rough start to week #3

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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rough start to week #3

Post by Natasha » Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:01 pm

I exercised, but boy was I feeling like my legs were not able to bend! Not sure if it's because of taking the weekend off, or because my injured knee was acting up. I really don't know what to do for my knee because the doctor had told me that I could live with it like the way it is, and eventually do the surgery when it affects the quality of my life, and that (and I quote) "it's not like it's appendicitis" as the doctor said. If I had the money right now, I'd go back to him for an evaluation to see if it's improved at ALL. Because I've noticed that my patella has moved maybe a fraction back to the left (inner) side of my leg. I still may go to my chiropractor to see if she couldn't pop it in place and see how long it lasts that way if I keep working out to strengthen my leg muscles, but again that is if I can have the money. *sigh*

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Post by Orvette » Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:48 am


When I was in my early 20's I twisted one of my knees out of place -- off to the outside. It was stuck out of place for a couple of minutes and hurt like a son-of-a-gun. I just kept my leg straight and in time it popped back over into place.

My doctor (in retrospect very wise) put me in an immobilizer for 6 weeks! Couldn't drive, run, and one of my employers actually thought I was crippled! The first time I came into work without the brace, he was completely stunned! Anyway, the soft tissues had mended and my recovery was complete.

Apparently, my legs are shaped in such a way that makes them prone to pulling the knee cap over to the side. To help prevent this, he prescribed a a special exercise. I would place some sort of light weight around my ankle, lie flat on the floor or bed, couch, etc. I would then lift up my leg, perfectly straight, and do several reps in a few sets twice a day. The doctor said that would strengthen the muscles that hold the knee cap in place. It might help you too.

I haven't been religious about these exercises in years, and I never had a lick of trouble. More recently, I've put on a lot of weight and I have started having some trouble with both knees. I plan to work with the "roll" that jasoncscs talks about in this thread. From his discussion, the T-band can really cause trouble if it's tight, and I think that's what you and I may both be dealing with.
~ Orvette

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Post by reinhard » Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:05 am

I'm sorry to hear this Natasha. I'm also sorry that I can't give you any useful advice. But if you feel shovelglove is exacerbating your condition, please stop, at least until you can run it by a medical professional.

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it's ok!

Post by Natasha » Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:17 pm

reinhard wrote:I'm sorry to hear this Natasha. I'm also sorry that I can't give you any useful advice. But if you feel shovelglove is exacerbating your condition, please stop, at least until you can run it by a medical professional.
Today I felt tons better when I shugged. So it really must have been just getting back into the swing of things for the week (no pun intended!) :D

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Post by Natasha » Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:30 pm

Orvette wrote:Natasha,

Apparently, my legs are shaped in such a way that makes them prone to pulling the knee cap over to the side. To help prevent this, he prescribed a a special exercise. I would place some sort of light weight around my ankle, lie flat on the floor or bed, couch, etc. I would then lift up my leg, perfectly straight, and do several reps in a few sets twice a day. The doctor said that would strengthen the muscles that hold the knee cap in place. It might help you too.

I plan to work with the "roll" that jasoncscs talks about in this thread. From his discussion, the T-band can really cause trouble if it's tight, and I think that's what you and I may both be dealing with.
I too have some kind of shape to my legs that makes me prone to having problems, which is what my ortho doc told me. I actually discussed my history in depth with Jasoncscs and he felt that I don't have t-band problems.

When I hurt my knee initially, my ortho doc told me to be off of my leg as much as I could, icing it 4 times a day. I told him what I did for work and that I couldn't be off, and that I had a toddler at home who needed me to be active to match her energy. At the time, my husband was working and was never around, so that put me in the position of having to do it all without the help. So the doc and I agreed to just have me ice it down as much as I could, resting it when I was able to. Honestly, I was able to do more of that in the beginning, but not now. It doesn't hurt as much as then either though. I did try a brace in the beginning, but it gave me sciatic problems on that same side, so I had to stop that. Only a few weeks ago did I use it again solidly for a week, and it seemed to make a difference in making my knee feel less unstable. I stopped using it after a week and gained more flexibility--now I'm finding I just still have some swelling to deal with and my knee cap is STILL not where it should be.

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