Public Thank You's!

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Public Thank You's!

Post by gettheweightoff » Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:13 pm

Hi All,

Just wanted to put a big THANK YOU out there. I have been struggling lately but I am back on track now and your encouragement has been AMAZING.

I am embarrassed that I have posted so much but that is what I have felt I needed to get through and you guys took the time to respond to me and now I don't feel so alone and I feel supported and better in general.


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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:26 pm

Hi again Nicole - have cut n paste my reply to you from the daily check in thread. Have a great day!! :

Hi Nicole! You're SO welcome! I tell you, even though it is ultimately up to myself at the end of the day, it was YOUR great response to my 'dilemma' regarding the slimming club which helped me make the decision. So many thanks once again!!! I feel so much better about doing so, like a great weight - no pun intended - has been lifted off of my shoulders. I figure if it hasn't helped me lose weight PERMANENTLY in the last 5 yrs, why go back to it????

Also with regards to my opinion on OA, it will be interesting to hear if you do decide to go how you get on with it. Another thing I meant to add was it was over 20 years ago since I attended the meeting and there could be lots of changes (perhaps for the better) in that time. Then again, the focus as you mentioned in your post, would again be on food, and ideally the focus shouldn't be on food - at least not 100%. Easier said than done, I know!!

Last night, I got myself into even more of a panic: I weighed myself at night, with my nightdress on. The scales read 175 lbs - a gain of 5lbs since the day before. I could not believe it!!! I even thought the scales may be broken or lying to me :twisted: However, I know from experience that they are very accurate scales. It was just counter-productive and very silly of me to have weighed at that time of night with my clothes on. I couldn't get to sleep and my heart was literally racing and I kept asking myself "What shall I do? What have I been doing differently since the last time?" Crazy stuff considering I haven't been on the second round of No S long enough to give it a chance. This morning when I awoke, I felt better/calmer. I did stupidly weigh myself and was quite relieved to see 170 lbs (on the scale before eating/getting dressed). Not great but definitely an indication that my weight might not be as out of control (Yet) as I originally thought. I don't think I will be able to settle/relax around the No S plan until I at least lose a lb or two of this weight. As I said before, if I even got to 160 - 165 lbs, and knew I were going to stay there for the REST OF MY LIFE, I guess I could take it. It's the constant worry of uncontrollable gaining that is my biggest issue right now.
Anyway hon - thanks again to you and anyone else reading this post for listening and for being here for me. Re : coffee. No, I don't drink it regularly but I do have one or two cups at the end of the week (at work). But I don't really see coffee as being much of a problem. Perhaps because I drink it black with no sugar. Otherwise, I drink mainly diet sodas (not good but will try to eliminate one thing at a time - lol!)

Have a good day and drive safe everyone.

No S-er since December 2009
Streamlined S Days: 6/25/12
SW: 170 /CW: 127
Weight loss to date: 43 lbs

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