Just when i thought it was getting easy

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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Just when i thought it was getting easy

Post by Gman » Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:55 pm

2nd week of SG and nearly puked up today.
I am not in too bad shape but it felt hard today, anyone ever get days like this?
Also a bit to over enthusiastic and nearly made a hole in the floor with my sledge. :shock:

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Hard SG days

Post by Kevin » Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:46 pm

Some days are like that. Reinhard would tell you to slow down, maybe.

SG is hard work, especially since you accelerate and decelerate the hammer. Small increases in "enthusiasm" can lead to large increases in cardio effect.
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Post by JWL » Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:18 pm

Yeah, GMan. Some days are like that. It's OK. Do what you can, listen to your body, and stick with the 14 minutes.

One thing to experiment with is leverage. As you move your hands closer together on the sledge, it gets harder. Conversely, as you slide the hand closer to the hammer it gets easier. So if a particular day is kicking your ass, slide your hands apart.

Just do something, no matter how slow, for 14 minutes.

Good luck!

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Post by Gman » Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:50 pm

Sometimes I like the hard work of a workout it makes me feel alive.
But too much and to often it would make things more likely to quit.I think pacing is the sensible option, as you suggest

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:11 pm

Hi G man!
Sorry you nearly hurled! :lol:
Sounds like you did yourself right in...
Not to be pedantic, but you got to listen to your body signals...
Honor them, cause your mind might want to do a lot, but you body knows best...
I overdid it once...
The first day I had my SG and did my first workout at home...
I put on Led Zeppelin and went totally ballistic..
Yes the adrenaline is fun and everything but the next day, wait forget the next day, that day, I was sooooo drained from my wild and wacky workout, I felt like a mack truck had hit me...

I have since then, never overdone it, and I really don't go fast on anything... Just comfortably paced...There's not a lot of room for error if you spazz out for a moment, like you did with your Sg and the smashing the floor incident, because we are talking about a lot of momentum from a leveraged tool... this is why they are so good at smashing walls!
Take Freakwitches advice about choking up (not puke though!) and slow it down boy!

I use a 12 pound sledge (which actually weighs a total of 14 lbs..)
There's plenty of benefit from just moving fluidly and carefully...
Yes, there will be times when you have a "burst" of energy.. Well, then, go with it.... If you are really tired physically, before you SG, I highly recommend skipping it for the day...
Reinhards Shovelglove group here doesn't have any group insurance policy.. Your best bet is to really get "tuned in' and listen to your own signals.. There should be no accidents if you aren't going wild and wooly!

I don't mean to put a damper on your fun... Like all the guys here said, there are sometimes off days... Just be aware and respect your body...

I don't do Reinhards routine because it's just too many reps for me, and I can't move that fast...
I suggest you develop your SG workout entirely based on how your energy level is for the day..
14 minutes of slo-mo is perfectly acceptable!

Peace and Glove~!
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Post by reinhard » Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:45 pm

Slow down, Gman. Excessive enthusiasm is laziness's sneakiest trick. It's more hard core not to puke or smash holes in the floor, but to keep going, slow and steady, even keel, N day after N day. If you really want to stick it to laziness, take it easy. Forming the habit is more important than burning maximum calories now.

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Post by Gman » Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:08 pm

Yeah I will do (slow down).Think I will stick with your suggested routine though,I did start of too fast come to think of it.
Deb I can understand you going to fast whilst listening to Led Zep.
I remember crashing my car when I was playing Iron Maidens Phantom of the Opera (driving too fast)

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Post by lynne2005 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 12:52 pm

What happens if you let go of the sledge hammer by mistake ???? Dire consequenses i think........ Yikes !!

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Post by carolejo » Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:22 pm

That's why you should wrap it in a big sweater or something(!)

But I'm still very careful, even with that.

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Post by Azathoth » Tue Sep 27, 2005 4:15 pm

The actions being performed with the shovelglove should be done in a controlled manner. Probably not best to just be running and jumping around the house wildly swinging your sledge like some kind of mentally deranged barbarian (as much fun as that might be). All the same, it's probably safest to follow the example of shovelglove and tie a sweater to the head of the hammer (just in case)... if nothing else you can at least look as ridiculous as possible while working out... I know my fiance took one look at me, my shovelglove wrapped with the sweater her mom gave me for Christmas last year, standing firmly at attention while rythmically chopping at the air, and must have thought I had surely lost my mind. ;)

Fortunately... her suspicions of my mental state quickly changed to intrigue over the past week and I'll be buying her a cute little sledge to get started with herself hopefully in the next few days (she's not up to my 12 pounder yet, though we both had a good laugh when she tried "chopping wood" with it after a few drinks the other night).

Sorry, inserted my own little tale there, but long story short: "For the safety of you and those around you, cover your sledge!" (otherwise, technically, it's not really a shovelglove)

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my imagination runs riot!

Post by lynne2005 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:52 pm

You saying chopping motions brings to mind maniacal axe murderers and other such nasties, lol - im still not doing it lol

Love to you all xxxxxxxx you bonkers people..........
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:36 pm

You are so cute and bonkers too! LOL...

Azathoth, I thought it was hilarious when you said you wanted to look as ridiculous as possible! What other activity, besides Shovelglove, can turn something as mundane as a sweater, into such a comedic experience!?
So enjoy looking like a geekified dorky spazz-o-tron!!!!!

Also, seriously, I *don't* think it would be very wise for either you, or your girlfriend, to ever use the sledge when under the influence of even an ounce of alcohol.... Really!!! Tell her to find some other way to get over her inhibitions about looking like a dorkatronic spazzola, wielding a sweater covered implement of mass destruction.... We don't want you guys to become hurt with this!

Right Reinhard?....
I suggest doing the SG first and then, using the drink as an after workout treat! (On S days....) LOL..

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Post by Azathoth » Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:33 pm

lol... we weren't shovelgloving drunk... we were just drunk, and she was teasing me about the shovelglove and then decided to pick up the sledge and take a few whacks at it herself. We were just messing around (it's all fun and games til someone accidentally smashes their foot, or my very expensive computer, with a shovelglove).

Seriously though, I would never want to suggest trying to shovelglove (or do any kind of exercise) while drunk, unless you're out to hurt yourself (and in that case, you can find plenty of other ways to do that).

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Drinking and Shovelgloving

Post by Kevin » Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:01 pm

Before I started Nossing, I would frequently drink a beer, then immediately SG, then maybe drink another beer later. Maybe.

But I found drinking a beer (one beer, not too much alcohol) before SGing lubricated everything nicely.
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Drinking and Shovelgloving

Post by Big Phil » Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:47 pm

Just when I thought Shovelglove couldn't get any cooler, Kevin finds a way!

You are a Genius! :lol:


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Post by Azathoth » Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:01 am

Alright Kevin, you twisted my arm...

tomorrow morning I'll try it with a beer (should be good at 7:15 am) ;)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:46 am

Oh you lovable fellows! :P I don't know about you, but if *I* have a drink, the last thing I want to do, is exercise... Or stand, for that matter... :lol:
Kevin, your method intrigues me...
This *almost* seems like preventative medicine :shock: ???
I hear that beer is a great numbing agent...So why not anesthetize yourself *in advance* of your impending injury!!! LOL...
Az, if you start your day off with a beer before 8 am, may I please sign you up for AA now? LOL....
Big Phil,,,,,,

Hi! LOL... :P

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Post by Prodigalsun » Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:13 pm

An old trick for soreness, pop a couple ibuprophen before you shovel, it opens up the capilaries and does't allow for as much build up of lactic acid.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:23 pm

Ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!
The Shoveller!!!!!!!

Hey Prod!
How have you been guy?
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Beer before "working"

Post by Kevin » Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:27 pm

My trick to drinking before working is to drink, then immediately start working. If you wait even a few minutes, well, the lazies hit.

Of course, in general, this is probably a terrible idea. Especially at 7:15 a.m., VG.
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