Podcast #59: The Study Habit

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Podcast #59: The Study Habit

Post by reinhard » Mon Oct 04, 2021 2:06 pm

This is one I've been trying to collect my thoughts on for years -- hope it resonates.

Tite: The Study Habit
Description: How to go from 'study=cramming' to making learning a lifelong habit


(wasn't able to cram it all into one episode, unfortunately.)

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Re: Podcast #59: The Study Habit

Post by NoSDoc » Sat Oct 09, 2021 1:04 pm

Hi Reinhard!

having studied Medicine I can only agree with all you said - cramming is a big part of what I did... Looking forward to part two of the Study Habit!

BUT: Do you use the name: Study Habit? Is there a more "comic" name - sounds so serious in comparison with your other "Habit Branding" Names...

Yours from Germany


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Re: Podcast #59: The Study Habit

Post by reinhard » Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:33 pm


I'm glad you got something out of it. I think it was emails with you over the years that finally convinced me to do this episode.

You are right! It is lacking in comic pragmatism.

I'll see what I can do about that... possibly not so much in the next "behavior" episode, but maybe as a v2.

Thank you again for your encouragement (and feedback!)


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Re: Podcast #59: The Study Habit

Post by reinhard » Tue Nov 16, 2021 8:51 pm

I just posted the follow up episode.

Still not so strong on "comic pragmatism" for an everyday system but I think there are at least a couple funny bits in it?


Hope you like in Stefan! (but don't hold back if it's not what you were hoping for).

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Re: Podcast #59: The Study Habit

Post by NoSDoc » Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:52 pm

Hi Reinhard!

Thank you very much for this episode! I already listened to it twice - there is so much good advice in it. I especially like those different layers / types of learning you mentioned!
Over the last years I came up with a similar systems that works for me, mostly inspired by podcasts from you:
1) When I walk to work (about 12 minutes) I listen to medical podcasts. Audiodidact. This I do whenever I walk to work, be it a weekday or a weekend day. On days without work I listen to different stuff.
2) I picked up Anki after listening to a "State of the System" podcast from you some years ago. It has become a daily routine to go through the cards, also on the weekends. This is such a great tool - I totally love Anki! I really have become a better doctor because of that. I did not always create my cards during dedicated study time, so some of them are quite "basic". Will work on that...
3) Once a week I take 45 Minutes of Dedicated Study Time. This I started after listening to TimeBoxLord. Before it was more random. I experimented a bit with different time lengths. But in order to dig deep enough into a topic I need some time - with less than 45' I can't really cover one topic. And as 45' is quite something (next to work, 3-year-old daughter etc.) I only committed to doing it once a week.
4) some reading as "opportunistic learning" whenever there is time.

Time-wise: how long do you make your daily sessions of dedicated study? Do you vary or is it a fixed time like the 14 Minutes for Shovelglove?

And yes: will have to find a comic pragmatism name, but I guess we are not in a rush...

So again - thanks for taking the time and posting your ideas! For me this is so helpful!

Yours, from Germany


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Re: Podcast #59: The Study Habit

Post by reinhard » Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:27 pm

I'm so glad it's resonated with you, Stefan, and the other related systems! And that you're managing to fit the Study Habit into your life.

During the week, my dedicated study blocks are pitifully short. 14 minutes (surprise, surprise) is my standard but sometime in a pinch I'll do a mere 7. I try, no matter how frazzled and rushed the morning to do a "token" study block to keep the habit muscle from atrophying.

Seven or even fourteen minutes sounds like nothing, but I'm surprised at how I've trained myself to switch my attention to the brief task at hand, how much I enjoy and am transported out of my mundane worries by it, and how frequently even the tiniest session will bring "eureka time" later in the day.

That's my morning pre-work study session. I'd love to make them longer but there's just too much competition for those morning minutes (shovelglove, creative projects, morning reflection and spiritual exercises, shuffling the kids out of the house, tidying up the disaster in their wake). I'm sure a longer session would be even better, but I just can't see how to squeeze in more than 14 minutes regularly.

Work related study sessions I can squeeze in later during the day. And I try to do those first thing, when my work day starts, but it's not always possible. Also usually just 14 minutes at a time is all I can manage without excessive fear that I'm neglecting other tasks.

On weekends, Study is pure enjoyment. I can ofter squeeze in a longer session on Sundays ("Studious Sundays"). Rarely will I make it to something like 45 minutes before a child or household chore starts demanding my attention, but sometimes I get close. I haven't bothered to time these longer Sunday sessions, but am considering it.

Thanks again for posting here! I really appreciate your encouragment.

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