Hi All (or rather, the few of you who are still left here!),
As promised in my last state of the systems podcast, I'm going to post a monthly update of what I've done to upgrade the technical underpinnings of the everydaysystems sites in the same cadence in which I push out the podcast episodes.
Well, not a whole lot to share. I deleted the new "droplet" I had created last year and hoped to move everything to because I'd forgotten enough about how I'd said it up that I thought it would be better to start over from scratch. So a step back in a way, but I'm hoping a step back for a bigger, more confident, better documented step forward.
Will also save me from having to pay for that unused droplet until I feel ready to move forward with a new one again.
Sever upgrade Log
Re: Sever upgrade Log
Thanks, Reinhard!
We very much appreciate your efforts to keep the board online!

Re: Sever upgrade Log
You are very welcome, Amy! I hope I have something more exciting (or at least forward moving!) to report at the end of this month.