First Day of Shovel Glove Tomorrow

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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First Day of Shovel Glove Tomorrow

Post by Amicoolyet88 » Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:48 pm

So i have been interesting in starting a workout that i could do every day that wouldn't be too difficult. So i started doing a bit of pushups, sit-ups, and some other exercises before i went to sleep every night. The thought was that it isn't that much of a pain to do it because it didn't require much preparation or time, but eventually i just got tired of doing it.

And now that i am interested in exercising again i decide to google around for some good daily exercises and i come across ShovelGlove. It all seems like what i wanted to do anyway... a bit of work everyday for a longer period of time, leading to getting significantly better health over a longer period of time.

ShovelGlove differs from my original routine because it brings the enjoyment and motivation into my exercise. I will have more fun shoveling my 10 lber that i picked up at Home Depot today than i would doing pushups and situps every night. And i time ShovelGlove so that i know how long i am doing it for so that there is no guessing.

Some people don't try to throttle themselves like he suggests. When people get hyped up about something they tend not to be able to hold it for long, and they have to get it going but they burn their desire out too fast. I'm not going to over exert myself at all. When that timer goes off i am going to call it quits because i don't want to give my self and excuse to skip out of it later.

Another problem i have that i hope i can solve is my lazy sleeping-in habits. I go to a college where classes usually start later in the day, and for whatever reason i am always staying up really late and waking up late in the day as well... sometimes i have trouble waking for class, but i think if my alarm goes off and i see my sledge sitting right there by it... i might just have the will power to pick it up and start the workout...

So wish me luck... This was a long post. But i have a lot to say... :roll:
age: 19
Occupation: Student

I have also added a link to my HabitCal if you are interested: ... hovelGlove
Last edited by Amicoolyet88 on Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:31 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by winnie96 » Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:42 pm

Amicoolyet88 --

Shovelglove may help you with your sleeping-in issue. I have found that having a morning routine that includes Shovelglove motivates me to get out of bed because it's so enjoyable that I actually look forward to it.

You also might want to search this forum for information on Reinhard's "personal punch card" system. Each day in the "routine" column, I list Shovelglove and the other components of my morning routine, which I then get to cross off when finished. For some reason, I find that this adds to my motivation to get up & get going. (I love crossing items off lists!)

A bonus is that I get so much more accomplished when I start my day earlier. That good feeling that comes from actually getting things done, rather than just stressing about doing them, provides additional incentive to get up.

You are smart to stick strictly to the timer -- not overdoing has been very important to my continued delight with Shovelglove.

Good luck to you! Hope you find Shovelglove as much fun as I do!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:49 pm

Good luck!
Try doing this in the morning to fire up yer day and get out of bed hahah :)
Let us know how it goes.
8) Debs
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Post by reinhard » Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:26 am

Welcome, Amicoolyet88.

You've got a good attitude regarding the timer. The biggest mistake people make with exercise is overdoing it. A "sustainable minimum of compliance" is what you want to go for, and the timer is key to that.

You can find the punch cards and chain of self-command stuff here:

You might also find the HabitCal useful,if you haven't seen that already.


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Post by Amicoolyet88 » Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:15 am

Thanks for all the help and suggestions along with the encouragement! And I'm sure glad you posted on my topic Reinhard :D

I had my first session today, and it was a good experience. After i was done, it felt like i had definitely been working out, and it was only a quick 14 minutes worth of actual work. It was pleasant work too! it was fun to sit in my room with music playing and throw around the sledge like i was doing work :)

I don't think it will be a problem for me to keep it up for this whole week for sure, and i think i will be pleased enough with how i feel after this week to continue shugging as well.

I think i will come back and post on this at least once a week to let you guys know how i am doing, but i think this should all turn out pretty well :)

And here is a link to my HabitCal: ... hovelGlove

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Post by Amicoolyet88 » Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:21 pm

Second day of Shugging down. A lifetime to go perhaps? Who knows? But it went really well today, I was thoroughly worn out by the end of the 14 minutes for sure! It feels good though, to know I am doing something good for myself that could resonate for the rest of my life. It is just worth the time when you think about how you are putting an investment in your self and in your happiness.

I am going to school for a bachelors degree in Film, which actually requires a lot of physical work like: setting up lights, running cables, wrapping cables, lifting heavy lights and other manly stuff that you may not associate with the process of making a film. So being able to do actual work better would undoubtedly be beneficial to my career as well.

It was not a perfect morning by any means though… my water wasn’t working, I ended up staying up too late the night before, and I didn’t wake up as early as I would have liked. It was worth every minute though… even breaking a bit of a sweat then going to class without a shower.

I listened to some more of Reinhard’s podcasts that had to deal with the chain of self command and stuff like that which I found really interesting… and when I think about it… i have always been the foot soldier. I don’t ever take the time to plan anything for my life. So I have thought up some goals for myself and I think I may start making some physically noted goals so that I can do my best to accomplish them.

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Post by Amicoolyet88 » Fri Sep 26, 2008 7:00 pm

Okay... this is friday morning, and i did not do shovel glove for the past 2 days... So i did 2 days on and 2 days off for my first 4 days. Not exactly the best start ever, but in my school we have a new set of classes every month so i have a final to do every month. And yesterday was my final day for both of those classes. So the past 2 days have been more school oriented than the rest of the month. I counted both of them as "red days" on my habit cal though, becauseI could have done the shovel gloving on either day and simply decided not to.

I have not done my shovel gloving yet today, but i think i will do it later on tonight because i don't have to do it tomorrow morning. So i will get that done.

I feel good from my 2 days of rest though and i am ready to start up again.

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