked from 7:30 a.m. to 9:15 p.m. yesterday and it's 10:45 p.m. and I'm still at work today!) I was pleased because when I got home, I could have really gone for an ice cream treat to comfort/reward myself for having to work so late. But I didn't.
June 19: SUCCESS
June 20-21: not-an-idiot S days
June 22-23: SUCCESS
June 24: slight Failure. Went out to dinner and that was successful. But two hours after finishing, when I got home, I decided to have some watermelon. It was delicious but not part of the meal. On the bright side, that was it!
June 25: daughter's birthday. S event: 1 slice of pizza (and crust from three slices, order of chicken wings, salad with greek cheese, cherries, and two jolly ranchers.
June 26: lunch, had bread pudding, which was my incentive to not be an idiot on my S days last weekend. It was delicious. I will count this as a GREEN day if I go 'til the end of the day with no S. That is, after all, my stated goal for June: not to go crazy after a transgression.
Okay, June 26: GREEN
But totally excessive S days on June 27 and 28. It's like I could not figure out what I wanted so I ate everything!
June 29: SUCCESS
June 30: success
June was not a success weight loss wise. Habit wise it was pretty good. Especially because small slips did not turn into slides, even in the same day. For July, I'd like to keep that up but also do better on S days. Also, some of my food choices could be improved.
Last edited by guadopt1997 on Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:38 am, edited 21 times in total.

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Post by mimi » Fri May 29, 2009 6:02 pm

Here I am - and I'm going for NO REDS this month!

June 1 - weigh-in #1 - green day, great start!
June 2 - weigh-in #2 green for today!
June 3 - weigh-in #3 - took average - down 1.7 since beginning weigh-in in May!
June 4 - green
June 5 - Green - my entrance into the 21-Day Club!
June 6 - exempt
June 7 - exempt
June 8 - green
June 9 - Success for today!
June 10 - Another successful day to tick off! Haven't succumbed to any end-of-the-year goodies! I'm proud of that!
June 11 - Yellow day - S event cookout
June 12 - Yellow day - S event picnic/final faculty meeitng
June 13 - Exempt AND special day! Birthday of my newest grandchild Liam Jackson
June 14 - exempt day
June 15 - Green! Yay!
June 16 - Green!
June 17 - Green!
June 18 - Green!
June 19 - Green!
June 20 - exempt
June 21 - exempt
June 22 - Green!
June 23 - Green
June 24 - Green
June 25 - Green
June 26 - Green
June 27 - Exempt
June 28 - Exempt Was VERY selective with my esses this weekend. On Saturday I had a toffee nut cookie from Panera's (last weekend's was soooo good!) and on Sunday, a hot fudge sundae with wet nuts from Dairy Queen and a bowl of popcorn last night. Only 2 more N days to go in this challenge!!
June 29 - GREEN!
Last edited by mimi on Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:01 am, edited 22 times in total.
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Post by kccc » Fri May 29, 2009 6:24 pm

I like the modification to "personal best" - so will join this time around. :)

Running update:

Weight as of June 5 = 150. (145 is usual for me, so there's some work to be done here. See post below.)

June 1
June 2
- I was at a conference these days, and deserve a MEDAL for walking away from the dessert bar! :)
June 3 - Minor. I "snitched" in the evening. (Something to watch after some high-level compliance... it's like my willpower is used up.) That's one of my two NWS for the month.
June 4 - Back on track!
Last edited by kccc on Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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No Failures in JUNE

Post by Ms » Fri May 29, 2009 6:26 pm

I am IN all the way!!! Thanks for starting the challenge Renee.

I started the No-S lifestyle April 6, 2009. In that month, I had 8 green days. In May, I had only 3!!! In June I will certainly get more than 8 green days, starting today.

1: Success
2: Success
3: Success
9: Sick Day! Had an allergic reaction to something I ate the night before at dinner, was prescribed meds that required I eat 6 times throughout the day.
June 11: Cousin's high school graduation
June 15-June 19: Failures! During this time of the month I eat everything in sight! I don't know how to stop this. I noticed the same thing in my April and May HabitCals.
June 25 & 26: Failure!!! 25- seconds (2 slices of pizza) & snacks (3/4 row of crackers after dinner). 26 - sweet (donut with breakfast) Now I have 7 FAIL days!!!! So much for no failures in June. Now my goal is no more failures in June.

Well I certainly got more than 8 Successful days in June, just as I promised. :D I got 8 fail days this month. I will get even fewer in July!
Last edited by Ms on Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:55 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Post by StrawberryRoan » Fri May 29, 2009 6:52 pm

Scooch on over and make way for me.

I'm in !


June 1 - 142 Green
June 2 - 142 Green
June 3 - 141 Green
June 4 - 141 Green
June 5 - 142 Green

June 6 - 141 Saturday
June 7 - 141 Sunday

June 8 - 142 Green
June 9 - 141 Green
June 10 140 GOAL WEIGHT !!!! Green
June 11 140 Green
June 12 140 Green

June 13 140 Saturday
June 14 141 Sunday

June 15 139 Green
June 16 140 Tornado! Ate a bunch of food before it spoiled or melted.
June 17 140 (Should really be higher, might show up tomorrow) Green
June 18 140 Green
June 19 139 Green

June 20 139 Saturday
June 21 139 Sunday

June 22 141 Green
June 23 139 Green
June 24 141 Green
June 25 140 Green
June 26 141 Green

June 27 140 Saturday
June 28 139 Sunday

June 29 138 Green (new low for the year) Down 16 pounds in 2 months on NO S

June 30 137 Green (new low for the decade) :wink:

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Post by Vigilant2010 » Fri May 29, 2009 7:12 pm

Best month yet? Count me in!

I think I'll update this in one week chunks, since I do the day-by-day record in my personal update thread.

June 1: green
June 2: green
June 3: yellow
June 4: green
June 5: green

June 6 & 7: yellow

June 8: green
June 9: green
June 10: green
June 11: green
June 12: green

June 13 & 14: yellow

June 15: green
June 16: green
June 17: yellow
June 18: yellow
June 19: yellow

June 20 & 21: yellow

June 22: green
June 23: green
June 24: green
June 25: green
June 26: red

June 27 & 28: yellow

June 29: red
June 30: red
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Post by winnie96 » Fri May 29, 2009 8:09 pm

I'm in!!! The May Challenge was SO helpful, I'm eager to shoot for June, too!!!

June 1 = Green
June 2 = Yellow (unplanned)
June 3 = Green
June 4 = Green
June 5 = Green (yes !!!)
June 6 = Green
June 7 = Yellow (as planned)
June 08 = Green
June 09 = Green
June 10 = Green
June 11 = Green
June 12 = Yellow (as planned)
June 13 = Green
June 14 = Yellow (as planned)
June 15 = Green
June 16 = Green
June 17 = Green
June 18 = Green
June 19 = Green
June 20 = Yellow (slightly)
June 21 = Yellow (as planned)
June 22 = Green
June 23 = Green
June 24 = Green
June 25 = Green
June 26 = Yellow (as planned)
June 27 = Green
June 28 - Yellow (as planned)
June 29 = Green (and coming into the home stretch ...)
June 30 = Green !!!!!
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Post by Freedom » Fri May 29, 2009 9:02 pm

I am going to join my first challenge. I haven't done NoS for a month yet so I will just try to do really well.
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Post by Kodama » Fri May 29, 2009 9:05 pm

well... um... I'm all new to this, so June will be my first full month.

I'm in anyway 'cause I like a challenge. Guess I'll shoot for no red. But whatever I end up with will be my personal best month to date! :lol:

June 1: SUCCESS, weight: 221.2
June 2: SUCCESS, weight: 221.1
June 3: SUCCESS, weight: 220.8
June 4: SUCCESS, weight: 220.4
June 5: EXEMPT, weight: 220.4 (vacation day)
June 6: EXEMPT, weight: 220.0
June 7: EXEMPT, weight: 219.6, Down 1.8 this week

June 8: 219.5, SUCCESS
June 9: 219.6, SUCCESS
June 10: 219.4, SUCCESS
June 11: 219.0, SUCCESS
June 12: 218.9, SUCCESS
June 13: 218.6, EXEMPT, and I'm in now in the 21 Club!
June 14: 218.4, EXEMPT, Down 1.2 this week

June 15: 218.2, SUCCESS
June 16: 218.0, SUCCESS
June 17: 217.7, SUCCESS
June 18: 217.4, SUCCESS
June 19: 217.1, FAILURE, tiny lunch led to my first failure, a large meal from Chipotle.
June 20: 216.9, EXEMPT
June 21: 216.6, EXEMPT, down 1.8 this week!!

June 22: 216.3, SUCCESS
June 23: 216.2, SUCCESS
June 24: 216.0, SUCCESS, right knee acting up, going to have to lay off the bicycle commute and drive in...
June 25: 215.7, SUCCESS
June 26: 215.3, SUCCESS
June 27: 214.9, EXEMPT
June 28: 214.5, EXEMPT, DOWN 2.1 THIS WEEK! :shock:

June 29: 214.2, SUCCESS
June 30: 213.9,

SUMMARY: 1 FAILURE, Mass reduction of 7.5 pounds. I'm very happy with this month. I like this format of the Traffic Light reporting in 'public'.
Last edited by Kodama on Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:17 am, edited 37 times in total.
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Post by StrawberryRoan » Fri May 29, 2009 9:43 pm

Yeah sgstarling, you can't lose! :D

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I'm Ready For Another Month

Post by ~emilyr » Fri May 29, 2009 10:56 pm

May went well and I would like to continue :!:


1 Yellow because I needed it :!:
2 Green
3 Green
4 Green
5 Greenish/Yellow
6 Red (I know it's and S day, but way too over-indulgent :!:
7 Red (Same as above, I must accept responsibility.)

8 Green ~ It will be, I'm happy to be back on track today and surprisingly, I didn't gain after a not so good weekend :)
9 Green
10 Green
11 Green
12 It will be Green
13 I'm hoping for a sane yellow
14 Ditto

15 Back on track with Green :D :D :D
16 Green
17 Green Whoops, must switch to RED, I think the new goal I set (since it was so, well I'll say long term), I think I felt the freedom to fail, hmmm.
18 Green
19 Green
20 Yellow
21 Yellow

22 Green
23 Kinda Reddish Huge chocolate cravings that could NOT be combatted :evil: :evil:
24 I think Green


New Goal: Lose 12 pounds by Christmas ~ two pounds per month ~ the tortoise approach :!:
Last edited by ~emilyr on Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:11 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Post by FarmerHal » Sat May 30, 2009 1:38 pm

Whoever thought of this idea is awesome!! :)
Here we GO!! Welcome June!

1: GREEN N day and Exercise. Monthly weigh in at 233
4:Declaring a "light" YELLOW day, because we had a visit to myy grandmother's house, with grandma made cookies. I had 6 (eek) but they were small and very delicious. Not declaring it a failure though.
5:Yellow NWS day for 2 s'mores at a campfire (rare!) also GREEN exercise
7:YELLOW Sunday. Bit crazy on permasnacking.

8:GREEN! plus 20 mile bike ride.
9:GREEN plus 45 mins mowing lawn
10:RED movie candy and popcorn failure, not huge, but red nonetheless, life goes on...ETA totally failed today in addition to the movie theater stuff, I had cereal and sunflower seeds in the afternoon (suspect I felt starving because of the earlier candy!) Oh well. I did move on and have supper though.
12:RED got too hungry in the evening time (got to check those meals!) and had about 5 chocolate chip eggo waffles. Ugh. I felt terrible and my excema on my face flared up right away. Miserable. Could've had a glass o'milk, DUH. Oh well. Moving on!
13:YELLOW very unsatisfying flurry. Bleh. Very gross KFC chicken as well. I am ALWAYS disappointed when I go there.
15:Green , calling today green. It's monday, bike ride night, so I always have a small bit of supper before my ride and the rest after. Biked 17 miles up lots of hills pulling a kid trailer wiht 2 kids in it! Phew!

16:Green though I had a few bites of popcorn and 3 baby carrots tonight when we watched ds's tumbling recital on dvd :) Not calling it a failure!
17:red bowl of cocoa puffs, tootsie rolls (3) ugh minor but still a red day. I am reminding myself: everything in moderation is better than my old way of eating gone wild.
19:NWS Yellow
21:yellow tho am s day gone wild!

22:RED day started out well but... ugh
23:RED again same deal, feeling defiant (part of that I work hard, I deserve it deal)
24: RED
25: RED Ugh, bad week! This is how it is: "I work hard, I DESERVE a sweet.... bleh
26:yellow as planned, zoo trip w/whole familiy!

27:S day
28:S day
Ending weight: 230. didn't lose or gain, so I guess that's ok!

Going to make this the best month ever! :roll:
Last edited by FarmerHal on Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:31 pm, edited 28 times in total.
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Post by randallkharris » Sat May 30, 2009 2:14 pm

I'm in too!

Weighed in on June 1: ugh. Now weighing the pros and cons of establishing a no-scale zone. :)

June 2: SUCCESS Today was a little rougher than yesterday, but the June Challenge kept me on track!!
June 6: S DAY -- EXEMPT -- although I was rather an idiot with my S Day; I'll tone it down tomorrow!!
June 7: S DAY -- EXEMPT -- a little less of an idiot today!
June 10: SUCCESS
June 11: SUCCESS
June 12:
June 13:
June 14:
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Post by kallmir2000 » Sat May 30, 2009 3:39 pm

I think I'll give this a try. Looking back through January when I started, my record to beat is 2 failures.

June 1 GREEN
June 2 GREEN
June 3 GREEN
June 4 GREEN
June 5 GREEN This evening will be tough - it's date night!

June 8 GREEN
June 9 GREEN I just looked over my old habit calendars and discovered that I haven't gotten 21 green days in a row yet. I just need to hold out through the 22nd...
June 10 GREEN
June 11 GREEN
June 12 GREEN

June 15 GREEN
June 16 GREEN
June 17 GREEN
June 18 GREEN
June 19 GREEN

June 22 GREEN 21 days!
June 23 GREEN
June 24 GREEN
June 25 GREEN
June 26 RED Flying across the country and didn't plan meals...

June 29 GREEN
June 30 GREEN
Last edited by kallmir2000 on Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:11 pm, edited 18 times in total.

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Newbie! & June Challenge

Post by GogoMya » Sat May 30, 2009 3:41 pm

Hi, today is my first day on the website. I just finished the book and am currently re-reading it now. I tried to do the diet as I was reading and CAN NOT believe how hard it actually is. My 'hunger beast' is more ferocious than I expected. eeesh! So I'm starting to realize what a challenge this will be. I will definitely try to my best for the June challenge but I think I will take it one week or day at a time. Anybody have any techniques to show my hunger who's boss?

SD: 05.29.09
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Post by ou812 » Sun May 31, 2009 12:59 am

I'm joining in on this one. This will be a tough one. I am going on vacation with friends in about a week. I am mindful of the mistakes that I make during the week, but there are plenty. I think that I need to use habitcal again, and have a plan for my vacation. I don't want to indulge in all of the junk, but I do want to enjoy myself if there is something worth enjoying. I am going to need to look up what to do while on vacation again. I think it was posted somewhere on this site. Good luck all.

Ughh..Not off to a good start...bad habits die hard..little mistakes, but I'm going to be upfront about them...
no problem will start Thurs.
6/1 Red
6/2 Red
6/3 Red
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Post by joybelle » Sun May 31, 2009 1:11 am

This is my first day on site but two weeks on NOS. I hope to make June without a red day. Good luck to all. This is a wonderful way to eat....I have not made it on a diet for two weeks in years...But have been on at least a dozen diets. I believe I can do this.
My time is wrong...could someone clue me in on how to fix for central time zone.
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Post by butterfly1000 » Sun May 31, 2009 1:15 am

I'm in! May was lousy. :oops: In June I'm just going to focus on No Sweets, and I'll try to walk at least 15 minutes a day.

June main objective NO SWEETS & 15 min walk per day

June 1 (Mon): No Sweets GREEN; Walk None
June 2 (Tue): No Sweets GREEN; Walk YES
June 3 (Wed): No Sweets GREEN; Walk YES
June 4 (Thu): No Sweets GREEN; Walk None
June 5 (Fri): No Sweets GREEN; Walk None
June 6 (Sat): No Sweets YES-YELLOW; Walk None
June 7 (Sun): No Sweets YES-YELLOW; Walk None
June 8 (Mon): No Sweets GREEN; Walk YES
June 9 (Tue): No Sweets GREEN; Walk None
June 10 (Wed): No Sweets YES - S EVENT; Walk None
Last edited by butterfly1000 on Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:46 pm, edited 10 times in total.

Happy Camper
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Post by Happy Camper » Sun May 31, 2009 2:11 am

I want to join the june challenge I so want to get back to planning meals that i enjoy and look forward to.

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Post by tgp157 » Sun May 31, 2009 3:03 am

I'm in & looking forward to it.
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Post by Mavilu » Sun May 31, 2009 9:54 pm

It's time I do one of these, especially since I've been slipping off a bit and the Wii Fit just yelled at me for gaining weight.
I'm in.

June 1 GREEN
June 2 YELLOW Wedding anniversary trip
June 3 YELLOW Wedding anniversary trip
June 4 GREEN
June 5 GREEN

June 8 GREEN
June 9 GREEN
June 10 GREEN
June 11 GREEN
June 12 GREEN
June 13 YELLOW
June 14 YELLOW

June 15 GREEN
June 16 YELLOW
June 17 GREEN
June 18 GREEN
June 19 GREEN
June 20 YELLOW
June 21 RED

June 22 GREEN
June 23 GREEN
June 24 GREEN
June 25 GREEN
June 26 GREEN
June 27 YELLOW
June 28 YELLOW

June 29 GREEN
June 30 GREEN
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I'm Game

Post by bonnie206 » Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:13 am

I think last time I only tracked my days for about a week before being convinced by other people (and my own insanity) that I needed snacks. :?
I'd like to use this challenge to meet my 21 days of habit formation!

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Post by jan-lynne » Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:30 am

Count me in. I had an awful May and am ready to recommit.

June 1 - Green - with leftover Graduation cake in the house!
June 2 -Green
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Post by LoriLifts » Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:21 am

Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables.

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Post by mimi » Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:57 am

Woo hoo! Looks like everyone who posted for the first day of the challenge was GREEN!

Keep it up guys! You're awesome!

Mimi :D
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Post by Marianna » Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:32 pm

June 1--Good n' Green!
June 2--Success--
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Post by lovespoptarts » Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:53 pm

I'm new and a little late but I'd like to join. :)
This is worth a shot.

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Post by mimi » Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:45 am

Come on in! The more, the merrier!
And welcome too, by the way! You're gonna love No-S!

Mimi :D
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Post by ~reneew » Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:08 pm

Well... we're off to a great start!

Try to update your first post as often as possible... we're keeping tabs on you! You're being held accountable. :wink:
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by Thalia » Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:44 pm

It's been a weird month so far -- June 1 I was traveling, so took a yellow, then yesterday I got sick to my stomach after lunch, so it was a green day in more than one way. Ugh. I'm still here, and still up for the challenge, though!

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Post by GogoMya » Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:25 pm


My first week completely green!! : ) On to week two! : )
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Post by ~reneew » Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:41 am

I think everyone is in that will be, so lets all chat here at the bottom for encouragement. I am so impressed with everyone's enthusiasm. We're off to a great summer... think thin this summer...outside exercise, shorts, swimming...
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Post by winnie96 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:44 am

~reneew: to kick off the encouragement phase of the June Challenge, I'd just like to say, and I'm sure this is on behalf of all the JChall participants, thank you so much for (a) offering the Challenge, and (b) being such a sport about monitoring the thread. The No-S boards are so wonderful in general, but your specific contribution is, to me, just the greatest!

Thanks so much! Winnie

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Post by StrawberryRoan » Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:04 pm

I agree with winnie.

I love being accountable and appreciate you giving me this place to do so.

I always go back and read everybody's updates.

SR :wink:

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Post by kccc » Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:53 pm

I'm home (from traveling). Weighed this morning for this challenge, for the first time in a while, and was slightly surprised by how high the scale read. I did expect it to be over 145, because I've had a lot of reds/yellows recently (and it takes me a while to recover), but it was 150. Humph.

Some of that is muscle, though thanks to exercise. I know because I'm wearing a pair of pants that I normally couldn't even zip at this weight.

Still, there's a bit from excess, and it's time to attend to that. The pants could be looser. :)

The nice thing about No-S is that I'm calm about this. In the past, when the scale went up a bit, I would panic. Then the "can't eat/must eat" internal warfare would start, and I'd end up gaining even more. This time, thanks to the HabitCal, I know EXACTLY where I've been slacking off, and I also know what I need to do to take care of it. Total calm - just a mental "rolling up the sleeves" to do what I need to do. That's a very good feeling.

Took a (non-excessive) yellow on Wednesday, had a green yesterday. So, on track so far.

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Post by ~reneew » Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:52 pm

Thanks so much guys... I do these challenges as much for myself as everyone. Even at the risk of looking like an idiot. When I get that panic feeling about what I'm doing I know that I'm leaning away from No S because when I'm following No S I feel so calm and in control, non-like other diets.

I think that a huge part of this challenge is looking through other people's edited posts at the top...and knowing that others are looking at yours!!!

People like Marc keep me going. He's just downright disappearing!
Keep telling us all about your loss of weight and gain of habits everyone... It's not bragging, it's encouraging!!
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Post by bluebunny27 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:07 pm

Yeah, you're HALL OF FAME material Renee. Everyone is rooting for you to 'make it'. Thanks for everything you do, motivating others to succeed as well. :-)

I had a good result this morning on the scale so I am pleased. Lost 1.6 pound since june 1st. ;-) I'll ease up a bit today though. Double yellow is expected.

Updated disclaimer signature below.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
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Post by mimi » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:11 pm

If...no WHEN, I make it through today, I will have 21 successful days in a row behind me...when my ring arrives, I will proudly wear it and continue working for that emerald! :lol:

Mimi (four more days of school left after today...the *natives* are restless! Whew!)
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Post by Kodama » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:14 pm

Not even a full week and i gotta say, this is a lot of fun! Thanks so much for kickin' it, renee!

It really makes it seem like we're all in this together! 8)

Give it your all, everyone!
--- Stephen ---
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Post by ~reneew » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:19 pm

Wow Mimi! Incredible! You're getting it! Aren't you proud? Be sure to post in the 21 day club.

Coming on the no S site is like getting an I.V. drip of adreneline for me. :wink: I get encouraged way beyond the regular diet. Thanks!
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Post by mimi » Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:04 pm

Just going down through everyone's check-ins and it looks like everyone had an extremely successful first week of June! A few haven't updated their check-ins, but may be doing them elsewhere.

Super job everyone - let's keep the ball rolling!!
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Post by ~reneew » Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:55 pm

The start of summer is a great time to work on habits because we change our routine a bit... or in my case a lot! Tough it out now and the new schedule and habits will get easier as time goes. There are so many of us doing better than our "norm"... good going!!!!

Let's all sing along with Johnny Cash in "Ring of fire" . That's what I need... a spychological ring of fire around the Ses. Reinhard says that if we keep at it, we'll eventually get there!
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Post by reinhard » Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:41 pm

I'd just like to thank ~reneew for starting these "monthly challenges."

I haven't inserted myself hre yet because it seemed a little unfair for the "guru" who's been doing this for years to "compete" (in however friendly a way) with relative newbies, but now that marc at least has already surpassed my accomplishments quantitatively it seems maybe my reticence was misguided!

In any case, it's very gratifying to see how well so many of you have been doing here. Congratulations!


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Post by bluebunny27 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:33 pm

Well, you are the king of the Habits, Reinhard, lol ! I've been losing like 'crazy' in june. In may I was still losing but it was harder and I seemed stuck around 215-216 for a while but now in june, I'll have to slow down really ... not sure why but this month has been awesome so far. I'm not even tempted to cheat even if I am hungry, it doesn't really matter. I am used to it. ;-)

I'll add another yellow day for the exercise today instead of a green one as I was planning, diet should remain green though. I'll be hitting 93% compliance for the diet on june 11th if all goes well, by far my best result as I am used to struggling to make it to 80%. (My counting system, green day = 1 point, yellow = 0.6 point, red = 0 point)

Only 78% for the exercise but that doesn't really matter I am still losing more weight than when I was exercising more but struggling with the diet part...
I stepped on the scale this morning just to see and I'll be under 213.0 at my next official weigh in on the 11th unless I have 2 bad days until then of course. I have to slow down or I'll be under 212.5 the way it's been goin' ... ;-)

I usually have a bad diet streak a few days during every month so when it hits this time I am ready for it and I am ahead of my objectives for the month, like a buffer zone so I can get through the storm coming on later.

Losing at least 6 pounds in june seems possible now if I keep this going.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
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Post by Nichole » Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:39 pm

I didn't commit to this (too much pressure), but so far I've been all green in June. As a result, I have lost 3.4 lbs since June 1st.
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Post by kccc » Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:47 pm

I'm doing fairly detailed reporting on my HabitCal and Daily Check-In thread, so will probably not do big updates here - just an occasional "on track" post (like this one).

I do like checking in and seeing all the "cheerleading" for everyone. Thanks again, ~reneew!

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Post by ~reneew » Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:23 am

I got in the car with my Dad to shop for trees today and who was on his radio? Johnny Cash... no kiding!!!! I listen to other music than he does, so I about flipped when I heard him. Dad thought I was nuts.

Thanks reinhard for your blessing... I'm honored. :wink:
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Post by bluebunny27 » Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:53 am

Great anecdote, Renee. ;-)

It would have been an even stranger coincidence if it had been : "Ring of fire" you had heard, lol !

I have about 7 different versions of that song in my PC,
Johnny Cash's of course, Joaquin Poenix's (which is awesome !) Dwight Yoakam's, etc. etc. ...

If you (or anyone else here) wants 'em and you know what to do with a .zip file, I can upload it to YOUSENDIT.com as I did with the other file ... then you unzip the file and all the songs are n' there ... just let me know, alright.

marcdesbiens @ yahoo . com
(spaces should be removed)

The .zip file would be about 25mb in size.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
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Post by bluebunny27 » Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:52 am

Stephen, I like checking out your chart/progress sometimes too because you seem really motivated and you have great results too, nice to read your messages. Plus your numbers are similar to mine ... high 210's now for you while I'm in the low 210's, maybe I should SLOW DOWN a bit and let you catch up with me, huh ?? Hum, I don't think so ! ;-)

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
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Post by Kodama » Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:36 am


That sounds like a challenge for me to catch up! (and I know it was in jest) I'm not one for competition with others, I'd rather view it as we are all on the same team. And I'd bet you'd agree! :)

Next, I'd like to return a compliment and tell you that your progress and your weight goal setting have inspired me to set up similar goals for myself! I even put it into action yesterday. I've got it all set up in my personal spreadsheet: daily goals, final goal weight, and final goal date. I'm looking forward to the personal challenge of meeting my goals. (details to come soon on my check in thread)

Finally, hey, buddy, I gotta tell you, you've been working very hard and having great success. Don't you think you deserve a break? Take it easy for a month or 2 eh? Oh sure this MIGHT allow me to 'catch-up' to you, but I assure you that has nothing to do with your well deserved rest! :wink:
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Post by bluebunny27 » Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:30 pm

Hehe ! Of course, the 'competition' thing, that was just joking around. You compete with yourself basically and that's more than enough. ;-) Spreadsheets, goals, charts, that's what I like to hear ! I don't know about daily goals though, I use weekly goals personally but if you prefer daily goals, it's alright. I'll check out your 'dailies' for sure.

Hum, no break for me. It reminds me of a boxer who was sayin' he wasn't sittin' down in the corner on the stool in between rounds because when the bell rang he thought it was hard to get back up on his feet, so he prefered to stand in the corner instead. I'll slow down on nov. 1st only, or when I weigh 193 or less, whatever comes first.

It is likely I'll change my final goal from 195 to 193 soon since it has been going so well during the months of april (8 down) May (6 down) and now June (6 or 7 down possibly)

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
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Post by ~reneew » Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:54 pm

I am so impressed... and still jealous! You're great incentive.
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Post by Marianna » Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:08 pm

well --I have been struggling and having some red days, and I figured out why--i started to make this too "diety"--with low fat low calorie meals. This absolutely and surely leads to cravings and binges and you would think that by now I would remember that!

I thought about what I was doing the first month--when I got my 21 days--and truly, I ate three times a day, but full and hearty plates of food--then I started getting discouraged by my lack of weight loss and tweaked--big mistake I now see. Habit first--what Reinhard has been saying is beginning to percolate--This morning I made myself a large and hearty breakfast bowl (full fat yogurt, cottage cheese, pecans and fiber cereal)--that I am sure will carry me through to lunch--and I intend (thanks Marc!) to make myself a hearty and thick soup for that meal. We will see how this goes--

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Post by ~reneew » Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:32 pm

Yep, I've noticed that my brain kind of starts to drift off and I start to make my own rules for myself, then I shake out of it, read more of Reinhard's book and go back to the vanilla no s. It feels like a breath of fresh air. I just need to trust and keep plugging along, it works when I do... although I need to have my S days resemble N days a bit anyway! :wink:
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Post by bluebunny27 » Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:49 pm

Mmmmmmmmmm ... soup ! ;-)

Isn't it nice to get ideas like that ... things that can really help you on a daily basis. I've kept the audio file '10 things you need to know...' in my archives. The program was well made and the description was so good even not seeing the images you understand 99% of what they are talking about too.

It's always great to read messages from people who are motivated to work hard and get results, so I thank you.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
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Post by ~reneew » Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:30 pm

Marc...If you're still around in November, remind us of the soup idea. :wink:
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Post by bluebunny27 » Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:24 pm

Remember that Seinfeld episode ... The SOUP NAZI, lol !
"No soup for you !!" ;-)


Yeah, around november 1st, I'd like to keep this going for a solid year and then wherever I end up will be fine, I won't beat myself up for 3-4 pounds over 195 if it ends up that way ... but I've been rollin' for a while now, I am really starting to think I'll be in the low 190's by then. I haven't had a red day in june so far, smooth sailing, hence my good results this month.

June has been awesome and I'll have another one of my solid cycling work out today. Cycling is *HARD* when you are not sightseeing but it's one of the best exercises to get your heart pumpin'. Burning 400 calories within 40-45 minutes there and with the 'Afterburn', there's another 800 calories I burn while I'm sittin ' around doin' something close to nothin' ...
even sleepin' !

You burn twice as much calories during the first 24 hours after you exercise hard, raising your metabolism.
That's 1,200 calories total. If I do that 3 days in a row, I lose almost a pound of pure blubber right there as long as I am not cheating on my diet of course... Simple ??

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
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Post by mimi » Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:22 am

The Soup Nazi! HA! Leave it to you Marc! That's one of my favorite episodes!

Mimi :D
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Post by kccc » Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:45 pm

Just a check in, and a little "wow, isn't that cool?" moment (close to a brag, but please indulge me).

Going well overall.

On Monday, a colleague returned from a trip, and brought me a huge bar of European dark chocolate with almonds - very thoughtful of her.

It has been sitting on the corner of my desk since then. The amazing thing is that it's not only untouched, but the only time I've even THOUGHT about it is to remind myself that I should take it home for the weekend if I want to have it then.

Amazing. In the past, I couldn't have left it on my desk at all. I might have eaten the whole thing at once... hating myself at every bite as I went from "just a taste" to "I can't believe..." amounts.

I may or may not have it on Saturday, but whatever I choose to do, I will enjoy it and not feel guilty. I love that.

And I'm amazed at the mental/emotional transition. Even though I know that feeling comes and goes, like the tide, I also know that the general tendency is moving in the direction I want. :)

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Post by Kodama » Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:58 pm

KCCC wrote:On Monday, a colleague returned from a trip, and brought me a huge bar of European dark chocolate with almonds - very thoughtful of her.

It has been sitting on the corner of my desk since then.
:shock: Way to go KCCC! :D
--- Stephen ---
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Post by ~reneew » Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:01 pm

That's true defiance to the pull of the chocolate! Good job! It's kind of a symbol now... you could keep it forever as a reminder of your inner strength of steel...like a trophy... or eat it this weekend. :wink: I'm impressed. I'd try it if pizza kept that long on the counter. :shock:

Edit:Last night I sat through an entire softball game with my hubby eating sunflower seeds the entire time right next to me and I didn't even eat one!!! I could smell it. That was tough for me considering it fits into the salty and crunchy category. Then, at home we had a campfire and everyone had marshmallows... exept me! It bothered me, but I didn't have even one! Woohoo... I wasn't going to post this, but then remembered that chocolate bar as kind of a trophy, and decided to save a sunflower seed as kind of a trophy to remind myself of my inner strength of steel... :wink: One tiny seed like that used to blow me away... one leads to another... then to other food... then a binge. I feel successful now!

I'd like to make a comment about everyone... and I started to take notes... but there seems to be around 27 challengers... whew!!! I think I'll just say... Wow, what motivated people! :shock: We're all turning green!!! :mrgreen: Keep it up. Think of those summer clothes! Don't let Marc blow us away!
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by kccc » Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:41 pm

sgstarling wrote:
KCCC wrote:On Monday, a colleague returned from a trip, and brought me a huge bar of European dark chocolate with almonds - very thoughtful of her.

It has been sitting on the corner of my desk since then.
:shock: Way to go KCCC! :D
The thing that's amazing to me is that it's been no big deal. It has NOT been a battle of willpower at all. When I've happened to notice it, the first thought is "that will be nice on the weekend" followed by "I need to remember to take that home."

To me, it's a testament that habit DOES build over time. This reaction would have been inconceivable to me even a year ago.

Of course, my desk is a bit messy right now, so it does have some camoflage. :oops: That may be the real explanation, lol!

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Post by ~reneew » Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:02 am

You're way ahead of me... it was 2 hours worth of struggle! Be proud of that chocolate! And really enjoy it the next S day, guilt free! :wink: Or save it as a trophy. 8)
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Post by mimi » Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:55 am

Reneew~ - mighty trees grow from just a seed - so, mighty habits, too, will grow from resisting one seed...think of it that way!

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Post by kccc » Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:01 pm

mimi wrote:Reneew~ - mighty trees grow from just a seed - so, mighty habits, too, will grow from resisting one seed...think of it that way!

Mimi :D
Exactly! It's that "building a muscle" thing - you just gave yourself a "good habit" workout!

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Post by ~reneew » Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:11 pm

Wow, you guys really make a person feel good about a tiny seed! I have it sitting in my kitchen window sill, and will try to look at it this weekend, although it's so tiny. I'm growing a mighty oak of good habits. I just need to do a bit of weeding. :wink:

Speaking of weeding... I am really enjoying my garden veggies! It's not too late to plant some lettuce, spinach and onions!!!
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Post by Kodama » Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:22 pm

My mesclun will be ready to begin harvesting soon. Three small roma tomatos appeared today, my other tomatos all have flowers, my slicing and pickling cucumbers have flowers. Still waiting for flowers on my green beans and lima beans.

If I can just keep plant disease and critters at bay, I'm going to have loads of fresh veggies soon! :)

(DOH! did i go off-topic yet again!?)
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Post by ~reneew » Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:04 pm

What's mesclun?


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Post by Kodama » Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:25 pm

~reneew wrote:What's mesclun?
wikipedia wrote:Mesclun (pronunciation: MESS-klunn) is a salad mix of assorted small, young salad leaves. The mix varies depending on the source, but it may include lettuces, spinach, arugula (rocket), Swiss chard, mustard greens, endive, dandelion, frisée, mizuna, oak leaf, mâche, radicchio, sorrel, and/or other leafy vegetables. Mesclun is good up to 5 days in a plastic bag. Wash and blot dry just before using. The name comes from Provençal (Southern France)—mescla, "to mix"—and literally means "mixture".
I can keep harvesting this most of the summer and into early fall.

Makes great salads... especially with my home grown tomatoes and herbs... mmmmmmmm... :)
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Post by bluebunny27 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:18 pm

There's a program I watch weekly on TV, they talk about all sorts of food related subjects ... this past week there was a 10 min. segment on MESCLUN, they were interviewing someone who was making it on a larger scale since he was providing some once a week to 120 different families.

He had nice long greenhouses for the winter season, and during the summer he could grow all the different veggies outside, then he was mixing 'em all up and delivering them to the 120 families who lived near his small farm, it seemed like a nice operation. It was 100% organic too ... that's a lil' bit too organic, really !!! ;-) Not sure if it was delivered or not, maybe they were all meeting somewhere, a market nearby, etc.

Here's the site, it's in french, but you can see a few pictures ... apparently they won some awards too for being so 'ace' at what they do.

http://www.lagrelinette.com/Les_Jardins ... nette.html



I didn't know it was called MESCLUN until this past week.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

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Post by ~reneew » Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:15 pm

bumping it up... great greens out there!! Keep it up!
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Post by Thalia » Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:50 pm

Green for the month so far! I'm not doing so well on exercise, however -- I really need to build that as an official habit as mandatory as the eating rules.

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Post by mimi » Wed Jun 17, 2009 5:00 pm

Yeah, I've been green with meals, but no exercise since school got out last week...weather has been rainy and helping to tend to a baby and toddler doesn't leave much time for exercising. There's always next week! I'm movin' on!

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Post by Nichole » Wed Jun 17, 2009 5:08 pm

I've been so green this month that I went from 146.6 to 141.6 :)
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Post by ~reneew » Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:33 pm

Awesome Nicole!! Good goin'!
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1 Red Week Per Month

Post by Ms » Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:00 pm

I've noticed in my HabitCals for April, May and June that during that time of the month the days are RED. And I know why... I want glazed donuts and Oreos (Sweets). I don't know what to do ... I know I'm supposed to wait until the weekend, but the urge is so strong. *sigh* Any suggestions on how to deal with this?

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Post by kccc » Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:00 pm

Ms, do you take a lot of "special" days already? If not, perhaps reserve one for then. Also, look at strategies to lower the urge - everyone is different, but sometime more protein and water will curb the sweets impulse.

On my own... doing better. Have lost some of what I had gained through too much traveling (restaurant meals were getting me until I took them in hand) and some "reds." Still have a few to go before they're all gone.

I do love that No-S helps me clearly identify what action I need to take - the former panic that used to accompany minor weight gain is GONE, because I know where the problem is and what to do. So that whole "can't eat/must eat" resistance pattern doesn't kick in. What a relief!

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Post by ~reneew » Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:07 am

maybe you could make a mod for 1 serving of 1 desert on say, Wed. and sit down to really enjoy it, then make up for it by not having too much on Saturday. Did I really sound that logical? Ha! Don't listen to me. It hasn't worked for me... but there's my advice. :wink:
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Post by ~reneew » Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:37 am

I just wanted to say congratulations to Vigilant and sgstarling for joining the 21 day club! Woohoo!!!!
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Post by bluebunny27 » Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:06 am

Yeah, congrats ! It'd be nice if more people posted their weight too, lol ! Don't be shy ! Personally I think it helps me to disclose that information, I know the number will be posted so I have to be goooooood, you see. Same with the green-yellow-red days, it's probably not a coincidence that april-may-june have been 3 of my better months with the compliance to my habits, the challenges have helped me stay on track. Most people don't post their weight, I like checking out Berry's ... Starling Stephen's report too since they are among the few who do that often ... look at those numbers, all lining up, all green, all down-down-down ... Reminds me of someone, hum hum ... ;-)

Cheers !

bluebunny27 ;-)

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Post by ~reneew » Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:02 am

I started to post my weight remember? Then I told all of my friends and relatives about no S and then I felt embarrased to post it. When I get to half-way, I will. Then I won't feel quite so shameful. :cry: I post my loss, but it's at a stand-still at 17 lost (20 really because of my new scale). I think that it's helpful for new people to see our progress. I have noticed that you stat-posting men do seem to be cruising right along... 8)
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Post by bluebunny27 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:40 am

A drunken mess !! ;-)

Yeah, it's no good when you feel shame !! I did too tonight with a bad double red (Saturday night) ! I was hoping for a double yellow, but I was bad-bad-bad ! It started well, (although I skipped my training !) I was fighting up until 8 o'clock ... but it degenerated along the way. I had too much wine, cake, salmon, bagels, wine, mayo etc. Did I say wine twice ?? yeah. Wink

Ok, it was a red, but I was so good recently I hope I won't be in too much trouble ... weigh in pushed early too, tomorrow morning. My whole system is out of whack, I thought I was in control ?? What's up ??

Ok, I was at a party tonight, All of a sudden people were discussing my weight loss in open court out of the blue, which was alright, I don't mind since it's hard to avoid now, it's quite obvious ...

Then someone said that 'I ate like a bunny' when I was describing my usual diet, eating veggies and whatnot, (ironic ??) I said I was eating salad, bulgur, carrots and celery all the time ... long story short and I was eating a 3rd piece of chocolate cake later on and getting drunk on wine while watching TAKEN (With Liam Neeson) ... which I had already seen 6 months ago, but it was a fine film so I didn't mind seeing it again.

No big deal, I had a bad red day in my system from way back I reckon', it felt pretty good watching an excellent movie while getting drunk ...

See you tomorrow when I sober up, hopefully for a double green this time (I'll be hurting while I'm cycling due to my drunkeness tonight, that'll teach me to get drunk !! I'll remember it when my legs feel like jelly donuts on the bike path.) ... I need to lay down now since I am a drunken mess and I feel like throwing up too ! I am not feeling too good. ;-( I'll probably eat little tomorrow.

Cheers !

bluebunny27 ;-)

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Post by Kodama » Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:43 am

Hey Marc, at least you get to recover on an S day. So, your ship veered off course for an unplanned visit to Redwine Island... Should'nt ruin the whole voyage unless you stay on the Island too long, which I'm sure you won't. (DON'T, if you need to have a friend tell you.)

Did you say chocolate cake? mmm, you did. That sounds so good... If I can find the time today, I think I'll bike over to the Cheesecake Factory and bring home a slice of their chocolate cake. :D
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Post by bluebunny27 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:14 pm

Yes, I was a drunken mess ! lol ! I even got up at 4am and I was watching TV (I had recorded 48 hours / The CBS show on saturday night / and also some BILLIARDS) and feeling terrible. I was almost throwing up ... not sure why. I did have a few glasses of wine, enough to get a lil' drunk even but not to the point where I would normally have issues, I think it was due to the salmon I had earlier, mixing it, there was a nice sauce made with mayo too, All that contributed to my drunkenness and also feeling like throwing up especially between 4 and 6.30 am when I was watching TV and feeling miserable. ;-)

I am better now. I'll probably eat very little today and try to train later on if all goes well ! ;-) That'll teach me to behave !!

No worries, I am usually good but I like to hit the wine cellar and my beer stash once a week or so, I never do that on consecutive days, a few glasses of wine and beer once a week is my usual routine. I'll just remember to avoid eating salmon before doing that next time cos' I wasn't feeling good during the night. I might have to nap today too since I was up for 2-3 hours watching tv and feeling terrible. I didn't throw up though but it was pretty close.

That chocolate cake was so awesome, I had way too much, 3 'small' pieces ... that was definitely foolish !!
Oh well, 2-3 double green days in a row and all this drunken mess will be a thing of the past.

Cheers !

bluebunny27 ;-)

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Post by ~reneew » Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:03 pm

Marc... all I can say is...Ha! O.K. maybe I'll say more... So, they really said that you were eating like a bunny? You probably weren't turning blue yet or they might have said you were the blue bunny! Did you want to prove them wrong, or what? Boy, you showed them, huh? :wink: I bet the rich cake did it. When I eat low low fat and suddenly have rich stuff, I feel sick. Yea, I'm sure that was it... couldn't be the wine. :roll: Hope you feel better. Be sure to have tons of fluids and check in with us in the morning. :wink:
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Post by bluebunny27 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:42 pm

Thanks, Yeah I was bound to have a bad day, lol ! I'm better now ... I am used to being careful with food and now with the rich meal I had and the wine glasses it caused mild discomfort for most of the night ...

I am already back on track, I am doing good today and I'll cycle hard in an hour, it should be hard considering what happened last night. Jelly donut legs are expected on the bike path. ;-)

I have to train HARD and BE GOOD all week long, total green required since next saturday and sunday will be tough 4-me and I don't want another red there. I already have 2 red nutrition days in june.

The pressure was too great last evening, that's why my pressure valve was all the way in the red ... 4-5 solid days in a row will make me feel a lot better.

In a way I don't really like when people compliment me about this and that, like last night, my weight loss being discussed and becoming the center of attention at the party, my eating habits commented by all sorts of people ... cos' with every compliment sometimes people make you feel bad about the way it was before.

They say something nice (Wow, you lost 70 pounds !!??) and then right away follow up with a 'you were so fat back then !!' you know the drill, something like that, it's like a compliment that makes you feel bad really... geesh.

Ok, that was probably one of the reasons my pressure valve was in the red. Being annoyed and frustrated.
A single red day is not a problem to overcome at least, 2-3 green days in a row required.

Cheers !

bluebunny27 ;-)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:33 pm

I'm sorry Marc for those totally colossal asses who were so rude to you with their mean comments about you're previous weight.
That was just totally insensitive and they can just go and f*ck themselves!!!!

Maybe you should rethink hanging out with more positive and kind people.

Comments like that would send me into a major binge easily.. and I'm not even really a binge type person.. But I would be really upset.


Listen,,, you need to also ditch that whole "Exercise hard and diet perfectly" as "Retribution" or "Revenge" when you have a minor failure or just a plain old "bad day"... You want to try to obviously do your best, but you have to think *BEYOND* your own one year plan Marc, and think of coping mechanisms which will be healthier for you long term.. You should ditch the mentality that you can "make up" for bad days with *extreme* good behaviour, because it's just healthier for you mentally to stick to a regular routine at this point. Something maintainable.
Rather than overcompensate for a bad day, try very hard to just *learn* from it.. Remember it and try your best to not have repeat performances like that.
Taking revenge just isn't mentally healthy.. keeps you stuck in roller coaster "diet mode".
Hope you don't mind me saying all this, cos I'm really rooting for you and your long term success!! :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:35 pm

ps.. Bluebunny???? Hahahaha hilarious!!! :mrgreen:
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Post by Kodama » Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:02 pm

Moderation in all things, including moderation. - Petronius
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Post by bluebunny27 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:46 pm

Good points, Debs ... Hey, Debs ! ;-)
Debs, you are the voice of reason. :-)

It usually happens when I see someone who I haven't seen in a long long time, over a year ... there were a couple of those people last night. It was a bit on the annoying side ... the way they were commenting it was as if I had turned from the Elephant man to a younger Johnny Depp overnight. It wasn't really said in a mean way, just bothered me a bit, you know. ;-)

It's really tough on me whenever I have red days and then I have to be extra good a few days in a row to make up ... I'd rather have a smoother ride instead of sitting in a rollercoaster ... I'll try to work on that ! (Of course it is sometimes very hard to avoid a *RED* !)

I just came back from my bike ride, it was intense, 51 minutes ... I wasn't handling myself too badly actually, I only thought it was getting harder during the final 8-10 minutes.

Doesn't it feel good once you are done with your work out ?? Great feeling ! I need 2 or 3 really good days in a row and then I'll be happier about the whole Saturday night thing.

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Cheers !

Marc ;-)

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Post by Ms » Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:16 pm

Thanks for the suggestions KCCC and reneew. I will incorporate them next month :D

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Post by Ms » Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:22 pm

I'm sorry to hear that your friends are rude, disrespectful, and tacky! I don't know why folks think it's okay to say hurtful things about another's weight. My grandmother did that yesterday, and the evil bitch is fatter than me!!! I politely reminded her of that too, by rubbing her back as if I was embracing her and saying, "Gee Grandma, your back is broader than mine!" Anyway, this is about you, but I just wanted to let you know that I totally feel your pain. I've had to deal with it since childhood, and unfortunately, the comments still hurt. But we're all rooting for you Marc! I hope you really get a chance to sock it to them one day, just put them in their tiny little spot and shut them up for good.

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Post by ~reneew » Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:15 pm

Marc...I think that comments like "you look great, it must have been tough being so big" and stuff like that sometimes are attempts at compliments, but someone that has never been big doesn't understand that it is still you, not a new person. Try to brush it off and take it as an "idiot's compliment." Notice that we all are up in arms about it because we've heard those comments too. They really hurt from close family members and I know they wouldn't intentionally hurt on purpose... at least not mine.

Ms... I had a Grandma that used to do things like that too, I think deep down that she was just scared that I'd spend my life painfully fighting weight like her and her Mom did, she just couldn't express that. She loved me dearly...

Try to take it all in stride and recognize that we all have hurt feelings over this fat buisness, and use it to fuel the car on the right track! :wink: (not the roller coaster track... the olympic downhill skiier track!) :wink:
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Post by bluebunny27 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:09 pm

Thanks Renee & Ms ! ;-)

Wow, you are niiiiiiiice !! Thanks !! :-) Some people try to be nice when they comment on your weight loss but they make you feel bad instead, even if they don't mean to do that. I guess it's a sensitive subject matter, hah ! ;-)

I was disappointed that I had a double red that day of course, can't wait for november really when all I have to do is maintain !

I should have started this a few years ago when I "only" weighed 245-255, it would have been much easier and I could have made it in 7-8 months probably, 12 months straight at this pace is a long time ! I don't doubt that I'll make it though. ;-)

No worries, I am not too depressed now ... I was working hard the very next day, Sunday ... today and tomorrow too. It'd be more disappointing if I went on a week long red day streak over this and gained 4-5 pounds. Then it'd take me 2-3 weeks to get back to where I was, only a couple of days required now since it was a one day slip up, easier to recover.

Thanks for your support !

Weigh in tomorrow morning, I am hoping I'll be around 211.0 despite the saturday night failure.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

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Post by guadopt1997 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:07 pm

Never mind!
Last edited by guadopt1997 on Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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