Debs Shovelglove Check in :)

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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Debs Shovelglove Check in :)

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:45 pm

I just started SG again todayafter a full year off..
I'm quite pleasantly surprised that I was able to do 14 minutes, but I also went very very slowly. Some of it was a bit of squats too.. When my arms got tired I just switched to laying the sledge on my back and doing some slow squats.
I took measurements of my arms and although they are quite flabby, at least they didn't get bigger since last year.
Maybe up 1/4 inch or so?

My personal goal this month is to stick to 5 days a week and do the movements in a very conscious way, incorporating my breath into every movement.
Also, I'd like to be able to do hoist the sack with one arm but I can't right now, so I'm doing it with two :)
Incase anyone here is curious, my SG is 12 pounds.
By the end I got a nice little sweat going and my heart was definitely moving more than it has been in some time :)
Felt great! :wink:

Hey another little cool thing is that Richie my Son, is getting into doing calesthetics (sp??) and can do over 30 pushups in one round!
Seeya tomorrow folks..
8) Debs

I did 10 situps once I was done with SG, and he held my feet down..
My stomach is so out of shape! I will be very pleased with myself if I can keep my commitment to this!
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Post by reinhard » Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:21 pm

Great to have you activing shugging (our definition :-)) again.

30 pushups is no joke! Tell Richie I'm impressed.

Best of luck and looking forward to updates,


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Post by david » Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:48 pm

Welcome back Deb!

Stick with it and keep us updated.


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Post by phayze » Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:14 pm

Welcome home, Deb! I'd wondered what had happened to you. ;)

Keep up the good work - we're all pulling for you!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:04 am

Hi guys!
Thanks so much, for the welcome back! :wink:
I got in my 14 minutes today as agreed upon, and I was very happy that I did! No soreness at all.
Boy, It's kinda scary to think how inactive I've been till now :shock:
I'm still moving at a slugs pace, but it's not cause it's so hard, I just generally feel sluggish these days.. It's got to be the Winter thing..
Still after about 6 or 7 minutes in, I felt much more alive :)
Managed to do three, excrutiatingly slow "hoists" one handed though!
Yeah! LOL..

I gave your congrats to Richie, Rein!
Thanks, he felt proud!

See you guys tomorrow, with more tales of shuggage (or should I say, sluggage?? LOL :lol: )

Really nice to be doing this again!
Peace and "Glove" :wink:
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Post by david » Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:03 pm

Don't stop! It just gets better, as you know.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:45 pm

Thanks Dave!
Hope you are well!
This is a good New Years commitment, and I'm not stopping this time.
I would rather spend the year going at the same slow pace, but sticking with it, than not..
Amazingly, this little 14 minute commitment has boosted my mood noticeably.. And lately, even things I enjoy normally, don't make me feel good.. (Having clinical depression is so much fun! :roll: )

I need as much endorphins and whatever else this does chemically, and mentally, as I can get!
No doubt this will continue the "happy cycle" on the diet front as well, as I've never been able to really be successful on any diet when I'm not doing some regular exercise too..

I have an interview at a Nursery School on Monday, so that's nice. Something to look forward to as I continue to look for and answer job ads..
Have a good one!
Will report tomorrow :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 04, 2007 3:52 am

SG success tonight! :twisted:
Perfect timing too :)
Got home at 6:45, and was able to just squeak it in just before Simpsons and our take out dinner of Subway sandwiches! LOL..
Oh and I am now up 50% in situps!
Now I can do
Fifteen! :shock:

Felt good!
Seeya tomorrow :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:32 am

I forgot to SG during the day, so here I go, on a full stomach after dinner! LOL
I wonder if I will come up with a new move based on hurling?
Hmmm.. Hurl does kind of sound like curl! :P

Seeya tomorrow, perhaps in the morning for a change?
Peace and (G)Love,
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Post by reinhard » Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:40 am

Nice first week, Deb.

As for Friday, one thing I've found really helpful if I've run out of time or am close to running out of time and profoundly don't feel like shugging is to just start. 9 times out of 10, I'll finish the 14 minutes then, even if I didn't think I had them. And since the 1 time in 10 I don't quite finish enables the rest (plus gives me a few minutes of exercise which is better than nothing) I'm willing to count it as a success. In fact, I just did this yesterday. Think I may distinguish this tactic with a tip level post...


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 16, 2007 5:52 am

Hi Reinhard :mrgreen:
I have been sick since last Thursday and before that I had been, and still am dealing with a sick Son..
Blech!!!!!! And it seems to be getting worse now that my throat is feeling sore!!!!

That's why I've been absent here..
I will start reposting once we are up and running again. Just been too worn down, and am in "take it easy" mode..
But I'm really looking forward to starting again and feel just as enthusiastic.. I just need to get well again.

Some good news.. Not SG related, but I'm just posting now and then hitting the hay..

After literally over a half a year of looking, I finally got hired for a part time job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I am very happy about that!!!

Hope all is well with you and the whole SG contingent here!
See you soon :)
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Post by reinhard » Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:48 am

Sorry to hear about you being sick, but wow, that's great news about the job!

Congratulations and best wishes!

Not only is it a great, great thing in itself, but considering how much you've been able to accomplish here in terms of diet and exercise while all this crazy stuff was going on, imagine how much more successful you'll be now that you have some stability. It probably seems like a minor detail in comparison -- but that's the point.

Anyway, glad to hear from you again, especially with such good news. I was about to start stalking you to find out what was up -- anyone else can slink away and I'll respect their privacy, but not my champion poster :-)


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:55 pm

My plan for SG today is to do any movement, no matter how easy or "lame" such as simply holding the SG and wiggling it around, or holding it and walking in circles, or whatever, just so I keep my N and S days habit structured..
I am still sick, and actually I now have an upper respiratory infection of some kind.. So I'm really winded. But I know I can do some of these moves, as long as it's at a snails pace, and I don't want to keep having to start over and over, even when I'm sick.. Unless I have a fever and am just horrible, there's no reason not to keep SG'ing..
Unfortunately, it's been a very very depressing and stressful week and I'm really down these days..
The job is okay, but not great.. I will say I am getting a lot of work to my quads there when I am doing all that filing, but it's turning into a bit of a drag now that the realities of the work are hitting me.. I have never stooped over as much for any job in my life, and I am coming home with like 20 paper cuts on my fingers and knuckles every time (which then scream in agony when I wash my hands under warm water) and also killing my back. I'll keep this job till I can find one that's better of course, but, I'm pretty bummed over it.. Oh well..
The really upsetting thing though this week is that my Dad ended up in the hospital for the third time this year.. This time for pneumonia..
I saw him the other day, and he is just looking so terrible.. I felt so horrible for him because he couldn't even muster up the energy to cough and had to have his lungs aspirated with a tube..
Just a heartbreaking experience.. My Dad is considerably older than my Mom, and between Parkinsons, heart problems this year, and general aging stuff, and now this, it's just been a very rough year for him.
I can't help but be very affected by his decline in health.
I am just praying that he finds peace soon, as he really is suffering so much these days.
Sorry I'm posting all this on SG, but I just can't stay on the boards too much during the day so I thought I'd just post my general update here for now.

Have a great week!
I will post here if I feel I'm slipping up, but if you don't hear from me, fear not, as I'm really going to keep this up, even if it's "Wimpy" style SG till I'm all well again :)
Of course, I'll post any cool stuff, like if I lose inches etc or create some wacky new movement that hasn't already been created yet... LOL :wink:

Peace and Love,
8) Debs
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