Subway Jared walked 1.5 miles a day

Urban ranger is an inspirational metaphor to get you walking. Warning: there is poetry involved. Discuss it here.
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Subway Jared walked 1.5 miles a day

Post by reinhard » Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:48 pm


That's less than I do (2.25 miles)

And yet it was enough exercise to help him take off 245 pounds.

And as was mentioned in a previous thread, his subway diet is basically a subset of No-s (also 3 meals, but more rules about what those meals should consist of). More generous No-s is probably more sustainable for those of without his herculean willpower/multi-million dollar paycheck contingent on his staying thin.

Last edited by reinhard on Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:11 pm

I wouldn't mind that multi-million dollar paycheck!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Nov 03, 2005 3:07 pm

Yo Reinhard!
It also seems that Jared only had two meals a day...

But your walking advice is good and true!!!
I'm not doing too much of this anymore, but when I was forced to, LOL, because I didn't have car insurance and was walking to and from the station in town and then from Penn station in NYC to my school, it added up to about three miles a day...
Plus I took about five flights of stairs instead of taking the elevator...
This was pre-NoS.. so my diet was still sort of lame....
Nevertheless, I am sure that the walking kept me from gaining weight...
As soon as I stopped walking to school, once I completed the 16 month degree, and started sitting on my behind, I think I gained about 8 or 10 pounds in less than three months..

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Azathoth » Thu Nov 03, 2005 3:53 pm

Jared's diet wasn't particularly healthy... it was effective and the walking was a big part of that for him I'm sure, however I would not suggest anyone (particularly anyone of that size) attempting a 1000 calorie a day diet. I would not suggest cutting out more than 500 calories a day from what your body typically uses (a cut of 500 calories/day less than what your body is using will result in a healthy and respectable 1lb/week loss). Eating as little as Jared did would typically not be sustainable for most people, and doing so would result in such drastic weight loss that you would find a high probability of putting a good portion of that weight back on immediately. Jared has been lucky because the media picked this silly story up and popularity has given him powerful leverage to avoid common post-diet dillemas.

In regards to Subway and walking... I walk to Subway (about 0.75 miles away) as part of my daily lunch routine and eat a 6-inch sub off the 5-6 grams of fat or less list. Please note this has nothing to do with Jared (who I don't particularly like). I did not need a TV commercial to tell me that a 6-inch sub is a healthier alternative to a double quarter-pounder at McDonalds and that walking is a smart idea. My daily lunch circuit takes me to Subway, to the park to eat my sandwich, around a nearby lake and back to work (over the course of an hour, 45-50 mins of total walking) and covers a distance of about 2.5 to 3 miles total depending on the particular route I take. It has had a drastic effect in the way I feel everyday and I have lost 20 pounds since the end of Sept.

It would be impossible to truly stress how important walking is for your body. It cannot be said enough times how much you need this ridiculously simple form of exercise in your life. It will forever amaze me that people are willing to shell out millions of dollars a year for blatently useless pieces of exercise equipment and completely fail to notice that if they have two working legs then they already owned everything they need for a decent workout (except of course a sledgehammer, which is a nice addition to any workout).

Keep walking, and keep thanking Reinhard for pointing out to all of us how important this truly is. ;)

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Costless exercising

Post by Big Phil » Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:32 pm

On that note Azathoth,
Have you noticed how people will pay other people to do their yard work (mowing the lawn, edging, pruning) AND pay to go to a gym! It surprises me how many people pay for both things. I have a big yard and, although I don't shovelglove on weekends, I still get a workout just doing the yard - especially now it is almost summer here. I do crazy shit like using a rake instead of an annoying leaf-blower and things like that!
My next exercise equipment purchase will be a push-mower, those babies look like they really burn the calories!


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Post by reinhard » Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:11 pm

I found an interesting site on push-mowers:

The faq even has "calories burned per hour." Not sure how scientific this is, but I like the "watching mow-1 hour" column by way of comparison.

The numbers line up with this other random site:
Power mower calories burned: Only as much as driving or slowly walking.

Push mower calories burned: 400-450 per hour, or as much as playing tennis for the same amount of time!
I don't have anything to mow yet, but if/when I do I swear I'm getting me one of these.


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Post by reinhard » Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:14 pm

Navin posted about push mowers a little while ago in the everydaysystems forum:

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Post by navin » Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:51 pm

I had a push-mower for a while, and it was great exercise. They're cheap nd pretty quiet, too. The only problem is that it did a bad job of cutting any non-grass items (e.g., weeds) and grass that had gotten too tall. Of course, with due dilligence both of those situations can be avoided, but it can be time consuming to hand-pull a lot of weeds.

My push mower broke and I got an electric lawn hog (a power mower, but not a riding one). One of these days I may try to fix the push mower and alternate using them.
Before criticizing someone, you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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