True Confessions

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True Confessions

Post by kccc » Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:05 pm

I started to just post this on my daily thread, but decided someone else might find it useful... or offer encouragement, which is always welcome no matter how long you've been doing something!

I am essentially "on maintenance." If you read my testamonial page, I lost weight multiple times on WW but could not keep it off - can't give that level of attention. It would drift up over time, and I'd have to start again.

Well, right now I'm about 2 lbs "over" what I think of as my appropriate weight. I had a lot of yellow/red days around Christmas, and it went up more than 5 lbs then. The difference between gaining before No-S and gaining after is the lack of panic - I could see what was happening, and knew what to do.

But it's been one thing after another since then. I corralled the red days, then had a lot of work-travel that cut into exercise and included a lot of eating out. The scale had been dropping, but stuck. (That was about the time I posted a list of strategies for restaurants).

Then we had vacation (lots of yellow days)...

Oh, and there was the realization that my lunch tupperware held FAR more than I realized, once it was "plated." I've addressed that, too.

Lately, I've noticed actual cheating. A few "bites, licks, and tastes" as I put away food and pack lunches. (WW used to call them "BLTs".) While I was on vacation, I didn't pay attention, and was almost unconsciously doing it once I was back - it used to be SO ingrained! When I realized, I decided that "any more and that's a red, missy!" and have cut back the last few days. (If I'd been strict earlier, my habitcal would have had more reds for sure! NO, I'm not going back and changing it. Future thinking from here! But it will STOP now.) I'm making a new habitcal for this habit, since it tends to sneak up on me. Too easy to excuse because "it would have fit on my plate."

Let me add that the "odds" are a bit against me in terms of weight loss. I'm 52, female, and in a VERY sedentary job, plus I commute 2hrs/day. My family is prone to obesity/diabetes - it's always been easy for me to put weight on, and hard to lose it. No-S does work for me, but I have to be pretty strict with it.

Even under these conditions, I totally LOVE no-S. One huge advantage is that it makes "excess" very visible. I used to PANIC when the scale would climb, but this time, I know exactly what to do in every instance. Just a little time looking at my daily thread or my habitcal, and the obvious issue (and solution) jumps out at me.

So right now, it's BLTs. And that's my confession of the week. ;)

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Post by mimi » Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:11 pm

Ahhhh! Confession is good for the soul...and very helpful for the rest of us!
Discovered NoS: April 16, 2007
Restarted once again: July 14, 2011
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Post by vmelo » Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:21 pm

Yeah, those BLTs seem to be the hardest habit for me to break. And I really hate doing it even while I'm doing it. I feel so out of control and gluttonous (especially if someone else is in the room with me). I feel like a "thin" person when I can prepare food without taking a few bites (and I'm not talking about those bites to taste the recipe).

Good for you, KCCC, for taking back control of the situation!

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