In favor of real walks...

Urban ranger is an inspirational metaphor to get you walking. Warning: there is poetry involved. Discuss it here.
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In favor of real walks...

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 16, 2005 6:51 pm

NB... This is in no way shape or form, a bash against anyone who is using a treadmill, I can understand why people would prefer that over nothing, and admire anyone who exercises regularly...

I will, however mention a few terrific things which treadmilling doesn't provide...

I took a health walk for the first time in ages today... Was tired of hearing myself complaining about how I haven't done this... LOL

It occurred to me that I have been living right behind a very large atheletic field, and heck, why not start moving today!
I thought it would be slightly boring, since the idea was to go around the perimeter of the field for around a half hour or so, or until my body felt like stopping... It turned out to be totally not boring....
Unlike being on the step thingy/elliptical trainer at the gym, I got to pass by fields of clover, with countless bees flying here and there, making love to the flowers! LOL.. I passed little patches of mushrooms cropping up from the grass... I was surprised by the sudden flight of a flock of sparrows all roosting in a small tree... With every little breeze, the humid air would fill up with the scent of warm sweet clover...
I was able to walk *barefoot* and feel every little blade of grass on my feet.... That just felt so hippy groovy to me!!! My feet are all dusty now, and my toenails are black! LOL... Cool!!!
It also occurred to me, big time, that when you do real walking, you really do get more of a complete workout for the leg muscles... There's hardly any stabilizing happening when you are strapped onto a machine that only travels in one plane of motion.... When you have to traverse a variety of ground "textures", with all the little inconsistencies in footfall, you notice how much more you're stabilizing muscles are brought into play. This is cool! Again, I felt maybe it would get monotonous to go around this field, but each time I made it around, the scene would change.
Someone would pass by in the other direction... I'd notice a different type of tree which I didn't notice before...

I kept moving at a steady pace, not fast or slow... And all together ended up getting in 40 minutes of walking...
It was lovely...
Reinhard, you are right that this is a great and pleasant exercise.. And we really are wired to do this stuff.. We don't need to think about it, so it leaves our minds to concentrate on pure enjoyment of our surroundings...
It's about as non-contrived as it gets! Also, because I didn't have to think of where I was going, I could really concentrate on how my body felt and how I was breathing... Whether I felt tight, or weak, etc... I had a nice post stretch afterwards and "commuted" to the other side of the garden fence, back into our cottage, when I was all done!
How convenient this will be!!! It's excuse proof...

Here's to day one as a "Field Ranger"!!!
8) Deb

ps.. I noticed that a very nice fruit market was on the far diagonal end of the field... Figures that somehow, food would make it's appearance on my walk! But at least is wasn't a Haagen Daaz shoppe... LOL.....

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Post by ClickBeetle » Sat Jul 16, 2005 7:39 pm

Yaaaay, Deb! That sounds so great ... sounds like a beautiful day which you thoroughly enjoyed.

To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,
One clover, and a bee,
And revery.
The revery alone will do
If bees are few.

- Emily Dickinson
Chance favors the prepared. - Louis Pasteur

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