Will No S Set Me Up to Binge?

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Will No S Set Me Up to Binge?

Post by Älskling » Sun Jan 22, 2006 11:56 pm

I found the No S Diet website the other night and I think it's wonderful. I love lack of BS and Reinhard's wit! I'm hoping it's what I've been looking for but I do have one reservation. I'm concerned that cutting out sweets during the week will set me up to binge - not just on the weekend- but that I'll fall off the wagon and eat everything in the house and not be able to get back on the wagon.

My New Year's resolution this year was to NOT start another diet. I decided that I would eat three meals a day and two snacks and that in the beginning I wouldn't worry about portion control. I would also include some of my favorite binge foods in my meals so that I wouldn't feel deprived and binge on them later (this was a tip I read in a book about overeating.)While searching the web to see if anyone's lost weight just by eating "normally" I stumbled across No S. Reading the posts are inspiring so I'm tempted to try it but I do want to get away from the "diet mentality".

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. I apologize if this has been addressed already as I haven't had to time read through all of the posts (toddler at home.)


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:54 am

Welcome Maria!

Free will is something we all need to learn to handle for ourselves... Yes there's always a chance that when you hit the weekend you will, maybe in the beginning, go a little "nuts".. but you won't like the feeling, and that, negative reenforcement will work for you... Little by little, you will associate these minor binges, if you do indeed have them, with unpleasant body sensations, and that alone, will be enough to convince you to do better next week, or even next day...

The real setups for true binges are those diets which say, "don't ever eat this or that"...

With NoS, you will find much more satisfaction from desserts when you have them, as they are truly treats, and you will be less inclined to need so much to be satisfied, because our bodies readilly adapt to having less *heavy* sugar products...

Give it a few weeks, or a month, and see how you feel with it..
There's truly no risk..
You'll love it!
And it works very nicely...

I'm currently in my second year here, and I have lost about 25 lbs, or so.. My long range goal is probably going to take another year and a half or so... I'd like to get down about five more inches off my waist.. I lost four or five already..

Have a nice evening!
Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:56 am

OK. Here's the deal.

The idea is to improve yourself, to make steps toward (and not away from) health. So No-S is a framework that allows one to make such steps.

The benefit of No-S is portion control. It does not address nutrition, so you are on your own to make sure you eat well. But quantity-wise, even if you slip up now and then (you will), it limits the damage, because "slip ups" become the exception, and not the norm. It gives you 2 days per week that you can use as "all rules are off" days if need be. One of the most important of the 14 words is "sometimes".

The first week, if done attentively, can usually pass from sheer willpower. You have to assert the new pattern. You've made the "big choice" to do No-S, now you have to put your procery bill savings where your mouth isn't (heh) and make good "little choices" in every instant to strengthen and reinforce the power of the "big choice" of No-S.

Week 2 will suck. Your body will be rebelling. You will be Tempted, but you will also begin to realize that what you now call a "bad day" would have been a "good day" before you began No-S. Hold the course as best you can, and trust in the elegant logic (and repeatability) of No-S. Remember that you are not going to die of starvation, and this is how much food your body needs to function at its peak efficiency. Exercise helps tremendously to bring this point home, embedding attentive work into the muscles creates a body memory of health, a pattern that reinforces itself.

But, stick to it. It's only a week. You can make it. My favorite Jedi Mind Trick is to remember that if I am hungry, it means my body wants energy, and if I deprive it of food, it must take its energy from its stored reserves. This is a good thing, and makes waiting 3 hours until dinner doable.

In week three, you will likely experience a dramatic-sunrise moment. The light will dawn, you'll have more energy (especially if you exercise; I recommend shovelglove, walking, and yoga), you won't feel bloated all the time, you'll breathe easier. And you'll realize this is a comfortable place to be, and you'll see that it's sustainable.

After a few months, you'll realize just how much you enjoy your food again, especially a really delicious S-day treat. You won't munch out completely, but you'll savor each bite, and allow yourself to be filled by it.

With no guilt.

Because you've created space in your life for such yummy goodness. A place that isn't surrounded with negativity and guilt.

May the force be with you

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:34 pm

Week 2 will suck. Your body will be rebelling. You will be Tempted, but you will also begin to realize that what you now call a "bad day" would have been a "good day" before you began No-S.
Dear James our beloved FW!

I have to totally disagree with this scenario..
Maybe that was your experience and some others, but I wouldn't just assume this is going to be everyones experience..

It wasn't for me..

For me personally, week two was when I lost some weight, started to feel like I didn't have to finish my whole "over loaded" plates, which was a sign of my appetite adjusting.. And I felt more in control and happier than I had been for years...

Everyone has their own unique "bumps" here.. But I do believe that, over all, most people here don't "binge" on any regular basis...

Generally speaking, most peoples feedback, in regard to that concern, is that when they do over do it, on a weekend or maybe a special holiday, they bounce back pretty immediately, and don't continue the trend..

Don't get scared Maria...
If you are an over eater or an over sweeter, you have nothing to lose here, except your bad habits...

Good luck! And,,,,
May the force be with you

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Älskling » Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:50 pm

Thank you for taking the time to answer. I think I'll give it a try with one exception - I'm reserving my right to a mid-afternoon snack if needed. I'm still nursing a 17 month old (with no signs of weaning...) and the stretch between lunch and dinner might be a little too much for me.

Breakfast went ok but I missed my lingonberry jam on my oatmeal this morning (my Swedish motheri-in-law turned me on to that!) It was pretty hard getting the oatmeal down without it but I feel pretty full.

Thanks again,


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:56 pm

Maria.. You certainly could have a teaspoon of jam.. That's totally NoS approved...
Just watch leave the sodas and candy and cake for S days..
Those are the real "S's"... Not an occasional spoonful of jam..

Nursing is a metabolic firestarter alright! I used to love that...
Good for you... Children who nurse have a leg up when it comes to a strong immune system... Such a great way to build a lifelong bond with your baby!

My son is almost ten now :)

Good luck and not a problem about that fourth "mini meal".. just don't randomly snack... let it become a daily habit which is much less likely to lead to unconscious nibbling...

Have a great day!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:46 pm

Welcome, Maria!

3 pieces of advice on binging on S days:

1) the best way to avoid it is to plan a special reward in advance, what you most desire. If your appetite feels properly taken care of, it's less likely to revolt. Binging is mostly about revenge -- don't give your appetite the pretext.

2) keep junk out of the house as much as possible. This is actually less important than #1, because I find that if your appetite is hankering for a binge, it's going to make do with whatever garbage you have around.

3) Overeating is going to happen some weekends, especially at the beginning when your body hasn't become habituated to eating less. Don't let this upset you too much. As your weekday habits improve, they'll unconsciously carry over to the weekend. You'll still probably eat more on the weekends, but it will be less more than before.

Let us know how it goes,


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