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Post by eschano » Thu Sep 18, 2014 12:58 pm

Oh that is frustrating! I think for one - don't make any more room for him. Seriously. If there's more room, things will multiply. Otherwise, there's hoping he'll get on board!? Maybe you can persuade him :)
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Post by ironchef » Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:35 am

I think perhaps I'll say that on days I work I can do general clutter maintenance (clear hotspots), but don't have to do deep cleaning and decluttering (unless I feel like it / have time).

Decluttering as one side of a partnership when the other side doesn't come to the party is hard. With mr. chef I've had a few wins just from laying it out honestly: "I am working really hard to declutter and get our house into shape for a possible second child. I don't expect you to go minimalist at all, just because I'm doing this, but it would really help me if you [insert reasonable request]". It takes things from "here I am, throwing out stuff again" to "I have a plan and a long term goal that is important to me, please help". This tactic is where our agreement about magazines came from, and also his agreement that I could go through his old work files and cull paperwork. Boxes of old trophies and novelty T-shirt collection - no luck so far!

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Post by eschano » Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:35 am

ironchef wrote:Boxes of old trophies and novelty T-shirt collection - no luck so far!
Lol ironchef! I think it's great how you phrased it. And true - there is no expectation for minimalism but a bit of help is good!

I like your plan for work-days as well.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by aspencer27 » Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:37 pm

Great suggestions, I'm going to try those out. For his shirts, I was thinking of pulling them all out into a pile - for him to realize that he has hundreds of them! And then putting them away as he wears them. That way next year, he might give me permission to toss the shirts he hasn't worn all year. The only problem is that I don't know where to keep that many shirts!

I didn't do anything decluttering related last night :cry: I got home late from meeting a friend, and I didn't feel like it. But, this morning I did clear the dining room table - it has somehow stayed pretty clear seemingly on its own, I also cleared some things from our kitchen nook, and I made sure nothing new got onto the desk in the bedroom. I did the basics of Habit Hacker. Yesterday was get your zen on - I don't think there is any action that was needed for that, just getting yourself comfortable with having less. Today is 11/11/8 - Working for 2 eleven minute blocks, then taking an 8 minute break. I think I'll try that tomorrow morning with a de-clutter session.

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Post by ironchef » Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:59 am

A crazy weekend staying over at my folks house, so wasn't at home to do any decluttering or cleaning. However, I did take some things to my mother, father and sister that they had asked for when I did some recent decluttering (magazines, some old toys, some crockery, a picnic backpack), so that gets the discarded items out of my house. And of course we weren't in the house to mess it up!

I need to get back on board with something tonight. Not sure what yet, as the study is almost done.

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Post by eschano » Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:29 am

It's great to get the discarded items out of the house ironchef!

This weekend I finally got to do my room - meaning my clothes. Getting the winter clothes down and changing them for the summer clothes is like getting lots of new clothes. I completely forgot that I had some of them!

And I tossed a fair bit of them. Although I plan to replace some (I tossed all of my thermals as they don't look nice anymore but I use them every day in winter underneath my jumpers). I realised that 33 pieces of clothing isn't enough for me. I have amazing inherited stuff that I get to use once a year (like a ball gown and some traditional Austrian outfits) I would not throw away but also don't use regularly (too valuable/not right) so these couldn't possibly count into my 33 pieces. What I do aspire to though it to keep to an oversee-able amount, which very much limits it to one wardrobe and one chest of drawers that only has a few clothes in it. So no overstuffed drawers where nothing is reachable/or even see-able. I'm probably talking 50 items here.

I mainly realised how shabby some of my stuff looks from over-use and I want to replace it. But: the big focus here is to REPLACE not add on new stuff.
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Post by ironchef » Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:19 pm

Nice work eschano. Isn't it nice "rediscovering" a piece of clothing you love, but forgot you had. Like going shopping in your own wardrobe :)

I worked today, so I just did maintenance this evening - clearing the dining, coffee and bedside tables, and the kitchen counter. I feel much less stressed having "let" myself have S days on work days.

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Post by aspencer27 » Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:48 pm

That is great getting stuff out of the house! I got overwhelmed this weekend again, when I looked through 5 boxes in the guest bedroom, and they were all hubby's stuff. Ugh!

I tried discussing with him about tossing some of our old painting stuff - we rent an apartment and haven't painted anything in over 7 years since we sold our condo! He is against getting rid of anything. He said that it is free for us to keep it, and when we do end up needing something, neither of us has time to go re-buy it. I'm just really at a loss on what to do, and I feel like clearing out all of my stuff just gives him more room to keep more of his junk.

I know the cardinal sin against de-cluttering is to not throw out someone else's stuff, but I honestly know that some of this stuff that we haven't used in over seven years (it's still boxed up from when we moved up to NYC) he just won't miss. I mean, seriously, if we haven't needed it in seven years, what are the odds that we will need it anytime soon!

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Post by ironchef » Tue Sep 23, 2014 5:26 am

Ouch, that is really hard aspencer. I don't know what I'd do in that situation. It would be incredibly tempting to throw out shared stuff if you thought they'd never miss it.

Is it really "free" for you to keep stuff? Do you have a spare room that you just don't need? For example, for us, it isn't free, because to keep all our stuff we'd have to not have overnight guests, not have a second baby, or put an overnight guest (or second baby) in to sleep next to our toddler. So, there is a hidden cost, whether it be to your peace of mind or the functionality of your home.

I'm keen to get some more done tonight, but after walking, gym and cycling early this morning, and a day at work, I'm just not sure I'll do much other than eat tea and collapse!

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Post by eschano » Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:11 am

Hmmm. Maybe you can discuss the 20/20 rule with him? If you can get in in 20 minutes and it costs less than 20 Dollars than you can throw it out? It's so hard. I wouldn't want to live with boxes around.

Maybe you can put his stuff in his space/way? See if he finds it annoying enough to get rid of it?

I don't know. My friend calls herself a "hoarder" and she shared some of the feelings she gets when throwing away stuff. We had some clearing weekends together and it was incredibly emotional. She managed to let me take some stuff to charity and throw some other stuff which was great. It was about 1/8 of what I wanted her to throw out but she told me that she since had some clearing days herself and got rid of more. But it's incredibly hard for her! Baby-steps. Maybe consider what it means for your husband.

A great compromise could be to rent some storage if you can afford it.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by aspencer27 » Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:32 pm

Thanks for letting me rant! I figure that I still have enough of my own junk to let go, that I can focus on that for now. We have some large items that we have agreed to get rid of - I just need to figure out how to get rid of them now. So that will help.

I'm also going to try and find small things that we haven't used in forever to see if he'd be willing to let some of it go. I think he's just so busy at work right now that he doesn't really want to take the time to think about it.

I'll be getting back on track this week with my decluttering, now that I've taken a moment to whine about it! I'm thinking of trying your method iron - keeping up with the maintenance during the week (clearing hot spots and a daily pick up) and doing bigger declutters on the weekend. My goal is to get to 1 hour of decluttering per week (30 min each weekend day), and if I get to it during the week, then I can take the weekend off!

How's all of your decluttering going eschano and iron? Thanks again for the great ideas!

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Post by eschano » Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:52 pm

Good he's not a hoarder! I know I drive my boyfriend mental when he's busy and I have "another one" of my projects :)

My decluttering went well on the weekend! I don't do much during the week but there isn't that much clutter that is visible - it's all stored away :D
But beware who opens the drawers and cupboards!

I'll tackle them one by one and started with my clothes last weekend, which went well.
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Post by ironchef » Wed Sep 24, 2014 12:51 pm

aspencer, giving myself permission to maintain already decluttered areas during the week has been great. It means my hotspots stay cleared up, and gets rid of the guilt that I should be doing some great strides.

Today I mostly did some urgent weeding in the garden - a horrid, spiky bush that we removed, but it keeps sprouting. If I don't nip it in the bud, it gets big and sharp enough to draw blood.

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Post by r.jean » Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:30 pm

Good job everyone. I did not do a lot on the backlog this week because I have been very busy with various events with family and friends. I have kept my house clean and uncluttered though because various people in town for the events have been in and out of my house all week. It felt good not to have to dash home and make a bed or clear the kitchen counter before people came by.

I also went through my closet and gave several nicer clothing items that are too big to a friend. Luckily we are all open to used articles.
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Post by aspencer27 » Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:37 pm

That's great, r.jean - I love having people over because it makes me get my house "nice enough" for company.

I haven't been doing that great on the maintenance, but I am getting back on track today!

For Habithacker... I'm on day 17. I haven't really been keeping up with it, but they knew that, so yesterday's thing was to get back on track with the routines. Perfect timing! So, today for maintenance is clearing the dining room table, clearing (except items I'm allowing myself to keep on it) the desk in the bedroom, and a 5 minute pickup around the house.

Another day I missed (well actually I think I was quite successful at it) is to ignore the house for a day - they let you do this every 15 days! They've also added decluttering once a week to the mix, so this weekend, I'll be on it.

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Post by eschano » Thu Sep 25, 2014 1:12 pm

r.jean wrote: I also went through my closet and gave several nicer clothing items that are too big to a friend. Luckily we are all open to used articles.
Yeah and how nice you have items that are too big! :D

aspencer: I like your program - especially as they have a built-in S day :)
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Post by Klutzy68 » Thu Sep 25, 2014 1:27 pm

Hi folks, I'm brand new and hope I can jump on your inspiring board! I live with constant clutter and am not very good at general housework either. However, my big issue right now is TAXES. I have a phobia about them for some reason. I hate doing them so much that I will actually do the dreaded housework to avoid them! Of course my extension runs out 10/15 so I can't delay any longer. To add to the misery, I have to do my mother's this year too as she died during 2013. She had several stocks and bonds that she handled herself rather than with a broker. Not only do I have no experience with this sort of thing,but she kept every receipt of every transaction (including things like electric bills) back to when she bought her house in the late 70's, I kid you not. Trying to work through these bags and bags of papers has been a total nightmare. I spent most of Monday working on it and then got sick, a kidney stone, not related I don't think! LOL Since April I have done a lot of bingeing and gained about 20 lbs around this issue. But now I am committing to finish what I need to do and get the info to my accountant by Friday afternoon. That way I can truly enjoy my S days! I did my Shovelglove, I ate my yummy, hearty No S breakfast, I entered "taxes" into my Habit-Cal. I can feel the anxiety building, which ALWAYS manifests as hunger, but I'm not giving in. I am off to the kitchen table pile!

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Post by Klutzy68 » Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:09 pm

SUCCESS!!!!! :D I finished my taxes and as far as I know I only have to sign the papers after the accountant gets them ready. HALLELUJAH!!!! Made dinner too. I am completely exhausted and had a beer before dinner. Don't know whether that means a No S failure or not, but I don't care.

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Post by r.jean » Fri Sep 26, 2014 4:00 am

I also hate taxes Klutzy!

I have managed to simplify my life and my taxes now that we are retired and have no children at home, but taxes were a nightmare for me for years.

A lot of this stress is due to a need to organize and put one's life in order. Good luck!

PS...a beer is not a failure
Last edited by r.jean on Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by aspencer27 » Fri Sep 26, 2014 12:03 pm

That's awesome, Klutzy! I use food to put things off, too. It is tough to face some of the bigger things that we know we need to get done.

I am trying to focus on one small thing a day - keeping two hotspots in the house clear each morning. On the weekends, I am going to focus on a larger 30 minute declutter session. I might break it into smaller 5 or 10 minute segments, we'll see. I find that giving myself permission to do just one small thing and quit gets more done than my large chaotic sessions followed by dreading that large task again...

This weekend I am going to post a few of the bigger things on Freecycle that hubby and I have talked about getting rid of for a while. We have a small rear projection TV that is really old and we haven't used it in probably over 10 years, but it is so heavy that I have avoided doing anything with it. I am hoping to find someone to pick it up in the next week or two - fingers crossed!

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Post by ironchef » Sat Sep 27, 2014 11:04 pm

It's great to get rid of some of the bigger stuff - makes a big, visible dent! My husband and I spoke last night about getting rid of our old BBQ. We were given a nearly new one by my brother-in-law when he moved house, but haven't got around to cleaning up and donating or selling the old one. mr. chef seems motivated to do that this week (he's got school holidays), so I'm really pleased.

I've also gone through my son's art and art supplies. We have way too much, and it is becoming clutter-y. We've picked out the best "drawings" from the past year to go to relatives and a few special ones to keep, and the rest has been recycled. It's actually nicer for him now, because his little creative space is clearer, so doing a NEW drawing is easier. It's easy to think that being organised is the opposite of being creative, but I actually think being organised can give you more space and time for creative activity, instead of being awash in a sea of trivial junk.

Not sure if I'll get anything done today (Sunday) as there is a lot of ironing and washing that needs doing.

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Post by osoniye » Sun Sep 28, 2014 6:49 am

ironchef wrote:It's easy to think that being organised is the opposite of being creative, but I actually think being organised can give you more space and time for creative activity, instead of being awash in a sea of trivial junk.
Ironchef, that is so well put!!
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Post by eschano » Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:22 am

I completely agree too!

Had a good decluttering weekend. Went to the tip and got rid of lots of things I didn't want anymore. It's great to get the things actually out of the house and sorted. Also, my boyfriend and I had a tidy up of the whole house in preparation of my friend coming on Friday. I do have some more things to do in my room this week but I feel confident I can do it.

I also started to knit a snood and am very intent on bringing my sewing machine down from the attic and start sewing again. It's exactly how you said iron: having all this cleared space now makes me want to do creative things.
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Post by aspencer27 » Mon Sep 29, 2014 4:46 pm

I also got rid of more stuff this weekend, it was great! Just a few items, but now I have some more storage space open. I'm trying to figure out what should go in there. I'm going to keep on top of my small hotspots during the week, and focus on bigger stuff on the weekend.

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Post by eschano » Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:54 am

Aspencer, it's so good to create some space. Just enjoy it for now!
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Post by ironchef » Wed Oct 01, 2014 1:46 am

Well done clearing out storage areas - it's easy to be "out of sight our of mind" with stuff that's behind a cupboard door.

My current aim with any storage area is to retain at least a little bit of blank space. Cupboards don't need to be full (*gasp* don't tell me mother I said that!), it's easier to see what's in there when it isn't full and there will always be new things coming into your home that you need to find a place for.

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Post by eschano » Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:44 am

Hear Hear ironchef!
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by aspencer27 » Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:12 pm

So true! I did this with our kitchen - pulling out things we rarely use and putting them in storage boxes on top of the cabinets, and that made a huge difference.

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Post by ironchef » Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:18 pm

Crazy week this week because I worked 3 days straight to make up for the Monday holiday (i.e. long weekend).

I have organised my dad to come over tomorrow to look at changing over these 2 BBQs. It's not as simple as I thought (it never is), as the old one works off a gas bottle and the new one has a hose attachment that is means for mains gas. Anyway, I'm hopeful that I can get at least one of these two BBQs out of my yard over this weekend!

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Post by eschano » Thu Oct 02, 2014 9:00 am

I hope it all works out ironchef.

I miss having gas-BBQs. Because it's not really BBQ weather in the UK most summers (although I can't complain about this one) we only have a coal one and depending on the wind that can be quite annoying.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by aspencer27 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:28 pm

That will be great to get rid of one of those. I'll be out of town this weekend, so I probably won't get anything done on the decluttering side, but I've gotten back on track with my daily pick-ups. Last night I had a lot of extra pick-ups to do... since I had fallen behind. Oh well, back on track!

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Post by ironchef » Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:11 pm

Well, we checked out the BBQ and it isn't just a matter of changing the hoses over, we need to get different jets as well. My husband is going to contact the manufacturer this week to work it out.

This is what bugs me about decluttering now we're on to the bigger / harder stuff. When it was just my own clothes, it was as simple as: 1. Decide I don't want to keep it, 2. Put it in a donation bag, 3. Take the bag to the Good Sammy's drop off. Now it seems like every item involves discussion, negotiation, research, trips to the hardware store...

Anyway, hope everyone else had a successful weekend :)

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Post by eschano » Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:34 pm

Sounds like hard work iron but I bet it will feel even better when those bigger things are done.

I had a good weekend: went through the freezer and the fridge, as well as the main cupboard and threw out all food that wasn't eatable anymore. The fridge is obviously a very regular thing but the freezer less so and least the cupboard. But it feels great to have a clean cupboard where everything is eatable. And knowing what we do have at home too.

At one stage I felt a bit overwhelmed yesterday as there is still so much to do. Nearly every room needs more attention. It's slow going but I always feel so much better afterwards.

So I took a bit of a break with a home-made cranberry scone and some tea and tackled the rest. Next week I'll tackle two more cupboards and the bookshelves in the living room.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by aspencer27 » Tue Oct 07, 2014 1:16 pm

For the bigger projects, figuring out the next steps and working through small things at a time is a success! You are one step closer to getting rid of that huge item!

I was out of town this weekend, but I helped my sister pick up her house a bit - I don't know why I am so motivated to help others but I just can't bring myself to do it at home. Ugh!

Tonight I need to get all of my stuff unpacked and put away (laundry/shoes/etc). That is my focus for today - I'm going to try the Habit Hacker plan of setting the alarm for two 11 min sessions and one 8 min break - work through that twice, then let myself be done for the day.

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Post by eschano » Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:29 am

It's way easier when you have someone to help you who is motivated. Your sister must have been delighted!
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by eschano » Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:41 am

The funniest thing happened: my boyfriend decluttered his wardrobe and everything under our bed!!! I was so happy and positively surprised :) Not sure if he's a natural declutterer or if my business with it has rubbed off but it was brilliant! That is a big junk done of my to-do-list (the bed not his wardrobe).
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Post by r.jean » Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:10 pm

It looks like everyone is doing great! It may take a long time but maybe we will all conquer the clutter issue eventually! I still have a long way to go.

On October 1 started tracking a few items daily on my computer notepad. Most of it is exercise, but I added decluttering and personal spending. I did not declutter every day, but in the first week, I managed to clean out 4 kitchen drawers, including a good sized junk drawer. I also went through the main food cabinet and took out and donated anything I doubted we would eat. I went through a stack of old file folders and got rid of the majority entirely. I also spent some time on clothes and donated 10 items. Looking at a whole week of effort at a time makes me realized there is progress.

Part of my problem with clothes is that I am hanging on to some expensive items that were barely worn. They are too big for me but in great condition. Has anyone ever tried consignment shops? I have given what I can to a friend, but there is a fair number of dresses and business clothing items left.
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Post by aspencer27 » Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:02 pm

That is awesome everyone!

R.jean, there are charities like Dress for Success that love to get business clothing donated. I highly recommend looking into that. Consignment shops should work pretty well, too. I've never used one, but there are definitely some long established ones, so they should be pretty easy to sell your clothes. But, I don't think the amount you get for the clothes is nearly what they are worth, it's better than nothing.

So, last night I was trying to convince myself that I didn't want to do anything around the house. I finally unpacked all of my stuff from the weekend and picked up a bit. Then, I decided to go ahead and re-organize the towels in the top of our small closet. I start pulling them down to re-fold and put back in stacks, but I realized that we have over 20 towels!!! That's just the bath towels. We live in a tiny Manhattan apartment and have had no more than 4 guests stay with us, so we do not need that many towels! I pulled out a bunch and will take them to the donation center. I also tossed an old bathmat that hadn't been used in over 6 years.

It's crazy how blind I am to this stuff... Although, I know my hubby would freak if I told him I was getting rid of this stuff - what he doesn't know won't hurt him! :lol:

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Post by r.jean » Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:13 pm

aspencer, we have a similar place here, and I did take some dressier items to them a couple months ago. It was just the really expensive stuff that I have hung onto. I was then able to give a few of the things to friends/relatives. I thought maybe I could let go of the final items easier if I even got enough for something special for myself, a massage or a lunch out, etc.

Honestly! I just need to donate them and get over it!
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Post by aspencer27 » Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:10 pm

I think the consignment shop followed by treating yourself is well deserved - you are doing so great with the decluttering! Or, if donating is quicker and easier, then just get it done. Good luck!

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Post by ironchef » Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:30 am

Expensive clothes are the hardest for me. I've given a lot to friends and family, and I've found a few great charities - for example I donated some very expensive formal dresses to a charity that holds school balls for kids who normally wouldn't get the chance, due to homelessness and/or poverty. However, sometimes, I've just had to donate them to the Good Sammy. Part of it is just letting the money go - holding on to the clothes I don't wear does not get me that money back. I felt like I had to forgive myself for "wasting" the money and let it go.

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Post by eschano » Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:48 am

Wait. R.jean - your clothes are too big though, right? Why not get them fitted? I understand that means spending a bit of money but it might be well spent.

The clothes I had to let go were too small so not much luck there.
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Post by r.jean » Fri Oct 10, 2014 12:58 pm

Altering is an option eschano, and I have actually altered a couple of the easier items myself. However, I would need a professional for the items I have left and I have let them sit due to my indecision. I am retired now as well and do not need as many clothes.

SOOO.....I finally have a plan. I was talking to a friend with a similar issue yesterday. She was cleaning out her closet and planning a trip to the specialty donation shop for better women's apparel today. We arranged to go out to lunch, and she said she would take whatever I could part with to the donation shop for me. I have collected 22 items and have them ready to go. I kept five items that I will probably have altered.

I have gotten through all my clothes now and still have a tremendous amount of clothing. They are very organized and are thinned out, but still a lot! I am now trying a method recommended by a friend. Everything I wear is being placed in the closet in a spare bedroom after it is laundered. By the end of a year, everything left in the main closet needs serious consideration for donation. My friend just moved everything to one side, but I am blessed with ample closet space so I am just using a separate closet.
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Post by aspencer27 » Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:58 pm

Great job! I feel like going through clothes is a constant battle that never ends... I am doing my hangers backward and forward (once I wear them). I am trying it with my hubby's stuff, too - he just doesn't know yet :lol: Come February, I'll pull out a couple of things and tell him that he hasn't worn them in the last year to see if he wants to keep them. A little bit at a time!

I am also trying this with his shirts - he has sooooo many casual t-shirts, and he only wears them on Saturday and Sunday (and only sometimes) and he has them in 3 drawers and on top of the dresser! Seriously! I started at the beginning of this month keeping all of the t-shirts that he wears on top of the dresser, so I'll see if he'll get rid of whatever is left in the drawers next October. We'll see how this works out.

I am going to go through my dresser this weekend and get rid of some more stuff. My drawers are not stuffed anymore, but there is definitely too much. I would like to consolidate some items I have in a plastic set of drawers, and then get rid of those. It'll take a few rounds, I think, but that is my long term goal with my clothes.

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Post by r.jean » Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:47 am

T shirt quilts are wonderful solutions for excess T shirts. I started making them back when my kids had so many T shirts from sports, vacations, etc. I have also made sweatshirt quilts, but they are pretty heavy.
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Post by ironchef » Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:02 pm

My husband's T-shirt drawers are like an archaeological dig - as you go through the layers, you move back in time until you uncover club T-shirts from our distant college past. Every 4 or 5 years I try my hardest to get him to cull a few :)

I had a good run today - got rid of a bunch of loan paperwork that we don't need anymore now that we've FINALLY finished changing over banks and loans. I also cleared 2 kitchen shelves and the area above the microwave. Although only a few things hit the trash or recycling, at least everything is now back where it should be and the shelves are properly cleaned. It makes everything much easier to see / find.

ETA: And decluttered a bit in the study (more maintenance than anything new) and did some d*mn ironing that had been sitting for a while. I hate ironing. It is my least favourite household chore.

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Post by aspencer27 » Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:25 pm

Did some more of the maintenance this morning. I didn't get anything done this weekend, ugh! Oh well. My parents are visiting this weekend, so I'll get back to work the following weekend!

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Post by aspencer27 » Thu Oct 16, 2014 3:20 pm

So, for my parents' visit, everything is picked up at least. Still a long way to go with the decluttering, but it's good enough for now. I intentionally decided to not do any decluttering last night since I didn't want to start a project before they got in town.

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Post by ironchef » Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:22 pm

Nice work aspencer - maintaining what you've already cleared is half the battle I think.

I've been pretty slack on decluttering lately. My tiredness and queasiness has meant that I'm getting to the evenings ready to just collapse. Also, we're in the process of closing down all our accounts with our old bank (Citibank) after we moved all our loans, and we've found that they made errors in their online interface for the credit card account, so that we've been carrying balances forward even though it looked online as if I had zeroed the account. We're leaving Citibank precisely because of ongoing errors in the online banking, but this one really takes the cake. It means we've been paying 20.99% interest on a several thousand dollar balance without any way to know! So, I'm going through the formal complaints / challenge / government Ombudsman process at the moment, and when I do have any spare energy for boring tasks, I've felt that I should focus on that, rather than decluttering.

In good news, now that I'm actually pregnant my husband is far more interested in "where are we going to put this second child?", which has been one of my main motivations all along! Last night we discussed what still needs to happen in the study (which will become the nursery) and he's keen to help. This is important, as most of the stuff that's still left to sort out in there is his - sports stuff, old trophies, study references.

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Post by eschano » Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:16 am

Well done aspencer!

Ironchef, I can't believe Citibank did this to you! That is horrendous. I hope you get all the money back. That would be a nice start. Also, I believe it counts as decluttering. For me decluttering really is about simplifying - in and out of the house. And moving loans and dealing with complaints is proactive simplification. Well done!!

Also delighted that your husband is on board with everything! That will help loads.

My mum is currently visiting and so pre-visit I managed to do a cupboard that really needed re-sorting and cleaning. Small steps but constant. Every time I open the cupboard I'm delighted now. Only a few to go, haha.
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Post by ironchef » Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:34 am

Yeah, it is pretty insane. I've told them I'm of course happy to pay for the goods and services we've bought on this card, but I strongly resent paying interest that I would never have accrued if I had known about it (and if their system had remained the same as it was the previous 6 years). We'll see what they say. At least by going through the formal process something will be on the record, as previous emails and phone calls have received zero response from them. Like, not even an automated "thanks for your feedback, your reference number is blah" type response. I've been truly surprised with how hopeless a large international bank can be - I really did expect better.

Declutter-wise, have been very hopeless lately. I'm keeping the already cleared areas clean, but no new sections at present. Hope everyone else is doing a bit better.

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Post by eschano » Mon Oct 27, 2014 2:17 pm

It's always good to get it on record!

And declutter wise - maybe whenever you get to it is good enough for now :)
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Post by eschano » Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:38 am

Hey guys, how's it going?

I'm slowly but surely slaving away at decluttering little things. I don't manage a massive load but little things here and there. I don't properly track either. I just notice that the house is getting a bit easier to manage. There is still a good amount to do, most of it really, but I'm quite relaxed about it.

I was out this weekend so did nothing - not even my normal duties - but am confident it will pick up :)
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Post by MerryKat » Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:57 am

Great reading filled with interesting tips.

Both hubby and I are hoarders and will quite easily keep everything that comes into the house. Over the last few years we have slowly started clearing out but still have masses of stuff that we will never use some of which has sentimental value.

We are busy with a massive home renovation which has meant that the entrance hall, dining room, passage and family room have had to be emptied of furniture and all stuff. All of this is now packed in the lounge and bedrooms.

Our plan is that as we put furniture back we will sort through the stuff going in the cupboards and only put back what we love and need. All the sentimental & unneeded stuff is going!!
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Post by ironchef » Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:32 am

Welcome MerryKat! The more the Merry-er (ack, pun!). Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate with such a big reno.

I am FINALLY back into some kind of order after several weeks of illness, tiredness and badmoodedness (shaddup, it's a word - don't make me more badmooded). I am still sick, but seem to be getting past the worst of the tiredness. The last couple of nights I've made a few small steps - working through the backlog of ironing, re-clearing the key "hotspots" in the house that tend to attract clutter.

Tonight and over the weekend I'm hoping to tackle a bit of low hanging fruit - getting my son's summer clothes out and getting rid of those he's outgrown.

One thing about being pregnant with our second child is that we definitely don't want more than 2, so all the crap I've kept from #1 "just in case" will hopefully not have to be kept too much longer before someone uses it, and then it can go. This makes me feel a lot more positive, having some kind of "light at the end of the tunnel", rather than just storing boxes of random kid stuff (and maternity gear, ugh!) for "someday".

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Post by ironchef » Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:55 pm

Spent some time over the weekend sorting things in my son's room and boxing up stuff that will go or will be for the new baby. Really nice to be back in the swing again.

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Post by eschano » Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:33 pm

Yay! I am the same. After a few weeks of letting the clutter build up, I finally went through most of it. I didn't get to do any deep decluttering but maintenance is back in place. So yay us!
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Post by r.jean » Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:41 pm

Reading the recent posts, it is clear that clutter is a constant battle (but one we will conquer)!

The week after vacation, we managed to clear out two antiquated pieces of exercise equipment and an old chest. Yeah! I have also been working on some boxes of memorabilia and pictures.
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Post by ironchef » Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:26 am

I'm back on the wagon with decluttering after 1st trimester followed by the holiday season.

We had an awesome day on the 2nd, with my husband helping me clear our entire garage storage shed, clean it of dust and spiders, and then make decisions about our stuff and only put back what we actually want to keep. It was fantastic. We've put a big pile of rubbish out, and taken a heap of stuff to donate. And big stuff - car boot covers, baby baths and stands, doors off old cupboards, baby bicycle seats. I'm just so, so pleased. This also made room for long term storage of a few things that have been hanging about in the house, waiting for a spot in the storage space.

I've also gotten the desk moved out of the study, soon to be nursery, so I can now work on setting that room up for a baby (one box at a time to go through).

Getting the big furniture items moved and sorted through with my husband was such a relief, as now I can go back to "slow and steady" and get things done with 5 or 15 minutes here and there. But a storage shed clean out of large items that don't all belong to me really can't be done in baby steps.

Hope everyone else had a good holiday and a happy New Year.

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Post by eschano » Tue Jan 06, 2015 12:32 pm

What a brilliant start into the new year!

I also had my fiancé go through his clothes and we went to the tip with all kinds of electrical appliances that don't work anymore. Plus, we had some mould (yuck) in some of the rooms and I got rid of all of it (bless industrial mould sprays). I also went through my room and got rid of lots of old receipts and silly things.

We got a slow cooker and a Panini maker for Christmas and love them. The slow cooker unfortunately doesn't come with a timer so we only use it on the weekend but it's still great. So in a way we have more stuff in the kitchen but at least all is working and used on a regular basis. Not like the dead appliances that were there before.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with the progress and quite inspired by this start to keep doing more.
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Post by ironchef » Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:26 pm

Nice work eschano! To me part of the reason to declutter is to make room for stuff that is useful and/or loved, so clearing junk to make room for a slow cooker fits the bill.

I spent about 5 hours last night at my mother's house going through her study together. She is finally feeling ready to tackle the photographs and keepsakes we've had since her mother (my grandmother) and older sister (my aunt) died. These boxes of things from others have meant her study doesn't function as a work room, or a sewing room the way it used to. I'm so pleased. And it didn't turn out to be that hard, as a lot of the stuff she thought would be really sad and sentimental turned out to just be junk (e.g. postcards with nothing written on), so we could just recycle or donate with no regrets.

Tonight I'm off to tackle a box in the study / nursery! Yay!

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Post by ironchef » Thu Jan 08, 2015 10:38 pm

The past two nights I've unpacked and culled a few baby clothes and toys in the new nursery. Really pleased with the progress.
Also, my husband came in last night and helped, and said "it makes it seem real now that there will be a baby soon". This is so good to hear, as I know he'll be more willing to declutter and reorganise now.

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Post by eschano » Fri Jan 09, 2015 9:36 am

Lots of progress for you ironchef. And I love the fact that you are spreading the decluttering not only to your husband but to your mum!

There are lots of social studies about how one can even influence friends of friends. Sounds good to me - we can get the world to declutter :)
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Post by r.jean » Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:40 pm

Good to see the decluttering effort is still active! I have been working on it here and there, but it is a constant battle. After 27 years in the same home, it is too easy to just stuff things away. We have lots of closets and storage places and a house to ourselves that used to hold five if us. However, the decluttering is happening slowly just like the No S Journey. I started the decluttering effort 2 years ago when I retired, and I can see progress. Yet, boxes and boxes of pictures and other memories are still there along with other things I thought were worth saving. I have made great progress on clothes and old paperwork, but I do need to organize the paperwork I kept and the current stuff.
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Post by ironchef » Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:13 pm

I agree it is a constant effort, but I can definitely see some big improvements lately, now that I have energy back :)

Yesterday I did more unpacking / sorting of boxes in the nursery. We've picked out a few baby clothes to donate, and mr. chef helped me move some heavier stuff to long term storage in Ironbaby's room (luggage). We got the cutest photo of Ironbaby pretending to sleep in his old bassinett with his feet hanging over the end :)

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Post by eschano » Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:17 am

Lol ironchef! Those are very special memories.

I also had a great decluttering weekend. We had all kind of things under one of the beds and I went through all of it and threw lots away and then I cleaned under the bed properly, which was well overdue.

The day to day decluttering is a bit boring to me but I do it because I know it's better. Those bigger decluttering days are the ones that keep me motivated as I love feeling the accomplishment afterwards. I know! A bit sad but true. When a big part of the house is decluttered I feel relieved.
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Post by ironchef » Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:38 am

Absolutely agree that the big days / clean outs are more exciting, but it's the daily maintenance that actually makes a home nice to live in. Dull, but true. Perhaps a bit like the difference between dropping 5 kilos in a week doing low carb, compared to the slow and steady No S?

We're still working away on the nursery. I've finally gotten my house back in order sufficiently that I've gotten back to work on my quilt. Really please by that.

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Post by eschano » Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:24 am

Hahahaha! I love the comparison of big clean outs vs maintenance days to crash vs sustainable diets!

Also, am very impressed you're making a quilt.
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Post by ironchef » Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:03 pm

Unpacked the final box in the nursery - yay! There are still few things left in there from when it was a study, but definitely taking shape. Really excited.

Yeah, the quilt. It's a nice antidote to my engineering day job. I've only ever made one before, because I don't have a sewing machine and doing the whole lot by hand takes a loooong time. Plus I've never sewn or quilted before, so I taught myself out of books. This new one is for my sister and her husband, and the inspiration is a book I read some time ago which had imagery of "an infinite field of flowers". The central applique is a lily picked out in different creams and golds, on a blue background. The patches and sashing are all Liberty cottons, some with flowers, some plain, and some peacock feather. I'm really excited that it will be beautiful when finished, but it may be years ;)

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Post by ironchef » Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:39 am

Spent the weekend at my mother's house and at the beach, so didn't get anything done at home. However, did get in two good sessions at my mum's, so now you can see her desk! She just has SO MUCH STUFF packed into one room, so it takes a long time. But definitely can see an improvement :)

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Post by eschano » Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:34 am

Well done Ironchef! I love that you are spreading the good work. She'll be so happy to use it as a workspace again. And the quilt idea sounds great. I love a bit of DIY.

This weekend I did nothing in terms of bringing out things. I did, however, do some DIY for the wedding. I wrote our initials with glue gun on vases and tried to spray paint them gold (I'm still searching for the right gold). The look amazing and it was much easier than I thought.
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Post by eschano » Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:07 am

I've done the tiniest amount of decluttering this weekend - so little in fact that I nearly didn't want to post. The reason I do is because I am set to letting myself celebrate ALL successes, even the little ones for now.
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Post by ironchef » Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:46 am

Way to go eschano - it's the small consistent efforts that will get you there in the end :)

We had a really packed Australia Day long weekend, so I didn't get much done, but I did declutter two shelves that really needed it. In the process I found several concert tickets and noted the dates on our calendar. Some of them are coming up FAST, so it was great that I got this organised now.

Tonight I'm going to be making a special dinner for my husband's birthday, but I want to commit now to doing 5 minutes before bed. I know I'll be "too tired", but if I just set a timer for 5 minutes something will get done / recycled / sorted and that's better than nothing.

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Post by eschano » Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:13 am

Some forced decluttering today as my friend is coming to visit and I have to get the room done after work ;) It's probably a good thing for me!
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Post by ironchef » Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:01 am

:lol: eschano! mr chef and I joke that we need to have parties to make us clean the house :)

I'm still trucking along doing a little something every day (either cleaning or decluttering). I've re-started the FlyLady zones, just to make sure that I spend equal time in different areas instead of all my time on the easy stuff that I like.

My mum is doing great with her office. I'll be down there Wed night to give her some help again.

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Post by eschano » Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:19 pm

Lol ironchef! This is very true for us too!

I've heard so much about flyLady now that I'm going to check it out.
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Post by ironchef » Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:19 am

I'm someone who kind of "cherry picks" FlyLady. Her ideas about getting into routines, doing things in baby steps and giving yourself a pattern for moving around your home are great.

I tend to skip over the advertising for her signature cleaning tools and so on, which is a bit offputting - should a declutter site really be selling more clutter? She also writes a lot of her stuff as if everyone was a SAHM and as if everyone lives in North America / USA, which is understandable given that I'm sure that's the majority of her audience.

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Post by eschano » Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:20 am

Thanks iron for explaining!
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Post by r.jean » Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:18 pm

I just spent 5 weeks living in an 8 x 23 foot camper with my husband and a new puppy. Clutter control was essential because of the small space and because the puppy chewed everything that was left within her reach. I definitely learned that I can exist with far fewer belongings around me.

I am home now with a renewed commitment to organize and reduce, reduce, reduce! I do not need to keep all of this stuff!
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Post by eschano » Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:50 pm

Sounds like a brilliant but tough experience!

I did some decluttering this weekend. It was digital decluttering. My fiancé and I organised our film collection (all digital) and got rid of anything that wasn't worth keeping. Feels just as freeing as physical decluttering.
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Post by eschano » Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:47 am

Some decluttering this weekend. I did maintenance in the guest room/my dressing room and stumbles over two smashed lampshades buried in a box, which are now downstairs to be brought to the tip on Saturday. Small steps.
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Post by r.jean » Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:11 pm

Small steps are so important! The big closet clean outs make me feel good but are useless without the small steps. Right now my focus is picking up every time I walk through a room. DH never hangs up his coat so I do. We both tend to drop things on the kitchen island as we enter the house rather than put them away. I am trying to keep the island free of clutter. Puppy Is still in the chew everything stage so she is a great motivator to keep things put away.

One thing I used to do when the kids were still at home was clean or prep for the next day during TV commercials. Before the days of recording everything and fast forwarding through commercials, I would dash around and do chores. I would continue the work in front of the TV. For example, i would cycle laundry during a commercial and fold in front of the TV. I would also fix lunches for the next day or set out clothes. Mending or crocheting was always done during TV time. I am trying to reinstate this habit. It helps break up couch time as well as keeping everything neater.

PS I really need to do digital decluttering too but that seems to come up last. I need to figure out a way to do that in small steps because it is an overwhelming task for me.
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Post by NoelFigart » Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:02 pm

If you have a smartphone and Naughty Words are not a problem for you, I rather recommend the UnF**k Your Habitat apps.

Like FlyLady, it's decluttering focused on habit development, which I think we're all into here, and has some other things thrown in. As you might imagine, it's not nearly as twee as FlyLady.
My blog I talk about being a freelance writer, working out and cooking mostly. The language is not always drawing room fashion. Just sayin'.

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Post by eschano » Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:48 am

Lol Noel!! I will check that app out.

Jean, I miss TV commercials too! Especially to get a cup of tea. It's a brilliant idea to pick something up every time you go into a room.
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Post by r.jean » Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:14 pm

I am really struggling with all the paper. Between taxes and bills and warranty paperwork and receipts for big items and pictures/memories and so on, it is overwhelming. I have file folders but never sem to file. I have an in box that never gets emptied. I have the skills to keep this organized because I kept so much more than this organized while raising a family and working full time.

Motivation to reestablish good habits for the paper is lacking, but I need to start! I am thinking a half hour a day devoted to paper would evenyually get me organized. Starting today!
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Post by ironchef » Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:35 am

Good luck jean. I find with paper clutter it always seems like it will take more time than it actually does - I think you'll find 1/2 hour each day gets you there very quickly.

Also, question at every step whether you actually need to keep paper. Lots of catalogs, manuals and instructions are available online these days, and you can change most of your billing and receipts to electronic versions.

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Post by ironchef » Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:32 am

Just a quick check in to say thanks Noel for the link to UFYH. I love that it's all sorts of people - with kids, jobs, room mates, etc, rather than all geared to SAHMs. And somehow just having a little voice in my head that says "c'mon, just 20 mins unf*ing will make tomorrow much more awesome" seems to work, where the FlyLady "bless your home" mantra never really stuck.

Guess I'm even less of a lady that I thought :)

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Post by eschano » Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:41 am

Oh I get the paper clutter!

I cannot wait to get my room back! Currently it's full of wedding decorations. I can't wait to use the decorations and then, a day later, to keep one of each and donate the rest! Someone who cannot afford them should have them.

Once I get my room back I'll also do the wardrobe change from winter to summer and am super excited about it. I'll do it the proper way to create a capsule wardrobe so I can get rid of superfluous things. So looking forward to this!

This weekend will be full of DIY and getting rid or used-up materials.
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Post by eschano » Mon May 11, 2015 2:25 pm

I completely and utterly look forward to this weekend: I will be decluttering my closet to go down by quite a lot. Project 333 inspired. Cannot wait!!!
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Post by eschano » Thu May 14, 2015 9:22 am

One decluttering thing down: went through all the wedding cards we got and put them in an excel sheet (a comment of what they said, the gift, etc.) so we're good to go with the thank you cards.
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Post by r.jean » Thu May 14, 2015 10:32 pm

You are just so organized. I just keep moving my piles around. I get started and make some progress and then get distracted and just end up with piles. I try to at least deal with the current stuff first and then the backlog so eventually I will get there.
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Post by eschano » Fri May 15, 2015 8:49 am

Haha Jean, nope, don't think people have called me organised ever. Ask my husband. He is organised and he thinks my room is a cave where things go in and never go out!

But I've got to start somewhere and the wedding stuff HAS to go. I have no room. :)
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

July 2012- January 2016
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Post by eschano » Mon May 18, 2015 9:45 am

I was happy with my weekend decluttering.

Some things I didn't do: get the wedding dress and suit cleaned, deal with the cards, finish my room.

Things I did do: Go through all our kitchen cabinets and ruthlessly get rid of things that are off or have been there unused for a very long time. (Who really needs 10 different kinds of sugar unless they're super bakers, which we're not?)

We did a lot of washing and a lot of wedding stuff sorting so it can go to charity next weekend.

Quite happy with it all.

I am really in the groove at the moment. I just want to make space for our lives. There's so much to do but I reminded myself yesterday that I have to start somewhere and not get overwhelmed by the prospect of doing the whole house at once.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

July 2012- January 2016
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Post by eschano » Tue May 26, 2015 1:28 pm

Hmmm, it seems that I'm the only one posting here - I hope I'm not boring others too much!

I got rid of quite a few things this weekend - most wedding related things. I haven't gotten rid yet of the mattress nor have I brought the suit and wedding dress to be cleaned but otherwise, our house is in a much better state again, which makes me incredibly happy. It's like my mood has lifted. Weird how much a clean house can affect me that way. I will continue to declutter until we're down to the essentials (in my sense - I'm not becoming a minimalist anytime soon but I do want to have a clean house where everything has a place and a use - even if just to be pretty).
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

July 2012- January 2016
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Post by kccc » Sat May 30, 2015 11:05 am

Just saw this thread, and think I may chime in on it for a bit. I need a few rounds of decluttering in areas, and motivation would help.

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Post by oolala53 » Sat May 30, 2015 2:49 pm

I never saw this! I've got a cold today and also have to get ready to drive a couple of hours for a wedding, so I doubt I'll declutter today. I might just lurk or whine for a bit, until the school year is over in a week. I've been getting the Flylady newsletter for years and have adopted a few habits- NOT shining my sink, though! I've wished she had some kind of forum like No S to back up the effort. Maybe this will do it.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by eschano » Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:10 pm

Yay!! Some company :)

I love decluttering! I mean, I'm not obsessed and there is still a long way to go with our house. I don't like wastage either so what we use we keep, what we don't use we donate and what isn't in any condition to be used or lost its usefulness is chucked.

I think it was Oolala who made me look into the minimalists before. I like them. is probably a bit closer to what I do as it is moderate but I like the more extremes too - in principle.

Yesterday I did our towels and bedding and also the space on top of the kitchen cupboards. I'm glad I did that one! Yuck!
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

July 2012- January 2016
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Location: San Diego, CA USA

Post by oolala53 » Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:20 pm

The Minimalists are coming to San Diego for a talk. I saw them once before but grossly underestimated the interest, so I was too far away. Actually, they were in a bookstore and there were so many attending that I was outside the door trying to peek in.

I guess those guys don't do a lot of entertaining, but then again, neither do I. But I keep thinking I will, so I keep dishes. Will I ever use my mother's china? Don't have to decide today.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by eschano » Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:35 am

Lol Oolala! I think on becomingminimalist the guy (Jonathan?) says that he started using the good china for himself and I like the idea :)

So cool that you might get to see them. Let me know how it goes please.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

July 2012- January 2016
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Location: San Diego, CA USA

Post by oolala53 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 2:13 pm

I might bring in a dish or two to try out. I actually think I like my daily dishes better for daily use-more colorful-, but I do like the look of a table set with the china. Besides, I already have a lot of place settings of it.

I wonder if someone can make a picture of a set table into a tablecloth. Then I could cover that with clear plastic and put the food straight onto the plastic covering the PICTURES of the plates! I might be onto something.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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