Weight Gain Over

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Weight Gain Over

Post by crazymadsnail » Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:09 pm

I know this is just another testimonial, but I'm too excited not to shout it from the rooftops!

I've been No S-ing for 3 weeks now and have lost 4 pounds. It may not seem like a lot to some, but for me it's a miracle. I've only had one failure in the 3 weeks.

I have NEVER lost an ounce of weight without restrictive obnoxious calorie counting and/or "atkins". I'm 25 and like many other have been dieting and dealing with eating disorders since 14. I finally lost 40 lbs with hard work over 2 years a while back - only to gain it all back plus 10 lbs. It sounds cliche because it is.

But when I started gaining those 40 lbs back it was like a bulldozer. I felt helpless and just watched the scale creep up each week. All the years of dieting turned into a food obsession and each time I tried to diet, in ways that had worked in the past, I just ended up binging and binging. It's like my body knew what I was doing and was going to do everything in it's power to stop me.

One day I remembered a BRITISH hypnosis download for weight loss that I had from quite a while back. I had been disappointed by it because it's premise was "ISLANDS OF REST BETWEEN 3 SENSIBLE MEALS A DAY." That was so far from all the AMERICAN mumbo jumbo I'd read about eating I promptly ignored it.

But I decided to do some more research, googled "no snacks" and found this diet. It's changed everything.

I eat whatever I want. It eliminates emotional eating, binge eating, TV eating and boredom eating in one shot. My S days start looking more and more like N days and my plate of food gets smaller and smaller. I don't think about food. I feel thinner and lighter everyday.

I can't wait to add exercise. I can't wait to tell everyone I know. I feel excited to have a good relationship with food again. I feel confident that my children will have a healthy relationship with food and always know how to eat with moderation. For the first time I don't even care about the weight loss because my relationship with food is calm and happy.

This is it. This is the only way to eat normally and healthy. It's amazing. It is true behavior modification instead of deprivation and willpower. I am so thankful.


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Re: Weight Gain Over

Post by kccc » Fri Oct 16, 2009 5:41 pm

invisiblprincess wrote: It eliminates emotional eating, binge eating, TV eating and boredom eating in one shot.
That sums it up, doesn't it? I love this diet because it quiets the "mental chatter" about food. I feel more satisfied with less food than I ever have before in my life.

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Re: Weight Gain Over

Post by wosnes » Sat Oct 17, 2009 9:52 am

invisiblprincess wrote:
One day I remembered a BRITISH hypnosis download for weight loss that I had from quite a while back. I had been disappointed by it because it's premise was "ISLANDS OF REST BETWEEN 3 SENSIBLE MEALS A DAY." That was so far from all the AMERICAN mumbo jumbo I'd read about eating I promptly ignored it.

The "AMERICAN mumbo jumbo" drives me nuts -- especially when compared with the food/eating habits in the rest of the world.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Oct 17, 2009 11:35 am

Great post! Congratulations and welcome Stef! :D
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Re: Weight Gain Over

Post by Starla » Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:19 pm

Stef, your post made me so happy to read. I'm a relative newcomer (about a month and a half in), and I feel the same way.
invisiblprincess wrote: For the first time I don't even care about the weight loss because my relationship with food is calm and happy.
Yes! That calmness has been such a surprise to me. That's the part of No S that makes me think I can do it for the rest of my life.

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