How many calories do you spend on your beverages?

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How many calories do you spend on your beverages?

Post by jaob » Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:05 pm

Hello all! Just like many of you I have been here and tried NoS many times. I'm ready to try again. I know we try not to count calories but I notice that it is acceptable to use beverages between meals to help with hunger. With my morning coffee (I use 1/2 & 1/2) and having a couple glasses of wine before dinner that is easily 300-400 cals. Does this sound okay?

How many calories do you spend on your beverages?
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Post by Blithe Morning » Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:20 pm

About that, I think. I don't really know. I don't have wine every night.

I had a colleague who dropped five pounds when she gave up her nightly glass of wine. Remember this isn't a weight loss diet, it's an eating plan for the rest of your life. Don't cut back just to lose weight unless you are willing to give that thing up for the rest of your life.

I would suggest getting the habits down first then if you find you aren't happy with what your weight is doing that you start dialing back the beverages i.e. one glass of wine instead of two or wine five nights a weeks instead of seven or one less cup of coffee or what have you.

You may find that the 5 or 10 lbs just isn't worth it. Or you may find it is.

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Post by milliem » Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:42 pm

Not many, I tend to drink water, tea with a splash of skimmed milk or sugar-free fizzy drinks with few calories. I occasionally drink fruit juice or alcohol - I actually do think twice about drinking alcohol now as I know it can be pretty calorific! Doesn't stop me enjoying some wine if out for a meal or with friends though :) I just tend not to drink alcohol during the week.

NoS is all about the food not the drinks though, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. In fact while I was just starting out on NoS I drank more fruit juice, milk and other calorific drinks between meals as a way to stave hunger while I got the habits down. That's definitely reduced massively since I started though.

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Post by wosnes » Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:53 pm

I drink very few calories. I don't drink milk and only occasionally drink juice. I have wine or other alcoholic beverage rarely. When I drink alcoholic beverages, I have a two-drink limit, but usually drink only one. I cook with wine more often than I drink wine. I often have a regular Coke on weekends. I drink black coffee, water and tea without sugar most often.

None of this is a conscious choice to avoid calories. I don't like milk, have never been much of a juice or alcoholic beverage drinker.

However, I think what you're doing sounds okay.
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Post by heatherhikes » Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:33 am

I decided to use up my "calorie allowance" mostly for solid food; actually started that before NoS.

On N-days I drink water, tea with 1/2 tsp honey, juice-water mixes, and when I'm real hungry I might have a milk-carob drink.
On S-days I drink water, tea with 1/2 tsp honey, juice-water mixes, soda, hot chocolate with whip cream, coffee/coffe drinks, frappucchino - SOMETIMES.

DH does something similar, regarding drinks, although he isn't on any particular eating plan. I seldom drink coffee, but when I do I drink it without sugar. No deprivation here, it's become a way of life after 30 years sugarless. This is often a reminder to me how we are able to change habits and preferences, long term. :wink:

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Post by BrightAngel » Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:25 pm

As a small, older, reduced-fat, sedentary female
my daily calorie allowance for maintenance is quite small,
and my personal choice is not to drink my food.
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:20 pm

Probably not more than 100-150 cal. a day, but I'm guessing. I love my mochas, but mostly, I'd rather chew.

As someone else said, don't give up anything that seems like it's a really pleasant addition to your life. If you notice yourself getting too full, see what bites and sips could be foregone with the least ruffling and take your time.
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