Bless me, fellow No-S'ers, for I have transgressed

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Nicest of the Damned
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Bless me, fellow No-S'ers, for I have transgressed

Post by Nicest of the Damned » Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:17 am

Confess your No S sins here, or just read mine and say "tsk, tsk".

When Nicest Husband came home tonight, he told me "go out and get some ice." I asked him why, and he said he'd known since lunchtime that the freezer wasn't working right. I went and got the ice, then tried to move as much of the stuff from our freezer into our neighbor's freezer (they are saints, they let us use their freezer while ours is on the fritz). Then Nicest Husband said we should move as much as we could from our fridge to the mini-fridge we have in our pantry, because our fridge and freezer are a side-by-side model, and he wasn't sure the fridge was working right.

When he told me the fridge might not be working right, he said we should eat the leftover stuffing from this weekend with dinner. Stuffing is my weakness. I ate most of a plate of it, plus the soup we had been planning to have.

It gets worse. When I went out and got the ice, the market had poppy-seed hamantaschen (Purim cookies), which I had not been able to get this weekend. I bought some, and had one for dessert.

I know I am bad. Please, somebody else post a story of one of your failures, to make me feel better.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:17 am

first of all, you are not bad, you just ate a hamentashen.. lol
but we all have moments like this, so no, you aren't alone.
i had some ice cream tonight. i really had a good day till then, but it was left over from the weekend and i was too foolish to think that i could withstand it being around. i should have thrown it in the trash yesterday after i had my weekend s serving. but does my failure really make you feel better?
anyway, you should just forgive yourself and move on.
that's what i am doing.
hope you have a good rest of your week :)
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Post by Becoming » Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:41 am

I am yet to reach the 'one cookie only' phase myself, so I think you did well to stop at one! I am currently trying to not feel bad for snacking my way through the day because I've been home from work with a head cold.

Nicest of the Damned
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Post by Nicest of the Damned » Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:47 pm

gratefuldeb67 wrote:first of all, you are not bad, you just ate a hamentashen.. lol
Oh, I know that. I was frustrated with myself, though.
but we all have moments like this, so no, you aren't alone.
i had some ice cream tonight. i really had a good day till then, but it was left over from the weekend and i was too foolish to think that i could withstand it being around. i should have thrown it in the trash yesterday after i had my weekend s serving. but does my failure really make you feel better?
It does, actually.
hope you have a good rest of your week :)
I'll settle for better than yesterday.

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Post by Starla » Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:48 pm

Becoming, don't you be so hard on yourself either. Sick days are S days too; you're allowed to snack if that's what makes you feel better.

My last failure was an ice cream cone eaten on an N day. It was the day before I moved; I was hot, tired, everything was packed and I really wanted an ice cream cone. So I chose to fail and enjoyed every lick. That was back in September. I think the key is to not let failure derail you or discourage you; just get back in the No S routine. "Mark it and move on" may be the most crucial No S catch phrase. We all fail. The ability to move on from that is what makes us successful No Sers.

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Post by kccc » Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:03 pm

Lol! Read through my check-in thread, and you can spot failure after failure. Hope they make you feel better!

What I try to remember when (WHEN, not IF) I fail:

"Mark it and move on." <-- I completely agree with Starla about this phrase!

Or, if you prefer "Success is falling down seven times and getting up eight."

And the faster you fail, the better. That means - get over it and get back on track quickly. No "wrecking the car" because it's dented.

And no retribution. It's a waste of energy to beat yourself up. Put that energy into the future and plan for success. :)

Good luck - both with the failure and with the appliance woes.

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Post by wosnes » Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:32 pm

Yep, you had a downright awful terribly bad day. They're going to come around now and then. The trick is to realize that they're going to happen and when they do, just mark it and move on. I don't think one should try to "prepare" for them and I don't think we should feel guilty about them. They happen. So what?
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"You are what you eat -- so don't be Fast, Easy, Cheap or Fake."

Nicest of the Damned
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Post by Nicest of the Damned » Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:47 pm

wosnes wrote:Yep, you had a downright awful terribly bad day. They're going to come around now and then. The trick is to realize that they're going to happen and when they do, just mark it and move on. I don't think one should try to "prepare" for them and I don't think we should feel guilty about them. They happen. So what?
I've had other bad days when I did manage to stick to No S, despite everything going to shit around me. I'm proud of myself, when that happens. Ah well, if it happened every time it would be easy, and if it were easy it wouldn't be something to be proud of.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:17 pm

For every copy of the No S Diet book you purchase, you will be forgiven one infraction, my child. :-)

My No-s "badness" tends to be confined to bending rather than in breaking the rules. Example: last Friday I'd had a couple of friends over for a book club, and while cleaning up, having having spent the last couple of hours watching them daintily nibble on the fresh bread, cheese and olives I'd put out for them, and consoling myself with two rather large glasses of wine, I noticed that it was 12:01 (S-day!!!) and devoured everything that remained -- easily out-eating the both of them combined.

Was that good? No. Is that what no-s is supposed to look like? Not really. Is it not hypocritical for a diet guru to pig out like that? It certainly does look suspicious.

But I'm not worried about it in a big picture sense. On one level, in the words of Dick Cheney, "stuff happens." But it doesn't happen often. Even when the beast of my appetite stages grumbling protests like the above, I know that it still respects and stands in impotent awe of the Letter of the Law. It can throw a fit but it stays in its cage. So I shrug my shoulders.

As devotees of my habitcal and daily checkin know (and I'm sure there are untold thousands of you), I am not quite so letter-of-the-law-perfect in all my systems. Glass ceiling and weekend luddite give me a much harder time. I'm working hard to make myself less sinfully sympathetic in those departments, but I'm afraid I've still got a way to go, for what it's worth. :-)

Best of luck, hope you feel better, and belated happy Purim,


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Post by NoSRocks » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:16 pm

I got derailed myself today. First time since I restarted No S. I had a bit of a bad day (stressful) and the first thing I turned to when I got home was some home made brownies that I had forgotten about, lurking in the back of the fridge. I had about 1 and a half (they're huge!) before throwing the other half in the trash. Then I discovered a huge piece of cornbread which I slathered in butter; had that with a chicken breast. Feel really stuffed and even more annoyed with myself than ever. I was thinking on trying another plan tomorrow (one which allows treats every night) instead of on weekends. I think its my fear of S Days which is the root cause of this btw. Then I thought that it would be stupid and I might end up having a treat every evening PLUS two ott S Days!! So I'm going to get back on the wagon again, folks! Sorry such a long post - got carried away as usual.
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Post by BrightAngel » Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:38 pm

Image Something everyone knows, but is worth saying here again.

Not one of us is perfect.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
See: DietHobby. com

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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:29 pm

Thanks Bright Angel! WELL said :wink: :wink: :D
No S-er since December 2009
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Post by DaveMc » Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:52 pm

reinhard wrote:For every copy of the No S Diet book you purchase, you will be forgiven one infraction, my child. :-)
I have about 95 responses to that. I'll be nailing them to the door of your website, shortly. :)

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:39 pm

N of the Damned: you call that an infraction to feel bad about? See, if you had just let yourself eat the dang plate of stuffing and say, "hey, it was a plate, so what if I have a little soup, too? I rarely eat a whole plate of carb. No biggie." I wonder if you had, would you have felt compelled to to have the Purim cookies, too? I bet not, because you would not have wanted to go out of compliance. So the tsk, tsk is for you denying yourself an occasional whole plate of stuffing with soup and calling it a big infraction. Or were you afaid that would become the slippery slope? Only you can know.

A family-sized bag of M & M's. A half -gallon of ice cream. A package of cookie dough. Those are what I call inFRACtions-- from personal experience.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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