Sledge Exchange?

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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Sledge Exchange?

Post by blujay » Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:11 am

I was just thinking... I'm considering upgrading from my 8# sledge to a 10# or 12#, but I'm reluctant to spend $40 on it right now. It occurred to me that somewhere out there is probably a shugger who has since upgraded past his 10# or 12# sledge and has one sitting in a corner somewhere. Not that sledgehammers decline in value that quickly, but still... I wonder if any fellow shuggers might be interested in selling theirs to me. Who knows, if it took off well, we could even start up a little Sledge Exchange program. (Sorry, Reinhard, I suppose you wouldn't get a cut like you do with your Amazon links...but if it were to really take off, we could work in a small percentage that goes towards running the site. :) )

So, any offers? :)

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Re: Sledge Exchange?

Post by fungus » Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:20 am

blujay wrote:I was just thinking... I'm considering upgrading from my 8# sledge to a 10# or 12#, but I'm reluctant to spend $40 on it right now.
I upgraded mine for about $5 - see the thread "hammer upgrade time". I doubt you could even ship a hammer for less than that.

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Post by reinhard » Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:32 pm

I like the idea (and interest has been expressed before) but I'm afraid the shipping would make it significantly less economical than it might initially seem (a lot of the amazon hammers ship free).

I guess I could start an exchange sticky thread for people to post "want ads" and see if people actually find it useful. If not at all, I'll take it down. If it takes off like wildfire, I could look into something with more bells and whistles.

Last edited by reinhard on Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

storm fox
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Hammer exchange

Post by storm fox » Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:29 am

Blujay, I don't have what you're after, but what about your area's discount or hardware stores? Local hardware stores usually have pretty good selections, and Home Depot usually has 10 and 12 pounders. In my area, Big Lots sometimes has large hammers, and a bargain outlet store called Ollie's almost always has them: 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20 for about $2 per pound.

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