Doulachic's Daily Check-In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by doulachic » Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:10 pm

Frosted no-s! that is hilarious! i just might do that and post a pic of it, who knows? :lol: Maybe i should post the cookie bar recipe in the recipe thread? but then i may be responsible for someone else's downfall... :lol:

thanks for the encouragement guys, i appreciate it. since there is only a handful of us (in comparison to the whole world population) it is impossible to get support outside of this forum, know what i mean? (besides my family, of course.)

Deb, at my annual checkup my dr. said something like "oh, you're still the same weight as last year." and i was immediately saying "i know, i'm trying to lose.." but she was like "Oh, you're doing good! It's good that you have maintained for a year and haven't gained any weight." So that made me feel pretty good. as i'm getting older, at least i'm not getting heavier! (not that 35 is old, but sometimes with four kids i feel like i'm eighty!)

take care all, happy no-sing!

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Post by doulachic » Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:56 am

ok, today was a total flop! :evil: at least on the sweets end (as usual). i think not being able to exercise for almost two weeks has really done a number on me. I am completely starting over on Monday (since that is an official no-s day) and that includes my exercise!!

now that i am mostly over my cold bug, i feel that i am ready to jump back in with the exercise and i'm sure it will make a big difference in my eating disiplines as well. my whole food attitude seems to change when i can't exercise...hhhmmmm....wonder why that is?

well, hope everyone has a great S-weekend! :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:08 am

Tricia, I hope you have a nice weekend!!!
Sorry things are so "halted" for you.. I feel similar..
Tomorrow I am going to go to Yoga again though and I feel much more committed to NoS, in a strict sense, also, starting on Monday...
I'm holding your hand girly!!!
Glad you are not sick anymore....
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Post by doulachic » Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:01 pm

Thanks Deb, I'm thinking about you too! Giving you a big squeeze on the hand! :lol:

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Post by doulachic » Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:05 am

Well, i have not posted for a while. life has been busy!
Today was not a good day. I have come to the conclusion that i must just jump in and be strict with myself again concerning the sweets! I think i will start over and try the 21 day thing..kind of like back to square one. On a good note, i am still doing well with not overeating at meals, "no seconds", so that is good. I haven't gained any weight either, so that is double good! and i actually am over my cold and back to exercising as of today! :D

happy no-sing everyone!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:35 pm

Good luck Tricia!!!!!!
We can be back on track together!!!
As Reinhard once wrote me, (somewhat paraphrased...)

Three weeks of strict behavior will get you in good with the warden!!!

(Wow, I know something is missing from that.... Reinhard? what was it again??? LOL.....)

Congrats on not gaining and keeping up no seconds and snacks....
75 percent on target is infinitely better than just throwing in the towel, as we all might have done in the past, and just saying "To hell with it all... let the binge begin...."

Good for you!!!
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Post by doulachic » Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:47 pm

Well, i forgot to post yesterday, but it was a success for day one of my "do over"!! :D I even did some exercise! i think today will go well too, i feel like i am back in my groove and am actually feeling much better about myself.

so here's to a successful day two! i'll keep ya posted! :wink:

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Post by cvmom » Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:28 pm

"When Tricia Got Her Groove "

We're in your corner rooting for you. :D :D :D


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Post by doulachic » Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:09 am

today was a success for the most part.
i even got in my exercise! :D
still pluggin' away can't get rid of me, i love no-s! :lol:

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Post by doulachic » Fri Aug 26, 2005 3:13 am

today was a good day.
i even had to go to the dentist, but it wasn't too bad. no cavities! :P Yeah!
and i managed to get in my exercise. so i'm still cruisin'. 8)

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Post by doulachic » Thu Sep 01, 2005 12:14 am

Hi all,
sorry i have been MIA lately. i had some health issues come up and had to have some tests, etc. anyway, i had to put no-s on the back burner, mostly from just being too stressed out to try.
but now i am back on track. i restarted...again...yesterday. so far i have gotten two good no-s days under my belt..much better than i have done for a while. I'm feeling pretty optomistic! watch out, Deb! maybe i'll catch up to you!! :lol:

well, happy no-sing everyone!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:36 am

Tricia!!!! Yeah, you've been MIA big time!!!
We really missed you here!!!
Hope you are okay girl!!! :wink:
Peace and Love,
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Post by cvmom » Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:44 am

:D :D Welcome Back Tricia :D :D

Glad you posting again.


P.S. Only 2 more No S days left.

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Post by doulachic » Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:44 pm

Thanks gals!

Well, today was pretty good exept for an "unexpected and unplanned" was not my usual coffee day with my friends, but one of them had the day off and so we decided at the last minute to go since we missed our last coffee day. anyway, i had a regular 12 oz mocha and half of a HUGE choc. chip cookie (my daughter had the other half). Usually i skip the cookie, but it was about 11 and i was starving so i caved.
In hindsight, i should have picked up lunch and brought it to the coffee shop with me, that way the only naughtiness would have been the coffee, not bad at all.

anyway, my breakfast and lunch were totally No-S, and i plan to make my dinner No-S as well instead of turning the whole day into a binge or something. so i guess i will count the coffee hour today as an "S-meal" rather than a whole S day...make sense? anyway, i still feel on track and to be honest, the cookie really didn't taste that great...hhhmmmm...

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Post by doulachic » Fri Dec 02, 2005 6:22 am

Ok, so here i am with tail tucked between legs, shamefaced and starting again...for some reason i have had the hardest time saying no to sweets lately..i think that for a while i was having some low fat sweets, etc, and that maybe that got me back into the bad habit of having sweets again so it wasn't a hard switch to go back to the full sugar, full fat stuff..hhhmmm...still thinking on i really think that coming back to no-s and cutting my sweets during the week will help a lot.

i have also noticed my portion sizes have started going up again, having seconds, etc...almost without thinking about it...and i was doing really well before when i followed, the point being that i finally think i get it...there is NO other plan as workable as this one! :wink: I know this is going to be hard getting back on plan, but i am going to give it all i've got and hope for the best...i think once those habits get ingrained again i will be fine...anyway i will start tomorrow. we'll see how it goes. :D

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Post by carolejo » Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:10 am

Welcome back, Tricia.

Don't worry, you'll be back where you want to be in no time.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:31 pm

There is no place for shame in your transformation Tricia...
Infact, you should be especially proud that you are owning up to yourself and courageous enough to get back on board, and risk this minor embarrasment...
Most of us have been there and done that with diet and exercise efforts and experienced these lapses... It's okay.. just this time don't go away for weeks on end!!!
Nip trouble in the bud once it begins, and you will be well on your way!

Have a good day today and then enjoy your S weekend!
I'll be in Florida as of this afternoon...
Leaving in half an hour! Yikes!!! Gotta run!

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back on plan

Post by Kevin » Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:02 pm

In a land of plenty, at a time of celebration, it seems almost wierd to eat three meals a day, with no seconds, and no treats.

Here is what I tell myself: it's unethical to eat more than my share of the world's food and feast all the time. I need what I need to eat. I don't need more. Occasional celebrations and feasts are good for the soul. Frequent ones are not.
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Post by doulachic » Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:18 pm

Kevin..good advice, i will definately keep that in mind. sometimes i have to stop and wonder at the fact that people in other countries are starving from lack of food, while we in the USA are killing ourselves with TOO MUCH food...a bit ironic...

Deb, thanks! and have fun in Florida! boy that sounds like fun considering i am up to my ankles in ice and snow here! (which by the way, I LOVE!)

Thanks Carolejo, i am hoping that i will drop those few pounds and be back on track soon...don't mind maintaining, but i sure hate gaining! frustrating, but i'm sure with a little hard work and dedication, it will work out. :)

Thanks all for your support, it's only breakfast time, but i feel really optomistic about today... have a great day!

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Post by doulachic » Sat Dec 03, 2005 1:56 am

Well, i would call today a No-s success! I managed to stay on track with the one exeption of a bag of low fat kettle corn (microwave) in the afternoon, and i really was hungry when i ate wasn't just a snackish impulse.

But the rest of the day went well...i even managed to say no to the snack at my daughter's preschool today! (a big accomplishment for me as i help the teacher there three days a week and those snacks are yummy! :lol: ) I just waited until i got home and we had our lunch.

no exercise today, but i hope to start adding that in next week since my weekend is totally kidding! Lots of Christmas program practices going on between me, my kids, the preschool kids, and the teens at church that i am directing in some drama stuff...hey, maybe that is exercise in itself! :lol:

well, here's looking at tomorrow! I think i will try to keep the no-s form tomorrow (such as no snacks, no seconds) even though it is an s-day, since i am just starting back...but i will have a few treats maybe..since i am making fudge! :twisted:

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Post by doulachic » Sun Dec 04, 2005 1:29 am

Today was a success considering it was an s-day...i kept to the no seconds rule and only had 1 snack (low fat kettle corn)..and i had a few pieces of fudge which i just HAD to make! :lol:

went shopping in the madhouse that is town! TONS of holiday shoppers, so i consider this exercise...not only did i do a lot of walking, but also negotiated the obstacle course of people, cars, and misplaced endbases! But hey, it was fun. :D

here's another great day tomorrow! :wink:

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Post by Lane » Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:35 am

Hi Tricia,

I noticed you live in Idaho -- what city?


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Post by doulachic » Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:02 pm

Hi Lane,
i'm only about an hour from Boise, right on the Idaho/Oregon border! Small world, huh? :lol:

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Post by doulachic » Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:54 am

Today was a good day. stuck with no-s rules, except did have some fudge. :twisted: but hey, it's an s-day so i'm allowed! Back at it tomorrow!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:41 pm

Go for it girly!!!!

Peace and Love,
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Post by doulachic » Tue Dec 06, 2005 1:13 am

Success today!

gee, i'd forgotten how easy this can be... :roll: and i feel so good mentally...not one guilty, obsessive thought! yeah! I think when i try to "diet", i get all freaked out about every little morsel which only leads me to binge, etc...but since i am eating "normally", i haven't really even thought of food other than "gee, i'm hungry and it is lunchtime...what sounds good?"

sure is a good feeling. :D

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Post by doulachic » Wed Dec 07, 2005 6:10 am

today was a success! ok, i had a few pieces of fudge, but i can live with that...the rest of the day went pretty well...seem to be doing good so far...glad i came back to you guys! :D

oh, also weighed in tonight at TOPS and i lost 1.5 pounds this week...but before you get too excited, this is only half of the weight that i gained over thanksgiving...still have two pounds to go to be Pre-thanksgiving weight, but hey i'm on the right track!

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Post by Lane » Wed Dec 07, 2005 6:25 am

What's TOPS?

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Post by doulachic » Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:23 pm

TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) is a weight loss support group that i go to... you follow your own diet (well, it's supposed to be what your doctor recommends, but we all just do our own diet). anyway, you follow your own diet, so it's not like weight watchers in that way...but you come every week, weigh in, have a meeting and program..we talk a lot about good nutrition, etc...and we do fun contests and's just a very upbeat positive environment for weight loss support, i love it! And they are nation wide so i'm sure they have one where you are, just have to look on their website i think.

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Post by doulachic » Thu Dec 08, 2005 4:12 am

Still doing good overeating at meals so that is good...though i have added a snack lately, it is usually something healthy like low fat popcorn (which i love)...sometimes it is hard for me to wait the stretch between lunch and dinner so i have found that adding an afternoon snack helps me not to binge out while i'm cooking cause i'm too hungry. (but only if i am hungry, not just a schedualed thing cause i've got the snackies or something).

anyway i still have an occasional sweet something on a no-s day (usually something small), but that is something that i am working on and it is getting cravings for sweets have actually gone down a lot. so yeah! so far holiday sweets (besides the fudge!) have not gotten to me too much, but then i have yet to start my baking! :twisted: Guess i'd better make my cookies and give them away fast!! :lol:

anyway things are good and i feel 100% better mentally since coming back to this..and of course physically as well.

take care all. :wink:

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Post by doulachic » Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:22 am

ok, today was a failure on sweets! :evil: did some baking for family and had to sample...a lot... :roll: but i will not let this discourage me or throw me into a binge...rather, i will consider today a special "seasonal s-day" and get back on track in the then all those cookies will be packed away and out of sight! :lol: On a good note, i didn't have any seconds, my meal portions were right on, and i am still not feeling any food all is well here...

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Post by reinhard » Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:11 pm


Stasis is progress during the holidays. This is the toughest time of year. By all means, try not to slip up, but also realize that some funny stuff at least is inevitable. If you can make it through without gaining or giving up, it's a triumph.

Glad to have you back,


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Post by doulachic » Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:42 am

Thanks Reinhard...i figure if i can at least maintain my weight over the next few weeks, i will be doing good..not worrying so much about losses right now, that will come in january! :D

still doing well on portions and meals, but still fighting the sweet monster... :twisted: Guess it just takes time and more effort...will keep working on it...i think it will be better after Christmas since i will be less stressed and cookies, etc will not be so readily available and acceptable...anyway, not too concerned at the moment...

hope everyone is doing well! :D

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Post by doulachic » Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:53 am

today was success for the most part...a little funny business but nothing serious....haven't been as hungry today for some reason...maybe the smaller meal mindset is setting in physically as well. plus, went to the movies with hubby and kids (Chronicles of Narnia...Super flick!) and i didn't have any movie popcorn or candy or soda!! yeah me! plus i just didn't want to spend the insane amount that they charge in the theatre...three bucks for a coke??!! no thanks! :twisted:

anyway, still a work in progress as far as sweets go, but i have definately improved over all as compared to a few weeks compulsive eating behaviour at all and that is saying a lot for this time of year! Weigh in with TOPS group is tomorrow night, so we will see...i know i have at least maintained this week, so that is good.

hope you all are having a great week!

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Post by doulachic » Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:32 am

today was ok...had a Christmas party to go to (ironically it was my weight loss group...and no weigh in cause it was a party!) ...anyway, didn't do too bad...actually had about one plate full, although it was a little full for no-s.. :D But i did not stuff myself to the point of being uncomfortable...managed to stop eating when i was satisfied, so that is good....the downfall is i made my pumpkin-spice cake and had more than one was so good! :twisted:

well, guess i'd better hide the leftover cake and get back to business...will try to excercise tomorrow...haven't done too much lately due to my lower back acting up again...durn thing...

hope you all are doing well!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:26 am

Hi Tricia!
Go and get a nice massage :)!
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:45 am

oh Deb, if only a massage would do it! unfortunately my back problems run a little deeper than that...already have had two surgeries in my lifetime and probably looking at a third somewhere down the line as i have another disc out...not troubling me too much at the moment though...i'm pretty sure it is just muscle at the moment, just don't know why...hhhmmm...maybe a massage isn't a bad idea...too bad you're so far away!! :lol:

today was ok, some more funny business, but not excessive and meals were still good so i think i'm ok...

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Post by doulachic » Sun Dec 18, 2005 5:42 am

still hanging in here...just been too busy lately to post...still good on eating, but still struggling with sweets although i really haven't binged on them or anything....plan to really get serious in cutting them out in true no-s fashion come january since doing it now would only end in failure...anyway, hope all is well with everyone! :D

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Post by cvmom » Sun Dec 18, 2005 6:02 am

HI Doula.

Glad to see you are back.

The cravings for sweets seemed to go away for me after about 2 weeks.

Sounds like you are doing well. Keep up the good work.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:27 pm

...hhhmmm...maybe a massage isn't a bad idea...too bad you're so far away!!
I'll send my ethereal body asap!

Massage is good for overall health, and is clinically proven to reduce stress... For this alone, people should go on a regular basis...
I truly look forward to the day when all insurance companies wake up and include integrative healthcare, like massage, in their plans...

Good luck in your efforts to keep the sweets consumption under control...
I think you could still get away with it if you limit them to S days and shoudn't assume automatically, that you'd fail... Even if you did, you would make an effort in your habit brain.. I failed soooooooo many times when I tried the 21 days, for the first year.. It truly took me over 12 attempts to do it... But in the process, it was like I was "flexing" my habit "muscles" and warming them up, in preparation to succeed...
Some weeks I only got in 2 or 3 successful days... So yeah, I was frustrated, and at times thought "why bother trying to do the 21 days?"...
But when I finally did it, it was a priceless feeling...

Anyway... Enjoy your holidays and I hope you feel good!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:00 am

hey Deb, you're probably right....maybe i will really work on not having sweets this week, after all the next s-day will be Chrismas Eve and Christmas day! can't think of a better s-day than that! maybe that will help to make the goodies more special too. anyway, have to do more baking this week, but will freeze most of it until my kids are out on vacation, so will probably make up a tray to keep around on around Thursday or Friday, so maybe if i can do true no-s until at least Friday night, i will be doing good, huh?

i do need to start the habit though...on a good note, my other habits seem to be coming along portions are one plate and my snacking is much better...i'm definately in a better place than i was in a few weeks ago when i decided to come back to no-s.

Oh how i wish that the insurance would pay for a massage therapy! i have to go into the chiropractor once in a while (my neck gets out of whack and i get headaches)..anyway, the gal in there that does massage to loosen me up for adjustment is terrific! i'm always sad when it ends cause it just feels so durn good! :lol:

anyway, as always, thanks for your support and encouragement! :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:17 pm

Yeah.. 15 minutes is just a big tease!!!
Probably if you got a full hour massage, you wouldn't even need to go get adjusted afterward..

Good luck with your week!!!
Let us know how the days go..

8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:14 am

ok, today i baked and sampled! :shock: but not too much...i only have another week until Christmas Cookie Season is over, so i think i'll be ok with a few treats here and there...not going to send myself into negative thinking by refusing myself...i know it sounds weird, but i know how i get mentally and if i don't let myself have some treats during the week (just for the holiday) then i will just totally binge out...funny how our mind works...

so the plan is MODERATION! :wink: And in January, (or possiblly right after Christmas since treats seem to loose there appeal once it's over...hhhmmm...) i am going to put ALL of the no-s "rules" into action. it will be hard at first, but i know i can conquer the sweets monster!

anyway, i have managed to maintain my weight this year! :D Last year i gained five pounds in two weeks. :roll: so i figure i am ahead of the game!

Tons of snow here today, hopefully it will's everyone elses' weather doing?

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Post by carolejo » Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:36 am

Hi Tricia,

I know exactly what you mean about wanting to eat some treats during the week for the holidays, otherwise you end up going nuts at some point. Yesterday I baked mince pies and sampled ONE with my afternoon tea. It really didn't feel like a failure at all, so I'm not logging it as one. How could it ever be a failure to be IN CONTROL and eating in moderation...?! 8) Quite apart from anything else, I have a horror that I'll serve some home baked goods to a guest without having sampled them and they'll turn out to be horrible cos I forgot to add any seasoning or something! :lol:

Good on you for maintaining this year. That's really huge news, even though so many people don't seem to realise it.

Happy holidays and enjoy the cookie season (in moderation, of course!)


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Post by doulachic » Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:55 am

ok, today was a little out of control with the sweets! :twisted: But i am packing them up tomorrow and delivering them to their new owners, so things should look up. :lol: anyway, right now i am so sick of them that maybe i won't eat any more for a few days... definatley had a bad day with all comfort food, even dinner! must get back on track tomorrow and will try to get portions back down to normal...right now i feel like a bloated whale...blech! ok, lesson learned... :wink:

Carolejo, i know what you mean...gotta taste stuff before i give it away to make sure it tastes good... :twisted:

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Post by doulachic » Mon Dec 26, 2005 10:38 pm

ok, now i am officially sick of sweets! :twisted: Tomorrow i am commiting myself totally to No-s....meaning i am KICKING this sweets addiction! Gonna have to just go cold turkey and i know it is going to be a hard week, but i am totally ready to just do it! the thing is i know that once i cut the sweets i will be doing so much better all the way around...

anyway, also going to get back to my exercise program, gee it's been so long since i've seen Curves that i doubt they will know me! :lol:

well, wish me luck...this ain't gonna be easy... :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Dec 27, 2005 12:44 am

Good luck Tricia girl!!!
You can still have them on S days :)
You can do it!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

ps... Did you try the Yoga class at the clinic? :wink:

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Post by doulachic » Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:44 am

Thanks Deb, haven't tried the yoga class yet but i'm planning to call them this week and find out more info on it. i have preschool three days a week, so i have to make sure it isn't during the morning on those days...hopefully it will work with my scheduale! :D

hopefully if i get four good no-s days in, i will be ok by the time the weekend gets here and i will be used to it and won't feel like eating alot of junk...anyway, i need to get serious here. :roll:

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Post by doulachic » Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:52 am

total success today!

had my three meals, and NO SWEETS!! :shock: ok, i had some low fat popcorn late after noon, but i was truely hungry and not just grazing...boy it sure is good not to feel stuffed and bloated! i love the holidays, but i'm glad they are over...maybe next year at this time i will be at my goal wt. and won't have to worry so much...well, i have a whole year to work on it...can't wait to wear the sexy red dress that has been hanging in my closet for a few years now! that is my goal for one year from red dress, here i come in 2006!! :twisted:

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Post by doulachic » Thu Dec 29, 2005 3:53 am

today was good on meals, but hubby made some gingerbread cookies (which he NEVER does! :shock: ) and they were soooo good that i had three!...and that led to having a few chocolates from the box that my son gave me for Christmas....sooooo, guess i will start again tomorrow.

at least i didn't overeat at mealtime, and i didn't give into the "oh heck i ruined my diet, might as well binge" i'm still good....tomorrow is a new day and i will conquer this sweets addiction! :wink:

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Post by doulachic » Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:27 am

today was a success for the most part....the bad news was that i had a candy bar, the good news is that i didn't have a ton of candy bars! :shock: Considering the sweets binging i have done in the last week and a half or so, i think the last few days have gone pretty meals are good, one-plate meals and i only have a small snack in the afternoon (like lowfat popcorn) if i am truely hungry. still working on sweets, but i think i see definate improvement.

i know a lot of you are seasoned no-sers who may not understand how the sweets can be such a problem...i must confess, i'm not sure why either! but they are and there you have my personal goal is to eventually get to where i only have them on weekends (not like i'm planning them on n-days or anything, they just get the better of me) and someday be able to follow no-s to the letter....i know it is the only sensible way to eat....

hope everyone is doing well!

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Post by doulachic » Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:50 am

ok, meals were a success. i did have a few handfuls of m&m's tonight though, the darn little things are hard to resist! :oops: well, the good news is it didn't turn into a binge or anything, so it is still improvement for me....and after only a few days of eating better (aka: NOT STUFFING MY FACE! :lol: ) i think i am down in weight, well at least i'm sure i have lost the few pounds of "holiday" weight that i gained....probably was just water weight or something...anyway, feeling good about things despite my constant struggle with the sweets...i know my enemy and am working forward in the battle! :D

Next week i start my exercise back up...haven't gotten anything done with hubby and kids being on vacation and home with me all week! :wink:

take care all!

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Post by doulachic » Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:40 am

today was good...i had a good look at myself last night and decided that i have got to get serious! so i had a good day and am feeling pretty good in all areas.

i also weighed in tonight at TOPS and i was still the same weight, so no holiday weight gain to deal with! yea! :lol: now i can work on going lower with no distractions.

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Post by doulachic » Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:24 am

Day 2 is a success! yeah! Haven't had any sweets for two days! pretty good for me...funny, i am not missing them. maybe my self motivational talk did some good. :lol:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:53 am

Go Tricia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woo hoo!!! :wink:

8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Sat Jan 07, 2006 2:41 pm

still doing good. :D went out to lunch with my mom yesterday and ate a little too much, but not stuffed or i still count that as good...haven't had any candy for days now, pretty good for me!

i think the scale is starting to show it a little, but i won't count anything until i have my weekly weigh in on Tuesday...i'll let ya know! :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:15 pm

...haven't had any candy for days now, pretty good for me!

i think the scale is starting to show it a little, but i won't count anything until i have my weekly weigh in on Tuesday...i'll let ya know!
Don't postpone your joy till Tuesday!!!
I think not eating candy or cakes for several days is worth being really happy with, considering that is your personal demon! :twisted:

Please feel free to toot your horn fully without needing that scale to "make or break" the week for you...

If you just focus on getting in more weeks like this, the weight loss is bound to happen over time!

Have a terrific weekend!
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:32 pm

thanks Deb, you're always an encouragement! I didn't mean that i wasn't happy now, just meant that i wouldn't "record" it until Tuesday...i keep a record of my weekly weigh ins (this has actually helped me as i can go back and see what i have been doing when i gain)...anyway, i'm sure i am down at least a pound, but what is important is that i feel a little more in control and i just feel better i am happy now!! woohoo! :lol:

hope you have a great weekend girl! :wink:

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Post by doulachic » Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:54 pm

doing good still...had some hersheys kisses on Sat, but only a few...i was able to stop at a few and still felt happy and not deprived...had a few extra bisquits on Sun...yum! other than that i feel pretty good about things for last week...seem to be getting some control over the sweets and the meals are good...can hardly wait to weigh in tomorrow! wow, never thought i'd be happy about that! :lol:

the real test will be next week!

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Post by doulachic » Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:40 pm

well, i weighed in last night and i lost half a pound! not too bad, at least it wasn't a gain...planning to start up my exercise again this week so maybe that will help....

tootles! :wink:

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Post by doulachic » Fri Jan 13, 2006 5:15 am

still doing good...i have been having a "snack" or a fourth it what you the afternoon as i have found that it is just too long of a stretch for me from lunch to dinner...having a healthy snack has actually helped...i find that i am not eating while cooking and then having dinner on top of that...anyway, it works for me and i haven't been craving sugar as much so i think that is getting better as well.

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Post by doulachic » Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:14 pm

ok, after several weeks of "off the wagon" behaviour, i am back! Seems like i am having a gazillion starts!!!! :lol: Someday i will be able to disipline myself, all i can do is try, right? was thinking of low carbing, but came to my senses and remembered that is a diet i just couldn't i am just going to try nos again and really put forth 100% this time and not just do it half way. just gotta learn to tell myself "NO!" :lol:

here's to a successful first day...again... :roll:

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Post by doulachic » Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:07 am

Today: Success!

B: 2 scrambled eggs
1 piece toast w/butter
green tea

L: 1 bowl Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal (YUM!)

S: 2 graham crackers w/peanut butter (Ok i had an afternoon "meal")

D: roast beef w/gravy
roasted potatoes
baby carrots
1 dinner roll

No exercise, but i am hoping to start a new gym membership this week with hubby. not satisfied with Curves, although it is a great starter gym and great for those who can't do regular weights for some reason...anyway, i'm looking for a little heavier of a workout.

i feel today went lunch i did start out eating a Healthy Choice meal (just cause i had one left in the freezer) and it was NASTY!!! so i only took about 4 or 5 bites before i tossed i'm not counting that....some of thier meals are good, but the chicken enchalada was gross! so had a bowl of Kashi cereal instead.. :D

over all, a great day!

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:27 am

A million starts are better than quitting once and staying there! Sounds like you're doing well today!

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Post by doulachic » Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:58 am

Today: Success!! :D

B: 2 scrambled eggs
2 pieces toast w/butter
green tea

L: 1 roast beef sandwich (leftovers from yesterday)
16 fat free pringles (NASTY! lesson learned...)

D: 1 roast beef sandwich
canned lite peaches (yum!)

Ok, i had a pretty good day...i managed to resist the peanut butter Ritz crackers at preschool today! yeah! then i went to the store hungry, but still managed to wait until i got home to eat my lunch, so no slip up there. the only bad thing was that i bought these stupid fat free pringles and they were so gross! never doing that again..i do however LOVE the baked Lay's chips, so maybe i'll get some of those.

anyway, i weighed in at TOPS tonight and i lost 2.5 pounds! i can't say that it was because of nos totally since i have only been on it for two days, but i'm sure it helped! i was pretty good on eating last week, but ate a lot this weekend so i was to faithfully do nos this week and hopefully lose again next week...then i can really brag about nos and how well it works...could do that now, but i'm not a very good poster child at the moment... :lol:

someday... :wink:

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Post by carolejo » Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:12 am

Ugh! Fat free pringles.... Euwgh!!! *shudders*

I absolutely DON'T plan to ever get close enough to read the ingredients list on those! Anyone for chemicals pure? :lol:

Good job on your loss and on resisting the crackers! I'm sure you'll be the perfect 'Poster child' in no time at this rate.


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Post by doulachic » Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:57 pm

yeah, don't know what i was thinking with the pringles...guess i thought it would be healthier (and i was starving when i went to the store...bad thing to do i know)..sounded like a good idea at the time. they are nasty! the baked Lay's chips are really good though! kinda like pringles but without the greasy taste...i like them better than regular chips in the bag too...they're just so durned expensive..oh well! I don't eat many chips anyway, sometimes i just get a craving for them, especially if i am having a sandwhich.

have a great day!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Feb 01, 2006 4:45 pm

Stay away from anything that is made with Olestra... Or Olean...
It's really bad!!!

Tricia.. There's no reason you can't have regular chips once or twice a week.. Just have them with your meal and enjoy!
I am partial to Kettle Cooked "Cape Cod" natural chips with sea salt myself (though they are a bit salty! but oooooh! So potatoey and crunchy!)

A little bit of the real thing, is always more satisfying than twenty of the fake thing...

Same goes for cookies....
I shall never ever consume any fat free cookies.... It's a crime!

That's the beauty of S days!

Have a nice day Doulachic!
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:10 pm

i don't usually eat chips much (my hubby loves them though!)....i find regular potato chips a little greasy or something so that is why i like the baked Lays'...guess i bought the pringles cause they were cheaper..yuk! never again...and i forgot they have olestra...eeeewww! gotta read those labels better!! i do love tortilla chips though...give me a bowl of chili with cheese and some tortilla chips and i am in heaven! :lol:

Oh, i learned my lesson about the fat free, sugar free cookies a long time ago....double YUCK!! :lol: I have been thinking about what i want this weekend and have decided that i am going to pick out something totally decadent, chocolately, and gooey! i'm not going to settle for just any treat, i am going to make it something that i REALLY want so it will be worth it...and i am not going to make a big pan of it or anything cause i will eat the whole thing! but rather maybe just buy something in a single serving or something, i don't know....i do know it will have to be chocolate! :twisted:

hey Deb, those Kettle Chips are the exception...they are GOOD! I used to eat them when i worked in a retail store...they sold them cheap...definate YUM! :wink:

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Post by doulachic » Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:52 am

Today is Success!! :D

B: 1 cinnammon (SP?) and raisin bagel
1 banana
green tea w/honey (1 tsp)

L: 1/2 roast beef sandwhich
1 orange

late afternoon "meal": 1 granola bar and 1 banana..explaination to follow..

D: 1 hamburger (home cooked)
baked fries
green beans

Today was good. ok, i only had 1/2 sandwich at lunch because i only had 1 piece of bread in the whole house! Durn teenagers! :lol: So the point being i think that is why i got too hungry and absolutely had to have an afternoon "meal"..I need to make sure i eat a large enough hindsight, i had some soup in my cupboard that i should have had with that half sandwich, but was in a hurry to get out the door and go grocery shopping and didn't think about it. Now i know for next time. :D I figure it could have been least i didn't scarf down two or three donuts from the Walmart bakery...yes this has happened in the past.. :roll:

so i'm still in the game and feelin' fine!

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Post by doulachic » Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:04 am

Today was a Success!

B: 2 scrambled eggs
1 pc. toast with butter
green tea

L: 1 small frozen pizza (plate size)
fruit cocktail, light

D: spagetti
french bread w/butter

Today went well. the one exception is that my lunch and dinner plates were a little overloaded. :oops: but i did stick to the three meal rule with no snacking or sweets! yeah me! I have noticed that i am having some sugar cravings today...i want cookies! :lol: but i am wondering if it is because i am "detoxing" or any case, there haven't been uncontrollable cravings, so i'm pretty sure i can make it one more day.

and i am totally happy, i got my bellydancing dvds today!!! can't wait to try them out. :twisted:

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Post by doulachic » Sat Feb 04, 2006 2:10 am

Today was Success! :D

B: 1 blueberry bagel
1 banana
green tea

Lunch at Wendy's (a bit of an indulgence):
1 grilled chicken sandwich
1 order fries
1 diet pepsi

D: potatoe and ham casserole
california veggie mix
fruit cocktail, light
1/2 pc. french bread, plain

Not a bad day, dinner plate was a little overloaded, but not bad.....a friend and i went to lunch with our preschoolers, so it was fast food. Had a real good visit though, and i have cut back on fast food quite a bit, so this is not an S for me at this time. anyway, i did start my S weekend a little early by having 1 nutterbutter cookie after dinner. :twisted: Oh, well...i've had a pretty good week so i'm not worried...yeah! I made it through the week! yeah me! :lol:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Feb 04, 2006 3:24 am

Yay Tricia!!!!!
Great week girly!!!
You did it!!!!
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:32 am

Today was a good S day! I didn't over indulge and i kept to three meals with little snacking...only had a few cookies and a brownie smothered in icecream and hot fudge sauce...YUM! didn't feel the need to have more suprizingly enough. i think i will survive this S weekend! (i was a little worried... :oops: )

happy s-ing everyone! :D

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Post by 3aday » Mon Feb 06, 2006 1:42 am

Happy S-ing to you too !

Have a nice week,

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Post by doulachic » Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:47 am

Well today was good for an s day, but i overindulged a bit....seconds at dinner and some cookies and brownie sundae...yum! But definately looking forward to the N, never thought i'd hear myself say that! :lol:

just going to watch my portions a little closer as last week i was overloading my plate a little toward the end of the week. but still, things seem to be going pretty smoothly...much better than the other times i tried No-s and totally bombed at it! so there is hope... :D

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Post by doulachic » Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:45 am

Today went well, with the exception of lunch...hubby and i went out to our favorite mexican restraunt and i overindulged a bit. :oops: Should not have had the durned chips and salsa (SOOO GOOOD!) and of course the plate was a little larger than i didn't use good common sense.

am still full and it is almost dinner, so think i will wait until i get hungry and then just have something light like fruit or a small salad...not as penance, but simply because i don't feel like a heavy meal at this point.

Good news: I got out of my Curves contract today and Hubby and i joined a gym that we could attend together...the new gym has so many more options including kickboxing classes, pilates, and gentle stretching classes... 8) We are starting Wednesday!

Ok, UUUGG! I blew it and had an evening snack...gggrrr....well, at least it wasn't sweets. could have been worse. Now i just need to do damage control tomorrow and be strict with myself as to snacks. :roll:

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Post by doulachic » Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:47 am

today was ok, but i have been a little disappointed in myself because i have had way too big of portions lately. think i will try adding in that fourth meal in the afternoon, if for no other reason than maybe it will be a good mental thing for me to know i can have it..? i don't know, i'm tired right now and not making sense. :roll: Plus i found out at weigh in tonight that i gained two pounds! pretty sure it is just water weight though, as i was the same weight all last week and on Sunday morning, but then monday i was up again...hhhmmm...pretty sure it isn't fat.

anyway, i was feeling bad about it all, but then i realized that i have NOT had any sweets the last two N days! so maybe i am not as bad off as i thought...?

anyway, have a great day all.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:30 pm

anyway, i was feeling bad about it all, but then i realized that i have NOT had any sweets the last two N days! so maybe i am not as bad off as i thought...?
Good for you Tricia!!!
The glass doesn't always have to be half empty!!!
Keep noticing the good stuff, and that will lead to more and more good stuff... It becomes a happy cycle!
Sorry about the little gain.. I gained two pounds this week myself..
It's rough in Winter to be completely excellent about this... :roll:

But you are right!
You didn't have any sweets for two days????
You are changing girl!!!
I know that sweets are your personal demon :twisted:
Congrats on that!!!!
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:49 pm

Thanks Deb! I am not too worried about the gain...actually i have noticed a pattern, when i go off of my birth control pills for the week (i take them three weeks, then take a week off to have the "ladies time" :oops: ) i always have a loss, then when i start them back, i gain the same pounds i am pretty sure it is water. still frustrating!

you're right, sweets are horrible for me, so to have an indulging two s-days and then be able to step away from them is a good thing! Monday i was totally craving something, but i just refrained...actually, i had a non-sweet snack which still wasn't really allowed, but better than giving into the ice cream and hot fudge! :twisted:

Lately i am trying to see the good if i have a bad day i try to stop myself and think of something that i did that was good for me that avoiding sweets or getting in some exercise or even just giving myself some quiet time with a good book to destress...anyway, i am rambling!

today is good so far, i will report more tonight! :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:06 pm

Lately i am trying to see the good if i have a bad day i try to stop myself and think of something that i did that was good for me that avoiding sweets or getting in some exercise or even just giving myself some quiet time with a good book to destress...anyway, i am rambling!
No you're not! This is all very important for your own personal success!

That is great!!!
Reinhard once told me that "status quo" is it's own type of progress during the Winter months...
You are doing great!
See ya later..

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Post by doulachic » Thu Feb 09, 2006 4:10 am

Today was success!

Ate my three meals, drank my water, and did my exercise! Well, technically i had a fourth "meal" an hour or so before dinner, but it was just a few saltines with cheddar cheese and some grape/cran juice...just a small glass.
but no sweets, so i'm crusin'! 8)

Here's to another two successful N-days (thursday and friday)! Halfway to the S weekend, yeah! :lol:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:15 pm

You are a winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay Tricia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8) Deb

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Post by 3aday » Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:00 pm

My portions have sneakily gotten bigger on me too :wink:

I tried to watch my portions today. I saved the little plate the lean cuisine dinners come in and used that as a guideline to serve my food tonight. I fit about a 1/2 cup of stuffing, 1/2 cup of green beans and about 3 ounces of the fried chicken. But, I did have a piece of bread that didn't fit in the plate. Those are pretty small compared to regular plates so I am not going to beat myself up about the piece of bread. It will help hold me over tonight (I hope!)

Luckily, we are all in this together and can share that we are getting better even if our choices are not entirely perfect right now.

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Post by doulachic » Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:11 am

Today was yet another, i'm on a roll! :lol:

Didn't get in any exercise today (unless you count three hours with twelve preschoolers at school, and another two hours shopping tonight!) but i did well on my three meals, the portions were better today too...and no sweets! Yea! :D

Only one more day til my S weekend...i'm sure i will make it! 8)

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Post by 3aday » Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:37 am

Woohooo! (I would count working with little kids as a exercise :wink: )

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Post by doulachic » Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:19 am

Today was success, but i did start my S weekend a little early (just like last week :roll: ) But all i had tonight was a snack pack pudding and a mini not too bad. over all, my eating was good today on portions and i stuck to the rules with the exception of some virtual lunch plating (i had about 4 crackers with cheese at preschool so left a little space on my lunch plate to make up for it)

I even went to the gym today! :D did about 30 minutes of felt good to feel the "burn", it was my first day back in a "real" gym so i felt it! will probably be sore tomorrow, but happy. :twisted:

looking forward to a relaxing weekend. :D

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Post by doulachic » Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:34 am

ok, this is frustrating! I know it is ok to eat goodies on s days, but the last two weekends i have totally gorged myself! :evil: I know this is not good behaviour in the long run because i am teaching myself that it's ok to stuff as long as i wait for the weekend...i definately need to gain some sort of control in this area...right now i just feel totally yucky physically and i am going to be a total tub forever! gggrrr...! :cry:

well, maybe things will look better in the morning. i am just feeling antsy cause my weigh in is Tuesday and i know there will be no change...extremly frustrating...

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Post by doulachic » Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:43 am

Took today as my Valentine S-day since hubby works Tuesday...but three days of overeating has left me feeling yucky, bloated, depressed, frustrated, etc, i have to weigh in tomorrow and i know i have gained... :evil: It isn't this plan, it's just me! i have been overdoing it on the weekends...guess i am still working out the bugs so to speak...i am thinking of redoing my s-days in this way: three meals, no seconds and only have a sweet treat if i include it in my meal. that way i won't be stuffing a lot of junk mindlessly all day. have to figure out something as i am defeating myself with my bad behaviour! :roll:

well, at least i worked out with hubby on friday at our new gym and we will be going again tomorrow after he gets off work.

hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day! :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:44 pm

Instead of imposing restrictive rules Tricia, enjoy your freedom, but redefine what enjoying freedom means to you...
If you don't like being bloated and overstuffed and mindlessly eating, those are great goals in themselves...
Plan, ahead of time, a few nice S's for the weekend, and just have them..
Too many extra rules on the weekend are going to cause internal conflict..
You want freedom/you need structure and rules...
The brain can't take it!

I think we all have been going a little bonkers with Winter and all...
You aren't the only one...
Still, take it one day at a time and don't over finagle with this system..
Reinhard's advice is always the same...
Plan ahead, on something you really have wanted to eat for a while, and then enjoy it on an S day... Opportunistic eating only happens when we bring too much into the house to begin with...
If you plan out what you want, and really think it through, you won't mess up... I've decided that we are going to go back to single portions of chips, in the one serving bags... Also, I think we did pretty well in the past when we would go out on one of the S days for an unadulterated "junk food party" and then not bring more into the house...
Yes we were eating nachos, slurpees and slim jims (how healthy) but we didn't have seven servings of nachos in a bag...
If we get ice cream, it will always be a pint container, not a quart!

Have a nice day Tricia, and don't be too freaked by the scale..
Real habit changing comes from all of our experience, positive and negative... We learn from our mistakes, hopefully...
Don't let the scale readout throw you too much and don't go nuts with mentally beating yourself to death!!!
It took me a very long time to feel successful on NoS, and I *still* sometimes have some monumentally bad days, but overall, I am definitely different now...
If I went back to my old ways for more than a day or two, at this point, I would be completely miserable... That shows I have a new food and body awareness that is real... There's no turning back!
N days should define your success.. Focus on those!

Have a nice Valentines Day Tricia!
Enjoy something that doesn't make you feel bloated! LOL..
How bout trading nice romantic massages with your hubby???
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Wed Feb 15, 2006 5:33 am

did not go to weigh in tonight, just couldn't do it. :roll: I was afraid it would send me off the "binge" deep end if i did... :lol: anyway, today was sucky! I know it is technically an S day, but i took an S day yesterday cause hubby was off work...gggrrr!

I think you're right Deb, probably better just to start over and follow the rules, eh? will just try to be more picky about what i put in my mouth instead of having a free-for-all! :oops:

thanks for the snaps! :D

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Post by doulachic » Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:00 pm

oh, i just thought of something positive about of the preschoolers gave me a large heart-shaped box of chocolates at the Valentine party but hubby had already given me i gave the box to my son so that he could give it to his girlfriend...may seem cruel to re-gift a preschooler's gift, but it's not like i'm gonna tell him, and it was so sweet of him to give presents to his teachers...however, being a preschooler i'm sure he will have forgotten it by tomorrow! :wink: plus i have a feeling that his mom was really the one that picked it out since he never once mentioned it at the party, it was just sitting on the are too cute.

anyway, chocolate disaster avoided! :lol:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:56 pm

Awwwwww!!!!! That is so adorable and sweet!!!!
You deserve it Tricia!
Good job on chocolate self control!!!!
You are rocking the NoS planet!!!
Woo hooo!!!!
I give you 10 gold stars for that!
8) Deb
(who stole three of the chocolates from Richards heart yesterday! :wink:
Holy moly... They said that three pieces were 200 calories!!!!
Glad I stopped at that!)

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Post by doulachic » Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:31 pm

Don't worry Deb, the box that hubby gave me is almost empty... :oops: Obviously i have self control issues when it comes to chocolate! :lol:

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Post by doulachic » Sun Feb 19, 2006 1:20 am

Ok, i have had the WORST week as far as eating goes! Totally fell off the wagon, rolled down the hill, and landed in the mud! :twisted:

so, i am just going to have to start fresh on Monday...for the millionth and ONE time! :roll: just keep telling myself that it is worth it to get back on plan...this is a healthy way to eat and a healthy way to look at food. so i will keep plowing til i get this right.

some changes i am planning to make: More fiber, more veggies, basically just making sure my meals are healthy and well balanced...i don't think having pizza all day is good for my mental health as well as the physical! :lol: Ok, don't get me wrong...i am not putting rules on myself, etc....just meaning that i am going to try to eat more veggies with my pizza.. :lol: and try to eat better, more filling breakfasts, etc. Basically just need to tweak my whole diet for the better, and put the NO-s "rules" to work.

anyway, rambling on here. 8)

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Post by doulachic » Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:30 am

Ok, since i had such a bad week last week i am starting over.

Day 1: Success!

Had my three meals with no snacks or sweets. Didn't get in my exercise, but i did go shopping so i count that! hey, i walked all over that store! :lol: I added more protien to my brekkie today and it helped! i did have fast food, but only a small jr. burger and small fries...i know, i know...My only funny stuff was my usual Monday coffee time with my friends..i've been having green tea, but today i had a Mocha.

anyway, i guess my binge has passed. :roll:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:15 am

That's not so terrible Tricia!
Sounds like you are really improving overall..
Especially in regards to sweets..
You would have had homemade chocolate chip cookies with that mocha in the past!
Two steps forward, one mocha back..
No big deal..
Keep on keeping on!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Wed Feb 22, 2006 4:25 am

Day 2: Success!! :D

Today was a food success! I did have an afternoon bananna, but only because i knew i was having dinner late (around 8ish) and i didn't want my blood sugar to drop too low cause i had lunch at 11 or so....that is a long time to not eat...

anyway, i also went to the gym today and did some weights! Yea! That makes three gym trips counting last week, not much i know. I was supposed to go saturday, but they close early that day and i didn't know. :evil: And yesterday was crazy busy with grocery shopping...ah well, i really need to buckle down in the exercise department, and i really am doing better....sure feels good to be back in the gym! :D

On the up side, i lost 1.5 pounds at weigh in tonight!! don't ask me how, cause i was totally off plan ALL last week! maybe the little bit of weight lifting i have done is starting to pay off and tweaking my metabalism..? I can only hope! :D

well, looking forward to tomorrow!

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Post by Kirby » Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:29 pm

Hi Tricia!

I read one of your posts where you said you got out of your Curves contract. I belong to Curves (2.5 years), and would love to get out of my contract to join another gym. Do you have any idea what it entails to get out of your contact?



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Post by doulachic » Wed Feb 22, 2006 10:00 pm

Hey Cheryl,

I think after the first year you can get out of it anytime without a penalty just have to fullfill the first year of the contract and then after that it is a month to month thing. All i did was go in and tell them that my 1 year contract was up and that i wanted to quit. The lady there had me sign my folder and write a short note saying that i was quitting (and i think why i was quitting) and that was it! I just wrote that my contract was up and i was choosing to quit at this time. then i signed it and dated it.

anyway, just go in and talk to them and i'm sure they will tell you how to go about it...i didn't have any trouble and i'm sure all of the Curves are the same. I liked Curves and i think it is a great gym for beginners or people with limitations, but it just lost it's appeal for me after a while because i couldn't advance at all. I love the gym i am going to now! i can bump up the weight if i want to have a more intense there are cardio machines, and pilates classes, etc...i'm getting much more for my money.

anyway, good luck and don't worry! :D

"When you are in a jam, a good friend will bring a loaf of bread and peanut butter..."

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