Hello from a Newbie ( in the UK)

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Hello from a Newbie ( in the UK)

Post by Pinkcupcakes » Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:58 am


Quick into Im 30 years old, 5'' 2 and currently weigh 11stone (154lbs) would like to be 124lbs by the end of the year. Im getting married next March and hope to try for a baby straight away so want to be in my best shape ever for both events!!

Ive tried loads of diets (cancelled my WW membership yesterday!!) and have never really lost the weight and over the last year my weight has crept up making me now the heaviest I've ever been.

The couple of times that I have managed to shift some weight were 1) Before going on a holiday several years ago (8 of us went and sheer fear of being the fattest girl made me lose a stone) and 2) Each year I give up chocolate for Lent ( to be honest for weightloss reasons rather than religion) each year I shift about 8lbs just by cutting out Chocolate/Biscuits/cake but stupidly I always put it back on!!

I just cant seem to stick to diets, as soon as I break a 'rule' I just have a massive binge and just eat for the sheer hell of it, almost to punish myself and also as I feel that ive got wrong I may aswell go really wrong!!

After going through this cycle last week, I hit rock bottom and after some investigation discovered No S and I think its PERFECT!! Its seems to fit in well with my 'Lent-like' rules which have worked for me in the past.

Im only on day 3 but Im absolutekly loving it, each meal is a joyous occasion which I look forward to!! Rather than something that i concider good or bad.

It sounds a bit cliche but I do feel totally free! Today although Thursday is an S day fo me (Mums Birthday) but I feel totally different than normal , normally I would consider this a bad day and just write the whole day off and eat what I want, when in fact I Ive had a light breakfast and having a light lunch and I know when the cake comes out I will be happy with a sliver, just to have a taste and get involved with celebrations. And I may even give up one of my weekend S days in return!

Thank you so so much Rienhard !! (Ive bought the book from Amazon as I do feel you deserve to be making some money somewhere!?!) And I look forward to chatting with you all.

Sorry Ive gone on a bit, I just feel really positive!

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Post by sophiasapientia » Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:58 am

Welcome Laura & congratulations on all the happy upcoming events! So exciting! I'm delighted to meet you and hope that you find as much peace and sanity via No S as so many of us have. :D
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Post by Andie » Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:33 pm

Isn't the freedom feeling great :) , Welcome, on congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
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Post by ImprisonedBeauty » Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:00 pm

Welcome, Laura! Good luck on your No S journey. I think you'll find this forum is a wonderful source of support and encouragement whenever you may need it. ♥

Also, congratulations and best wishes for your upcoming wedding!
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Re: Hello from a Newbie ( in the UK)

Post by SpiritSong » Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:14 pm

Pinkcupcakes wrote:It sounds a bit cliche but I do feel totally free! Today although Thursday is an S day fo me (Mums Birthday) but I feel totally different than normal , normally I would consider this a bad day and just write the whole day off and eat what I want, when in fact I Ive had a light breakfast and having a light lunch and I know when the cake comes out I will be happy with a sliver, just to have a taste and get involved with celebrations. And I may even give up one of my weekend S days in return!
Welcome, Laura! Sounds like you are doing great so far. :D I would just caution you against "trading" a weekend S-Day in return for enjoying a small piece of cake on your mother's birthday. You had an S-Event (i.e., you didn't treat yourself all day, using your mum's birthday as an excuse), enjoyed it, and there it is. There is no need to carry that forward with an eye to balancing the books later.

It may sound like a silly matter, but Reinhard cautions against accounting, and I just wanted to stop you at the top of the slippery slope. :wink:

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Post by Blithe Morning » Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:33 pm

I love your screen name. If you are able to lose weight by giving up chocolate for Lent, then I have no doubt you will see results on No S. And don't worry about slivers or trading S days, especially at first. Unlike most diets, No S works best when you start out in maintenance mode then make the modifications to lose weight.

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Re: Hello from a Newbie ( in the UK)

Post by Nicest of the Damned » Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:24 pm

SpiritSong wrote:I would just caution you against "trading" a weekend S-Day in return for enjoying a small piece of cake on your mother's birthday. You had an S-Event (i.e., you didn't treat yourself all day, using your mum's birthday as an excuse), enjoyed it, and there it is. There is no need to carry that forward with an eye to balancing the books later.

It may sound like a silly matter, but Reinhard cautions against accounting, and I just wanted to stop you at the top of the slippery slope. :wink:
I'll second this. You do not have to give up a weekend S day to get a non-weekend S day. It's not "extra good" to have fewer S days than you are entitled to.

The slippery slope in "trading days" like that is that, someday (probably fairly soon), on an N day you will really, really want to have something that is forbidden on N days by No S. If you can trade days, the temptation is there to, on the fly, decide that you will trade this day for a weekend S day. Then, if the same thing happens more than three times in a week, you might "borrow" an S day from next week so you can have what you want. Pretty soon, you're borrowing S days from far in the future, and you're not losing any weight.

In the scenario above, what you're doing is eating what you want now, and promising to be good sometime in the future. Promising to eat well in the future is not going to make you lose any weight now. I wouldn't weigh anything near what I do if it did.

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Post by Pinkcupcakes » Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:47 am

Thank for all your replies guys, really helpful x
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Post by BrightAngel » Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:01 pm

ImagePinkcupcakes, I look forward to watching your progress.
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Post by reinhard » Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:34 am

Welcome, Laura!

You are very welcome -- I hope you continue to find No S helpful.



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