Newbie Question

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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Newbie Question

Post by burlsgirl » Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:49 am

Ok, I've spent the majority of the day reading the No-S book and browsing the bulletin boards. Having done so, I totally skipped my usual weight training routine. Feeling the obligatory guilt, I decided I must do SOMETHING, so I decided to make myself a shovelglove.

I have to admit that I giggled the whole time I dressed my 10 lb. sledgehammer in it's heather gray hoodie. My husband thinks I've finally slipped over the edge... He offered to set up a log for me outside! I think he's trying to scam me into cutting firewood. :lol:

Anyway, I did my first workout while watching the videos, so it wasn't a great workout. Had to stop & start too much. Fun, though. Here's my question (finally):

Once I get these moves "down", will I find that my legs are getting a sufficient workout? I have a feeling I'll be having some muscle awareness in the upper body come morning, but I'm wondering about the legs.

Thanks in advance for any advice. This whole Everyday Systems is a breath of fresh air! I've laughed all day.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:06 pm

Shovelglove really doesn't work the legs much.
I'd say throw in 2 or 3 minutes worth of squats to make sure your legs get some blood flowing too.
I agree with you! The funny factor is pretty high with SG, which is a good thing.. Working out should be fun stuff which makes you smile!
Oh and I see you are doing the videos.. Well keep in mind that Reinhard has been at this for about five years. He goes quite fast. I'd suggest, personally, that you just set a timer and develop your own pace. There is nothing that states you have to do all the moves or go fast.
Be careful, but have fun! :D
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Post by burlsgirl » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:16 pm

Thanks, Debs!
I did my first real workout this morning without the videos, and I only got through about 12 minutes before I had to stop!
I did do several sets of squats while holding the SG, then at the top of the squat, I lifted it up like in tuck bale.

I think tomorrow I'll do more squats to give me a "break" so my heart doesn't combust! Who'd have thought squats would be considered a "rest"?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:27 pm

You're welcome BG :)
Well I had tried when I was a newbie to SG, to combine leg stuff with it.. I tried to do the squats with it.. The only way I could successfully incorporate the SG (and I also did them as a "breather" in between other arm movements) was to lay the head of the hammer just above my behind on my sacrum, and the handle was over my spine, and I just held it in place there which kept my spine nice and flat while I was doing the squats.
But you may just want to put it down when doing them.
Don't multi task to the point where you have an injury.
12 minutes is plenty.
The first few days you may even want to back it down to 9 or 10..
Build up to the 14 mins.
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Post by morganalefay » Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:07 pm

I've got two squat things that I do. The first one I call 'bell ringing' as it reminds me of old-fashioned church bellringers pulling bell ropes. I tend to hold the sledge about a foot from the end with the head facing downwards, lift it up over my head and then swing it down as I squat, swinging it up again so that it's over my head at the top position.

The other one I tend to call 'one-leg squat and poke'. Basically, it's a one-sided squat (stand with feet apart and bend one knee, shifting your weight to that side) holding the sledge horizontally with one hand near the head and the other further down the handle, and thrust it sideways as if you're trying to poke a hole in the wall (but without actually poking a hole in the wall, obviously :lol: ).
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Post by burlsgirl » Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:16 pm

Oooh...I like the bellringer squat idea. If nothing else, I could always put the head on the floor, grasp the handle, and do plies (think ballet...doesn't spell like it sounds)!

I also saw that someone around here puts the SG on the outside of their leg and does outer leg lifts that way. Good idea.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:26 pm

Welcome, burlsgirl!

Shovelglove per se doesn't work the legs much (though perhaps more than you'd think).

But as Deb suggested, it's easy enough to throw in non-sledgehammer moves like squats (and many of us here, including myself, do).

I personally don't worry too much about my legs since urban ranger exercises them plenty.

Listen to Deb and take it slow! You should have just two priorities in terms of shovelglove these next few weeks: 1) actually doing it every N-day 2) not overdoing it. In fact, those should stay your two priorities. Injury and discomfort are the mother of all excuses to stop exercising altogether.


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Post by chentegt » Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:51 pm

Welcome, burlsgirl

You can work the lower body with shovelglove! If you incorporate some leg exercises (like squats, lunges, swings, etc) with the hammer. Your creativity is the limit. Take a look at this video to see some examples: (he was inspired by shovelglove).

So, you can really get a total body workout with the 14 mins of shovelglove.

Reinhard: I suggest to notice this (that legs can be worked with this system) in the shovelglove main page, as I think some people may not consider shugging when they, at first sight, don't see the legs involved, and lose interest. What do you think?


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Post by library_guy » Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:19 am

If you want something scenario based, you can find a strong chair and do step-ups; All the while you can pretend to be climbing the mountain to reach the villagers who are stuck in the rock slide. Just make sure that the chair is strong and that you pay attention to where you are stepping.

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Shovelglove for upper body, urban rangering for lower

Post by DaveG » Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:00 pm

Shovelgloving works your lower body more than you would think, particularly smite the orc and shoveling coal. That said, I've found that urban rangering with a weighted pack is what's really building my leg/glute tone. Spend a few weeks taking forty minutes a day trudging with thirty pounds on your back and your calves and thighs will definitely show some results.

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Post by winnie96 » Fri Dec 05, 2008 4:26 pm

morganalefay wrote:I've got two squat things that I do. The first one I call 'bell ringing' as it reminds me of old-fashioned church bellringers pulling bell ropes. I tend to hold the sledge about a foot from the end with the head facing downwards, lift it up over my head and then swing it down as I squat, swinging it up again so that it's over my head at the top position.
Morganalefay -- I just want to thank you for detailing this "bell ringing" move. I added it to my SG routine the day you posted so have been doing it for a few weeks, and I must say I am so pleased with the way it rounds out my my SG workout. I had seen similar moves but just wasn't inspired. Your "bell ringing" image made it pop for me. Many thanks!

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Post by morganalefay » Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:42 pm

Oh cheers! Glad to be of service.Image
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Post by jessdr » Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:38 pm

I've been doing shovelglove using the posture from T-Tapp, which is a really effective workout, but not fun enough to get my lazy self out of bed on a regular basis. The posture goes:

- feet shoulder width apart

- toes point directly forward

- bend knees deeply (but not past your toes)

- bum tucked under

- press your knees outward towards your pinkie toe (use your outer thighs & bum to pull them out)

(Shoulders also roll back and down.)

It doesn't feel like work, but try just standing like that for 14 minutes, much less adding shovelglove...

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