KCCC 2012

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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KCCC 2012

Post by kccc » Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:33 pm

Time for a new year (somewhat belatedly). Last year's post, with links to older ones, can be found at

http://everydaysystems.com/bb/viewtopic ... 64&start=0

This is not the start to the year I wanted. I have gained a bit since I retired (now working half-time) - major life changes seem to throw me for a bit. Add to that menopause now being in full force, and the recent holidays, and the stats are a bit depressing.

The good news is that I got right back on No-S right after the holidays, and the gain stopped. The bad news is that I've stabilized at a higher weight than I like.

Current stats:
Height 5'7"
Current weight 152
Normal range 144-146

Not a big difference, but I don't like the way my clothes fit, and I notice it.

It's good that I've stopped gaining.

Step 1: Revisit N-day habits to see if some sloppiness has crept in, as it periodically does.
Step 2: Get back to exercise. (A bout of plantar fascitis has sidelined me from most activities, compounded by a nasty cold at the moment.)
Step 3: Gentle attention to S-days ("Gentle" meaning focusing on making them truly pleasant instead of exercises in excess that I don't really enjoy. I know what "good" S-days feel like, and want more of them to feel "good".)

(And I thought I'd posted all of the yesterday, but my post went missing, dang it.)

ETA: Found my missing post - meant to be the start of this thread - on the testimonials page. I left it there...
Last edited by kccc on Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by kccc » Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:38 pm

Yesterday (Wednesday)

Br - bagel with PB/banana, 2 cafe au lait (CaL)
L - Tacoless salad (field greens, topped with shredded cheese, taco chips, salsa, Greek yogurt [in place of sour cream] and all mixed up); tangerine, 3 dried figs
D - Bowl of soup, slice of homemade whole wheat bread, banana, dried figs

Exercise: None, unless coughing counts. :(

Today (Thursday)

Br - oatmeal, banana, 3 CaL
L (planned) - Leftover soup, figs, bread
D - TBD. May ask family to cook.

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Post by sophiasapientia » Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:03 pm

Just popping in to say "Hello" and that it is good to see you around. Your plan sounds very sane. I hope that you feel better soon!!!

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Post by kccc » Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:28 pm

Hi, Sophiasapienta! Appreciate the welcome.

Thursday as planned. Dinner = salmon, sweet potatoes, broccoli, bananas.


Br - Pb toast on homemade WW bread, tangerine, glass of milk.

Not sure about lunch and dinner yet. Maybe quiche for dinner...will be running errands at lunch, so need to figure out if I want to pack a sandwich or get something....

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Post by kccc » Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:50 am

Finishing the day...

L- Pre-made salad from Trader Joe's...fast but good!
D - Shrimp; sautéed mushrooms, peppers, onions; leftover sweet potatoes, bread. Totally yummy.

I did have a small glass of "French soda" with dinner that I just didn't think about officially being a sweet in time (first time I'd had it, and I don't normally drink soda at all). For the future, an S-day item...if we ever have it again.

Still sick. Still no exercise.

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Post by kccc » Sat Feb 11, 2012 7:39 pm


Br - bacon, one egg, grapes, toast with jam, 2 CaL
L (late b/c breakfast was so filling) - cheese toast, salad (the guys had cheese nachos, but this morning's toast made me want cheese toast.
S - dark chocolate truffles from Trader Joe's for desert. Wonderful!
D - out with hubby and other grown ups for an early Valentine's date, at an Italian restaurant I've been wanting to try. THAT will keep me from snacking today - don't want to spoil my appetite! :)

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Post by mimi » Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:37 pm

Hope you have a wonderful time KCCC! So great to see you back posting again. I've missed you and your wise thoughts and comments!

Mimi :D
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Post by idontknow » Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:28 pm

Glad to see you back, KCCC. This board isn't the same without your wise words :D
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May 18 - 2.45lbs

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Post by kccc » Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:43 pm

Thanks, Mimi and IDK - it's nice to see you too! :)

Saturday ended well - my evening meal was larger than it might have been at home, but one plate. I had truffles fir dessert when I got home. Very pleasant time with friends!

Sunday started off well, but devolved into a bit of snacking and eating sweets "to get it while I can" in the late afternoon and early evening. Once I clued in to that pattern, I was able to curb it and the late evening was normal.

Br - 1/2bagel w/pb, 2slices dried pineapple, 2CaL
L (planned) - chicken and barley, salad, fruit
D (planned) - split pea soup, bread, fruit

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Post by Pangelsue2 » Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:12 pm

Just browsing and see you are back. Nice to hear from you again. You are so right to come back before the lapse is large. Lifestyle changes can do that but it seems you are on top of it. Congrats.
I'm baaaack.

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Post by kccc » Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:15 pm

Monday as planned. :)

Br- bread, cheese, fruit, 2 CaL
L - split pea soup, bread, 2small fruits
D (planned) filet mignon, red potatoes, salad with avocado, mushrooms, bread, wine
S-event (planned) - one serving of Valentine chocolate

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Post by kccc » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:10 pm

Tuesday as planned. :) I enjoyed my chocolate, but I mostly enjoyed making the meal an "event," setting a nice table, special food that the family enjoyed. I had not cooked filet mignon before, and was worried about ruining such an expensive cut of meat, but the Internet recipe was superb. A lovely evening.

Official weigh-in:150, down from 152. Rather a big drop. Either the 152 was a spike, or I had been less compliant on No-S than I thought for it to make that kind of difference.

Meals TBD...which is not great. I need to plan. Okay...

Br - 3 CaL (already had), Toast w/pb and banana
L - salad, cheese toast, fruit. Or out.
D - last of split pea soup, fruit salad, bread

That should do it.

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Post by kccc » Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:48 pm

Wednesday as planned, except I had a different lunch (decided I was in the mood for sardines instead of cheese).

Thursday - FAIL
Minor fail, but there. On the plus side, I got some light exercise for the first time since I got so sick.

Br - yogurt, apple, 2 CaL
L - cheese, crackers, banana, figs
S - ginger chews from the secretary's ever-present candy bowl. I love them, and the ginger helps my cold... or so I rationalized at the time.
S - prunes while fixing our late dinner. Very definitely a snack.
D - chicken, potatoes, cooked carrots, roasted eggplant
S - two chocolate truffles leftover from Valentine's

On the plus side... not huge fails in terms of quantity, and I quit after dinner. That's very good in that my pattern when I started No-S was to eat all evening. I'm pleased that it's been re-set in that regard.

On the negative side... I see "habit erosion," particularly with the ginger chews and prunes. To be avoided.

And now I've learned what I can, so I'll "mark it and move on."

Br - 1/2 bagel with PB and banana, 3 CaL

Need to plan lunch and dinner... I will be at my favorite place around lunchtime and can eat there, or come home and eat the rest of the sardines. Hm. Will think on it.

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Post by kccc » Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:14 pm

On Friday, ate at my favorite place for lunch and had "lazy leftovers and snack food" for dinner. One big plate.

And I went to yoga, for the first time in weeks. :)

Br - 2 CaL, and a banana on the way out the door to the early doctor apt
Br2 - latte and biscotti while waiting for my prescription
L - clam whiffle, eggplant, bell pepper, strawberries
S - chocolate for dessert
D (planned) - nachos with guacamole and salad and fruit
And more S's, but I'll report them to keep them reasonable

I do not have walking pneumonia, just a horrid cough probably due to lingering inflammation, which the meds will address. Good news. Mostly, as I thought, a nasty virus which just has to be endured.

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Post by mimi » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:20 am

Feel better, my friend!

Mimi :D
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Post by kccc » Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:02 am

Mimi! Hello, my friend!

Dinner as planned. Snacks included dried fruit and chocolate... About one full serving of each, but spread out a bit.

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Post by Strawberry Roan » Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:04 pm

Just stopping by to say hi to you KCCC, hope you are feeling better now. I always love to read what good foods you are eating.

I can identify with your struggle over a few pounds, doesn't it really make such a difference if only in our minds? Losing those four or five pounds suddenly makes all my clothes fit better, I no longer feel the need to suck in the tummy when I enter a room, etc. I am two inches shorter than you but 145 is about my perfect range as well. I am 63 years old so any thinner and my face and neck seem to suffer.

Best of luck, I also work part time and one would think that suddenly there would be just hours and hours of free time but somehow it just doesn't work out that way, does it?

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Post by kccc » Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:47 am

Berry, you have that right! I feel busier than I was before!

Ate a lot of chocolate on Sunday. Monday was fine, and so was today... mostly. I did noticed a bit of nibbling while preparing dinner, which I need to watch.

However, I did some cardio this morning, which I'm pleased about - not a lot, but more than I've been doing. I used a stationary bike at the gym, which didn't put pressure on my foot. (In addition to the miserable virus, Ive been struggling with plantar fascitis. The two together have really put a dent in my exercise routine!)

Let's see.... today...

Br - 2 CaL, banana, Greek yogurt
L - one plate at dining hall, half veg
D - grilled cheese sandwich, cinnamon apples, cherry tomatoes.

And I may have a glass of wine tonight!

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Post by kccc » Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:33 pm

On track, just too busy to write.

Lot of evening meetings this week - soccer, classes, a school meeting, etc. Dinners are "quick meals" - tuna melts, grilled cheese, bought sushi...

Exercise is returning, though at a "minimum level". Since that's an improvement, I'll take it.

And on we go...

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Post by kccc » Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:53 pm

Same song... On track, but not writing.

I am going to make an effort to check in this next week, though, because it helps me focus better.

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Post by kccc » Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:30 pm

KCCC wrote:Same song... On track, but not writing.

I am going to make an effort to check in this next week, though, because it helps me focus better.
Well, so much for that resolution!

Still holding steady. Still fighting health issues - not life-threatening, but wearing. My shoulder has spasmed (I think) and hurts so badly I can't sleep, and I still can't walk for exercise.

And that's enough whining...not a productive activity.

Good to see everyone doing well.

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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:02 pm


No S-er since December 2009
Streamlined S Days: 6/25/12
SW: 170 /CW: 127
Weight loss to date: 43 lbs

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Post by kccc » Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:37 am


Thank you for that warm welcome back!

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Post by kccc » Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:46 am

Exercise - 30 minutes on exercise bike, abs

Br - 2 HB eggs, crackers, dried figs
L - stir fry with chicken, bruschetta
D - sausages, corn on the cob, salad, banana

Took "taster" bites of a new recipe...had made quinoa for dinner yesterday, and had a lot left because the family just wasn't wild about it. So, I tried using it in a pudding, just as I would use leftover rice. Family liked it. I may have some for breakfast - it's not so sweet that it would be unreasonable.

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Post by kccc » Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:00 am

Exercise - 20 minutes of yoga. Not much, but it counts.

Br- quinoa pudding, figs
L - out; one plate (salad and half-sandwich)
D- spinach enchiladas, cantaloupe, salad

Sort of back on track.

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Post by kccc » Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:34 pm


Exercise - 30 minutes on the bike, plus abs

Br - 2 HB eggs*, crackers, cantaloupe
L - Mediterranean salad and fruit (departmental lunch, but I got to pick)
D - salmon, kale, corn-on-cob, fruit

Extra coffee mid-day, much needed.

* Eggs left from Easter. Enjoyed the pretty colors!


Br - 2 HB eggs, crackers
L - chicken, kale, peas'n'carrots, crackers, dates (yum!)
D - TBD. I'm going to the grocery today, and intend to get something nice-but-N-safe

No exercise yet. Need to fix that.

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Post by kccc » Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:14 pm

Did some bedtime yoga on Friday, and had a slightly-large but technically compliant dinner.

Saturday, did some walking - not up to old standards, but more than I've been doing. Foot seems to have survived. :)

Ate decently until dinner-time on Saturday, then hit leftover Easter candy pretty hard. S-day indulgence. Did not "eat to icky" though.

I have stayed at about 150 thus far. First Spring break, then Easter cancelled any further losses. I need to remind myself that "there's always something" and plan around those somethings.

And holding steady is better than gaining, especially since my exercise is a bit compromised.

And on we go...

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Post by kccc » Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:00 pm

Sunday was a day of grazing.

Monday - back on track with eating, but missed exercise. :(
However, I DID meditate, which is my new goal.

Lately, the benefits of meditation have just been jumping out at me from every direction. A friend of mine calls that kind of synchronicity "the universe knocking at your door." This particular "knock" has been going on a long time, and become rather insistent of late. So... I'm answering.

Exercise - bike 25, abs
Meditation - 5 minutes (starting small, so I will DO it)
B - 1/2 PB and fig butter sandwich on homemade WW bread, pear
L (planned) One plate at dining hall
D (planned) - two slices pizza and salad

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Post by kccc » Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:33 am

Tu as planned.

Exercise: yoga at home
Br - 2HB eggs, banana
L - salad, bread and cheese, prunes
D - out for dh's birthday
S - more than a plate at dinner, birthday cake

Exercise - 30 minutes exercise bike, abs
Br - bread, cheese, banana
L - grilled chicken sandwich, extra CAL
D - out with a friend, and we went to a sort of Mexican-fusion place. Sigh. Tortilla chips got me. Otherwise okay - fajita veggies. (Which included spinach and plantain and portabellos - just awesome. I skipped the rest of the fajita-makings and just ate the plate of veggies.)
Wine with friend - more than usual, but not excessive.

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Post by kccc » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:03 am

Friday night started a slide that lasted all weekend. Got back on track on Monday, and did okay today (Tuesday).

If I remember, will restart the Habitcal for May.

Oh, heck, I'll do it now.:)

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Post by mimi » Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:01 am

Yes, dangerous to put it off, friend! Glad to hear from you again!

Mimi :D
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Post by kccc » Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:53 pm

Hi, Mimi! Good to hear from you.

Habitcal is a good choice. Right now, no time to write, but I can do that.

Food okay yesterday (Wednesday), but missed on exercise. :(

Today, food is planned. And I already did 30 minutes on the bike plus abs. Not a lot, but something.

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Post by Too solid flesh » Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:57 am

Hello, KCCC! I hope that things are looking up for you. Thinking of you.
Be kind, for everybody you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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Post by kccc » Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:41 pm

Thank you, Too Solid Flesh!

My foot has just gotten worse and worse. I'm currently in a "boot", and will go back in 4 weeks for follow-up. Whenever I think it's getting better...I hurt it again.

That has put an incredible crimp in my life as far as all my normal exercise.

I am holding steady on weight, thanks to No-S, but can't seem to lose any because my standard exercise has been derailed. I'm finding "things I can do", but it's just not at the same level.

This too shall pass. In the meantime, I don't have a lot to say here that doesn't sound so whiny that I don't want to listen to it! So, am spending my "Internet time" on hobby sites.

Will try to check in a bit more regularly, though.

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:25 am

I think I need to find some hobby sites, too.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by BrightAngel » Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:31 pm

KCCC wrote: My foot has just gotten worse and worse. I'm currently in a "boot", and will go back in 4 weeks for follow-up. Whenever I think it's getting better...I hurt it again..
Wishing you a speedy recovery. Image
Due to last year's broken arm, I understand and emphathize with your position.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
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Post by mimi » Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:04 pm

Sorry to hear about your foot KCCC, but glad to see your post...been wondering about you! I can empathize with your exercise situation having endured that broken ankle a few years ago.
Sending best wishes your way for a good recovery!

Mimi :D
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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:02 pm

I'm so sorry to hear about your foot, KCCC. It does sound frustrating. I hope that you feel better soon. Thinking of you, and thanks for posting. X
Be kind, for everybody you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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Post by kccc » Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:55 pm

I am wondering how I could have stayed away from such a nice group. :). Thank you, everyone.

I think I'm ready to "look for options" instead of whining. Have done that a bit already. When we went to the beach, I wasn't even able to bicycle, which made me sad. But...I found an early-morning water aerobic class for cheap, and went to it. Hope to make it to the pool for water aerobics later today now that I have some good moves.

And I'm recognizing that exercise isn't the whole issue. I've been over-eating on s-days because I'm unhappy about the situation. But... If hunger isn't the problem, food is not the solution.

Acknowledging that unpleasant truth is progress. Yesterday, I was intentional about my treats, and have been so far today as well. If i continue to be reasonable, maybe I can get back to where I was even under the current limitations.

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Post by idontknow » Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:39 pm

I'm very glad you're back, KCCC. I was beginning to think you'd found a better system.... :wink:
Sorry to hear about your foot - I hope you will be feeling better soon :)
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Post by kccc » Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:23 am

Oh, there's not a better system!

Exercise yesterday - pool
Exercise today - recumbent bike and stretches.

Fail today: 5 ginger chews and 5 dried figs. Not terrible in terms of damage, but not good for habit.

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Post by kccc » Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:53 pm

Wednesday - stretches at bedtime. Minimal compliance. Good on No S.
Thursday - bike and abs, but another fail on No-s. Darn those ginger chews! (4)

(Reporting fails only due to lack of time.)

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Post by TexArk » Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:29 pm

I am dealing with a foot injury also...broken heel and probably torn ankle ligaments...from December 2010! It's a real bummer. I understand your frustration. I cannot do yoga or take my morning walks which I have done for years. I am making myself enjoy going to the gym and doing the elliptical trainer, stair stepper, and bike. I would prefer to be outside walking or in a yoga class, but I can't help that. Thank goodness for the Kindle. At least I can get lost in a book for 30 minutes or so. And you are so right. Food is not the answer. I hope you heal up soon. I also see that you are caring for an elderly parent. My dad just passed away in March at age 95. I have been caring for him out of state and away from home off and on for 3 years. Life just gets complicated some times.

Strawberry Roan
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:41 pm

Yes, life does get complicated indeed.

Stopping by to say Hi to you KCCC and all :wink:

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Post by kccc » Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:00 am

TexArk, sounds like we have a bit in common. Hope things are going better for you. Berry, hello to you!

Just back from a trip to Boston, where I did very well in terms of eating but not so well on exercise. It was harder to get around than I expected - the foot was rather sore by the end if the day.

But the sessions were excellent, and there were colleagues I was glad to see.

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Post by kccc » Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:22 am

Yahoo! I have joined the Y, because they have water aerobics and "gentle yoga."

I am SO happy to have some exercise I can do with this bum foot. And they have multiple classes, and are not far from my house.

Am also keeping my Habitcal, which is good. While the basic structure of No S has been fairly intact...there are some places where I have been getting a bit sloppy around the edges. So, I'm watching those.

So... Back on track.

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Post by kccc » Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:38 pm

Nothing much to report. Like the water aerobics and gentle yoga. Exercise is so important! Its effects go so far beyond the minimal calories burned.

A bit over the top on Saturday, but reined back on Sunday. Have been thinking about the posts on "under indulgence" on the main board. I do enjoy S days more when I eat less-than-I-could but choose high-quality items.

And on we go... :)

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Post by oolala53 » Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:59 pm

I have a hard time accepting that I need way less food than I want on S days. It's not an issue on N days. I don't know why I can't be happy with the idea of most days being N days, except for really special times, since I like my N days so much! I still associate missing out with not getting to eat randomly. It's rather bizarre. But here we are.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by kccc » Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:54 pm

oolala53 wrote:I have a hard time accepting that I need way less food than I want on S days. It's not an issue on N days. I don't know why I can't be happy with the idea of most days being N days, except for really special times, since I like my N days so much! I still associate missing out with not getting to eat randomly. It's rather bizarre. But here we are.
Yes, I understand completely. When I am not doing well, there's almost this desperate, gotta-get-what-I-can feeling. I don't like it, but it's easy to fall into.

If I PLAN one special nice thing, I actually enjoy it more than I do all the random eating.

The trick is remembering that, and acting on that knowledge.

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Post by kccc » Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:40 am

Well, it's been a while since I've posted...

Exercise is going well. In addition to water aerobics, I have discovered that th Y has a great Pilates class. Alas, it is directly across from water aerobics, so I have to choose.

Eating...not so well. I had an extended birthday, with far too much cake bought especially for meeee by different people who's feelings I didn't want to hurt. And once I had all that sugar in my system, it was hard to get back on track.

Now I am. But I undid the progress I'd made. Sigh.

Learning experience.

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Post by ~reneew » Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:59 pm

Happy birthday! At least they only come once a year. We learn as we go. I usually see an issue like a birthday coming far in advance. I'm learning to plan it in... like maybe "recover" with soup or salad for the next meal or two.
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by kccc » Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:39 pm

Haven't been posting for a while, since not much to say. I have been doing well on exercise, doing okay on N days, and not-so-well on S days.... and holding steady on weight, which is still in healthy BMI but not where I'm most comfortable.

So I finally decided to add on some calorie-counting as a temporary diagnostic. I had heard of two apps for the iPhone, and downloaded the free versions and tried them before settling on one.

My plan was (and is still) to use it for a little while and learn from it. I don't see myself doing a SAD diet for any length of time.

- First, calorie-counting is MUCH less onerous when layered with No-S. Just limiting the number of times that entries need to be made is a huge bonus.
- I have to say that the apps also make it much easier, since they leverage crowd-sourcing and functions such as bar-code reading. My geek-streak is sufficiently fascinated by the process that - for now - I find the app engaging. (I know this will not last, but that's okay. This is a TEMPORARY measure.)
- I'm also fascinated by the expertise build into the program, in terms of its recommendations for nutrition, etc.
- On the downside, it works best for the kind of food I try to avoid - things that come in packages. Though I could enter recipes, in order to edit them, I had to step up to the non-free version. (I decided it was worth it.)

On the "personal learning" side...
- I was correct in my assessment that my S-days were the real problem. In fact, I was horrified the first weekend when I tracked what I was eating. That led to some "what is going on here" analysis, and I realized that I am currently unhappy with "the shape of the day" on weekends and over-eating as a result. I am working with my family to address the things that are making me unhappy, as well as taking steps on my own.
- I liked that the program would take my stats and figure out both a maintenance and a target calorie count for me. And I find that I'm interested in the nutritional analysis, and it's affecting my food choices. (In places. There are some "criticisms" that I'm blowing off.)
- It was useful to see that my normal N days fall between the target/maintenance counts with no effort. That shows me that if I weren't sabatoging myself so badly on S days, I would naturally drift back to my "normal" weight. That's reassuring.
- The second weekend, I decided that I was going to allow myself up to the "maintenance" calorie count. That worked well - it was enough extra to allow some real indulgences, but not enough extra to allow mindless grazing. The limit forced me to be selective/thoughtful... and I am actually happier doing that.
- Finally, I am noticing that I can now use this tool as a tool, without feeling the kind of desperation that SAD diets used to engender in me. The No-S mindset has "stuck" and seems to guard against "diethead." I am grateful... but careful. My former calorie-counting days were not mentally healthy, I think, so I don't want to go back there.
- I still do not expect to use this forever. I can envision an intermediate step where I count only on S-days before I let it go.

So there I am.

PS - the app I settled on was MyNetDiary. I do not use ANY of the online/community features, nor do I intend to, just the app itself.

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Post by kccc » Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:29 pm

More observations...

Right now, the app is still fun. In the past, I think I would have used a tool like this as my primary tool, and tried to mix in No-S. Now, No-S is primary, and this is the add-on. I can't quite describe why that is different, but it is.

Using it prompts me to pre-plan my meals a bit more, which I'd gotten lazy about. It also alerts me to places where I might like to make changes - for example, my sat fat intake was higher than I realized. (I love cheese...)

But the bottom line is that it is comforting to confirm that No-S is right for me. That my N-days are exactly where they should be to get me to where I want to be.

The problem with S-days reminds me that whenever I turn to food for comfort, there is something ELSE in my life that needs addressing. I need to remember that, and turn my attention to the real problems... and then the S-days will take care of themselves.

I feel as if I could let go of the app already... but since I am enjoying it at the moment, I'll continue until it's no longer a shiny new toy.

As far as not engaging in the related community... that held NO attraction. Not only do I want to avoid being influenced by "diet-head-thinking," I already know that THIS is the best community EVER. :)

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Post by kccc » Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:43 pm

Have lost a few pounds, and regained my balance around food. Still careful to use the app on weekends, and mostly during the week... but after checking in on my general food intake, I'm less worried about that. No-S keeps me honest on N days; I'd just let the S-days get out of control.

At this point, I'm more focused on the nutritional info the app offers. To some extent, it really highlights things-I-knew - it gives me red flags on sodium whenever I eat out. Two slices of Papa John's pizza exceed recommended limits for the day! However, I don't eat a LOT of processed food, and I still get flagged for excess saturated fat (I loooove cheese) and sodium on some days (the recommendations for my age are quite low). Interesting. I do better on calcium and keeping chloresterol low. It's fascinating to see the patterns.

Again, I don't think that I would do this if I weren't layering over No-S. And I don't expect to keep it up. There have been a few days already where I think it's more trouble than it's worth, so it may be running its course.

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Post by kccc » Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:54 pm

Almost lost my excess - still a few pounds to go. But I'm at the point where I am on the right trajectory. That's a good way to start the holiday season - it's bad to be stressed about food at any time, but especially during the holidays.

Glad to be back on keel.

I increasingly appreciate the No-S structure. It definitely is a bedrock foundation for me.

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Post by Too solid flesh » Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:23 pm

Congratulations, KCCC, and thank you for documenting what you are doing. It's really interesting to see how this is working for you.
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Post by kccc » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:22 am

Well, at the moment I am recovering from Thanksgiving excess, and not using the app at all!

I may not go back to it, but I found it useful for multiple reasons...
1) It made me more aware of what I was eating and "not counting" on No S - I could see where I was getting sloppy around the edges.
2) It provided a "re-boot" on portion size and basic nutrition. (Amazing how few calories basic veggies have... and how many in other foods!)
3) It confirmed suspicions about the pattern I was falling into, which I didn't like. I really was eating an awful lot on S-days.

For now, I am enjoying normal No-S days after the holiday.

(I also think that finding exercises I could do was a BIG help! I am just happier when I exercise regularly.)

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Post by Gepetto » Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:28 am

KCCC wrote:(I also think that finding exercises I could do was a BIG help! I am just happier when I exercise regularly.)
I completely agree with this! Not exercising makes me grumpy in ways only my family seems to point out.
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Post by kccc » Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:03 pm

On reflection, I think the app was useful for a while, but ONLY because I was firmly keeping "No-S First."

I've tried using such things before, and tipped into "diet-head" that made me crazy. The internal bargaining that comes from calorie-counting is just not good for me - I trade off nutrition for junk, "overdraw" my account and give up in desperation, etc.

But with "No-S First," there was minimal bargaining. I still couldn't have snacks or sweets, so that eliminated a lot of "trading". I just looked at "what I was eating at meals" more carefully, and saw that some of my meals could be better.

And of course, using it made me more conscious of my S-day patterns, which were NOT good.

I kept with it longer than I might have because the nutrition piece was rather interesting... and the app did lower the time/attention required for tracking.

But mostly, it returned my attention to HABITS, and helped me isolate those were serving me well and those that were not.

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Post by BrightAngel » Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:31 pm

Congratulations on being willing to discover new insights. Image
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
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Post by mimi » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:42 pm

KCCC wrote:Well, at the moment I am recovering from Thanksgiving excess, and not using the app at all!

I may not go back to it, but I found it useful for multiple reasons...
1) It made me more aware of what I was eating and "not counting" on No S - I could see where I was getting sloppy around the edges.
2) It provided a "re-boot" on portion size and basic nutrition. (Amazing how few calories basic veggies have... and how many in other foods!)
3) It confirmed suspicions about the pattern I was falling into, which I didn't like. I really was eating an awful lot on S-days.

For now, I am enjoying normal No-S days after the holiday.

(I also think that finding exercises I could do was a BIG help! I am just happier when I exercise regularly.)
KCCC, I used the same approach to lose my weight and then to maintain it....which I am doing very nicely. I used myfitnesspal, which was totally free, and you could enter recipes with it. I found it totally eye-opening as well for just the same reasons as you outlined.
Mimi :D
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