My First Week and Beyond!

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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My First Week and Beyond!

Post by mandu » Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:34 pm

Hello all,

I have known about Shovel Gloving for a couple weeks and have completed my first week of Shugging. I have been looking for an exercise program that is simple enough, doesn't require a bunch of equipment, and helps develop functional strength. I had read about and seen folks doing sledgehammer workouts where they whack a tire a thousand times. Seemed like fun, and I started looking for a routine that I could easily follow(I don't like to think a whole lot when I work out.) I typed "simple sledgehammer workout" in to Google and lo, Shovelglove is the third thing that populates. Shovelwhat? Clicked on it and read the synopsis and I was hooked.

I read through just about everything on the website a couple times, checked out the No S Diet information, listened to the podcasts, watched the shugging demonstration videos, purposed in my heart to get a 10lb sledge and started thinking how I could make the routine my own. I started my shugging journey on a Thursday and only did 4 reps on each side for each exercise. I wrote all the exercises in the order I do them on a dry erase board mounted where I can easily see it and I can and have moved exercises around to spread out some of the similar movements so I don't get fatigued too quickly.

I even developed a move unique to me (I think). I call it Praise the Lord, where I do a reverse lunge with the hammer held horizontally in my upturned hands. As I lunge, the leg that goes back is the side that the hammer head on and I lift up the hammer with both hands to shoulder level, then stand up. Repeat.

I understand that I am still in the honeymoon phase of this new workout plan, but everything about this points towards sustainability. Fun movements that mimic real work, rigid respect for the timer and a full body exertion that leaves me feeling worked out and more confident. I am excited about the next time I'm going to need to shovel snow in the driveway!
Last edited by mandu on Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Whosonfirst » Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:07 am

Welcome. Your Praise The Lord move sounds like Touchdown Jesus, lol. That's a phrase used by Notre Dame football fans. Sounds like your off to a good start. On Reinhard's one video he has a ready made routine if you ever want to try that for variety.
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Post by mandu » Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:12 am

Thanks for the welcome! Thanks also for the suggestion, I will take a look at it. My current routine goes:

Churn Butter
Chop Wood (down stroke)
Flip Lever
Lift Sack
Drive Fence Posts (lands higher at the end than the chop wood)
Tuck Bales
Paddle Canoe
Chop Tree (torso high horizontal stroke)
Hail Reinhard
Toss Over
Upper Cut
Heap Coals (stoke fire)
Rake Leaves
Low Chop (like Tree Chop, but swing ends just below knee level)
Praise the Lord

Now from seeing where 14 minutes took me last week, doing 14 reps (total) of each exercise, I was able to get all the way through once and a second time up to Hail Reinhard. Starting tomorrow, I think I have done the math correctly so that by doing 22 total reps per exercise, that should take me through the whole 14 minutes. I respect not looking at the timer, but it is nice know that I am getting to the end when I am getting to the end, if that makes sense. And even this isn't necessarily permanent.
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Post by reinhard » Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:18 pm

Welcome, Mandu!

Love "Praise the Lord." May have to try that!

Thanks for sharing your routine (though I'm a little frightened at the sound of "hail Reinhard!").

Best of luck in the honeymooon period and beyond, and please keep us posted,


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Post by mandu » Mon Apr 17, 2017 6:57 pm

Second full week completed. I have ditched "more reps, once through" that I tried last week for 7 reps and just keep going. I think the big reason I stopped my modification is that I would get through the whole routine with upwards to thirty seconds left and me wondering, Now what? With the traditional way, I just keep going. It immediately felt like it flowed better when I shugged today. Still felt worked out, still had a nice elevated heart rate.

I did rearrange some of the exercises, got rid of the Rake,it felt like rest in exercise's clothing, Paddle the Canoe is still my WORST ENEMY. Might add the Picking Onions or a Start the Lawnmower type move.

Picked up a copy of the No S Diet. I am making myself eat breakfast now. I was *that* close to trying a piece of bacon before meal time. I declared Thursday and Friday S days because we were travelling although I was able to get in my SG workout in before we left, which I enjoyed. Monday is here and I'm rearing to go.
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Apr 19, 2018 12:11 am

Many, it's been a day more than a year. How has it gone? tx
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Hi Everyone

Post by danielpessin » Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:11 am

I am New Here

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