TexArk's Musings

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Re: a new blog

Post by connorcream » Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:46 pm

I have read much of this site and enjoy it. Glad you like it too.
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Post by TexArk » Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:47 pm

I added this to my beginning entry but wanted it here for the record.

February Update:
Have added my personal carbohydrate restrictions since January 1.
I am continuing to study Gary Taubes books and lectures, the Hyperlipid blog, Mark Sisson (Primal Blueprint) and Kurt Harris (PaNu blog) and applying what I think is true for me. I am finding it easy to eliminate sugar and gluten grains, to limit fruits and starches, and my carb count is averaging around 60 and my calorie count is averaging around 1200, with many days at 1000 WITHOUT HUNGER. I am steadily losing and feel great. I do not feel like I am being deprived of any food so I feel no need for an S Day. I still don't think in terms of Food Rules, but some foods have been eliminated just because I find them unappealing now that I know how damaging they are and how much better I feel without them. If I thought that sugar was only harmful because it was going to slow down weight loss, that would not be enough for me to give it up. Now I feel so much better abstaining that I can find no good reason for adding it back to my diet. I have had to deal with more stress during this time which would usually be a deal breaker and a reason to comfort with carbs. Absolutely no temptation...I am not ready to quit keeping a calorie count, but I am open to it. Right now I want records to verify my experiment. And I believe that it is also possible to overeat for reasons other than hunger.

Beginning Weight: 205 October 15, 2010 (added calorie counting to NoS)
January 1: added carb restriction
Feb. 8, 2011 weight: 170.6
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Post by connorcream » Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:25 pm

You rock!

I enjoy reading your outstanding progress. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the results of your efforts. I can appreciate all of your observations in my own journey.
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Post by TexArk » Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:55 pm

Well, we escaped most of the snow/ice that was forecast for last night and this morning. After being trapped inside for 4 days last week, I am relieved that we caught a break. The schools are opening late and mostly we just have to deal with wind chill below zero and a few slick spots.

I had a challenging week foodwise and had to work around my plan. But NoS basic rules stayed in place. Here's hoping we can get out of the motel by Friday morning. It will be nice to be able to cook in a kitchen again.
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Weigh in

Post by TexArk » Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:04 pm

Even though I weigh daily if I can, I haven't really been paying attention to the rate of weight loss. I just realized today that I lost 10 lbs. since Jan. 5 and most of this time has been in very difficult circumstances: Motel living, no exercise, limited mobility, etc.

I have 20 lbs. to lose to reach the top of my goal weight. I don't know when I will get there, but I am confident that it is going to happen. So happy after spinning my wheels for so long.
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Post by connorcream » Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:04 pm

I have to give you a high five, atta girl, you are on the course for success.

I have to point out how many people would have crawled in a hole and whined about how they would have had to gain weight if they had been in your shoes. How it would have been impossible to stay on course. But not you. You approached your challenges like an adult, devised a plan and executed it.

Today, instead of being fatter and injured, you are thinner and will heal quicker because your foot is not having to support the extra weight. In addition, you took this time to educate yourself about yourself without denial and lies.

You posted your discoveries so that others could benefit as well.

I am so honored to have crossed paths with you.
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Out of the Motel!

Post by TexArk » Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:54 pm

Moved out of motel and into house. Kitchen will not be ready for a couple of weeks, but I have a large mini fridge, microwave, coffee maker, and crock pot. A challenge, but a step up. And I think I should be able to drive in a few days.

It has been difficult to meet some of my goals, but I have diligently tracked what I have eaten. It is interesting that for a few days I had to eat wheat (not much, but unavoidable) and I picked up a couple of pounds and stayed on hold as well. Calorie count was low, but as soon as I had a no wheat day yesterday, I released it. I am assuming this was water retention. I think the wheat causes a little bloating--rings tight, etc.

Anyway, I am into the 160s and I hope I have no more bounce ups.
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Post by connorcream » Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:05 pm

I think the wheat causes a little bloating--rings tight, etc.

I notice that very thing last night. I also noticed a bit of flushing a few hours later as well. We celebrated St. Valentine's day last night, which included a roll and chocolate cake & wine. Chocolate cake & wine did not effect ME as much as the roll even though it was dipped in butter.

The ring on my right hand was hard to get off this morning. Going to be low cal/carb, and enjoy my Godiva chocolates tonight.
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4 month mark

Post by TexArk » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:58 am

Today marks 4 months since I started NoS + calorie counting.

I simply ate my three meals and recorded into DietPower what I ate. I did not try to stay or reach a certain daily calorie average, but I could see easily what that average was. No more over the top S Days undoing all the work of the N Days. I weighed daily first thing in the morning to be aware of all the ups and downs and to avoid denial. Beginning January 1 I watched my carb grams and eliminated sugar and wheat. That was the last piece of the puzzle for me. Now I don't think I need to count calories or grams, but because it is so easy and gives me so much data, I will contnue. I no longer feel the need for S Days because the cravings are gone. Valentine's Day went by and I truly did not even want any candy. I thought maybe a really good quality dark chocolate might be a treat, but I just didn't want it. I was served a big piece of chocolate cake which was no temptation. I left it and no one said anything. Thank you Reinhard, Gary Taubes, Bright Angel, connorcream, et al.
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Re: 4 month mark

Post by BrightAngel » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:13 pm

TexArk wrote:Today marks 4 months since I started NoS + calorie counting.
Thank you Reinhard, Gary Taubes, Bright Angel, connorcream, et al.
Image TexArk,
You are doing so very well. Congratulations.
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Post by TexArk » Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:24 am

A Bright Angel post that is a keeper. I thought I saved it before, but it is lost in cyber space or on someone else's thread.

Kathleen wrote:
Chapter 18 – Nature of a Healthy Diet
My eyes glaze over when I read through anything scientific.
There was a lot in this chapter that just flowed right over me.

The information Taubes presents is interesting,
but I just don't understand it all that well.
I'm still maintaining that it is at least possible that intermittent fasting
could produce the same effect as low carb.
In fact, Taubes says exactly that on pages 177-178 (I put in the bolding):Quote:
"Whenever we're burning our own fat for fuel (which is, after all, what we want to do with it), our livers will also be taking some of this fat and converting it into ketones, and our brains will be using them for energy. This is a natural process. It happens any time we skip a meal and, most conspicuously, during the hours between dinner or late-night snack and breakfast, when our bodies live off the fat we stored during the day (or at least should be loving off that fat). AS the night goes on, we mobilize progressively more fat, and our livers up their production of ketones. By morning, we're technically in a state known as "ketosis," which means that our brains are primarily using ketones for fuel. This is no different from what happens on a diet that restricts carbohydrates to fewer than sixty or so grams per day."

You are correct in making this connection.
I have addressed this issue several times in prior posts.
However....WHAT AND HOW MUCH you eat during the periods when you are not fasting is the difference.
Kathleen wrote:
You say that you think something is missing.
Could it be that you need to trust your body to eat what it wants
but you need times of rest (intermittent fasting)?

Absolutely not !
All of the scientific research available today points to the fact that
an obese person or reduced obese person
CAN NOT and MUST NOT trust their body to tell them how much to eat.
IF they want to become or remain normal weight (while eating carbs).

I will not attempt to share the scientific principles behind this with you,
but it is an absolute fact.
My own personal experience in my body also verifies this,
as does my careful observations of the behavior and results of others.

My prior statement that something was missing,
refers to the fact that I feel there might be some kind of "missing link"
between the “conventional wisdom of calories-in/calories-out “
and the low-carb/insulin theories stated by Taubes
and that there is a "missing link"link between the two Theories
that should tie them together.

I feel that each of those Theories have valid issues, but that each is incomplete.
After giving much thought to the matter,
I'm leaning toward acceptance of a PERSONAL HYPOTHESIS which is:

First:. The primary reason that people grow fat is due to a genetic defect in their fat regulation,
and due to that small physical defect, they are driven to overeat which makes them fat.
This is a PHYSICAL issue, a problem in the body.
However, even when that issue has been dealt with...
there are additional reasons that can cause people to grow fat.

1. One of these reasons could be a PSYCHOLGICAL issue, a problem in the mind.
Some people have developed mental, emotional, and behavioral
problems that involve food issues, and even when the body is operating properly,
those mental issues cause them to overeat; and

2. Another of these reasons could be basic CHARACTER and SPIRITUAL issues,
which involves a conscious choice to engage in Greed and GLuttony
even though that person is not driven to do so by a defect of their body.

So...to Summarize: Even if a person's body can be normalized
by the restriction or elimination of carbohydrates;
that person can still choose to overeat out of habit; to relieve emotional distress (MENTAL);
or choose to "blindly travel to perdition", ignoring their body's requirements,
by eating an excess of "fat and protein" until they become ill,
or by deliberately loading their body up with substances that thrill their senses..
(i.e. sugars and starches etc.) despite the harm they cause it
with excessive food...including carbohydrates (CHARACTER/SPIRITUAL).
I don't know how valid that Hypothese is....
but for me, it seems to cover most of the bases.
i.e. You might be overeating because your body is genetically defective;
but once you have discovered a treatment or solution to remedy this;
your psychological issues may still prevent you from eating appropriately;
and your basic character may be defective, which can still prevent you from eating appropriately.

Perhaps low-carb eating could resolve the first issue (the BODY);,
and calorie counting or portion control is necessary for the second issue (the MIND;
however, there is really no solution for those who refuse to deal
with their basic character and spiritual issues.
If the BODY causes gluttony, and one can change that by their food substance (such as low-carb),
but one deliberately chooses the sensual experience of an excess amount of those carbs,
the issue would be CHARACTER or SPRITUAL.

This is my current hypothesis......and I'm open to change my mind.
Kathleen wrote:
I don't like the idea of low-carb
and have observed
many people lose weight only to gain it back,

That is ONLY obvious.
If a recovering alcoholic starts drinking, he becomes a drunk again.
If a recovering drug addict starts using drugs again, his behavior changes accordingly.
If a person who has a genetic defect with their fat regulation
controls it and loses weight by eating low-carb,
then starts eating carbohydrates again, that person will get fat again.

There is a scripture that says:
"Every good and perfect gift cometh from the father (meaning God)"
However, there are many things in this world that are neither
good nor perfect.

I won't waste our time talking about specific diseases, and wars
which have wiped out entire populations
But I will mention that there are now a great many diseases in the modern world
that cause a very large number of people to live with tremendous amount of pain and suffering.

I will mention the existence of Diabetes type I and type II which
perhaps were not in existence at the time of world's creation,
but which became prevalent in civilization after those societies
were introduced to the massive use of sugar and white flour.

There is no doubt that many poisonous plants exist in the world,
and the body of man was not designed to eat or tolerate them.

I propose that it is possible that God created the body to be nurtured
by "real" foods,
but that Man has chosen to alter foods that alter the body,
in a way similar, but not as immediately harmful, as poisonous plants alter it.

It isn't that the Basic foods caused man harm,
it's what man chose to do with those foods,
how that choice has affected generations over time,
and ultimately what we, as individuals now choose to eat.

As a religious woman, I am certain you are aware
of the concept of "preverted appetite".
Although God gave man his senses and appetites,
man can choose to pervert or corrupt them.

There is nothing in scripture that indicates that God
intended for man to eat as much of everything he wants
whenever he wants. In fact the old testament is packed
with eating restriction references, as well as restrictions
on other appetites...such as man's sexual appetites.

I also think Taubes was correct when he said that people will see what they choose to see.
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Post by Eileen7316 » Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:30 pm


You posted BA's post to the "Kathleen and Bright Angel's Discussion on Why We Get Fat" thread. I noticed because it confused me at first! :)

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Post by TexArk » Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:43 pm

Thanks, Eileen. I knew it went somewhere. :D I deleted it.

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Going Nuts

Post by TexArk » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:51 pm

Enjoyed way too many almonds today. I have counted them out for months, but today I started eating out of container. So now I remember why I have to count them out! :roll:
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Post by connorcream » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:37 pm

So now I remember why I have to count them out!

Same here. I learned this lesson like you did too. I can chose to measure, chose to not eat them at all, or eat them and hope my body will figure it out in time not worry if I gain during this wishful time.

For me, I find weighing and measuring out these dense caloric foods a very nice compromise.

I am so glad you are learning during your wl progress.
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Post by kerrycrow » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:58 pm

yes, i do the same thing...I can eyeball many things, but nuts, peanut butter, etc. are not among them because they are so calorie dense.

I have a tiny dish, and a little tin that let's me measure out nuts for a meal or bagged lunch without having to actually weigh them.

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New Low

Post by TexArk » Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:00 pm

A shocking new low on the scales...not sure why, but I will take it!
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Post by TexArk » Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:42 pm

Weight is bouncing up and down these days, but I have stayed in the 160s. I may be experiencing a plateau..not sure...don't care really. I have my eating pattern down and am satisfied. In less than an week the kitchen should be back in operation (remodel stuff going on) which will make food prep easier.

The elder care as many daughters know can be tiring and difficult at times. I have been away from home for 6 weeks now and am not sure when I can go back. Husband has been an angel. But I now know that if I can follow my eating plan with all of the stresses and limitations I have going on now (recovering from injury using walker, getting house ready to rent while living in it, seeing to care of stroke affected father and Altz. stepmom, and working with young adult daughter with launching issues) it should be really EASY when life settles down.
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Post by connorcream » Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:37 pm

it should be really EASY when life settles down

You brought me out of the shadows with this comment. Yes, yes, yes it will be. I started my CC at the toughest time of the year, with limited knowledge, no preparatory systems in place, just an intense knowledge I was not going to be fat any more. I wanted more for myself, for my husband, for my family. Easy is how I would describe it for ME now. Fat is hard.
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birthday check in

Post by TexArk » Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:31 pm

Just bumping my thread up....

A side note...today is my birthday and I did meet my birthday goal weight. :D I am now just 15 lbs. from the upper limit of my maintenance weight.
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Post by connorcream » Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:46 pm

Happy, happy birthday TexArk!!! Enjoy your body and your hard work. It takes hard work to face reality, learn something new, then implement it!!!
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Re: birthday check in

Post by BrightAngel » Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:50 pm

TexArk wrote:today is my birthday and I did meet my birthday goal weight. :D
I am now just 15 lbs. from the upper limit of my maintenance weight.
TexArk, Happy Birthday
and Congratulations on meeting your birthday goal.

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Ups and Downs

Post by TexArk » Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:29 pm

My weight has gone up and down the last few days. Could be water retention or possibly an uptick in calories even though carb count is low...or choice of carbs which caused water retention or just the usual up and down of the scale. By the way, that is why I weigh every day...I can follow trends and also observe that the "number" goes up and down.

However, when I put my jeans on this morning, zipped and buttoned, they came right down to the floor with just a little tug. Not exactly falling down, but dangerously close. So they now go in the charity bin. Whoopee!

I added my ticker to my signature and now I see that it is showing up double on some previous posts where I had inserted it. :oops: Oh well....at least it is good news. I am gradually learning the technology! Well, the perfectionist in me couldn't leave the double tickers...I just edited them all out.
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Re: Ups and Downs

Post by BrightAngel » Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:32 pm

TexArk wrote: when I put my jeans on this morning, zipped and buttoned,
they came right down to the floor with just a little tug.
Not exactly falling down, but dangerously close.
So they now go in the charity bin. Whoopee!
Way to Go, TexArk ! Image
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End of Overeating

Post by TexArk » Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:56 pm

Here are some interesting notes from David Kessler's book, "The End of Overeating" posted on an Amazon review of the book.

I have not had a problem with overeating and bingeing since I started eating low carb and omitting sugar and wheat while also using the NoS structure. I find some of his ideas may explain why my plan is working for me.

David Kessler, “End of Overeating.â€

Intervention begins with the knowledge that we have a moment of choice - BUT ONLY A MOMENT - to recognize what is about to happen and do something else instead.

There are 4 steps to habit reversal.

Step 1 - Awareness: We need to be aware of sensory signals, stressful situations and forceful memories and their ability to make us respond to food. The question becomes, how much are you responding to sensory stimuli instead of real hunger? Once you are cued, and have that initial urge, that is when you have a moment of control. Once you pay attention, you have the capacity to extinguish the behavior.

Step 2 - Competing behavior: Learn and develop alternative responses that are incompatible with the undesired behavior. You need to know how you will respond when presented with the undesirable behavior. You must intervene early to have the best success.

Step 3 - Formulate thoughts that compete with and quiet old thoughts. Change the way you talk to yourself about food. Thinking about outcomes changes how you feel about the situation.

Step 4 - Seek support, but if your support system does not reinforce your goals, you're better off going it alone.

Use "if-then rules." If I encounter this cue, then I regulate my response to it this way.

Rules are not the same as willpower. Willpower pits the force of reinforcing stimuli against your determination to resist. A rule makes explicit the negative consequences of giving in to your impulses, and the positive consequences of not giving in. Rules are guided by higher brain functions. Categorical rules are easiest to follow:

* I don't eat French fries.
* I will not have dessert.

When the brain knows that a reward will not be forthcoming, it shifts its attention elsewhere

* Engage in planned eating.
* Replace chaos with structure.
* Make simple yet specific rules about what and when to eat.
* Be predictable with food.
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Re: End of Overeating

Post by BrightAngel » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:28 pm

TexArk wrote:I have not had a problem with overeating and bingeing
since I started eating low carb and omitting sugar and wheat
while also using the NoS structure.
Ideas of David Kessler's , “End of Overeating.â€
Image TexArk.
I have that book and like it a great deal,
in fact sometime I plan to review some of those ideas at DietHobby.
Your point-of-view is very interesting and valuable to me,
so thanks for sharing it.
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Post by TexArk » Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:03 pm

I updated my first post in this thread from last October which outlines my philosophy, WOE, and what I am learning on the journey.

This month's weight loss has been slow, but I have lost 15 lbs. since the first of the year and I am now wearing my size 12 pants....down from size 18 last fall. Last goal is to get to my size 10s in the back of the closet! Rings are turning, watch band needs links taken out, am sleeping well, and feel great. For the first time in my life I am not hungry or having cravings.

As a sidebar...husband has lost abdominal weight, blood pressure down, no more post nasal drip, more relaxed, and has been eating this way all on his own since middle of January since I have had to be away from home most of the time.
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Re: Update

Post by BrightAngel » Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:46 pm

TexArk wrote:This month's weight loss has been slow,
but I have lost 15 lbs. since the first of the year
and I am now wearing my size 12 pants....down from size 18 last fall.
Rings are turning, watch band needs links taken out, am sleeping well, and feel great.
For the first time in my life I am not hungry or having cravings.

husband has lost abdominal weight, blood pressure down, no more post nasal drip, more relaxed,
and has been eating this way all on his own since middle of January.
TexArk, Congratulations.Image
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Goal Setting

Post by TexArk » Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:18 am

March has been a slow losing month. Maybe it was just time for a slow down or maybe I have not been as focused on measuring and weighing some high density foods as I should. I have been away from home since the middle of January except for one week. I have survived broken foot, living in motel for a month, living in a house without kitchen most of the time, the stress of elder care, etc. The fact that I have continued to lose is something that I am proud of and it helps me know that I can handle whatever is out there unseen!

The house is now about finished and I had renters sign a lease agreement yesterday to take occupancy June 1. Now I have to begin on the studio apartment at the back of the house to get it ready for daughter. Daughter has a job interview tomorrow that could mean she will be here for awhile and I can go home by May 1.

SO It is time to FOCUS and set some goals for April. Here they are:

AVOID GLUTEN GRAINS. Limit corn and rice.
AVOID SEED AND GRAIN DERIVED OILS. Use butter, ghee, coconut oil, and animal fats, unheated olive oil.
LIMIT potatoes, cheese, nuts, fruits
MONITOR CARBS AND CALORIES: less than 60 carbs, less than 1300 cal.
PROTEIN aim for around 50-75 grams
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New Low

Post by TexArk » Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:10 am

WOW New Low...Sure hope it is not an April Fool's joke :lol:
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Food for Thought

Post by TexArk » Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:29 pm

Here is something to think about posted on the 3FC forum:

Concentrated sources of sugar/carbohydrates, fats, and salt (and possibly even calories in general) are very rare in a natural world, and finding foods that combine all three (four) would be the equivalent of winning the ecological lottery. Studies of lab animals finds that most animals overeat this particular flavor combination. Something biochemically sends the message "Jackpot! This stuff is a nutritional goldmine, better eat as much as you can, while you can." The problem is we've engineered our environment to hit a jackpot every day instead of once or twice a lifetime (or never. I can't think of a single natural food that combines fat, sugar and salt).

Even singly, salt, sugar, and fat don't occur abundantly in the "natural" world, because competition for such resources is too great. ....

We've altered our food to resemble very little that occurs naturally. Even our natural foods aren't very natural. Over relatively few centuries, we've bred more and more sugar and calories into our fruits and vegetables, and bred out more and more of the fiber. Even our whole foods, are less wholesome because of our preference for sweet, quickly absorbed carbs.

Until very recently in human history (the mid 1800's), sugar was such an exceedingly rare and expensive commodity that only the wealthy had any access to it at all - and it was treated like the precious substance that it was - kept locked in a piece of furniture designed to prevent theft. The housewife carried the keys with her wherever she went.

The thought of eating sugar every day, or even on a monthly basis (and by the poor) would have shocked our ancestors (even only a few generations ago).

So I guess if you are eating sugar at all, you can unlock the sugar cabinet on S Days. :lol: So far, I have not missed it at all...no sugar since January 1.
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Re: Food for Thought

Post by BrightAngel » Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:32 pm

TexArk wrote:no sugar since January 1.
Image Congratulations, TexArk
You are a better person than I am. Image

Although I agree that no sugar is the best way to go,
and I love and substitute artificial sweeteners,
sometimes I still choose to eat sugar.
(Although, ordinarily, only outside a low-carb phase
in my current experiment-of-one.)
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New Foods

Post by TexArk » Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:11 pm

I have been trying new foods the last month, and this week the featured food was Kale. I had never eaten kale before, because I thought it would be too bitter. But I made Bobby Flay's creamed kale recipe (yum) and I made kale chips yesterday. Of course it helps to be over the saturated fat phobia...many more options with vegetables now.

Still sugar and gluten free..no problem. Working on getting rid of PUFAs. Another new recipe this week: Tuna Salad with sour cream instead of mayonnaise (don't want the soy). It was good with a little lemon juice. I may try Greek yogurt today with tuna. I don't really want to make my own mayonnaise right now, but that is a possibility.

Also...a new low on the scale today. Maybe, just maybe, I will be in the 150s by May. At any rate, I am inching closer to a BMI out of the overweight category.
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Post by TexArk » Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:20 am

Another foot injury and back in the boot for awhile. Someday I will get to get in some exercise again, but I have proved tht you don't have to exercise to lose weight.

Foods I have added this week: ghee and pastured butter Actually found both at the supermarket. I also ate fresh water fish twice. I don't like fish, but I am working on it.

Pounds are dropping slowly and I seriously need new clothes. I can be an official member of the pants falling down club. Ten more lbs. and I reach my upper limit of maintenance.
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Post by BrightAngel » Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:50 pm

TexArk wrote:Another I don't like fish, but I am working on it.

Ten more lbs. and I reach my upper limit of maintenance.
TexArk, You are doing GREAT !!! Image

I used to dislike fish as well.
Sometime in the next couple of weeks,
I'll video a favorite fish recipe that you might like.
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My First Plateau

Post by TexArk » Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:40 pm

I have stayed pretty much the same weight all month. This could be a plateau, or it could be that I cannot lose on 1300 calories daily. I check my average every week and I used to average 1200 and now 1300. Maybe the extra 100 is keeping me from losing??? 42 lbs. in six months does average out to 7 lbs. lost per month. I am certainly happy with that, but I am not through yet.
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Re: My First Plateau

Post by BrightAngel » Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:01 pm

TexArk wrote:I have stayed pretty much the same weight all month. This could be a plateau, or it could be that I cannot lose on 1300 calories daily. I check my average every week and I used to average 1200 and now 1300. Maybe the extra 100 is keeping me from losing??? 42 lbs. in six months does average out to 7 lbs. lost per month. I am certainly happy with that, but I am not through yet.
TexArk, Imagemy advice is
hold on and keep doing the same thing for May and june.
Re-evaluate in july
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Post by Dandelion » Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:06 pm

Enjoyed reading your progress! Congrats on your success :)
'I do think the way to a full and healthy life is to adopt the sensible system of small helpings, no seconds, no snacking, and a little bit of everything. Above all, have a good time.' Julia Child

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Starting off May

Post by TexArk » Sun May 01, 2011 6:17 pm

Last month I only lost a little over 1 pound and I think I lost it over and over. Maybe this was just a little rest on the journey.

Yesterday was an over the top day as far is calories go...too heavy on the fat, but still no sugar or wheat. Macadamia nuts just need to stay out of my way and I evidently cannot ration coconut bark!

My way of eating is staying the same as I work my way down the last 10 lbs. or so. My 95 year old dad who had a stroke a couple of years ago which has left him with expressive aphasia has cute expressions. My favorite lately is, "You are getting thinny!" :lol: Love it!
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Post by Dandelion » Mon May 02, 2011 1:45 am

I have been known to spread butter on cheese. When I get a craving for that, I know I need more fat :)

I don't really do any other nuts than macadamia anymore. We don't need the Omega 6. The other day I melted some dark chocolate (80%) and stirred in chopped macadamia nuts, unsweetened coconut, come unrefined coconut oil and finely chopped ginger and poured it into heart shaped candy molds.

We're not wheat free, but lower than we used to be. We're planning on giving wheat-free a trial in a few weeks.
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Post by Dandelion » Mon May 02, 2011 1:55 am

Just reading about tuna with greek yogurt. We avoid soy, and even if we didn't my family doesn't like mayo, so I don't bother making it. For the few things we eat that normally use mayo, I just use greek yogurt, too. I buy full-fat and also use it in place of sour cream or, mixed with milk, instead of buttermilk. (but of course, those are mostly pesky wheaty things you wouldn't be making :wink: )
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Post by TexArk » Mon May 02, 2011 2:21 am

It was the 100% chocolate and coconut oil and macadamia nuts that I froze in muffin pan that I kept going back to ...LOL I had my weekly portion all in one day.

I have also been working with Greek yogurt and sour cream as mayo substitutes. I don't want to make my own mayo either, but tuna needs something creamy. I also like creamier salad dressings sometimes.

I do feel really great grain free, sugar free, and now seed oil free. I have also upped the coconut oil and love it.
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Post by Dandelion » Mon May 02, 2011 3:25 am

LOL. I keep going back for chocs, too! I think I'm done now. :)

I haven't done much with salad dressing. I'm still hung up on balsamic vinegar. One of these days maybe I'll want to move on to something else :)
'I do think the way to a full and healthy life is to adopt the sensible system of small helpings, no seconds, no snacking, and a little bit of everything. Above all, have a good time.' Julia Child

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Post by Who Me? » Mon May 02, 2011 1:53 pm

Popping in to say "well done!"

And to mention my love of kale! We grow it in our garden -- yummy!

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Just a number, but...

Post by TexArk » Tue May 03, 2011 3:36 pm

I am not really scale obsessed because I know the number goes up and down. The trend has been down though and I am pleased. But this morning is the first time in a long while I have seen the 150s and it was rather exciting. I usually dip down and then up before I stabilize so tomorrow will be a bump up probably :cry:
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Post by TexArk » Mon May 09, 2011 11:03 am

I have been stalling in my weight loss for over a month. Why? because I am within 10 lbs. of goal? because I am letting my portions creep? because my body is taking an adjustment period? Who knows?

I am not going to do anything different except pay closer attention to porton...I am away from home and do not have my kitchen scale...this could be it. And I chose the turtle for my ticker for a reason.

Good news though...after over 5 months of healing broken foot bones, I can now wear a tennis shoe and have used a recumbant bike the last 2 days. (The one my 95 year old dad has in his apt. in assisted living LOL)
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Coconut Milk

Post by TexArk » Wed May 11, 2011 10:23 pm

Good news/Bad news

Well, I dipped into the 50s decade again this morning. That's twice. Maybe I will stay there this time.

And, in my quest to try new foods, I have discovered coconut milk. OMG! It is too good. After consuming one can in a day, today I froze a can in an old fashioned aluminum ice tray. Now I can portion out what I need and not overdo a good thing! WalMart had a great price so I stocked up on 12 cans. I am just eating it over berries now or straight up, but I would like to try a curry.

I am really nervous these days as daughter is job interviewing. But this time the nerves do not push me to eat. I never understood those who couldn't eat when they were sad or nervous. I was always just the opposite.
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Post by kccc » Wed May 11, 2011 10:29 pm

So glad that your foot is better, and congrats on the "dipping". (I do that - sort of "bounce" down a couple of times before I sort of stick there.)

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Post by TexArk » Thu May 12, 2011 11:34 am

Officially out of the overweight range and now at the tip top of the healthy range...that is assuming you take stock in BMI numbers. I am going to consider this as another success marker.

Best of all, I feel great, and the trend is downward.
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Post by Hoeka » Thu May 12, 2011 12:06 pm

You are so close your goal - well done!
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Post by BrightAngel » Thu May 12, 2011 1:23 pm

TexArk wrote:Officially out of the overweight range and now at the tip top of the healthy range.
..that is assuming you take stock in BMI numbers.
I am going to consider this as another success marker.

Best of all, I feel great, and the trend is downward.
Congratulations TexArk !!! Image
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bumping up thread

Post by TexArk » Tue May 17, 2011 3:18 pm

7 months after committing last October and going strong

I want to ever be watchful. As Scripture says, "Take heed lest you fall."

But I am thankful to have found peace with food and the binge demon seems to be bound for now...to use another Biblical reference.
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Tue May 17, 2011 5:08 pm

Wow, what amazing results TexArk Way to go... :wink:

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Post by TexArk » Mon May 23, 2011 3:05 pm

I am not a scientist, but I think the term n=1 refers to an experiment with one subject...that would be me.

Because of injuries (broken heel, followed by metatarsil break) I have been immobilized for months. First wheelchair, then walker, then crutches, boot, cane, etc. I have also been 9 1/2 hours away from my home and family caring for elderly parents while remodeling their house to rent. Thankfully that is finished, a lease is signed, parents are stabilized for awhile, and I am getting to go home by the end of the week.

This forced isolation and lack of activity has provided me with the opportunity to study, think, and be an experiment of 1.

What have I learned? Well, I have lost weight steadily without hunger and with almost no exercise. I have not had my usual binge problem and there have been many good excuses to do so...living in a motel for over a month, being without water during ice storm, living in a bedroom for 2 months, daughter in transition, elder care responsibility, not to mention my own physical pain. I attribute my way of eating as the reason for the weight loss and the stabilized emotions.

I have been able to read volumes of studies and have many valuable discussions via internet for 6 months. I won't have that kind of time again for awhile (lots of catching up to do at home), but I am grateful for the time I had. I may not post here much more. I will check in and out I am sure, but I can't really share my way of eating on the discussion board as it goes against the core principles for most folks here. I do stay with the no seconds and no sweets, but S Days mean nothing, and I have restricted foods that would really bother others. I may use my check in for my own purposes, but I will refrain from posting my opinions on the main board and on other's check in threads.

So how am I eating? My first post when I started again last October has been updated and it is really pretty simple. I started recording my food so I could analyze it. I counted calories to see what I was averaging. After removing grains, I started checking on my carbohydrate average and my fat and protein average. Now I avoid all gluten grains, sugar (limit fructose), and industrial oils. I cook with animal fats, pastured butter, and coconut oil. I eat mostly beef, fish, eggs, and some pork. I eat lots of green vegetables, a little bit of rice or potato, limit my dairy to cream, butter, and occasionally hard cheese and very little chicken. I have really increased my fat consumption and decreased carbohydrates (because of no grains and sugar).

Results: weight loss has been good, I feel calm, sleep well, have not been sick at all. I know that one cannot just use how you feel as a measure (I am sure smokers feel good after getting a nicotine hit), but intellectually I feel good about not putting foods into my body that I know can cause disease in the longterm. I may still get some of the dreaded diseases. After all there is genetics and 60+ years of some bad eating. Supposedly it takes 2 years to get the seed oils out of your body! Some people call this primal or paleo eating. That term is not appealing to me..the caveman thing is a cheesy gimmick I think. But I do know that my body likes the way I am eating. I don't know if I will keep counting after I lose a few more pounds or not. I probably will since it is so easy and is also a habit. I do know that I will continue to weigh, because I need to not be blind to creeping pounds. My husband has adopted this eating pattern and is doing well. My daughter is moving in that direction. I will continue to be open minded and study and think for myself.

Again, I do not feel I can share what I have learned on this board so I will be active on some other boards where people are on the same path. I believe we are all different and have to find what works for our own n=1 experiment so I would never try to tell someone else what to do, unless I am asked.
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Post by BrightAngel » Tue May 24, 2011 12:58 am

Congratulations for finding and following a path that is working for you.
I respect your need to make decisions as to where to spend your online time.
I feel close to you, and I would consider your absence from my life, a loss.
I hope that you will keep me informed of your progress,
and I hope you will still frequently stop in at DietHobby.
Anything that you have to say on any topic will always be welcomed there.
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Post by TexArk » Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:29 pm

I have essentially stayed the same weight for 2 months...about 10 pounds away from the high end of my goal. And I am actually very close to a non overweight BMI. My clothes fit well. I actually don't feel fat, and I am not wrinkled yet (pretty good for a 64 year old).

I either have hit a plateau after losing 40+ lbs. after nearly 8 months or this is just the weight I need to be as an older woman. I can comfortably wear size 12 clothes and I don't think 10 pounds would change that much. I am not going to change anything concerning my diet at the moment. I will continue to enter my food and take a look each week to see if there is some adjustment I can comfortably make. For now, I think I would be satisfied with about another 5 lbs. off and realize it may take awhile.

Now that I have started physical therapy for my foot, I hope to do other exercise that will at least help with toning.
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Re: Plateau?

Post by BrightAngel » Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:40 pm

TexArk wrote:I either have hit a plateau after losing 40+ lbs. after nearly 8 months
or this is just the weight I need to be as an older woman.
Excellent Attitude !!! Image
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What I Have Learned

Post by TexArk » Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:45 pm

Over a month ago I moved into the tip top of the healthy weight BMI range...still about 10 pounds over where I think I need to be. I am a 64 year old woman who is limited physically from walking or swimming for aerobic exercise due to an injury.

I have been experimenting to see just how much I can eat to maintain or lose. Unfortunately even though I am 5 ft. 7 in. I cannot seem to eat more than 1200 calories a day and expect to lose any weight at all. As a matter of fact, last month I averaged 1374 calories daily and gained 4 lbs.! For the last month I never saw the scale where it was before. I eat very low carb and am not having hunger or binge issues. But I cannot just have 3 plates of food a day without counting calories. It is very easy and reasonable to have 500 calorie plates, but that is way too much for me. I have been recording my food since I started this new check in last October, but I had never set a ceiling on calories. I thought as long as I ate 3 healthy meals all would be fine. And this did help me to control binge eating just by being accountable. I did want to keep records though so I would have hard data from which to make decisions.

My data not only showed what my true baseline metabolism is, but it also confirmed my belief that I cannot have relaxed S Days because that will easily put me over the top calorie wise...to "enjoy" S Days the way some do and not gain would mean I would have to stay at 1000 calories for my N Days.

I may be able to increase my calories when I can get more exercise, but I am not really expecting it. I think I have to accept where I am as an older woman and deal with it. I do enjoy my food much more since going low carb (basically I eat no grains, sugar, or seed oils) and I am not missing sweets and breads at all. This is saying a bunch for me..a former bread baker and sweetaholic.

Now I see why I gained weight for a year on NoS (before counting calories). I had perfect N Days, but I just can't have as many calories as some and expect to lose pounds or maintain a healthy weight. So although not orthodox by NoS standards, I have started a HabitCal where I record my success staying under 1300 calories a day.
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Post by Kathleen » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:59 pm

I think vanilla No S may work well for a young man like Reinhard but not result in an acceptable weight for an older female. No S can be a good baseline, but additional restrictions may need to be added. I am experimenting with fasting, and you are experimenting with calorie counting, but we've both reached the same conclusion that vanilla No S isn't enough.

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Re: What I Have Learned

Post by BrightAngel » Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:39 pm

TexArk wrote:I am a 64 year old woman who is limited physically
from walking or swimming for aerobic exercise due to an injury.

I have been experimenting to see just how much I can eat to maintain or lose.
Unfortunately even though I am 5 ft. 7 in. I cannot seem
to eat more than 1200 calories a day and expect to lose any weight at all.
I cannot just have 3 plates of food a day without counting calories.
It is very easy and reasonable to have 500 calorie plates,
but that is way too much for me.

I have been recording my food since I started this new check in last October,
but I had never set a ceiling on calories.
I thought as long as I ate 3 healthy meals all would be fine.
And this did help me to control binge eating just by being accountable.
I did want to keep records though so I would have hard data from which to make decisions.

My data not only showed what my true baseline metabolism is,
but it also confirmed my belief that I cannot have relaxed S Days
because that will easily put me over the top calorie wise.
..to "enjoy" S Days the way some do and not gain
would mean I would have to stay at 1000 calories for my N Days.

I think I have to accept where I am as an older woman and deal with it.
Now I see why I gained weight for a year on NoS (before counting calories).
I had perfect N Days,
but I just can't have as many calories as some
and expect to lose pounds or maintain a healthy weight.

So although not orthodox by NoS standards, I have started a HabitCal
where I record my success staying under 1300 calories a day.
Your situation is very much like my own.
I admire the thought and effort you have put into your self-analysis.
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July Data

Post by TexArk » Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:23 pm

I haven't used my daily check in for a food or exercise journal, but I am going to try that for the month of July. I have come to a standstill even though I know I have a few more excess pounds to shed. Maybe going public will help keep me on track. So I will keep a running average for the month updating each day.

Average calories for past month: 1378
average carbs for past month: 39.2
Weight loss for month: +/- 0

get average calories under 1300 (eventually 1200)
keep average carbs at 30
get average activity to 150 (eventually 200)
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The Plateau

Post by TexArk » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:47 pm

I have been stuck for about 4 months. After losing 40 lbs. steadily I got spoiled. Now that I am about 10 lbs. from goal, I have just stopped. I have monitored my calories and carbs to see if I was overeating. I don't think so.

Past Quarter averaged 1351 calories and 35.2 carbs.

As my foot injury is still keeping me from walking, I am looking for other ways to move more. I have set a goal to use my stationary cycle at least 30 min. daily and have started doing a little work with my 10# kettle bell. I am hoping that will jumpstart my sluggish engine.

I am not going to lower my calories below 1300 and I am sticking with the no snacks even on S Days so as not to interrupt the timing of hunger, etc.

I have checked my scales against the doctor's because I think the loss of the last ten pounds is going to be very very slow. I need to weigh daily so I can see the normal fluctuations. Otherwise if I weigh once a week, I might weigh on a day that just happens to be up by half a pound, but is not the norm. This may take until the end of the year, but that is OK.

I feel good, have no health issues, no cravings, no binges so I am going to just keep on keeping on. If this is where I stop, I will be OK with it. At least I won't be an old lady with a scrawny neck!
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Post by BrightAngel » Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:43 pm

TexArk, Looks like you have a good plan. :D
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Getting Unstuck

Post by TexArk » Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:38 am

One pound down this week.

Completed last week of therapy and able to use exercise bike as much as I want. Goal is a minimum of 30 minutes. Still using cane to walk, however.

S Day calories were up...otherwise weight loss would have been two pounds for week. Need to watch the excess cheese and dairy on the weekends.

Husband is losing lbs...maybe 25 lbs. since January 1. That has helped keep the trigger foods out of the house. He has requested that ice cream no longer be available except on weekends.

Hopefully by next Monday I can report another loss. As usual, I am only in control of my choices, not the scale.
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accurate scale

Post by TexArk » Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:22 pm

I think I have a consistent, accurate scale now. I have been using 3 different scales in the household and 2 of the 3 are just not consistent. I did not like the one that was consistent because it always weighed the heaviest...even when checked with doctor's balance scale. However, I used iron weights to check each one and now I have settled on the "heavier" one. That is also the one I used when I started weighing last October. So...maybe I can at least see some consistency. I just don't think my weight has been going up and down every day.

Another thought...There is quite a debate going on between Gary Taubes and Stephen G in the paleo blogosphere over carbohydrate hypothesis vs food reward hypothesis concerning why we get fat. I do know that if I cut carbs back that also cuts food reward so for me there is a correlation. But I can overdo any type of food that is overly rewarding. I will drink much more coffee, for instance, if I have full cream in it. Yum, yum. This is why I have trouble with sweets...I get too big a buzz to stop. And so I do think food reward contributes to obesity. Some are probably more sensitive than others. However, the answer to me is not a bland, unseasoned diet. That is too extreme and unsustainable. This theory does explain why, for me anyway, not indulging in high reward foods on S Days is better. When I do that, it just sets me off. I do better with a special treat like a nice steak dinner with a creamy salad dressing. That gives me a hit, but I don't need to come back for more and more like I do with desserts and homemade bread.
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Post by TexArk » Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:13 pm

I am holding my own and waiting to see if I can drop a few more pounds. I am within about 3 pounds of normal BMI

I have been keeping records since October mostly for information purposes. I have lost over 40 lbs. but have stayed the same weight and size for months.

My daily calorie average for the last 3 months is 1344 and I am up about 2 lbs. I am eating healthy, not snacking, not having crazy S Days. There is not much else I can do. This is just the hormonal metabolic situation of a 64 yr. old woman who has been 50 lbs. overweight off and on for a long time....and cannot walk for exercise because of foot injury! I have increased my weight lifting for upper body and use the stationary bike....it just doesn't seem to be the same as walking.
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Re: bump

Post by BrightAngel » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:59 pm

TexArk wrote:My daily calorie average for the last 3 months is 1344 and I am up about 2 lbs.
I am eating healthy, not snacking, not having crazy S Days.
There is not much else I can do.
This is just the hormonal metabolic situation of a 64 yr. old woman
who has been 50 lbs. overweight off and on for a long time
TexArk, I hear you and understand. Image
I am a reduced obese person in my mid-60s.
My calorie average is lower, but my height and weight is also lower,
and my experience during the past few years is similiar to yours.
Image You are doing great, just keep going.
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bump up to first page

Post by TexArk » Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:17 pm

I am still staying the same weight even though I would like to be 10 lbs. lighter. What I like and what my body likes may be a different number!

I have been able to add exercise back in this month after being dismissed from therapy and I have lifted heavy weights 2 X a week, done HIIT on exercise bike 1X a week, and long, slow, cardio 3 X a week. Whether I lose or not, at least I am using my body again.

I have also been eating a very large protein breakfast each morning and that has made me able to only need a second meal most days. This is the only way I seem to be able to keep my calorie count under 1350 and still reach satiety.

I am one month away from my one year goal. I thought surely I would reach my goal weight in one year, but much has happened to my body to slow that down. Nevertheless, I have tracked all my food and know that I have done my part. And I have not been sick the entire year (not even a cold) for which I am very thankful. I cannot help but think my healthy eating has been a very good thing.....no gluten, no sugar, no industrial oils.
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One Year Anniversary

Post by TexArk » Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:52 pm

I started NoS at the end of 2008. I loved the concept and was able to kick the snacking habit or as we called it in my family, "grazing." I had to work at it, but I got my N days down pat. The S Days were another story however. So after two years of gaining weight and not conquering binge behavior over the weekends, I made the decision to track my food beginning Oct 15, 2010, finally admitting that "Every Bite Counts." I weighed in at an all time high of 204.5. I had started NoS at 172 or so!

Using the Diet Power software I entered every bite I ate and found that by eating one plateful, no seconds, and no sweets, I was averaging about 1300-1400 calories a day. I lost steadily. However, my S Days were real white knuckle events or I would have to severely make up for all those extra calories on my N Days to keep my weekly average around 1300. I began to see that eating any sweets on the S Days set me up for failure. So gradually and then completely by January 1 I gave up all sugar, grains, and industrial oils.

Bingo! No more craving. No more bingeing. Satiety and balance at last.

I had lost 42 lbs. by April and have stayed steady ever since. The number in my head where I thought I should be is 10 lbs. lower. But I am wearing an appropriate size, am well toned, don't look my age at all if I do say so myself, am healthy, etc. I guess I am at maintenance. I am still averaging about 1300 calories a day, but it is all good healthy meats, fats, vegetables, and safe starches (no grains), and a little bit of fruit. I cannot believe that I don't have to struggle over sugars and grains after a life time of trying to rein them in. Abstinence was the answer. It is not deprivation for me. It is balance. Now I use my S Days for something special like a steak dinner or a cheesy dish.

Conclusion: the best parts of NoS are the 3 one plate meals, no seconds and no snacking and I finally got success when I extended that plan into my S Days. Of course I think my addition of being gluten free, sugar free and seed oil free has made a huge difference in homeostasis.

Favorite sites: gnolls.org and perfecthealthdiet.com

I plan to report in once a month so this thread now officially becomes a monthly check in.
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Post by Who Me? » Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:56 pm

Wow! Good for you! You're in inspiration to us all.

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Post by BrightAngel » Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:18 pm

ImageGreat Job, TexArk Image
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November Check In

Post by TexArk » Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:54 am

It has been a wild and crazy month. I have been away from home since October 18...moved Dad from assisted living to hospital, then to skilled nursing care with the goal of moving back to assisted living. I have been sleeping and eating in makeshift bedroom/bath apartment with a microwave, induction burner, electric skillet, and small refrigerator.

So far I have done just fine following my regular plan. I have picked up a few salads and a rotisserie chicken, but other than that I have not eaten out. I have dropped a few more pounds, but cannot tell exactly because of using a different scale...but the good news is that the habits are in place and no weight gain because of stress and different circumstances. I have even been able to work out some at the gym since my membership is with a franchise.

I credit NoS for establishing the no snacking habit, and no sugar or wheat for getting rid of cravings.

I have limited internet access for now, but still enjoy reading everyone's updates when I am online.
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December Update

Post by TexArk » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:05 pm

I updated my first page...getting close to year 3 on this board. I check in every day even though I don't post often.
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Post by TexArk » Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:47 pm


October 15, 2010 added calorie counting to NoS
December, 2010 eliminated S Days as weekend events; S Days must be really “Specialâ€
January 1, 2011 began “paleo†diet added to NoS (no wheat, sugar, or seed oils)
September, 2011 added sweet potatoes and rice to diet
December, 2011 began eating fermented foods daily

January 2012
I have maintained a weight loss of 45 lbs. since October 2011 and have gradually been upping my daily calories. I seem to be able to maintain at 1400-1500 calories now.

I try to get in resistance training and some cardio by way of cycling and elliptical machine. I cannot walk or jog for exercise due to foot injury.

I found that within a few days of eating “paleo†my cravings were gone. As a binge eater and chronic low fat dieter for most of my life, this is nothing short of a miracle. I no longer have to just depend on willpower to get me through the day. This is why I don’t mess with introducing sugar into my weekend. My emotions are calm, and I have been dealing with very stressful life situations during this same period of time. I have not had a cold, sore throat, sinus/allergy problems, stomach virus, or any sickness in over a year.

My diet is simple:
High protein breakfast (pastured eggs, bacon, sausage, sardines, cottage cheese)
Light lunch if hungry (broth, soup or yogurt and berries or seasonal fruit)
Supper (greens, protein, fermented food (Greek full fat yogurt, sauerkraut, or kim chi), rice or sweet potato and 85% Dark Chocolate – very small piece to finish meal

Weekly: liver once or twice, salmon about 3 times

I use coconut oil, pastured butter, ghee, and olive oil for my fats and buy pastured eggs, local beef and pork. I use heavy cream in my coffee, but do not drink milk. I eat chicken about once a week and use vegetarian fed from WalMart. I do have to make my own mayonnaise and sauces to avoid industrial seed oils and high fructose corn syrup and sugars.

I have found that I over eat cheeses, nuts, nut butters, seeds, and gluten free baked goods; therefore, I don’t keep them in the house. I consider these S treats.
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Post by ChubbyBaby » Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:37 pm

I just wanted to stop in and say hi. I've been reading your daily check in thread and want to tell you how much it has inspired me. For the past 15 years I have been eating low carb, very similar to the way that you are eating. I'm healthy and I feel great. Unfortunately I have not been able to lose weight, so I've been on a journey to find out why. I've suspected for some time now that I need to cut my calories, even when eating low carb, so I have been investigating and trying to find a reasonable way to do this. My journey led me here to the NoS diet boards. I thought that the NoS restrictions would be an easy, gentle way to start restricting my calories, and it has been... for the most part. Unfortunately, the NoS way of eating is very different than my lc background and this is really messing with my thinking. As a result I've been in a very confused place lately.

The NoS diet has taught me some good things, and some not-so-good things. I've been dabbling with adding back some good carbs on my N days, and this has been wonderful. Unfortunately I've also taken full advantage of my S days by indulging in all the junk I haven't eaten for many years. This has been very difficult for me. I know that it's messing with my blood sugar and insulin levels, my weight, and my mental state. The result of this is that I can't seem to make up my mind as to how I should be eating. I keep bouncing back and forth between the NoS idea of no food restrictions, and the idea of eating low carb. I've been feeling lost.

Anyway, after reading your thread I am feeling a renewed commitment to going back to eating lc all the time, even on S days. Like you I am very thankful that the NoS diet introduced me to the concept of no snacks and no seconds, and taming my fear of hunger, which I really needed to apply to my life, but I also need to restrict my carbs, so the S day concept has not been helpful for me. I'm also thankful for the other things I have learned on these boards. I've really been resistant to the idea of calorie counting as well, but after seeing all of the ladies here who have had success with it I am rethinking this. I need accountability, but calorie counting has always seemed so time consuming, and restricting. I like the way that you do it. It doesn't seem so obsessive. I will look at it again.

Thanks for sharing your journey with us!

BTW, have you read Wheat Belly? Since you are restricting your gluten you may find this book very interesting.
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Aug. 2012 = 202.5

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Focus Needed

Post by TexArk » Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:48 pm

Time to report in and hold myself accountable. I gained 3 lbs over the last 2 weeks. Why? I didn't weigh daily, I didn't log my food in every day, and I did not get my regular exercise in.

Answer: Do all of the above! I started back with the exercise yesterday, weighed this morning, and will log in my food in Diet Power. Simple. Even when I follow the NoS Rules I will gain if my food intake is too high. This is a fact.
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Re: Focus Needed

Post by BrightAngel » Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:27 pm

TexArk wrote: I gained 3 lbs over the last 2 weeks. Why?
I didn't weigh daily,
I didn't log my food in every day,
and I did not get my regular exercise in.
Not logging in my food,
and not weighing daily,
will guarantee a weight-gain for me too.
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Portion Creep

Post by TexArk » Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:12 pm

Now that I am back home to stay (been out of state for months taking care of elderly family) it is time to focus again. I have done well all things considering, but I have let about 5 lbs. creep up on me. I am using a different scale so I am not sure, but I feel fat around my middle! I am going to post daily during the month of June.

Stay with 3 plate daily NoS plan, SITTING DOWN!
Continue with the no sweets, no seconds, no snacking which are well established habits.
Log food into DietPower to make sure calorie count is not over the top.
S Day treats are public and not mindless.
Continue avoiding grains (except rice) and all industrial oils.
Eliminate cheese and nuts just for this month.
Exercise daily one hour (cardio and resistance) 15 minute minimum!

June 1, 2012
SUCCESS on NoS and 30 min. cardio

June 2, 2012
SUCCESS on S Day (hard candy drop at movie, nothing at a shower, and a "6 inch" veggie pizza for supper with friends. no exercise

June 3, 2012
SUCCESS on S Day (85% dark chocolate 100 calories in mid afternoon) No exercise but actually unplanned lower calorie day Sitting down is turning out to be the hardest habit to form...must be important.

June 4, 2012
Food and Plates OK, BUT I did not sit at table for noon meal. This proves I have to really work on this. I will not go down without a fight. And I have had a full day and have not exercised yet. That was the problem at lunch...multitasking, SLOW DOWN

June 5, 2012
food amount OK but still having trouble sitting 100% of the time. I had no idea I was this bad about starting my plate in the kitchen while continuing to work. This time it was the evening meal...eating my plate while preparing something else for working daughter to have later on.

June 6, 2012
FAILURE. I know why and tomorrow is another day. Oh well.

June 9,10 Sensible S Days Got exercise started up again
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:17 pm

I resisted sitting for eating for so many years. I was told this nearly 30 years ago! I don't know about anyone else, but now I see the wisdom of sitting, at least for me. There is no way I savor and enjoy the food the same if I am standing. When I'm standing, it somehow feels as if I am in a hurry with whatever bite of food is in my mouth. I think it's because when I grab a bite when I'm standing, I'm also usually doing something else as well, so I can't concentrate. Eating is something thrown into the mix.

Doesn't mean I won't ever do it. I'll still take tastes of food at Costco on S days. I'll still probably eat standing at parties on S days where there are appetizers. Situations in public where standing is the norm. but not while I'm cooking, preparing a meal, doing the dishes or just passing time while I'm alone, etc. Those are all easy to think of giving up. I think one that will be hard is taking a spoonful of this or that out of the fridge on S days. It can just feel so freeing to pop some food into my mouth. But what I have to face is that it's never as satisfying, and satisfaction is a very important element of eating, no matter what day of the week it is.

Now that you've been calorie counting for awhile, does it make you look back on larger amounts you used to eat and remember that you actually did know you might be eating too much? Or have you been surprised that you had to cut your portions to get in the right calorie range? Just curious.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by TexArk » Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:58 am

Yes, I must sit down and savor my food.

Regarding counting calories..

What I have learned about myself is that I can very easily fall into portion size creep. Also I like my fats so I have to be careful not to overdo the butter and olive oil. Those calories are so concentrated that I need to be aware. One plate, no sweets, and no snacking automatically controls somewhat, but I can pack a whole lot of calories on one plate. And, if I throw caution to the wind on S Days I can do major damage without even feeling sick or stuffed.

Mostly calorie counting is not restrictive...it is just my way of being mindful. I have a history of eating whole sleeves of Ritz crackers or a box of Wheat Thins all by myself. I don't eat those things any more and not snacking helps a bunch, but so does tracking calories.

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Getting My Groove Back

Post by TexArk » Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:03 am

Have a template in place for checking off foods eaten daily..easy to track..using a dry erase marker.

Got up early this morning to go to gym before breakfast. I am finally in a life situation where I can do this.

The plan is to go for easy workout each morning and then eat a high protein, but late breakfast. This holds me until late afternoon when I can have a yogurt/berry smoothie before I start cooking supper.

Scale at home is unreliable so I plan to weigh each morning at the gym. It will be a higher number because of clothing, but it should be consistent. I will change my ticker accordingly.

I am moving from working all my life to caregiver for elderly parents to unscheduled retirement. I need some scheduling back in my life to help with habit formation. So off to bed before I stare inside the refrigerator.

June 12 NoS Success
another early morning workout YEA!
Big Brunch
Afternoon Yogurt Smoothie
One Plate supper (very fatty short ribs, but no sauce)

June 13 morning workout
June 14 Morning workout NoS and exercise in place no weight loss yet
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:49 pm

Whatever it is we want, at 11 p.m. it is likely not in the refrigerator.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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July Check In

Post by TexArk » Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:57 am

Perhaps I was overambitious last month. July goal is to keep it simple. I did exercise more regularly last month and I think the immediate effect was an increase in appetite and calorie intake. I gained a few pounds. But I am going to forge on and still try to exercise daily and hope that I achieve a better balance this month. I did not weigh regularly last month and for me that is a mistake.

I don't normally fast, but I decided that the first Sunday in the month would be a good time for a one day fast and that is what July 1 has been. I am also going to aim for 2 meals a day which is where I have had good success in the past. If I am really hungry for a third meal I will certainly do that. I have no problems with the tenets of NoS. No snacking, no sweets, and no seconds are established habits for the most part. I am still working on getting good daily exercise as a habit. The only reason I have not been able to shake off the last of my excess pounds is a very slow metabolism. If I eat less I become cranky and also get close to binge behavior so the only answer is to move more.

I will weigh daily, exercise 6 out of 7 days, follow NoS and report in every day for a month.

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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:44 am

Sounds like a good plan.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by TexArk » Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:51 am

July 2

Yesterday's monthly fast day was a success. It was a good time of reflection and recentering. I am working at letting go of those things I can't control concerning choices and problems others in the family have to deal with. I need to be aware of helping vs. enabling. And I need to work on my daily life schedule and goals now that I have retired and also no longer am caregiver for elderly parents.

My weigh in this morning puts me where I have been for a month or so which is 5# over the beginning of the year. My first mini goal is to remove this 5# by eating 2 meals a day and exercising 1 hour 6 days a week.
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:17 pm

Did your fast go from dinner to dinner or was it a 36-hour affair?
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by TexArk » Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:18 pm

This was a 36 hour fast which I can remember doing only once in my life many, many years ago. It was really easy. I drank water, kefir water, and had a bowl of homemade chicken broth. I broke the fast this morning after 8:00 and had eggs, bacon, and berries. I worked out around noon and I wasn't hungry again until this afternoon about 2:00 when I had squash, fresh tomatoes, and a slice of meatza (pizza without the crust). I plan on a light supper and this will be one of my days with 3 meals.

I think I can plan a 36 hour fast the first Sunday of each month and use that time to reflect and recenter. I worship each Sunday anyway so it seems natural to fast.

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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:47 pm

I had one 36-hour fast come on naturally during winter break this year. Just wasn't hungry and kept waiting until I was. I wouldn't call it easy, though. I've tried to go with my lack of hunger a couple of other times on weekends, but I never get through it. I can't plan them. It's hard enough for me to fill my time between meals on off days. Plus, other times I have gotten quite hungry and it doesn't make sense to me anymore! But I salute you if it's easy. I've been reading about how shamans use fasting. Maybe I'll get inspired to try again.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by TexArk » Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:58 pm


I won't do this if I am hungry, cranky, dizzy, headache, etc. But one Sunday a month I think I can do the 36 hr. fast. At any rate I am positive I can go from Saturday night to Sunday night for 24 hr. My Sundays are really busy and I am out of the house much of the day which makes it easier.

Thanks for following me along the way. I am always encouraged by reading your posts. And I concur with you as you tell others, changing habits takes a long time. If it came naturally and easily we wouldn't be here.

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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:45 pm

Especially food habits. They're more tied up with other issues and there are so many eating cues per day.

I think the dinner to dinner might work for me. I've considered it. (I've also considered letting myself have an old-fashioned binge day once a month with no self-recrimination allowed, but somehow I don't believe that is as good an idea.)
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by TexArk » Wed Jul 04, 2012 4:18 pm

All went well yesterday, except I was just too worn out to get out to exercise. The excessive heat is taking its toll.

This morning, July 4, I did get out to the gym and put my hour in. Plans for the day include steak and ice cream and tomorrow is a family birthday with cheesecake planned. One piece s l o w l y..
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:20 pm

Good job planning for steak and ice cream. And cheesecake, slowly...

Sorry about the heat. That always does me in, too. Not that I have a consistent habit anyway.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by TexArk » Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:35 am

Special Days are over for awhile. No family birthdays or anniversaries until next Spring.

I enjoyed steak and ice cream on July 4 and on daughter's birthday today had second helping of yummy mashed potatoes and cheesecake for dessert. It is not any more than a "normal" person would have or most could enjoy on a regular S Day, but it will show up on the scale I am sure. I will get back to what I have to do in the morning. I did get a workout in this morning which was a good thing.

I have accepted the fact that I have to focus and be vigilant if I want to avoid the excess pounds. It may not be fair, but it is what it is!

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Reining it in..

Post by TexArk » Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:07 pm

Well, I see a pattern in my behavior. I gear up and plan for the challenges, i.e. birthdays, holidays, and such. Then the day after the "event" I fall off the wagon bigtime. And this is even taking the precautionary measure of sending trigger foods off with others. This has happened for years and years.

I have a theory and this quote from Emily Deans verifies part of it:

“In folks with addictions, the consumption of high quantities of “palatable†substances (or food) will result in an enhanced reinforcing value of the food and weakening of the control circuits.
The definition of a “palatable†food is anything you could eat when you are stuffed.... Anything you can eat when you are stuffed should rarely be eaten.

So, I did not take an S Day today. Just about the time I think I can let up and not have food awareness on the front burner (pun intended) I am rudely reminded that focus is going to be a lifetime affair and there are just some things that are hardwired that I need to accept. That doesn't mean that I have to think about food 24/7 but I will never be able to let it go.

And as a 65 year old woman I have to accept that I will not get down to my high school weight and I have to remember as my signature says, "Every bite counts." There are no free lunches (another intentional pun!)

I am not changing my weight ticker even though I am up about 5 lbs. I will be back there shortly!
24.7 bmi Feb. 2019
26.1 bmi Sept. 2018
31.4 bmi July 2017

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:20 pm

Yes, after restricting highly palatable foods, eating them then will increase the urges, but OVER TIME, if those urges are tolerated rather than given in to, they will decrease. (Giving in to them will make the stimulus stronger.) Will they ever disappear? Doubtful, since even many thin people sometimes think about and have fleeting urges for food at odd times. And we have so many cues.

But now you know. It is normal to have some residual desires after having rich food. You're not crazy or weak!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Posts: 804
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Location: Foothills of the Ozarks

Post by TexArk » Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:46 pm

Back on track. Lost the excess pounds from last weeks celebrations. Always good to get it off fsst! Haven't felt like exercising though. NoS control first, then exercise. Maybe today.
24.7 bmi Feb. 2019
26.1 bmi Sept. 2018
31.4 bmi July 2017

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Location: San Diego, CA USA

Post by oolala53 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:18 pm

Back from my trip, and glad you feel back on track.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Posts: 804
Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2008 2:50 am
Location: Foothills of the Ozarks

Post by TexArk » Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:27 pm

It is Thursday and the week has gone well. I did get in a little weight lifting yesterday. I have stayed on the NoS plan, but I am having a little homemade beef or chicken broth in between meals to tide me over. I would hope this plan will gradually move me down another 6 lbs. but that is not in my power. At least I don't feel like I am heading back up the regain pathway.
24.7 bmi Feb. 2019
26.1 bmi Sept. 2018
31.4 bmi July 2017

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Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2008 2:50 am
Location: Foothills of the Ozarks

Post by TexArk » Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:03 pm

Got off NoS yesterday..snack in afternoon and evening. No exercise. Result: this morning's weigh in was up about 2 lbs. That usually means too much salt, eating something before bedtime, and too much volume still in system. But for me, it means WATCH IT today and be careful over the weekend.

Posts: 804
Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2008 2:50 am
Location: Foothills of the Ozarks

Post by TexArk » Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:25 pm

I made a change in my exercise goals. As usual I was overly optimistic or unrealistic. Yes, it is probably best as for as weight loss goes to get in an hour a day of cardio and/or resistance training. The reality is that it just doesn't happen. So I have had success the last few days getting in about 30 minutes. Again, it is a habit that needs to be established.

I am also more carefully watching my portion sizes. I found some heavy, but smaller restaurant plates at the flea market and love them. And I am again aware that there are some foods I just must avoid or at least eat outside of the house. I can not overeat or binge for months on end, but if that weak moment arises and they are available, Katy bar the door! Lesson learned again.

I am five pounds away from a non overweight BMI and that will be fine with me....maybe by 2013...hmmm 1 lb. a month should be doable. But as usual, the results will have to follow the behavior.
24.7 bmi Feb. 2019
26.1 bmi Sept. 2018
31.4 bmi July 2017

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