Injury question (weights, but not SG)

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Injury question (weights, but not SG)

Post by kccc » Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:03 pm

This is exercise-related, though not Shovelglove-related... but I thought some of you work-out types might have some wisdom for me.

I have hurt myself doing BodyPump, which is weight-lifting to aerobics. The pain is in the left side of my neck, trapezius area, and I noticed that I also had a knot under that shoulder blade (so it may be referred pain). Basically, it feels like a very painful knot that I can't seem to work out. I did this last week, and it took four days of all the treatment I could figure out to do (ice/advil/heat after a while/gentle stretches - on both the neck area and the shoulder once I located the lower knot) before I was sort of back to normal.

And now I've done it again. :( I thought my form was good, but maybe not.

I think this may be happening during squats, but it may be shoulders. Any thoughts? I love the class, but don't like this side effect at all!

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Post by reinhard » Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:44 pm

Sorry to hear this, KCCC (though I'm glad shugging's not to blame!)

I'm afraid I'm not very knowledgeable about injuries like this... (I've been every lucky, I guess not to have to be).

Hope you feel better soon and that someone with a bit more of a clue about these things than me chimes in here,


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Post by winnie96 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:22 am

I know some Body Pump instructors, and they would be appalled at what you are feeling. I would suggest (a) talking to your instructors, (b) checking out the BP website, but most of all, if you are having these symptoms -- just stop! And then start investigating. BP is pretty intense, and, as good as it might feel, may not be for everyone, or at least with some pre-prep.

It's so important to have a workout that works for you, without hurting or intimidating you -- there are lots of workout options out there ... and you've got to be realistic about something that you can stick with that doesn't hurt you.

From what I know of the Body Pump folks, I think they might help you to find something better .... talk and talk to folks!

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Post by kccc » Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:44 pm

Thanks, Winnie.

On my last class, I cut the weights and really attended to form. My shoulder threatened, but did not seize up. I will talk to the instructor(s) and see what they say, but mostly I will be ultra-careful! (Have since been on a mini-vacation, so LOTS of walking has been my only exercise.)

Will also look at the BP site - hadn't thought of that!



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Post by kccc » Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:19 pm

Update: I did talk to my instructor, and asked her to go over the form again on squats. She asked if I'd recently bumped up weights, which I had, and showed me exactly where the bar should go. I'd had it a bit high. She said I might want to drop back down on the weights as well as modifying the position, but I thought I'd be okay with the modification (I'm not using really high weights as of yet).

And it was fine. So, I think that was the problem. My neck/shoulders are kind of a vulnerable area anyway, and I'd overstressed.

Just posting in case anyone else runs into something similar. The proper placement of the bar is not really on the shoulders/neck as it looks, but on the "meaty" part of the upper back, just below that area. An inch makes a big difference.

Winnie, thanks again for pointing out the best course of action - which, while obvious in hindsight, I'd clearly missed! :)

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