Other Habits

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Other Habits

Post by dana2012 » Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:39 pm

What other habits have you changed/added to your life since finding NO S? I'm thinking of non-food related habits.

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Post by vmsurbat » Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:08 pm

I've managed several since starting NoS. For me the core, key, supreme element in my successes is Reinhard's saying: the minimum should be the maximum. Previously, I'd make resolutions/attempts at a new habit and wisely start with one small step, have success, add another step to the habit, have success, then slowly pile on more and more elements/steps until my "habit" became unsustainable.

Some of my successes since beginning NoS include:

Regular walking: One year into NoS (I'm at 4+ years), I started using a pedometer regularly. Mind you, I had had the pedometer for more than a year, but it sat in my nightstand drawer. Once I decided that walking *was* my exercise of choice, I dusted it off, clipped it on, and registered at http://10000steps.org.au/ (an easy way to keep track of steps).

I have target goals (monthly, not daily) that change with my seasons of life. I just walk; I haven't let myself get sucked into the mindset to improve/increase the number of my steps, go consistently faster, add weights or walking poles, or anything else. I'm happy (at present) with my commitment to get those steps in.

Improved nightly facial routine: Sure, I brushed my teeth religiously but everything else was hit or miss. I assessed what I was willing to do, how much time and $$ I wanted to spend. Now, I feel weird if I can't keep to my routine (eg., unexpectedly away from home). My new habitual routine takes me no more than 5 minutes, and I'm not chasing the latest beauty regime for "mature skin." (Which ranks up there with the latest new diet in terms of sheer quantity!)

Email inbox management: After years of letting emails pile up, answering/managing only the urgent ones, I got serious about really cleaning up my inbox, once and for all. My original goal was to keep a 0 email inbox as I was inspired by the logic of such a goal in a book I read. However, I found I didn't like the pressure of clearing it out daily, so I decided to allow, at any one time, the number at which I can still see every one on my monitor (thus, about 13). I usually range between 3-9. Not only did my decision to have some wiggle room ease the pressure of managing every last one asap, I like the "warmth" of the inbox when I see emails from friends and family waiting there, easily reread and later answered.

I've had more successes but that gives you some ideas. I am now about to initiate a new habit: a lightweight stretching/core strength routine. I've attempted this one before (multiple times) and it is one that I tend to overburden because just one more "rep/exercise/stretch/routine would be so healthy". The truth is that I end up injuring myself and then take months to recover. I have the perfect (for me) 18 minute routine and I'm determined this time, to not add to it AT ALL.

BTW, I'm also most successful with NoS following the vanilla plan--no mods at all. Simplicity seems to suit me!

Best wishes for your success,
Vicki in MNE
7! Yrs. with Vanilla NoS, down 55+lb, happily maintaining and still loving it!

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Post by r.jean » Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:12 am

My exercise is definitely up. I am running and walking a lot more but also dancing, swimming, doing weights and various other activities on occasion.

I am taking better care of myself in other ways as well. I stay home from work when I am sick or take a personal day off when I need a stress break. I am working on saying no sometimes both personally and professionally.
The journey is the reward.
Maintenance is progress.

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