Podcast #81: State of the Systems 2023

An everyday system, TM, is a simple, commonsense solution to an everyday problem, grounded by a pun or metaphor. Propose/discuss new systems here.
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Podcast #81: State of the Systems 2023

Post by reinhard » Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:17 pm

Annual update on all the Everyday Systems and how they are doing for me personally


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Re: Podcast #81: State of the Systems 2023

Post by NoSDoc » Mon Jan 01, 2024 3:39 pm

Dear Reinhard!

Thanks for this new episode. Your plans for 2024 sound promising. From time to time I like to listen to your older podcasts when I feel inspired by a certain system. So I really look forward to those new podcasts on "old systems".

I guess you have enough ideas on new topics. But if I may suggest a topic: I'd be really interested in your "getting up early" routine, Angel Numbers. Sounds like a topic worth talking about for a bit.

Concerning Shovelglove and injury: I suffered from a tennis elbow at around the same time as you had your golfers elbow. Mine was directly linked to some PullUp Challenge I did. For me maxing out on PullUps every day without proper rest in between the sessions was what caused my tendons to get inflamed.
When the acute pain was over and I made a plan on how to start again I considered myself to be lucky: Some years ago I found a guy on the internet who wrote about systematic moderation and such thinks as "maintenance is more important than progress". You might have heard about him. Sounds smart to me... :D
So I slowly started my PullUps again, 1 every second day. Increasing the number every month. Probably that could work for you as well?!
And concerning progress: I really like the idea of the book "The simple six" where the author suggests to do a "rolling focus" meaning that each day one exercise gets special attention and you do e.g. 5 rounds of PullUps whereas on the other days you do more maintenance work and do one round of PullUps (in his system then the next day Squats get the focus, then PushUps etc). For me that works really well. Probably it is the missing link between maintenance and progress. That one day you get a good stimulus for progress and the rest of the week you can recover still maintaining what you already got. To be honest: at least to me progress is fun and I am not free of the idea that I want to be stronger, become better at doing eg PullUps, more PullUps etc... :-)
These are my latest thoughts on fitness, injury, recovery, maintenance and progress. To be updated...

Reinhard, all the best for 2024, looking forward to listening to your podcasts!

Yours, from Germany


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Re: Podcast #81: State of the Systems 2023

Post by reinhard » Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:28 pm

Thank you, Stefan!

I so appreciate your thoughtful feedback and encouragement.

I'm glad my revisiting old systems plan sounds of interest. Thanks also for the episode suggestion -- I do have quite a few thoughts on that subject (sleep protocols, the psychological power of number). Just trying to think how best to tie them all together.

Interesting that pullups caused such issues for you too. I had been building up again slowly (+1 rep a month, actually) but when I go close to 10 again last year I noticed (or imagined I noticed) pangs or premonitions of pangs and stopped (I've become quite paranoid about re-injuring myself). It's been better since. I may revisit pull ups again (very slowly) at some point, but want to make sure I have many months of solid shovelglove at my current level under my belt first.

I read the Simple 6 on your recommendation (thank you!) and did like the rolling focus idea. I can imagine applying or at least experimenting with something like it, but at the moment am happy enough with my status quo. Could be a path towards 5 days a week with shovelgove again, rolling the focus so that each move is done intensely once intensely, but more moderately other days. Since there are a larger number of shovelglove moves than weekdays, I'd probably create "focus groups" of similar moves. Great suggestion. I'll think more about it, experiment a bit, then who knows.

Wishing you a happy 2024 and thanks again!


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