full upperbody workout?

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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full upperbody workout?

Post by guille » Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:40 pm


i have been doing shovelglove for a week(four days to be exact)
i think im doing fast progress, the first time i had a hard time to finish the 14 min but the 3th time it was not so hard.
im doing the 4 basic exersices and hoist sack in some months i will start useing new moves and reps

im not really into fitness , before shoveling i had not done exercise in 7 years(and before that never in regular bases), i just hate normal exercise, too boring, tedious, and timeconsuming
so that makes me love shovelglove the more, its the exact oposite fun, fun, and a big timesaver

as i mentioned im not a fitness expert, so im not very sure of how to know what muscles im useing apart from the pain i feel the next day(good pain)

i know this is not bodybuilding but for that same reason, if it doesnt work on muscles separatedly then it work on the whole upper body together ,right?

im asking this because the next day, i feel sore in my arms(mainly the guns) and the part between the shoulders and the neck, but despite im sure i felt i was useing the chest, abs, shoulder and back, i do not feel them aching the next day
so , do we use all the body with shovelglove?

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Re: full upperbody workout?

Post by fungus » Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:50 pm

guille wrote: i know this is not bodybuilding but for that same reason, if it doesnt work on muscles separatedly then it work on the whole upper body together ,right?
guille wrote:hi
im asking this because the next day, i feel sore in my arms(mainly the guns) and the part between the shoulders and the neck, but despite im sure i felt i was useing the chest, abs, shoulder and back, i do not feel them aching the next day
so , do we use all the body with shovelglove?
It's like a chain, you're always going to hit the weakest point the hardest - if your arms are the weakest point then that's where you'll feel it.

When the arms get stronger, other areas will have to start working harder to keep up.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:10 pm

This question comes up a lot... and I think I'll shortly have a very convincing answer for it. My brother was doing some test shooting with his HD camcorder for a shovelglove DVD we're hoping to put together and I took my shirt off for a bit because I was curious about whether or not it would be visible which muscles were being worked with each movement.

The short answer is, damn, I'm ripped in HD. :-)

If you're interested in the mere logic behind why this might be so, here are links to a few old posts on the subject:

http://everydaysystems.com/bb/viewtopic ... =abs#57211

http://everydaysystems.com/bb/viewtopic ... =abs#55151

http://everydaysystems.com/bb/viewtopic ... =abs#45845


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