Podcast #69: Shovelglove Recovery

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Podcast #69: Shovelglove Recovery

Post by reinhard » Thu Sep 22, 2022 12:39 am

After 20 years of swinging my sledgehammer injury-free, I discovered that that even Shovelglove can cause or at least be impacted by injury. How Shovelglove principles like "schedulalistically insignificant time "and "maintenance is more important that progress" have been key to my recovery.


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Re: Podcast #69: Shovelglove Recovery

Post by NoSDoc » Thu Sep 22, 2022 5:34 pm

Sehr gerne, Reinhard! ;-)

Thank you for this very helpful episode. There is not much to add - your systematic approach to recovery is clearly one I would recommend. Not only as a doctor but also from personal experience.

I suffer from a similar condition - a tennis elbow. I have had a tennis elbow 3 times over the last 10 years. It alway started when I did some fancy Push-Up / Pull-Up challenges maxing out in my repetitions day after day without sufficient rest inbetween.

I think most crucial is keeping the 14 Minutes sacred - I did the same. And filled them with PT and other exercises I could do . What did help me a lot was eccentric training. In my view it is worth trying out after the initial rest phase to strengthen the tendon again. I guess you are over that phase, Reinhard. But for others suffering from tendinitis (wherever in the body) it really seems to work if done right. At least it did for me!

Finding a way how to increase the load gradually is indeed not so easy. I didn't find a lot on that on the Internet. And also had quite some setbacks. So your advice is precious. Especially Push-Ups on fists were also recommended to me. Doing Routines of 7 I didn't do - but will definitely start tomorrow morning. Absolutely makes sense. And increasing the weight every month or second month seems to be the right pace. I did it much too complicated.

Concerning Pull-Ups: I do assisted Pull-Ups with a very strong resistance band. I only do 2, every second day. More to keep the routine than for actual exercise reasons. But it doesn't seem to interfere with the healing. And adding 1 Pull-Up every month is not too much I guess. Just an idea.

Reinhard, I will suggest this episode to everyone with a similar condition. I think it can benefit a lot of people!

Yours, all the best


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Re: Podcast #69: Shovelglove Recovery

Post by reinhard » Fri Sep 23, 2022 6:16 pm

Thank you, again, Stefan!

I so appreciate your feedback and good advice, here and in email.

The "anti spam" features of this bulletin board dissuade almost anyone new from joining so it's great that some old timer as least have persisted!

I need to figure out a better solution to that issue -- Facebook alone is not it.

I'll give the pullups a (gradual) try again eventually as well... (likely not till 2023) thanks for the encouragement!

And I'll bear your eccentric training advice in mind should I ever run into a similar situation again.

Many tanks again,


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Re: Podcast #69: Shovelglove Recovery

Post by ladybird30 » Sun Oct 02, 2022 9:41 pm

Hi Reinhard, thanks for this episode. Being in my 60s, dealing with injuries is happening more often.
But being inactive is worse.

Please accept my sympathies for your losses over the last few years.
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Re: Podcast #69: Shovelglove Recovery

Post by reinhard » Tue Oct 04, 2022 6:37 pm

Thank you, Ladybird!

It's been a rough few years for the whole planet so I can't wallow too much, but I do appreciate your kind sympathy nonetheless!

It's an interesting challenge, this getting old business... I hope I can continue to see it that way!

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Re: Podcast #69: Shovelglove Recovery

Post by Blithe Morning » Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:12 am

reinhard wrote:
Fri Sep 23, 2022 6:16 pm

I need to figure out a better solution to that issue -- Facebook alone is not it.

Yes, please. I inadvertently locked myself out of Facebook for much of the day using Stayfocusd. And, no surprise, I don't really miss it so I'm not especially motivated to regain access.

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