First day of Shovelglove

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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First day of Shovelglove

Post by BrightAngel » Tue May 13, 2008 4:28 pm

Today is my first day of Shovelglove.
I am a 63 year old female, weighing about 115 lbs.,
and in excellent health.
I am not particularly athletic, nor have I ever been.
I hate organized sports,
and I don't enjoy going to a gym.
My normal exercise is walking on the treadmill
and Leslie Sansome, Walk Away the Pounds DVDs.

I got a long-handled 4 lb sledgehammer,
wrapped a dishtowel around it and tied it on.

Hope that was right.

I did what I hope were:
the shoveling motion, right and left;
the butter churning motion, center, right and left;
the axe chopping motion, right and left; and
the one arm swinging back and forth motion, right and left

Hope those were right.

I set a timer for 12 minutes, and
I put on a John Prine CD. The blurb gave a 12 minute time for 3 consecutive songs.
The Timer went off a bit before the 3rd song played, and I finished out that song,
so I think I might have gone 13 minutes...and I like the number 13.

Hope that was right.

If I understand correctly, I'm supposed to repeat that,
(assuming I did it correctly) every N day......
not alternate days to let muscles heal.

If anyone has any feedback... EXCEPT to tell me I need to work harder,
I'd love to hear it.
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Post by NoelFigart » Tue May 13, 2008 4:41 pm

The "Official" Shovelglove workout is to imitate "useful movements" with one for 14 minutes every N day.

It looks like you're doing great, in my opinion! There's nothing wrong with working UP to 14 minutes, 'cause it can be an intense workout.

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Post by jules » Tue May 13, 2008 7:30 pm

I doubt anyone will tell you to work harder. More likely the contrary as you ease into it. :twisted:

Yes, the standard shovelglove workout is 14 min. every N-day. Reinhard's theory on not having rest days in between, like traditional weight training, is b/c it's modelled after useful movements. And these movements would have been performed day after day with no breaks.

You may well find that you are very sore tomorrow. And you may not. Often a light workout the next day will actually relieve muscle soreness. Easiest way to do a light workout w/ shovelglove is to simply make the workout shorter. However, you may want to take the day off totally.

A lot of people end up being sore for an entire week after their first shovelglove workout b/c they're so, well, enthusiastic. :D Also, the moves seem so easy when you're doing it, particularly the first time, that the workout doesn't seem that tiring.

Weight training is recommended for women because it will help strengthen bones, thereby helping protect against osteoperosis. And, of course, it helps you build some muscle that willl help with weight loss and/or weight maintenance.


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Post by NoelFigart » Tue May 13, 2008 7:37 pm

jules wrote:A lot of people end up being sore for an entire week after their first shovelglove workout b/c they're so, well, enthusiastic. :D Also, the moves seem so easy when you're doing it, particularly the first time, that the workout doesn't seem that tiring.
I weight train and lift heavy.

I'm still sore if I do a SG workout!

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Post by jules » Tue May 13, 2008 8:25 pm

lol yeah Noel, I also have lifted heavy. Shovelglove w/ an 8 lb hammer can kill me. It's been a while since I've lifted heavy -- had to take a long, long break b/c just about everything made the plantar fasciitis flare up BADLY.

I'm now easing back into weightlifting w/ shovelglove taking the lead. And I'm only working out at home now b/c I can take really long rests in-between if I need to for my foot. :cry: Though the good news is that I'm finally only using freeweights. :D

I was able to lift about 120 lbs on the cable seated row ... edRow.html
yet doing the paddling motion w/ my 8 lb shovelglove totally kicked my ass. Totally. And now I've seen Phayze's update on doing an all row shovelglove routine -- I MUST TRY IT. :twisted:

jules, woman, 40 yrs and a few weeks old :wink:

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Post by NoelFigart » Tue May 13, 2008 8:40 pm

Damn, you're stronger than I am!

I can do about 90 3X10 and then I wanna cry.

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Post by BrightAngel » Tue May 13, 2008 9:28 pm

NoelFigart wrote:The "Official" Shovelglove workout is to imitate "useful movements" with one for 14 minutes every N day.
There's nothing wrong with working UP to 14 minutes, 'cause it can be an intense workout.
I wasn't planning on working up to 14 minutes.
The way I read Reinhard (book pg 174) was that the choice of 14 minutes was just his personal arbitrary number choice.
So I figured that 12 minutes or 16 minutes or anywhere near that number would be just fine,
as long as it was a consistent number I could focus on and follow through with.

What I really attracted me to Shovelglove
was Reinhard's focus on Habit..sticking to a routine,
and staying with the same amount of exercise time,
instead of recommending continually building more and more muscle
with harder and harder exercise.
I like that he recommended maintenance, rather than progress.

It is so very tiring to continually be pushed to compete with oneself and others
to do more and more and more, like nothing is ever good enough.

Like...okay,, now you've exercised 15 let's go for 30 minutes.. and then an hour etc.
Like...okay you're taking walks.. Now walk faster...Now jog some and walk some..
Now. jog some and run some... Now run faster and faster.
Okay, you've done cardio, now you must also do resistence training.
2 lb dumbells, then 5 lb, and then 8 lb, and on and on
...and then you still feel bad because you can't lift your own or someone else's weight.

I found it so refreshing to read Reinhard's point of view.
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Post by jules » Tue May 13, 2008 11:39 pm

hi BrightAngel, I would actually recommend that you set your timer to 14 min. Not to work up to it, but rather so you don't go over it. It's much like no-s in that the snacking is the time you eat not what you're eating. (As in no carrot sticks between meals because it's between meals, not because carrots are bad food choices.)

And you're completely right that the habit is the most important thing. Someplace Reinhard mentions that his wife does yoga for 14 min, it's the habit, not the type of exercise, that's most important.

With strength training, you will eventually need to move up in weight. Reinhard recommends using the same weight sledgehammer for months or a year before "upgrading."

There's no race, no competition. You're not really even competing with yourself. Increasing weight is b/c your body will need more weight to move as it grows stronger. That's just evolution -- we're genetically programmed that way.

Finally, I hope I didn't come across as saying you should compare yourself to anyone else. I only mentioned the amount I used to lift to show how difficult shovelglove can be.

My motto tends to be this: there will always be someone stronger and smarter than I am "out there," but I will also always be stronger or smarter than someone else. It doesn't mean that they're better or worse than me, just that they're different.

I'd love to hear how you feel tomorrow.


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Post by reinhard » Wed May 14, 2008 2:52 pm


Welcome to shovelglove!

Yes, 12 minutes is fine if that's what you prefer. The precise number is mostly just a trick to get you to do a consistent, regular *something.*

So the only feedback I have is keep going. Forget about working "harder," or worrying about particular movements, just focus on working at all, every N-day. Feeling tired on a particular day? Go easy. But go. (the only exception -- and it's an important one -- is to stop immediately and take the next day off if anything hurts).


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Post by live vintageously » Wed May 14, 2008 6:32 pm

BrightAngel wrote:...I found it so refreshing to read Reinhard's point of view.
I heartily and fully agree with your conclusions, BrightAngel!

Thanks for posting your questions. The answers you received answered a few of my own quetions I was about to ask -mainly training everyday. I've had it engrained in my brain that one shouldn't train the same muscle group(s) everyday. Training every N day is new thinking for me but something that is starting to make sense to me.

Keep us updated on your SG experiences :)

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Post by fivesolas » Fri May 16, 2008 4:59 am

Today was my first shovelglove day, too.

I ran into a problem mid-way through the routine: my sweatshirt came off the sledgehammer. I'm still trying to figure out an effective way to tie it on without the sleeves whipping around all the time. :lol:

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Post by twa2w » Fri May 16, 2008 9:34 pm

I'm still trying to figure out an effective way to tie it on without the sleeves whipping around all the time.
Shovel naked :shock: You don't really need anything around your Hammer. It does soften the blow if yu happen to graze yourself while swinging around though.


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Post by BrightAngel » Fri May 16, 2008 10:45 pm

I padded the sledgehammer with a washcloth,
and then wrapped it in a soft dishtowel,
and then tied the bundle together with twine at the handle.
It seems to be working.

Today was my 4th day of Shovelglove. Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri
After day One, I decided I liked the number 15 better than 12,
because I do,
so I set my timer for that number and it will always be my goal.

It's kind of fun, and I'm not real sore,
but I am looking forward to taking the weekend off from it.
Last edited by BrightAngel on Fri May 16, 2008 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BrightAngel » Fri May 16, 2008 10:46 pm

twa2w wrote:
Shovel naked :shock:
Those words bring quite a picture to mind. :oops:
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Post by jules » Fri May 16, 2008 11:01 pm

haha yes, I also do "naked" shovelglove. I'm covered, the hammer is not.

I was actually so enthralled with shovelglove when I first read about it 3 or so years ago, that I read the entire archives. I must be some sort of nut, but that's another issue.

I've seen suggestions ranging from naked shovelglove, to using string or rope, duct tape (solver of all the world's biggest problems), and hmmmm I know there's other things.

Other modifications I've seen to the hammer are ways to increase hammer weight -- those 2-4 lb jumps you get in hammer size are big. Using ankle weights, diving belt weights, allow for more moderate and modest increases; and ways to help w/ handle grip such as using sports tape or tennis racket handle tape.

Note to self: do not use hand lotion minutes before attempting shovelglove.

oh, and recently I decided to buy the weight lifting gloves that Reinhard found for himself. I only use them every other day.


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Post by fivesolas » Sat May 17, 2008 7:14 am

Shovel naked :shock: You don't really need anything around your Hammer. It does soften the blow if you happen to graze yourself while swinging around though.
Yeah, I'm trying to stay away from the whole "graze" possibility.

Something tells me a "graze" from my sledgehammer would do a little more than tickle.

Thanks, BrightAngel, for the idea about twine; I think I'll try that.

By the way, my back is really sore from shugging! Not a 'bad' sore, but rather a 'good' kind of sore, I think.

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Post by fivesolas » Sat May 17, 2008 7:16 am

Note to self: do not use hand lotion minutes before attempting shovelglove.

oh, and recently I decided to buy the weight lifting gloves that Reinhard found for himself. I only use them every other day.
Jules, did Reinhard get the gloves because he was having a hard time gripping the handle? I find that in the middle of my routine, my hands start getting a little sweaty and I start to lose grip -- especially on "hoist the sack".

Anyone else have this problem?

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Post by jules » Sat May 17, 2008 9:25 am

Offhand I can't remember why Reinhard bought gloves. I decided to use gloves sometimes b/c I have sensitive skin and sometimes too much friction on handle will make my hands swell and feel itchy, but I'm a bit weird that way. lol (seriously, I can be sitting in a room doing almost nothing and I'll develop a mysterious itchy welt. Very strange....)

The reason why I don't use gloves all the time is b/c there's some thought that your grip strength is compromised. And some of us don't mind developing minor manual labor type calluses on the hands.

I have noticed that hoist the sack is more difficult if you've got sweaty (or lotioned -- ha! ask me how i know) hands. To avoid the sweaty hands thing on non-glove days, I simply make sure I do hoist the sack early on in the routine. I always do some shovelling first but then I usually do either tuck the bales or hoist the sack. I do tuck the bales early b/c I don't want to konk myself on the head w/ my aforementioned naked hammer if my arms give out.

Now that it's getting warmer, I'm going to set up a fan in my shovelglove room which should further help w/ sweaty problems. :) Like most people in my town, no air conditioning. Much of the time we don't need it but my 2nd floor apt. gets kind've warm.

and, of course, keeping a small hand towel nearby to wipe off sweaty hands also helps.

Wrapping the sledgehammer's handle w/ sports tape -- available at drugstores in the bandaid/first aid aisle -- would help w/ the slippery hands thing. Or tennis racket tape. Tennis racket tape will only stick to itself which works quite well on a tennis racket and is meant to go on something that is hammer handle shaped.

At any rate, Reinhard's glove post is fairly recent and I could probably find it if it wasn't so darned late and I weren't so darned tired. :twisted:

happy shugging!

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Post by phayze » Sun May 18, 2008 3:30 am

jules wrote: I was able to lift about 120 lbs on the cable seated row ... edRow.html
yet doing the paddling motion w/ my 8 lb shovelglove totally kicked my ass. Totally. And now I've seen Phayze's update on doing an all row shovelglove routine -- I MUST TRY IT. :twisted:
Yes, you must indeed! :twisted: It will make your shoulders feel things you've never felt before, my friend!

I'm happy to have provided some inspiration. :D
BrightAngel wrote: I wasn't planning on working up to 14 minutes.
The way I read Reinhard (book pg 174) was that the choice of 14 minutes was just his personal arbitrary number choice.
So I figured that 12 minutes or 16 minutes or anywhere near that number would be just fine,
as long as it was a consistent number I could focus on and follow through with.

No shame in that at all. Rule number 1 of working out: Do what works for you.

I set my timer for 16 minutes and stretch/cooldown for 4 more to get an even (and almost totally arbitrary) total of 20. I like it, and that's the important thing. :)

Congrats on taking up the Shug!
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Post by whitway » Sun May 18, 2008 5:15 pm


I started my first Shovelglove today and I'm nowhere near doing just one motion for 14 minutes. I did all the motions for 14 minutes. Day 1 a Success! :D

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Post by whitway » Sun May 18, 2008 5:20 pm

daggone it I did my 1st day on an S Day :shock: oh well consider it a practice run. I was just so excited after I bought it last night at Wal-mart that I wanted to give it a whirl.

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Post by BrightAngel » Sun May 18, 2008 5:34 pm

whitway wrote:BrightAngel,

I started my first Shovelglove today
and I'm nowhere near doing just one motion for 14 minutes.
I did all the motions for 14 minutes.
Day 1 a Success! :D
My understanding of Reinhard's position is that it is 14 minutes TOTAL,
including all of the motions you choose to do during that time.

There is no way I would ever choose to do one repetive exercise motion for 14 minutes.
....except walk.
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Post by whitway » Sun May 18, 2008 7:18 pm

Good to know! Thanks BrightAngel!!!

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Post by reinhard » Mon May 19, 2008 2:49 pm

Today was my 4th day of Shovelglove.... It's kind of fun, and I'm not real sore,
I'm happy to hear it!
Shovel naked
I'd advise against this (in either sense). The sweater (or equivalent) really does make a difference. It can sometimes take some trial and error to get the sleaves to stay put, but I've found that once you do it's usually many months before they get loose.
Offhand I can't remember why Reinhard bought gloves
I bought the gloves because over the years I've developed some impressive calluses on my hands, which I'm normally proud of, but which can occasionally (especially when it's hot) get pinched and uncomfortable during a workout. Slippage hasn't been an issue.

More details here: ... ght=gloves

I've been using them pretty regularly since the above post (and still haven't washed them -- gross!)

I should note that I was contentedly shugging for about 5 years before I got the idea to try gloves, so they certainly aren't necessary.


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