First day on the plan

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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First day on the plan

Post by Snoops » Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:37 pm

I started the plan today, and I am really hoping that this is the start of a new, permanent way of eating ...... for the rest of my life. I am 31 and weigh about 143lbs. I have lost about 16lbs this year so far, due to a following a low carb eating plan for about 3 months. I guess I am not what anyone would describe as huge, but I am definately on the overweight side of the BMI scale with a BMI of about 27. I would like to go down to 115 - 120lbs.

The reason why this plan excites me so much is it's simplicity - I am sooooooooooo tired of counting points / calories / fat / carbs etc etc etc. I am even more tired of not being able to enjoy a meal without trying to figure out if it is "good" or "bad" and not enjoying my food, and feeling guilty after I had a piece of cake because it's not allowed.

After reading the plan online, my diet demon was definately re-inforced - i snack waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much!! Anyway, i went through the whole site and think that i may have found the solution :D

So my first day went OK, until about 5pm, when I was literally dreaming of havng a snack, even if it was just a youghurt and a fruit, but i resisted, cause i knew that i could have my dinner in two hours, and can have anything i wanted, without weighing, counting, calculating etc. I then tried to convince myself that 2 blocks of chocolate wouldn't be too bad, but countered that with the knowledge that if i still craved chocolate on Saturday I could have some and it would be fine!!

in case you wondering what i had today:

breakfast: small cup oatflakes and small cup semi-skimmed milk with half a banana;

lunch: whole grain bagel; chicken; 1/2 avocado

dinner: grilled chicken; sweet potatoes and salad.

2 litres of water; 2 cups tea; 2 cups coffee.

if anyone wants to join up and be No S buddies - just drop me a line!!

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Jammin' Jan
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:12 pm

Welcome to No-S!

Make sure you get enough to eat in your three meals. Your day's food looks very balanced and nutritious, just make sure you have enough quantity to hold you from one meal to the next. Otherwise, it's really hard to fight off the urge to snack!

Keep posting. :D
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Post by wosnes » Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:26 pm

Welcome to No-S!
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Post by aGAgirl1 » Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:27 am

I would love to be your buddy! I am 31 years old and 5"2. I weigh 156 right now and want to get back down to 135- 140 pounds. I know what you mean about being sick of counting. I always have done weight watcher points and although it did become a habit that wasn't too hard anymore I just got sick of it. Plus it made me feel obsessed with food all the time! I needed a change so I switched to no s and I like it so far. I am a little skeptical that it actually works because it sounds so simple but I hope it does because I love it!!

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Post by Kevin » Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:57 pm

Congratulations for starting, Snoops and aGAgirl1.

After looking at what you ate on day 1, I would suggest that, if you are hungry between meals, consider a bit more food. Others on this forum have found that having at least three discrete items at each meal is important to success.

Don't worry about losing weight in the first few weeks. Build habit, eat substantial meals, get used to it. You can tweak quantities later.

And don't forget some exercise! I like walking. I think it's the best weight loss exercise, but I couldn't tell you why, just experience.

Good luck. We're all your Buddies.
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