quantizing esses on S days

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quantizing esses on S days

Post by CriticalMass » Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:28 pm

Having a discrete number of esses on S days is something that I would like to do. But I lack the inclination to do it. As a result, I permasnack on S days.

My question is, if I start limiting my esses on S days, will that make overall diet compliance easier or harder. What has been the experience of others?

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Post by tarantinofan » Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:58 pm

Well, I tried this and actually found it quite helpful. If I keep the number to around 2 events per S day, then I feel like I'm getting a few special treats rather than just eating everything in sight "because I can." Most members try to discourage you from making a mod (you should check out the podcast on the subject if you havent already), but I found it really helpful and you might feel the same way. The great thing was that I found my overall diet compliance the same, so I've kept with the mod for the most part.

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Post by CriticalMass » Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:20 pm

Well, I'm fairly certain that this would not be a mod. In fact I think it is what is recommended for everybody. At least that was the impression that I got from "S-days gone wild"

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Post by Blithe Morning » Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:30 pm

How to quantify "sometimes", hmmm, that is sticky. I've started by limiting snacks since seconds are limited by hungry I am and sweets are limited by what's in the house.

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Post by wosnes » Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:55 pm

I plan snacks and sweets to some extent. Seconds are rare for me and depend more on what I'm eating that whether or not I'm still hungry after I've eaten.
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Post by Vigilant2010 » Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:33 pm

Hi there!

I understand about the tendency to permasnack on S days just because "I can" and it definitely feels crappy.

I say a little experimentation never hurts! Decide on a particular number of S events for this weekend and see how it makes you feel both throughout the weekend and during the subsequent week. You may find that putting a bit of structure/planning/intentionality into your S days makes them more pleasurable and makes you more enthusiastic about no S overall. And well, if it makes you feel deprived or stifled instead, you can always go back to totally free S days.

I think alot of people have to put an upper limit on their S events, else they tend to get out of hand (certainly applies to me!). Good luck and let us know what you discover. :)
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Post by kccc » Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:51 am

I recommend the "S-days gone wild" podcast/thread highly.

I do not limit the number of S's because I think doing so would backfire on me. But I do make sure I eat three meals, drink enough, PLAN good treats, etc. Lately I've added "avoid snacking" to my list, but that was only after I realized I didn't really like it and it made me feel crappy.

Some people are okay with limiting S's, and some aren't. I don't recommend it for the first month (or however long it takes to get "diet-think" out of your system), but after that, it kind of depends on how you will react to it.

But do refer to the podcast on it first - there's a good bit of accumated wisdom there.

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Re: quantizing esses on S days

Post by vmsurbat » Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:40 am

CriticalMass wrote:Having a discrete number of esses on S days is something that I would like to do. But I lack the inclination to do it. As a result, I permasnack on S days.

My question is, if I start limiting my esses on S days, will that make overall diet compliance easier or harder. What has been the experience of others?
I think you are discovering the wisdom/common sense of including the "sometimes on S days" that was part of the original NoS mantra.

As you see from other posts, a number of people *do* limit their S days because *they want to.* They've found unlimited indulgence unsatisfying. I also fall into that camp.

I think there is a possible danger in setting up a specific limit and then "failing" on a day when you are not supposed to be able to fail--talk about demoralizing.

I approach it this way: I want to be able to go to bed on Sunday night *feeling good*, not slightly overstuffed, not uncomfortable, not waking up on Monday morning feeling bloated. And mind you, I do NOT have over the top S days, but the habits of vanilla NoS make one much more sensitive to overeating (IMO).

That is my goal and I can choose several ways to get there. For me, this is generally accomplished by following basic NoS principles starting Sunday afternoon....I will sometimes cautiously allow myself a very small portion of a truly delightful dessert Sunday evening, because my goal isn't about the number of S's but feeling good. I often don't have any S's past our Sunday Lunch because I think to myself how great it will feel to wake up and look forward to breakfast rather than a day to recover from eating too much.....

I think this positive motivation is a *good* thing and urge you to find a positive incentive rather than an "I can't have xxxx" one.

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Post by reinhard » Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:18 pm

My S-days are rule free. I've had some doozies, and still do occasionally, but mostly they're not too awful. I attribute this to good weekday habits of meal based eating carrying over + intentional rewards -- I don't just wait and hope I don't get too hungry.

The "S-event" concept isn't a bad one -- but I think for most people the feeling of being restricted isn't worth it. They'll rebel. And then what? Get a "Failure" on an exempt day? That feels wrong to my mind at least...

That being said, it certainly is a reasonable option if you find after a good long time (months) vanilla rule free S-days aren't doing the trick. To avoid the "red on yellow day" conundrum, you could simply record the number of s-events or number of s-events in excess of some threshold (say, 1 or 2) on your daily check in. You can't "fail," but you still have some incentive to keep the number down.


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Post by CriticalMass » Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:45 pm

Well, I don't usually have problems with eating so much that I feel bad. So, that's not a huge issue for me.

My main issue, from a behavior modification point of view, is the feeling of going "cold turkey" every Monday. When I first began the diet months ago, this was not a problem, because I like many people can be fervent about new things. However, once the newness has worn off, I have not maintained the 100% N-day compliance that I had.

The results for me have been good, and almost exactly mirror my level of compliance. Good compliance month=results, bad compliance month=no results

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