The Angle of Louis

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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The Angle of Louis

Post by ikuryakin3 » Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:21 am

I went for a check-up yesterday after about three months on the shugging bandwagon and heard this term for the first time. The doctor described the "Angle of Louis" to me in explaining that the reason my chest felt weird was probably because of all the new intra-rib muscle pushing my ribs into a new arrangement.

Has this rib discomfort happened to anybody else? The doctor reconfirmed smooth movements over jerky ones to resolve it.

I don't own a scale, so the other new revelation at yesterday's appointment was that I have to abandon my belt-hole method of evaluating my weight. By the notches on my belt, I should have been in the low 180s. Now, however, thanks to SG, I'm in the mid-190s. Fortunately, the difference seems to be not in the mid-section, but in the legs, upper torso, and arms.

First time posting. Greetings all. I've got to mention that I've never had such rapid gains with an exercise program before.
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Post by phayze » Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:54 pm

Congrats, and welcome to the forum! :D

Measurements are definitely not everything when you're figuring weight-loss, since muscle weighs more per unit of volume than fat does.

I've never heard of the Angle of Louis before . . . sounds interesting. No rib issues for me either after about 4 months or so of shugging. I have noticed a kind of "expanding" sensation across my torso, but it's not unpleasant at all. Actually, it feels pretty good - gives me hope of looking good in a size 40R suit. ;)
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Post by reinhard » Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:05 am

Hmm. I haven't had any discomfort. Are you doing just 14 minutes a day or a lot more?

Glad to hear shovelglove is working well for you otherwise. Hope that just concentrating on smoother movements will take care of this problem for you. And if it's any consolation, there is something slightly awesome about "Doctor, I'm getting so strong my muscles are busting my ribcage open." :-)


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Post by ikuryakin3 » Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:29 am

Thanks. Mostly just 14 minutes, sometimes followed by some heavy ball juggling and some balance work with juggling pins.

I was aware that muscle generally weighs more than fat, but I was also aware that it tends to burn calories more rapidly. I was hoping the equilibrium point would be reached sooner. :shock: Not terribly scientific, I know. When the weather turns nice again, I'll go back to following my shugging with a 45 minute run a few days a week (I know, I know, un-shugging-orthodox, un-shugging-natural...)

Yeah, so as I understand it the Angle of Louis describes the difference between the angle of the sternum and the angle of the bone just above it (the manubrium). The muscle growth affects the rib separation and apparently puts some minor stress on this connection. But, yes, in essence, "busting my rib cage open" was why I bothered to post at all.

BTW, also a good boost observed in the HDL.
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Post by phayze » Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:50 pm

ikuryakin3 wrote:(I know, I know, un-shugging-orthodox, un-shugging-natural...)
Orthodoxy is for cowards. ;)

Sounds like you've got a good system going to me. Keep at it, and keep us posted on your progress.
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