Podcast #85 Urban Ranger 2024

An everyday system, TM, is a simple, commonsense solution to an everyday problem, grounded by a pun or metaphor. Propose/discuss new systems here.
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Podcast #85 Urban Ranger 2024

Post by reinhard » Tue Jun 04, 2024 9:39 pm


Urban Ranger, from scratch, as if I’d never spoken or written about it before. Draft chapter for the upcoming Everyday Systems Compendium, and hopefully interesting and useful in its own right.


(Sorry this was so late. These "review" episodes actually wind up taking a lot more time than coming up with something new from scratch. )

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Re: Podcast #85 Urban Ranger 2024

Post by NoSDoc » Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:33 pm

Dear Reinhard!

I really enjoyed listening to this Episode. I feel that one of the big benefits of Walking is that it synchronizes Body and Mind thus reducing stress in our fast paced time. I haven't really dug into the medical research part on this but I have read studies where they showed that walking reduces cortisol (the stress hormone). A much needed relief these days.

Have you ever experimented with Rucking? The military inspired version of walking, where you add a weighted backpack to your walks. I have. It is a very good training option. I'd be interested in your thoughts on that.

So finally the secret about the author of the Urban Ranger song has been solved. I tried to look it up on the internet but could't find anything. Now I know why... :D . Congratulations - inspiring.

Would you mind checking if this German version is what the author intended to say:

Ich bin ein Urban Ranger.
Ich gehe, das ist was ich tue.

Die Stadt ist meine Wildnis,
Wolkenkratzer sind meine Bäume.
Ich hänge meine Gedanken an Laternenpfähle,
und parke meine Träume auf Parkuhren.

Ich belebe die leeren Grundstücke
mit meinen guten Geistern,
und verziere den Bürgersteig
mit diamantenen Erinnerungen.

Ständige Betätigung sind mein Training,
meine Anstrengung für Resultate.
Ich laufe, um zu gehen, und gehe, um zu laufen.

Ich gehe zur Arbeit und arbeite, damit ich gehen kann.

Ich gehe, um mir Befehle auszudenken
für mein unterwürfiges, sitzendes Ich.

Keine stagnierenden, sitzenden Gedanken
werden dieses Leben beherrschen.

Aber wer weiß, wofür.
Ich gehe verdammt viel.

The translation is a combination of Google translator, ChatGPT and some of my interpretations. What do you think? What would you change?

Reinhard, thank you again for your continuous inspiration!

Yours, Stefan

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Re: Podcast #85 Urban Ranger 2024

Post by reinhard » Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:14 pm

I'm glad you liked it Stefan! And wow, what a response!

I love your German version. I'm trying to think what I might say differently, but nothing jumps out at me. Very well done!

I have experimented with rucking before I'd ever heard the term, maybe 15 years ago. I basically put 10 pounds of change in my backpack and carried it around everywhere. I wound up stopping with the additional weight because my laptop-laden backpacks tended to be heavy enough, I thought.

Sorry I read this episode so slowly! Listening to it over I was struck by how slow I was going. Permission to play it at 1.5 speed of faster like my kids do everything granted. :-) I think I'd just listed to an interview with Judy Dench about how the secret to Shakespearean acting was to go slow and must have unconsciously taken that lesson a little much to heart (and on not quite Shakespearean material).


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