New everyday systems podcast episode #90:
Zeno's Paradox Exercise Progress Plan -or- How to Philosophize with a Sledgehammer
Bounce back from injuries and setbacks by recasting progress as a reward
Podcast #90: Zeno's Paradox Exercise Progress Plan
Re: Podcast #90: Zeno's Paradox Exercise Progress Plan
Dear Reinhard!
Thanks for this new episode! From my last injury I know that this approach works and is the only one that makes sense. I wish I had heard that before with all the injuries I had due to neither systematic nor moderate training...
Do I understand you right - you train 6 days a week? Also a run or SG session on Saturdays?
All the best,
Thanks for this new episode! From my last injury I know that this approach works and is the only one that makes sense. I wish I had heard that before with all the injuries I had due to neither systematic nor moderate training...

Do I understand you right - you train 6 days a week? Also a run or SG session on Saturdays?
All the best,
Re: Podcast #90: Zeno's Paradox Exercise Progress Plan
So glad you enjoyed it, Stefan! We experiential learners have it hard... 
I do Shovelglove Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Run Tuesdays, Thursdays and usually Sunday but sometimes Saturday instead.
The Shovelglove days I'm pretty religious about keeping on that cadence, the running days I'll switch around more because of weather variability.

I do Shovelglove Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Run Tuesdays, Thursdays and usually Sunday but sometimes Saturday instead.
The Shovelglove days I'm pretty religious about keeping on that cadence, the running days I'll switch around more because of weather variability.
Re: Podcast #90: Zeno's Paradox Exercise Progress Plan
A couple of caveats about the episode:
1) sorry about all the ".01" etc. stuff -- I didn't realize when I was putting together my script how badly all those decimals would speak. I should have stuck with "thousandths" and "hundredths" when possible.
2) after some subsequent investigation, I feel like I may have done Zeno an injustice by claiming that mathematicians had "fully refuted" his theory. From what I gather, It sounds like we've just come to decisively prefer the convenience of empirical reality to logical purity. The math whereby infinite series "converge" to a finite number and so on is practical, but intellectually a bit of a hack...
Snippet from a conversation I had about it with ChatGPT:
1) sorry about all the ".01" etc. stuff -- I didn't realize when I was putting together my script how badly all those decimals would speak. I should have stuck with "thousandths" and "hundredths" when possible.
2) after some subsequent investigation, I feel like I may have done Zeno an injustice by claiming that mathematicians had "fully refuted" his theory. From what I gather, It sounds like we've just come to decisively prefer the convenience of empirical reality to logical purity. The math whereby infinite series "converge" to a finite number and so on is practical, but intellectually a bit of a hack...
Snippet from a conversation I had about it with ChatGPT:
ReinhardSo, Was Zeno Right?
In a sense, yes. He wasn’t trying to "prove" something in the way a modern scientist might. He wanted to shake us to our core, to show us that our understanding of motion, time, and space is fragile and perhaps even illusory. The fact that we’ve patched over the paradox doesn’t mean we’ve resolved it—it just means we’ve learned to live with it.
And maybe, in doing so, we’ve let go of the deeper questions Zeno wanted us to grapple with. We’ve traded philosophical unease for planes and smartphones.
Re: Podcast #90: Zeno's Paradox Exercise Progress Plan
Hi Reinhard!
Thanks for the quick answer. To get the full picture: on Run Days: do you do stretching or some Push Ups / Pull Ups on top? I guess I want to know: how big is the "running time box"?
I recently started experimenting with some PushUp Snacks during the day (e.g. once or twice during the day 10 PushUps on top of the 14 Minutes Session). Have you tried something like that?
Thanks again and all the best
Thanks for the quick answer. To get the full picture: on Run Days: do you do stretching or some Push Ups / Pull Ups on top? I guess I want to know: how big is the "running time box"?

I recently started experimenting with some PushUp Snacks during the day (e.g. once or twice during the day 10 PushUps on top of the 14 Minutes Session). Have you tried something like that?
Thanks again and all the best
Re: Podcast #90: Zeno's Paradox Exercise Progress Plan
Hi Stefan,
Yes, I do a fair amount of stretching now and warm up now, possibly most of it useless, and I do it partly out of superstition (and so if I ever have to go back to a PT again, I can say "see, I've been doing this for years!"). Some if it is straight from PT, some if it is from random stuff I found on the internet. It takes about as long as the shovelglove proper itself (still about 14 minutes).
So step one (about 15 minutes): warmup and stretches
Step 2: 2 sets of shovelglove routine of 7s.
Pushups ("degraded beast") and squats ("fertilize the fields") are integrated with the shovelglove, and I usually do an addition set of pushups after.
I used to "snack" on pushups and pullups throughout the day but don't anymore since my injury a couple years back because I want to carefully monitor progress on those fronts too (pullups were terrible for my golfers elbow and those are on indefinite hold -- maybe some day, if I'm fully satisfied with where I am with shovelglove again, I'll slowly zeno's paradox them up again).
Yes, I do a fair amount of stretching now and warm up now, possibly most of it useless, and I do it partly out of superstition (and so if I ever have to go back to a PT again, I can say "see, I've been doing this for years!"). Some if it is straight from PT, some if it is from random stuff I found on the internet. It takes about as long as the shovelglove proper itself (still about 14 minutes).
So step one (about 15 minutes): warmup and stretches
Step 2: 2 sets of shovelglove routine of 7s.
Pushups ("degraded beast") and squats ("fertilize the fields") are integrated with the shovelglove, and I usually do an addition set of pushups after.
I used to "snack" on pushups and pullups throughout the day but don't anymore since my injury a couple years back because I want to carefully monitor progress on those fronts too (pullups were terrible for my golfers elbow and those are on indefinite hold -- maybe some day, if I'm fully satisfied with where I am with shovelglove again, I'll slowly zeno's paradox them up again).