Timebox Lord Podcast Dec. 8, 2020

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Timebox Lord Podcast Dec. 8, 2020

Post by MD » Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:26 am

Loved the new podcast!
It's an intriguing idea: timebox not only tasks and also timebox prioritization.
Very Meta!
It challenged my preconceptions when you challenged the conventional wisdom to "Just do it" for tasks that take under two minutes time to accomplish.
It got me thinking: thanks! - MD

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Re: Timebox Lord Podcast Dec. 8, 2020

Post by reinhard » Sat Dec 12, 2020 1:20 pm

Glad you liked it! Thanks for letting me know.

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Re: Timebox Lord Podcast Dec. 8, 2020

Post by NoSDoc » Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:50 pm

Dear Reinhard,

thanks for this wonderful Podcast. Expanding the Idea of scheduling a time to a task which works so well for shovelglove is another really helpful advice "for real life people" dealing with a job, kids and all the demands of a modern life.
May I ask a question here: would you attack "learning/reading" the same way? I am a medical doctor, need to read and learn regularly to keep updated. And I really struggle with this issue - making the time for it is always a fight. I somehow feel that there may be an answer. Do you have personal experience with that? A "study habit Podcast" would be my great wish for 2021 if I may ask for such a thing :-))

Yours, from Germany, still following the No S Diet, Shovelglove and many more systems


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Re: Timebox Lord Podcast Dec. 8, 2020

Post by reinhard » Sun Jan 03, 2021 1:11 pm

Hi Stefan,

Sorry I didn't see your post till now. Glad you liked the episode and thank you for letting me know. Yes, a "study habit" episode is on the agenda for 2021!


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