Sienna's Daily Check In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by ellgee » Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:17 pm

Wow - your post spoke to me! I don't know that we ever really "see" ourselves as we are. I let myself balloon up to over 300 pounds and just never thought I was that fat. Really, Laura? Practice self deception much?

Now with over 100 pounds gone, I still ask my family - "Am I about that size?" They get tired of me asking but I just can't tell what I look like! A few months ago, we were at a department store and I was waiting for my family in the lamps, mirrors. I was walking around looking at things and an image caught my eye. I remember thinking, "She looks like me." Then I realized - IT WAS ME! I had seen myself in a full length mirror. As my family came out of the bathroom, I called them over and told them - Look at me - I could pass for normal. They were all saying - of course you can. We have told you that! I started crying, right there in the home decor section of JCPenney. I never, ever could see that even though I'm still Mrs. Chunkerson, I am much closer to normal now and much further from morbidly obese. It was totally overwhelming.

You are a wonderful inspiration and I said in another thread your success was what made me decide to attempt this. Please keep giving your insights. They are invaluable!


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Post by oolala53 » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:35 am

What a brilliant post! Gosh, I wish I had more wisdom to offer. I've gone the other way. Twenty-five pounds less ago and twenty years ago, I aligned myself more with obese people than normal-weight ones. Now I'm surprised sometimes (probably similar to you) when I see myself in a picture or something and notice how bottom heavy I am! It's not the way I see myself in the mirror each day before i walk out the door. Or I'll see a picture of my face from years back and think, I was okay-looking! Even pretty sometimes! At the time, I just hated seeing pictures of myself.

So, I'm aware that it is definitely an inside job. I don't think it has much to do with how I really look. I'm just older and wiser, thank goodness. I didn't say wise. Just wiser.

But I don't seem to be in control of it, either. So I can't tell you how to get out of this except to say that probably the less you let yourself think aobut it, the better. Just keep No S-ing and moving more and seeing what happens. go ahead and put it on your calendar, if you want. "On June 20th, if I haven't lost X number of pounds and/or I can't appreciate my body as it is, I will make it a point to hate my body and get mad about it." Then you can ignore that, just like we used to ignore our promises to ourselves to diet or lose weight, or whatever.

But I do hope you find some peace on this.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by Sienna » Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:03 am

Awwww, thanks guys! Glad I can inspire some of you :) And thanks for reading my long rambling posts. I've never been much for journaling, but I'm finding the occasional (or frequent depending on my mood!) long post here very therapeutic.
Twenty-five pounds less ago and twenty years ago, I aligned myself more with obese people than normal-weight ones. Now I'm surprised sometimes (probably similar to you) when I see myself in a picture or something and notice how bottom heavy I am! It's not the way I see myself in the mirror each day before i walk out the door.
oolala, its scary how true this is. Newer research suggests that obesity is "contagious" in that normal weight people who have a lot of contact with overweight people are more likely to become overweight. I think that at least part of that may be the body image thing - the "normal weight" set point just gets moved.

I've gotten in walking every day so far this week. I've been fortunate that its kind of naturally fit into my errands for the week - that's not typical. I ate waaaay too much for dinner tonight though. It all fit on one plate so I'm still green, but it was just too much and I feel over full. I was in a hurry and just ate too fast instead of listening to my body. I've been better about that recently, but I guess you can't get it all perfect all the time.

In other news, is it Friday yet?
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

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Post by Sienna » Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:47 pm

Ugh. Just Ugh.

It's been a rough couple of days. Thursday and Friday were somewhere between fails and pseudo-compliant (technically, I was sick and the rule breaks made me feel better at least temporarily, but they feel like fails). And I'm still feeling sick so the weekend has been a bit miserable. About the only thing that ever settles my stomach seems to be a heavy dose of carbs...

Hopefully I'm feeling better tomorrow and can get back on the horse.

The good news is that I *want* to get back on track. And even when I was rule breaking, it felt temporary.
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

Started June 2010
6/27/2010 - 226 lbs
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Hope you feel better

Post by r.jean » Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:55 pm

Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle
Everytime I read this saying, it strikes me, and I want to say Amen!

This is exactly what will get you back on track when you feel better.
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:34 pm

Sorry about your weekend.

Is there any chance you might experiment with not trying to settle your stomach? Just put up with the feelings until you actually get hungry? It might just be a few hours. I usually feel better in the end when I just wait it out, though it may be less pleasant along the way.

Remember, what happens most recently may seem to be the most powerful, but you have a lot of success to draw on. don't forget.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by Sienna » Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:10 pm

And, I'm back. Took some time off posting to get my life back in order.

April's goal (meal planning) was a bust this week (mostly because I started off sick and that just through my life out of whack). I have done a decent amount of "cooking" though, because I had a bunch of leftovers in the freezer I was able to use. Next week will be better.

Monday was a Major Fail. It was just me "not caring" and just deciding to break the rules (seconds/snacks). At least last Thursday and Friday it was because I was sick and trying to feel better. Monday was just me being a belligerent baby.

But I'm back on track now. And that feels good.

I'm excited for the weekend. This week has been exhausting (I hate recovering from being sick - your body is still tired and you are just so far behind you have to go like crazy!) and I'm really looking forward to some R&R - or at least an S treat :-)
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

Started June 2010
6/27/2010 - 226 lbs
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1/29/2011 - 182 lbs - 2nd 10% weight loss goal!
5/29/2011 - 165 lbs - 3rd 10% weight loss goal! (one more to go)

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Post by Sienna » Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:08 am

Pretty good week. Baked a cake Wednesday night and decorated it on Thursday morning. It was for an S even I had Thursday night (friend's B-Day party), so I did have a little treat last night. BUT I only had one small taste of cake batter to verify I hadn't done anything stupid and I resisted all of the frosting temptations - which is rough for me.

Meal planning was better in that I was cooking meals or serving leftovers each night this week, but still not really planning. Maybe I'm just not a planner?

But seriously, I should probably try a bit harder to make a plan. However, I'm willing to accept an increase in home cooking (and real meals, not frozen or pre-prepared re-heated meals) as a good intermediate step.

So Green for diet this week.
But Planning Fail.
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

Started June 2010
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Post by BrightAngel » Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:54 pm

Sienna wrote:I should probably try a bit harder to make a plan.
However, I'm willing to accept an increase in home cooking (and real meals, not frozen or pre-prepared re-heated meals) as a good intermediate step.
Image Sienna, have you checked out my recipe videos at DietHobby?
Tomorrow I'm planning to post how to make
a lower calorie carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.
for an Easter Treat.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
See: DietHobby. com

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Post by Sienna » Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:56 pm

Hi Bright Angel:

Actually, I just tried out your cheeseburger pie recipe this week. It was really good and it was a hit with my husband, so I'll certainly be making it again. Thanks for the recipe!

But I didn't plan it in advance. I just stopped by the grocery store on my way home for work to pick up what I need. This is pretty typical for me. I just really want to be in a place where I can plan a weeks worth of meals, grocery shop and be done with it. Instead I'm at the store practically daily.
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

Started June 2010
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:44 pm

I'll tell you something I do--hope I'm not repeating myself-- to make meal preparation easier, but you have to be okay with leftovers.

I usually buy a big package of chicken breasts or the like (and I'm single) or a pot roast and roast or crock pot it relatively plainly. I buy hamburger patties, too. I also cook up quite a large amount of grains at a time. I keep several jars of sauces around--spaghetti sauce, salsa verde, and a bunch of Indian ones--. Last, I get a lot of fresh and frozen veggies. With all this, I can make good lunches (to pack) and dinners in 10-15 minutes. It's true that I don't eat a lot of freshly cooked meals, but I eat a lot of hot ones, aand they are goooood ! I don't have to know exactly what I'm going to eat ach day but I know I'm going to have something delicious and smart. And likely cheaper than fast food.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by NoelFigart » Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:53 pm

FWIW, I make a lot of planned-overs myself. I'll cook a double helping of a meal and freeze one. It's a great boon on a busy day.
My blog I talk about being a freelance writer, working out and cooking mostly. The language is not always drawing room fashion. Just sayin'.

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Post by r.jean » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:58 pm

I would not worry too much about being a frequent flyer at the grocery store. Since our kids all grew up and left home, my husband and I now have a much less structured schedule. He is retired and I am still working. We do not plan ahead a lot and we shop often. Food is fresher and we end up eating what sounds good now, not what sounded good a week ago when we were shopping.

Picking up fresh meat at the meat counter and taking it straight home to grill on a nice day is the best. The same thing applies to buying produce although I do stock up some on weekends at the farmer's market.

I am wasting a lot less food now and since the store is right on my way home, I am not wasting gas. I still make too much, but I love having leftovers for lunch the next day.
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Post by Sienna » Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:23 am

Thanks for the tips and the support all!

I do love leftovers, so I usually plan to make extra of whatever I'm making. I am thinking I should get more in the habit of freezing than refrigerating them though, because DH often gets tired of things right away. Which usually means I keep eating the leftovers and he eats lean pockets or buys fast food.

r.jean, I am so glad to hear that I'm not the only one who frequents the grocery store. For some reason I have in my head that part of adulthood is planning and executing meals, but its just one part that I've never grasped. We live so close to the grocery store that its just too easy to go daily.

Pretty good weekend. Although I wish I'd had a chance to get out of the house and get some exercise - I just had too much to do around here. I've got enough leftovers to last at least through Wednesday, so I have some time before I need to worry about cooking.
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

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Post by oolala53 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:23 pm

It may be part of American-suburbia-drive-to the-supermarket-adulthood, but remember in a lot of the world, daily shopping is still the norm. Up until recent times, I'm pretty sure Europeans had much smaller fridges than Americans. They didn't keep near the food around that we do. If it's easy to shop nearby often, do it.

But I know ahead of time that I am going to need cooked meat, so when I shop, I look for deals on chicken, beef, and pork, frozen shrimp, etc. and I just buy it. I'll even roast a chicken just after I've eaten a dinner that I wanted to eat sooner than the chicken would be done. Then I use the chicken for other meals, and I do often divide it into servings & freeze it, as you said you might need to do. But I don't often season the chicken much to start. That way one chicken might make Indian, Italian, Asian, and Mexican meals, for example, with grains, pasta, bread, or tortillas, as the case may be, or the taste may be. And the vegetables are cooked fresh or are from the freezer.

In reading back over your posts, perhaps you meant that you wanted to plan more to have ingredients on hand to cook dishes fresh each night? That I can't help you with! I know back when I lived in Iran, the women in my neighborhood cooked two full meals a day, lunch and dinner. But they didn't have jobs.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Sienna » Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:27 pm

oolala53 wrote: I know back when I lived in Iran, the women in my neighborhood cooked two full meals a day, lunch and dinner. But they didn't have jobs.
Yeah, I wish I had time for that! I'd make all sorts of crazy things if my full time job was to cook and keep house. But alas between work and class and home work, cooking usually needs to be fast and simple. Lunch is never really "cooked" its generally leftovers or something really simple like sandwiches or canned soup.

This week has been leftovers week - because I was pretty good about cooking last week I've got a ton of them. I definitely don't need to cook tonight, but may cook tomorrow night.
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

Started June 2010
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Post by tobiasmom » Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:55 pm

I'm a stay-at-home mom so I'm able to cook most meals at home every day. I think this has been a big part of my success on this journey this time! So my hat IS off to you. I think working and being out of the house all day and still cooking..........would be quite a challenge!!! You're doing wonderful! Of course my three-year-old doesn't always make it that easy.......ha.

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Post by Sienna » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:28 pm

Kids are kind of a full time job on top of everything, though, aren't they? :)

Leftovers last night, and we have more available for tonight, but I'm at lunch now thinking to myself that it might be nice to do something different. So I may stop by the grocery store and pick up stuff for turkey burgers or something. We'll see :-)
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

Started June 2010
6/27/2010 - 226 lbs
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Post by Sienna » Mon May 02, 2011 4:31 pm

So I had to go out of town for a bit, but I'm back now....

Traveling is always tricky for me. The stress, the greater availability of bad foods (yes, I know that no food is banned on NoS, but not being banned doesn't make a giant plate of fried food *good* for you!), the lack of my standard diversions.


At least I haven't done too much damage - the structure of NoS helps keep even the crazy times more sane than pre-NoS. Another nice thing about this diet is that its very easy to get back into the swing of things after a bout of chaos. I'm actually looking forward to having saner, healthier meals this week. Even though I could technically still choose to eat crap for my 3 plates a day, I don't want to.

In other news, a new picture of me was just posted on facebook. It's the first picture in *years* where I don't look overweight. I don't look thin (and pound wise I am still actually overweight), and I'm sure the clothing and the angles are being pretty generous, but I look normal and healthy. After years of hating how I look in pictures and thinking that the camera was making me look fat - its really freeing to realize that:
1) it wasn't the *cameras* fault that I looked fat :roll:
2) I could actually look good in pictures
3) for the first time ever, I look *skinnier* than I think I am
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

Started June 2010
6/27/2010 - 226 lbs
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5/29/2011 - 165 lbs - 3rd 10% weight loss goal! (one more to go)

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Post by Sienna » Wed May 04, 2011 11:07 pm

So Monday night was about as red as can be. I just sort of said screw it and had seconds AND thirds! I'm not even entirely sure why, it was really weird and almost out of body - I knew what I was doing, didn't really want to do it, and did it anyhow :roll:

Yesterday I was back on track. And today has been on track too. Doctors appointment tomorrow morning and I have to fast. So I'm not really worried about slipping tonight.

But Monday still concerns me. Its a reminder that as consistent as I generally am, I have to stay on top of myself and follow the rules.
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

Started June 2010
6/27/2010 - 226 lbs
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Post by Hoeka » Thu May 05, 2011 4:36 am

Sienna, what happened on Monday contained a lesson, that you've taken with you. It did not contain a big stick for you to beat yourself up over it. :)
Good luck!
Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners - Shakespeare

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Post by oolala53 » Mon May 09, 2011 8:59 am

Yes, you do have to watch yourself, but it's up to you whether these are the death throws of the old habit or the beginning of a resurgence. I think you're on the safe side of this, but it's always good to back to the fence around the law.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by Sienna » Mon May 09, 2011 1:38 pm

Thanks, guys. It's always a fine line between being hard enough on myself, and not being too hard. A week later, I think I recovered well from last Monday's Rein of Nonsense and I'm back in the swing of things. The rest of the week was all green, and I had a pretty sane weekend without even trying - despite some rather stressful events.

Onward to another week!
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

Started June 2010
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Post by Sienna » Wed May 18, 2011 3:20 pm

I really need to get back in the habit of updating more frequently. I've been so busy lately I've been just skimming the occasional thread in the main forum and not even making it over here.

But it's really good for me to stay on top of myself.

Since last week, I've really gotten my act together. When I started really looking at my diet behavior lately, I realized that although I was following the letter of the law, I was kind of bending the rules as far as I could without breaking them... That's probably part of why I had that big fail a few weeks ago. Too much bending leads to breaking. It also doesn't do a lot to move the scale down.

Last week, I realized that I'd been doing quite a bit of rule bending, so I recommitted to being more strict. No more late night "lunches" (aka snacks) just because I skipped lunch at noon time. No more skirting around the rules. Time to tighten the reins and get my but in gear.

I can do this!
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

Started June 2010
6/27/2010 - 226 lbs
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Post by tobiasmom » Wed May 18, 2011 8:26 pm

Go, Girl! You know what you're doing!

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Post by butterfly1000 » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:29 pm

Hi Sienna,
I just read your post on the " Any big losers here?" topic, and it's really inspiring. I too have more than 50lbs to lose and have been dieting on and off for the longest time without much success. I get discouraged because I don't see fast results and then I eat more, and it's an up and down cycle. It's nice to see that we can lose a fair amount of weight on No S but I always wonder if it's only No S, or if it's a combination of systems. Did you lose only with No S or did you have another system on the side to track calorie intake, for example?

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Post by Sienna » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:11 pm

Hi Butterfly,

Welcome to NoS and good luck on your journey! The diet cycle is the worst. I tried calorie counting and fasting and crazy exercising several times before I stumbled upon this sensible way to eat. To be completely honest though, it wasn't just Reinhard's incredibly easy and sane plan that made the difference (although it *definitely* helped and I'm very grateful to him). It was also my mindset. This time I was really ready for a change. And this time (unlike other times) I really honestly acknowledged to myself that my weight was my fault or at least my responsibility and that I had to take charge of it - but also that I *could* take charge of it (and the NoS site helped with that realization)

I lost on pretty close to Vanilla NoS. And I haven't made a lot of changes to the plan. There are a few rules I've clarified for myself and some strategies that I've used to help me learn to trust myself with food again, and I'll try to explain some of those here. (And I'm longwinded... sorry...)

In terms of calorie counting, I don't really count calories (or carbs or anything other than meals - and 3 is a really easy number to count to). I really have no idea how many calories I've consumed today, let alone each day this week. However, when I first started (like for the first month or so), I did what I like to call "calorie estimating". This wasn't calorie counting. If I didn't know/couldn't easily find the calorie content I didn't stress about it. And I tried to target each meal to be around 500 calories. In reality breakfast was usually much smaller and dinner much larger. And if I had a 1000 calorie meal here and there, I didn't worry about it.

I didn't worry too much about the specifics. It was mostly a way for me to make sure that none of my plates were crazy overboard. And to remind myself to pay attention to things like serving size (doesn't mean I never had 3 servings of pasta in one sitting, I just wanted to be honest with myself about how much I'm consuming). And I wanted to know what 1500 calories a day felt like (because that is theoretically the number of calories I would need at my activity level to maintain a weight of 150 pounds, which is where I need to be to drop down to "normal" from "overweight" - except I also grew an inch this year, so now I only need to get to 150 pounds... but in any case)

After calorie estimating for a month or so, I began to do it less and less. I've occasionally spot checked a meal here and there out of curiosity (especially if it's dinner out), and it's incredibly rare for it to be over 700 calories, and it's usually closer to ~500 (at least in terms of what I actually consume). I do try to make a point to at least *look* at the nutritional information on a new food though. It won't make me not eat it, but I think it's only fair to myself that I'm aware of what I'm putting into my mouth. And I have even had some pleasant (for me) surprises. The salad at the Italian restaurant that I used to choke down because I thought it was good for me? Yeah, the soup (which I think is way tastier and more filling) is actually fewer calories! So guess what I always order now? Discoveries like that have inspired me to make all the food I eat really count. I don't eat food I don't like (except occasionally at social functions when it would be rude not to).

My S days are still completely open. Sometimes they are a little nuts (last Sunday I had more ice cream than I'd care to admit). But over time, the majority of them settled down. And realistically, pre-NoS I was eating as bad or worse than what my "bad" S days are now EVERY day. So I call that a win.

For non-weekend S days, I have to types: full S days and S event days. Full S days are just that - no different than a Saturday except on a different day of the week. S event days are days where I allow myself a single S even in celebration of something. Full S days I reserve for big holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, my BDay and my husbands BDay (and of course Saturday and Sunday). I'm a little more liberal with allowing myself an S event day. For something like a friend's birthday, I'll allow myself a single piece of cake with or instead of a meal *at* the actual celebration. No celebration, no S event. Celebration consists of cake I'm allergic to? No extra S event. The other rule is that it has to be planned for no later than the Sunday before. No deciding all of a sudden on Tuesday when delicious looking cookies appear at work that it's some sort of a celebration and therefore a non-weekend S day. For me this has allowed me more flexibility to have the occasional treat (on special days that happen to not be on the weekend), without going all crazy out of control nuts. If it's a holiday I'm not really celebrating (say Presidents day) it's just an N day for me.

Another (controversial) part of my weight loss journey are my daily weigh-ins. I know that there are many schools of thought on this, and I think even moreso than many other areas of dieting its usefulness depends on the individual. But for me, tracking daily was really useful. I could see how my weight just naturally fluctuated and observe the steady trend down. Also, I think knowing that I couldn't hide from the scale for a week may have subconsciously helped my S days get more sane faster. It's not something I've reflected much on consciously, but given that my DH (who is also trying to lose weight, but weighs weekly) said to me last Saturday "well, since I just weighed and don't have to do that again for a week, guess I'll go have a big bowl of ice cream", I wouldn't be surprised if knowing that I *can't* do that is rattling around in the back of my brain secretly helping me towards my goals of moderation.

When I first started, I gave up diet soda (I gave up regular soda a long time ago...) on N days. I think that was probably a really smart move. But several months down the line, I un-gave it up. Not really sure why. I should probably try to give it up again, but I think it was *especially* helpful to quit in the beginning, because it helped me crush my sugar cravings, instead of just fool them with diet. I now think food in general is tastes sweeter than it used to. And smaller amounts of a sweet on the weekends settle my cravings.

Also, spousal support has been really helpful for me. When I started, I told my husband that I was doing the NoS diet and explained what that meant. I told him he didn't have to do it with me, but that he needed to respect that I was doing it and help me by not offering me sweets or snacks on week days. He actually ended up doing NoS with me (and has lost 15-20 pounds over the year - with way wilder S days and less compliance), but more importantly he stopped tempting me with things, which made it easier for me to resist the temptations that did arise.

I hope maybe some of that is of interest or help to you. I know it's long. If you have any other questions though, feel free to ask! :-)

Again, good luck on your journey!

- Sienna
Finally a diet that I can make a lifestyle!

Started June 2010
6/27/2010 - 226 lbs
10/17/2010 - 203 lbs - 10% weight loss goal!
1/29/2011 - 182 lbs - 2nd 10% weight loss goal!
5/29/2011 - 165 lbs - 3rd 10% weight loss goal! (one more to go)

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Post by tobiasmom » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:36 pm

Wowzers! Look at those numbers! Awesome! You are such an inspiration. Keep it up, Girl!

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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:53 am

GREAT post, Sienna! Many thanks for taking the time to post!!

Also many MANY congratulations on your recent weight loss/reaching your next goal! Such exciting news and so inspirational!!

Have a great No S Weekend!!

All the very best to you and DH - Roxy
No S-er since December 2009
Streamlined S Days: 6/25/12
SW: 170 /CW: 127
Weight loss to date: 43 lbs

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Post by butterfly1000 » Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:01 pm

Thank you so much Sienna, for taking the time to reply to me. It's really inspiring to read about your success!

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Location: Eugene, Oregon

Post by KareBear » Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:36 pm

Ama-za-zing. You inspire us all.

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Post by Teemuh » Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:19 am

Congrats, Sienna. You're over-taking us all :)
Re-started Jan 6/ 2012
Start / Current / Goal
173 /165 / 155

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