Podcast#72: State of the Systems, 2022

An everyday system, TM, is a simple, commonsense solution to an everyday problem, grounded by a pun or metaphor. Propose/discuss new systems here.
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Podcast#72: State of the Systems, 2022

Post by reinhard » Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:04 pm

A little later and much shorter than last year:



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Re: Podcast#71: State of the Systems, 2022

Post by Amy3010 » Thu Feb 09, 2023 6:50 am

Food for thought! This resonates with me:
But I also wonder whether to some degree the personal punch cards and life log represent a hubristic, excessive systemization of life. Whether there might not be something better between total chaos on the one hand and what sometimes verges on OCD-level tracking on the other, some happier medium.
I have my own OCD-ish systems for managing my life and my anxiety about getting things done and I sometimes wonder the same thing. But I think I would still rather be on this side of the spectrum than the other side, if a happy medium isn't an option.

Thanks again for keeping the boards open for the time being - the Habit Cal is a integral part of my daily routine :mrgreen:

Wishing you success with your goals for 2023! Maybe with the children getting older there will be time to get stuck into writing your next book after all...

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Re: Podcast#71: State of the Systems, 2022

Post by reinhard » Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:33 pm

Thank you, Amy! My research project for this year (or however long it takes) is to go hunting for that happier medium, if it exists. Maybe it'll be a mirage, a Loch Ness monster, but maybe not. A worthy quest for a self-help guru, in any case.

So glad you are still getting good mileage out of the habitcal!


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Re: Podcast#71: State of the Systems, 2022

Post by andrewemond » Mon Feb 13, 2023 11:52 pm

Your yearly reviews are quickly becoming a reminder that a full year has passed me by. It's fun but gives me a good thumping as well. I'm glad to hear you're working on a writing project...I'm currently brainstorming ideas for a system to help me write as well (in truth, it'll probably be several systems in tandem since there's a research part).

Always love hearing your ideas and remarks!

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Re: Podcast#71: State of the Systems, 2022

Post by reinhard » Tue Feb 14, 2023 6:39 pm

Thank you for stopping by, Andrew!

Let's exchange notes as we figure the writing thing out. I see you've already started already in a new thread. Will pop over there shortly!


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Re: Podcast#71: State of the Systems, 2022

Post by NoSDoc » Sun Feb 19, 2023 1:21 pm

Dear Reinhard,

thank you very much for this very inspiring Podcast. I was wondering: when you decided to reduce drinking to the weekend did you ever think about only drinking Friday and Saturday? NOT before N-Days, not "before work the next day"? Somehow I feel this is more natural. Something like Sabbat-Säufer...
I never actually tried this but I have been thinking about something like that for quite some time. Do you have thoughts on that idea?

And it seems your "getting up early" has not yet received a "habit status" (at least you never talk about it) while I really think it deserves one! Angel numbers as you call it. Could you imagine doing a podcast on Angel Numbers?

All the best


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Re: Podcast#71: State of the Systems, 2022

Post by reinhard » Fri Feb 24, 2023 1:41 pm

I'm glad you enjoyed it Stefan!

I like Sabbat-Säufer. :-)

But I do find it helpful to keep all the systems in sync and mutually reinforcing each other with the N-day/S-day divide. Fridays in the past have been particularly challenging -- so it's actually been quite helpful to keep my guard up just then (and I do allow a sip of Shabbat dinner wine, like ritual wine was exempt during Prohibition).

I'm glad the Angel numbers/early rising intrigues you! I actually have a thought of how to incorporate them into an episode on "clock and calendar" as valuable system-scaffolding...


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Re: Podcast#72: State of the Systems, 2022

Post by reinhard » Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:41 pm

reinhard wrote:
Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:04 pm
A little later and much shorter than last year:



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