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Post by owendell » Mon Nov 30, 2015 6:53 pm

Anyone come up with or have any ideas on how to get oneself to regularly fast (go without food and water for 24 hours).

For me it's a spiritual imperative to regular fast but I have the hardest time actually getting myself to do it. I believe there are physical and eternal benefits to it, and yet the pain of going without food and water understandably makes me continuously put it off.

I can get myself to do it when others are fasting, like on Day of Atonement, or when my husband does -- but to just decide to do for myself and actually follow through is the issue for me. Any advice, tips, hints, from you would be greatly appreciated.

I'm looking to find a way to make it a regular part of my life. Weekly seems to much and monthly too little (if I miss a month it's really 60 days between fastings).

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Post by MamieTamar » Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:01 pm

Hi, Owendale.

I recently had experience with intermittent fasting. I know, this is not the fasting you are talking about, because it allows not only water but any non-caloric drinks, including tea or coffee. I am quite aware of what you are talking about, but this maybe a way to ease into it.

For health reasons, my husband undertook IF somewhat like a year ago. In essence, he chose skipping dinner 2 to 3 times a week. I wanted to fast along with him, but found that I absolutely could not do it his way, since not eating at night totally prevented me from sleeping. After some trial and error, I ended up skipping breakfast every day except Shabbath.

This means for me a 16-hour fast, which is not so terrible. I usually get hungry around 10 a.m., but as we have lunch at 12, I can survive it. I had to tough it out for about a week or two, and now, it has become the easiest thing in the world, you really do get used to it.

I suggest you start the easy way, short fasts that allow drinks. Then you can very progressively lengthen the fasting time, and lastly reduce the drinks, also progressively. It will take time, but you should be able to do it.
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Intermittent Fasting

Post by friscobob » Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:27 pm

Intermittent fasting is great, just skip breakfast, and eat your normal lunch and dinner. In the beginning skipping breakfast might be tough, but in a couple of weeks you won't miss it. You can have coffee or tea, which helps hold you until lunch.
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:07 pm

So far, every variation of IF I've done has led to overeating later, and not just the small amount touted in the literature. I'm still recovering from some experimentation this year, though I am using a short modified fast a few times a year for health reasons.

But if it's for spiritual purposes, that may be sidestepped. In fact, no matter what you do, if your motivation is extremely strong, that is, if you'r convinced the habit will get you something you really want that you can't get any other way, it will happen.

To be honest, I'm glad you're posting this here rather than on the NO S side of things.

There are many facebook groups and other sites for fasting that you might find supportive with much better experience than I've had. (But I"m on another site that has several teams devoted to it and even there, many people struggle.)
Last edited by oolala53 on Fri Dec 02, 2016 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fasting

Post by litkovski » Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:11 pm

owendell wrote:Anyone come up with or have any ideas on how to get oneself to regularly fast (go without food and water for 24 hours).

For me it's a spiritual imperative to regular fast but I have the hardest time actually getting myself to do it. I believe there are physical and eternal benefits to it, and yet the pain of going without food and water understandably makes me continuously put it off.

I can get myself to do it when others are fasting, like on Day of Atonement, or when my husband does -- but to just decide to do for myself and actually follow through is the issue for me. Any advice, tips, hints, from you would be greatly appreciated.

I'm looking to find a way to make it a regular part of my life. Weekly seems to much and monthly too little (if I miss a month it's really 60 days between fastings).
Hi , Fasting is really interesting thing , I my longest fast was 21 days , I do not advice to do it without preparation. It is proved that it gives a very good effect .

The idea is to change your way of feeling without food , from I cant tolerate it to I like the way it feels, when you are light , fresh , energetic . etc.

So it might be a good idea to start fasting , gradualy.
Like once a week , first without eating heavy foods, then only be drinking some juices , next stage is only water and then completely without foo d a nd water.

SO in month perspective that might look like - every saturday ,
no heavy food 1
no food , drinking juices
no food drinking water
no food no water

And this days have to be very interesting with a lot of activities , and engagement , to make yourself positively engaged in some activities that bring you enjoyment!

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