Podcast #79: My Pet Demon

An everyday system, TM, is a simple, commonsense solution to an everyday problem, grounded by a pun or metaphor. Propose/discuss new systems here.
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Podcast #79: My Pet Demon

Post by reinhard » Wed Oct 25, 2023 6:02 pm

New Podcast Episode

Everyday Systems #79: My Pet Demon
Oct 25, 2023
Self-saboteur? Time to stop playing with your pet demons (maybe).



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Re: Podcast #79: My Pet Demon

Post by NoSDoc » Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:49 pm

Dear Reinhard!

Thank you for that new episode. I like the pragmatic philosophical approach in these podcasts. I slightly disagree with your conclusion that this episode is about the limits of Everyday Systems. In the way that you don't get Enlightened or solve ALL your deep problems maybe yes. But I think all the "body systems" gave you the surplus / freedom to go deal with more subtle, psychological issues. To me Everyday Systems is all about Freedom. Freedom to not deal with eating any more. To not deal with "how to exercise" and so on. Not that I am totally there. But the direction is definitely right. I feel that "my body" is more or less covered, so I can deal with other stuff in life. In my case find more time for family and meditation. But that part is individual, I guess.

So thanks again, just wanted to share my thoughts on that.

All the best, yours


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Re: Podcast #79: My Pet Demon

Post by reinhard » Wed Nov 08, 2023 7:43 pm

Thank you, Stefan, as always, for another thoughtful response! (and sorry that it took me a week to see that you'd posted it)

I guess I may have been overstating the case a little -- playing devil's advocate (or demon's advocate) a little too enthusiastically.

I mentioned "no s" as being a system that no longer gives me either direct trouble or even "fuss" trouble -- and many of the other Everyday systems also fall into this category. My "uppy arm" incident notwithstanding, shovelglove doesn't involve a lot of handwringing, neither does urban ranger, g-ray vision, many others too.

But some still do... and I guess that was what I was focusing on. Trying to figure out why these others are so hard, and if there's something going on below the surface, to see if they're really "proxy wars" for some other appetite or insecurity in disguise. For me, these holdouts are mostly in the "spirits" and "soul" category, but I know that for many others something similar may be going on with "body" systems as well. At least, I thought I recognized flickers of the same sort of struggle.

Thank you again!


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Re: Podcast #79: My Pet Demon

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Dec 27, 2023 2:11 am

I really enjoyed this Reinhard!!
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Re: Podcast #79: My Pet Demon

Post by reinhard » Thu Dec 28, 2023 10:26 pm

I'm so glad, Deb. Thanks for letting me know!

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