Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:12 am

I've been doing this for four days before I found this site - so here's a catch-up to begin with!

First, I decided I would allow myself one snack a day (down from my usual three) for the first 21 days. So my 'SUCCESS' is sticking to my plan of including one snack on an 'N' day.

Day 1: was actually a Sunday - but I hadn't realised the 'rules' yet, so it was a SUCCESS I had three meals and a snack in the afternoon of a banana.

Day 2: was a Monday SUCCESS I surprised myself by going from breakfast to lunch without needing my snack - but I appreciated in a long gap between lunch and dinner. My snack was a few walnuts, dried cranberries and 10g 85% dark choc.

Day 3: was a Tuesday SUCCESS I was able to completely switch off from the box of chocolate biscuits laid out during the team meeting - and had a snack of plain cashews between lunch and dinner.

Day 4: was a Wednesday SUCCESS I only needed half of my snack of plain cashews between lunch and dinner :D

I have found myself thinking about what I'd really like to eat on at the weekend!

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Post by eschano » Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:32 am

Great start!
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:09 pm

thanks! it's going well!

Day 5 was a Thursday SUCCESS my late afternoon snack was a banana l)

Day 6 was a Friday SUCCESS

I had a banana first thing this morning because I was going swimming - so I counted that as a necessary healthy small meal

I had one small healthy snack mid-afternoon - it was a bar made of dried fruit and nuts. As I ate it, with my cuppa, I was aware of the feeling that I didn't really need it; I wasn't hungry. Maybe I will be able to cut out my afternoon snack next week, sometimes!

At dinner this evening I felt full much more quickly than usual.

I've made a plan for Saturday and Sunday - and found it quite hard to think of what S foods I wanted to eat!
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:46 pm

Just in case you want it, here's the link to the 21-day thread here on EverydaySystems. http://everydaysystems.com/bb/viewtopic ... &start=700

BTW, don't know if you've ever heard of Brad Pilon. I'm not a fan of intermittent fasting, but he's made quite a name for himself with it. And he's a bodybuilder. He often works out when he's fasting. He claims the body will adjust and draw the calories it needs. Reinhard has pointed out that humans have done a lot of hard agricultural work for centuries without frequent eating. Just as you are finding with regular snacking, you may find if your meals are generous enough, you won't need workout food. But there's certainly time to experiment. It's all about finding a way to make moderate eating routine. I'm pretty sure some athletic people here eat a workout snack routinely.
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:31 pm

Day 7: is a Saturday - so it's my first S day! :D
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:17 pm

Day 8: Sunday is an 'S' day!

I found that I planned my treats today.......and enjoyed them, but I'm also looking forward to getting back to an 'N' day!
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:18 pm


No snacks, no sweets, no seconds - this was the first 'N' day when I did not need my planned snack. I'm still keeping that allowance in though - for the first 21 days. Today I went for 6 hours between breakfast and lunch - didn't feel hungry at all. I went for a run this afternoon.

Being on a NoS day was quite a relief after the weekend!
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Post by osoniye » Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:28 am

Sounds like you're doing great! Good idea to keep the snack option for the first 21 days. You can always just not use it, but having the option probably keeps feelings of deprivation at bay.
Just curious- what was your filling breakfast that kept you going for 6 hours?
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Post by eschano » Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:37 am


Also, I've seen you're following a vegan diet. I am experimenting but some of the recipes are a bit off (I'm saying this as I just had vegan muffins for breakfast that were mainly a brick of almond and buckwheat flour with blueberries). Any suggestions for blogs or cookbooks?
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:25 pm

Sonya, the breakfast that kept me going 6 hours was actually just a grapefruit, 4 Ryvita cripsbreads with peanut butter!

Eshano - I will eat dairy in small quantities occasionally. The vegan books I currently get most from are by Happy Herbivore - I've got three of her books but the one I use most is called 'Light and Lean' Another good author is Oh, She Glows! (both of them have good blog-sites too with lots of recipes, photos etc).

Day 11: WHOOPS today I had three afternoon snacks: a fruit bar, a banana, a flapjack

there were extenuating circumstances, but I have to say, I wasn't really hungry and I need not have eaten them! I ought to have eaten the banana at lunch-time (which I'd planned to, but forgot)!
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Post by eschano » Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:18 am

Thanks so much Rawcookie for the suggestions!

As for the fail: mark it and move on :)
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:25 pm

Day 12: SUCCESS no snacks, no sweets, no seconds

I am amazed at how long I can go between meals - I used to be really scared of getting hungry and not having access to something to eat; I would also eat 'in advance' - in case I didn't get anything later!

For the past 4 days I've had between 6 and 7 hrs between breakfast and lunch! I would not have thought that possible before!

Today, I was at a friend's house this morning, and she put out a dish of nuts and raisins on the table - I didn't touch them. I left her house at about 1.30pm and felt mildly hungry..... I actually noticed the feeling of hunger! New for me! Then I really, really enjoyed my lunch
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Post by teadrinker » Fri Jun 26, 2015 2:26 pm

******Cheering for you! ******Yay!*****

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:04 pm

Thanks Teadrinker (I'm actually doing that right now - drinking tea!)

Day 13: SUCCESS no snacks, no sweets, no seconds

this is the second day of not having an afternoon snack - now that I've dropped it, I will leave it out, as in, stop allowing myself that option.

I have gone from being a 6-mini-meals a day person, to being a 3 proper meals a day person - in just under two weeks! I would not have thought it possible!

Today I also tried out some shovelglove type moves, without a shovelglove - and even that got my hard thumping - so I can see myself getting into the shovelglove exercises before long!
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:18 pm

Just to let you know, in case you didn't, a person can add two S days per month to accommodate birthdays, holidays or other infrequent events, IF desired. There is no obligation! But it's a nice safety valve. It is recommended that they are planned ahead of time and not just declared as a way to avoid calling a fail a fail.
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Post by ironchef » Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:40 am

Just to clarify, No S allows additional S days for special days / holidays. It doesn't specifically say "2 per month", but if you average more than about 2 extra S days per month you might not lose and may need to tighten up your definition of Special. For example in April I have my birthday, my anniversary and Easter, so generally more than 2 extra days, while March usually has none.

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jun 27, 2015 3:01 am

Woohoo--keep up the good work!!!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:09 pm

Thanks for your posts about S days - I understand the system.
I am planning my sweets and snacks on S days and, for the most part, incorporating them into my meals. I'm also fortunate in not being over-weight to begin with - I'm really looking for the behaviour modification around eating - and that seems to be working for me. I am also not prone to binge-eating, so that's not a concern. Today I've had two small slices of cheesecake as a dessert with lunch (which was just a plain salad) - and this afternoon I'm taking two shortbread biscuits to work to have for a mid-afternoon snack. I am having a packet of crisps with my dinner (which is at work) - that's it! Tomorrow I have planned to have an ice-cream on my way home from work, and I have some Jelly Babies to eat after my dinner.

Today is an S day
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Post by osoniye » Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:43 pm

RAWCOOKIE wrote:I'm really looking for the behaviour modification around eating
That's what NoS is so good at. I trust you will enjoy moderation on S days, as well as on the N days that keep the S days special.
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:43 am

Thanks Sonya :)

Day 14: Saturday 27th June S Day 8)

I felt hungry in the afternoon - probably because I'd had sugar (in the lunchtime cheesecake); I enjoyed my planned shortbread with tea mid-afternoon - then felt hungry by about 5.30pm - so I ate my dinner (which was packed as I was at work). I 'worried' that I wouldn't make it through the evening - but I did! A colleague offered me a small chocolate Penguin biscuit at about 9pm - and I was glad I could accept it. I ate it when I left work at 10pm.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:33 pm

Yay--glad your day went well. Do you usually work saturdays? Enjoy your Sunday and hopefully you have the day off!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:11 pm

Day 15: Sunday 28th June S Day :D

I work in a care setting, so it's a 24/7 workplace - I often work weekends, evenings, overnight shifts. I worked today.

My S days went well this week - much more enjoyable and calm. I had a Magnum ice-cream after work this afternoon, then I really wasn't hungry at dinner time - but ate it anyway (threw some of it away).

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:54 pm

Day 16: Monday 29th June SUCCESS

I did feel 'hungry' this morning - only about two hours' after breakfast. Possibly due to enjoying some sweets on my S day yesterday. But I got through to lunch with just a cup of tea (Sweet Chilli Yogi tea - lovely) - and also mid-afternoon I felt 'hungry' - but I made myself a mug of tea and put my feet up and read a book for half an hour - and it passed. I planned to have dinner early, but it was actually about 7.30pm before I ate. I'm well pleased.

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:09 pm

Day 17: Tuesday 30th June SUCCESS

Day 18: Wednesday 1st July SUCCESS

I find that I have 'false hunger' at transition times: when I arrive at work (about 2 hours after breakfast), and again when I leave work (no matter what time it is!) - by dismissing this feeling (because I'm sticking to the No S rules) it quite swiftly just fades away!

Today I was hungry when I got home at 5.30pm - I've been for a run, got tea cooking, it's past 8pm now and I'm just about to enjoy my meal


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Post by eschano » Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:39 am

Hi Rawcookie, do you drink enough water? I get false hunger when thirsty.
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:46 pm

Day 19: Thursday 2nd July: WHOOPS

I'm being very hard on myself here - I had a drink when I was in town this afternoon; it was after work, very hot, and I could have chosen to buy water, but I picked up a bottle of lemongrass tea with ginseng (water, agave, fruit juice from concentrate, flavours etc). I'm classing it as a snack - because I was definitely looking for something to interest my taste-buds and get a 'hit' of some kind. It is a time of day when there is an emotional basis for my urge to snack - so it's not that the drink was particularly damaging or calorific or anything, but what the drink represented habit-wise. That's why I'm not counting it as a SUCCESS day.

eschano Yes, I do sometimes forget to drink water - but those transitional times I mentioned in my last post are more to do with a habitual behaviour around fulfilling some emotional need. :wink:

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:28 pm

Day 20: Friday 3rd July: SUCCESS

today I made myself up a bottle of herbal tea to carry with me - it's nice cold :)
I am looking forward to my S days. I've got a little stash of things to enjoy. I got a parcel in the post today, and inside there was a mini packet of Haribos and some sports energy drink tablets - I just enjoyed the fact that they were surprise 'gifts' and put them in my cupboard. :D prior to NoS I would have had to have eaten them there and then!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:58 am

Day 21: Saturday 4th July: an S day!

I've completed my first 21 days! Only two WHOOPS days - and they were only small deviations.

This is my third weekend - and when I went shopping this morning, I wasn't even tempted by the doughnuts and pastries!!!! I already have my snacks and desserts planned - and it feels good to know I can eat some of those things today and tomorrow.

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:08 pm

I've just listened to the podcast on negative tracking - and I'm going to try that - so I won't necessarily check in every day - but only when I have some observation to record.

Today was, however, an S day - and I do have some observations to record!

Lovely, lovely day........... I surprised myself in how moderate I felt today. I didn't eat anything between breakfast and lunch. I was in a cafe mid-morning, but only ordered a coffee (I saw other people having cream and marshmallow-topped hot chocolate, and cakes - but I really didn't want it).

At lunchtime I bought myself a packet of crisps to eat with my lunch. I bought one cookie to have as an afternoon snack.

What I'm finding is that I'm finding it quite hard to think of what I want to eat as a snack or sweet! But it's good to know that if I fancy something during the week, I can look forward to having that thing at the weekend.

This week I enjoyed Bombay Mix, brandy snaps with low-fat fromage frais and strawberries; a few Jelly Babies and a tiny packet of Haribo sweets; a piece of shortbread (that was the one cookie). I also really enjoyed baking: I made 6 pineapple muffins (half the recipe) from Happy Herbivore Abroad - which were dairy and fat-free - vegan.

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Post by Lyra » Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:44 am

Hi Rawcookie,

Your thread is inspirational to me! Way to go!


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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:29 pm

Thanks Lyra!

Today I stuck to my three meals and it felt easy.

I met a friend after work and she was eating an ice-cream (well a sort of chocolate lolly on a stick thing) - and I just looked at it and sort of searched inside myself to see if I had any desire for ice cream, or chocolate - and I didn't find any! It felt good to NOT WANT the thing!

As part of my dinner I had a few Ryvita Thins - they are crisp flatbreads made with white flour and covered in sesame and linseeds. I put the rest in an air-tight box. These 'snacky things' did have a 'pull' on me - I didn't give in to it, but I definitely noticed it! They are probably things I shouldn't keep in the house. I am having some for lunch tomorrow with some homemeade hummus - that's planned. Crunchy, savoury things are very appealing to me - I managed to keep a bag of Bombay Mix in my cupboard all week last week - and ate the lot on Sunday (S day) - there was no way I was going to eat half the bag!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:20 pm

Today I stuck to my three meals: no snacks, sweets, or seconds

When I finished work at 5.30pm I had been on the go for 10 hrs, and I really felt 'snacky'. I was aware that I felt thirsty - so I bought a bottle of sparkling water (just water) and sipped that for the next 2 hrs until I got home.

I'd just missed the bus home at 5.50pm so I had to wait another hour. I decided I'd use the time to walk along the coast path and catch the bus at a different place. The first half an hour of the walk was lovely - although I felt tired, I enjoyed the air, the plants, the sea, the birds, the walk. Then it started to rain - and the wind drove it into the backs of my legs - wet jeans! I then had to sit and wait 15 mins for the bus, and I got really cold.

I was thinking that I could have three slices of toast instead of two with my baked beans when I got home. (thinking of 'consoling' myself with food!)

Instead, when I got home, at 7.30pm I got under a hot shower, put on my comfy clothes - and I had my two slices of toast, baked beans, mug of tea, a banana with some creme fraiche. And I was surprised to find that was all I wanted or needed to eat.

It's 9.20pm now and I reckon I'm going to head for bed.

How wonderful to meet my need for consolation with a hot shower and an early night!

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:30 am

Good for you for getting to the root of what you really needed to feel better! It's winning those little battles along the way that make all the difference in the end.

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:22 pm

Thanks Linda :)

Today I stuck to my three meals

I've changed my meal plan for tomorrow - because I realised that I wouldn't finish work until gone 7pm, and by the time I get home it will be about 9.30pm - a bit too late, for me, to eat. So - I'm taking lunch and dinner to work with me - and will eat the dinner on the bus on the way home (about 8pm). I am anticipating having a slight 'eat' trigger on arrival home, so the plan is to pop the kettle on quick and get a cuppa! I'm also aware that Thursday has been, so far, the day I'm most likely to snack - and I don't want to!

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Post by gingerpie » Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:37 am

How did your plan work out?

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Post by osoniye » Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:58 am

It's great to see the way you're working it out. I have a difficult day (Tuesdays) with an early morning meeting, one during lunchtime and a snack temptation in the evening. But when I really think and plan it through, similar to the way you planned for Thursday, is goes so much better. With a little extra thought We Can Do This!
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:30 pm

:D Yes! I got through Thursday without a snack (despite other people snacking around me!). My plan worked out even better than I'd planned, because I was able to leave work a bit earlier, and the sun was still shining - so I sat on the sea wall and ate my 'picnic' dinner before I got on the bus.

Three meals today - no snacks, no sweets, no seconds.

Big bonus: the NoS book was waiting on the doormat when I came it - can't wait to read it!

:idea: I started trying a new thing today - eating my fruit first. At lunch and dinner I generally like to have a piece of fruit. After reading the 'sugar' thread recently, I thought about it, and reckon that the 'need' for that 'something sweet', albeit fruit, could be programmed out. Some schools of thought also reckon that fruit is better eaten first - as it's digested more quickly - I don't know how true that is. Anyway, at dinner today (my picnic!) I ate my kiwi and strawberries first. I actually felt quite 'full', but I knew that was definitely NOT enough calories to keep me going! What happened was that I didn't eat all my 'main' course. I'm going to continue this experiment and see what happens.

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:40 am

Yeah great job! I like your fruit idea. Dontcha just love it when you find a really doable way to keep your eating on track?

Enjoy the book & keep up the good work!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:38 pm

Thanks Linda :)

Three meals today: no snacks, no sweets, no seconds

I ate my fruit first at lunch-time and dinner today - feels good.

It's Friday night, and I've got a day off tomorrow - and I can't think what I want to eat on my S days this week! If, during the week, I think of a food I'd like to eat, I make a note on my phone. This week I've only got one thing 'lemon curd'! This feels weird........... I can eat anything, and I don't know what I want!

Anyway, I'll make a plan before I go to bed - because one of the things I'm really enjoying is waking up in the morning and knowing what I'm going to eat. I make a plan for the next day (or two) every day.

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:33 am

So funny lemon curd came up on another thread today too. Something must be in the air. Okay now you having me crave barefoot contessa's lemon yogurt cake. It's so good but my kids are at camp & Dh doesn't eat sweets much (diabetic) so there'd be too many leftovers. Oh well I've got some special cookies stashed.

Have a great S day & great job this week.

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:19 pm

:lol: perhaps I read that blog with 'lemon curd' in it - and it transferred itself to my mind! I did buy some, and I did enjoy some this morning with some homemade Chia 'doughnuts' (Oh She Glows cookbook - vegan, fat-free) and it 'hit the spot'!

I'm noticing a bit of a pattern to my S days. The main features seem to be:

something sweet on toast for breakfast - something jam-like
a packet of crisps with my lunch
an ice-cream (it's been a Magnum type thing twice so far)
shortbread with afternoon tea
extra 'bread' type things - eg a baguette, or naan bread, or poppadoms
a dessert which is creamy - cheesecake, fruit and cream, frozen yoghurt
sweets have been inconsistent - chocolate raisins one week, jelly babies one week, a small bar of mint chocolate this week

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:05 pm

I've enjoyed having my S day - but surprised myself in being un-attracted to lots of things I'd previously scoffed with some regularity! I didn't want any sweets.............. and I'm not ill, just none of them seemed attractive enough to actually buy to eat!

Snacking today didn't feel especially good - I had a packet of crisps at coffee time, and a little packet of dried mango bits late morning. I ate my lunch at the usual time. I ate some biscuits at tea-time. Had some frozen yoghurt for dessert after dinner. Quite moderate really! But I felt quite off-centre by eating outside the three meal-times.

I did enjoy having my lemon curd on toast for breakfast :D

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:37 pm

Three meals today: No Snacks, No Sweets, No Seconds

I felt quite 'down' today and thought about how I'd have used food for comfort before starting the NoS system. Today, I had an extra cup of coffee this morning - and then lunch at lunch-time. I chewed some gum on the bus home from work.

To 'comfort' myself when I got home, I got out of my work clothes, and put shorts and a t-shirt on, then allowed myself to just lay out on my sun-lounger in the garden for half-an-hour - listened to the birds, felt the wind blowing over me.

Then I cooked my meal - and ate quite early - about 6pm. I'm having a cup of decaff to finish off my eating for the day.

I've continued to eat my fruit first at meal times - although I did forget at lunch-time and had my banana last! I did start lunch with half an avocado - I hope I'm not edging into fruit first AND last :wink:

All in all, I'm glad it's Monday and an 'N' day - getting back into the routine feels 'safe' and good.

I've already got one thing noted on my phone for enjoying next weekend!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:41 pm

Three meals today: No Snacks, No Sweets, No Seconds

I made myself a nice fruit thing this evening - as part of my 'one plate' meal: frozen banana blended with a teaspoon of pure cocoa, a dash of vanilla essence, a teaspoon of unsweetened peanut butter - it made a very pleasing addition to my meal.

I'm feeling a bit 'deprived' not because of the NoS, but because I've spent all my money for the week, so I'm having to be really creative to think up meals for myself. I'm doing OK - I've got it all planned out and won't starve. I could eat oatmeal for every meal if I had to! But that was part of the reason, I think, that I made myself a little non-sugar 'treat' to have for dinner. I had a few boiled new potatoes, two vegan sausages and some fresh peas that a friend had given me from her garden. They easily left room on the plate for my banana 'icecream' :D

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:35 am

Your "treat" idea sounds lovely. I saw on my thread you were starting a budget. It's really hard at first but I'm hoping it's one of those things that becomes second nature after awhile.

It's funny how we can get by on less than we think. I was out running errands today around lunch time & my first instinct was to grab lunch on the go but then I thought of the budget. I went home instead and had leftovers so I could keep some more money in my "eating out" slot. I think it's little things like this that'll really add up over time. Kinda like nos.

Anyway keep up the good work on all accounts!

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computer luddite system

Post by RAWCOOKIE » Wed Jul 15, 2015 5:08 pm

Three meals today: No Snacks, No Sweets, No Seconds

Quite a victory today: I knew that I was going to be offered croissants after swimming with my friend this morning (it's happened before) - so, I decided to have my breakfast quite early (and eat enough!) - then consider the croissant a slightly earlier-than-usual lunch. It worked! I had a croissant and a banana after swimming at about 11.30am - then had my dinner at 6pm. :D

I am noticing that my stomach feels 'full' more quickly now - and it's a definite feeling of fullness. Before doing this system, I was never really sure if I was full or not until it was too late!

At evening class last night there were some sweets passed around - I asked if I could take one for later - which is what I did. So, that's now part of my S day stash I can look forward to!

Reckon I'm going to try the Weekend Luddite thing - no computer between breakfast and dinner, and the Weekday Luddite thing - no computer before breakfast or after dinner. I am sick, sick, sick of wasting away too much time on the internet!

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:03 am

Good for you for being so adaptable and flexible. That bodes well for long-term success. I like your Luddite idea and may do something similar. Does that include turning off your phone too?
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:29 am

Thursday 16th July

Three meals today; No Snacks, No Sweets, No Seconds

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No - it doesn't include the phone -but I only have a very basic texting phone and it's not a bit time-waster for me. If I'm at work I'll need to have a phone on and use a computer in the evening too - but, again, that's not me wasting time - it's just my work, at work!
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:56 pm

Friday 16th July

Three meals today. No Snacks, No Sweets, No Seconds

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I am so looking forward to my S days this week. Most of all, I am enjoying the freedom to bake a cake :)
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sat Jul 18, 2015 6:21 am

Saturday 18th July

Looking forward to my S day - going to make a cake!

8stone 9.25lbs - I'm logging my weight daily so I can see the patterns. I'm looking at my weight on Saturday morning (my lowest usually after a week of N) and my weight on Monday morning (usually my highest after the weekend S days).
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:40 am

Weekend Luddite was amazing yesterday (Saturday) I got SO much done! I cleared several things from my in-box, read some articles I'd been meaning to get round to for ages, mended some clothes that have been sitting on the sewing box for months, phoned my son and had a chat - just generally felt more productive and relaxed. (PS I went to work from 2-11pm as well!)

I feel more 'hungry' on my S days - it's like the lack of strong boundaries stimulates a hungry feeling - don't like it, but am persevering with it. I'm tending towards making Saturday the more 'free' day - in terms of sweets and snacks - then Sunday is more 'moderate' - not an N day - but more moderate! That is seeming to work best for me - get's my blood sugar back to normal!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:31 am

Monday was a FAIL because I had dinner with friends at their house - and accepted seconds, and a sweet.

On the grand scale of things, this wasn't 'bad' - the meal was peppers stuffed with tomatoes and garlic with a bit of goat's cheese on the top, with a herby couscous on the side, some Turkish bread, and lettuce. We were all served two half-peppers to begin with, then the 'seconds' were another half-pepper, another spoon of couscous, another slice of bread. It sort of happened before I realised! The 'sweet' was a homemade almond and lemon cake, served with some stewed apricots and natural yoghurt - I didn't know how to say no! I had two glasses of wine - and was able to say 'no' to a top-up of that. After dinner we had a small coffee, and two small squares of dark chocolate.

On my walk home I felt really uncomfortable - stuffed to busting!

I'm having dinner with them again next Monday - and on what I learned from this experience was that I CAN say 'no, thank you' to seconds, and I CAN say 'no, thank you' to a dessert. I could have had my one plate of food, and I could have had just the apricots and yoghurt for dessert. Next week I'll be prepared to 'fence' my diet rules and see how it feels. And I can REMEMBER how terrible I felt after over-eating!

I did feel a slight tendency towards 'punishing' myself this morning - considered leaving the margarine off my toast! But I'd re-read the relevant parts of the NoS Diet book - and decided to 'chalk it up as a failure' and move on.

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Post by tacodiscos » Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:50 pm

RAWCOOKIE wrote:Today I stuck to my three meals: no snacks, sweets, or seconds

When I finished work at 5.30pm I had been on the go for 10 hrs, and I really felt 'snacky'. I was aware that I felt thirsty - so I bought a bottle of sparkling water (just water) and sipped that for the next 2 hrs until I got home.

I'd just missed the bus home at 5.50pm so I had to wait another hour. I decided I'd use the time to walk along the coast path and catch the bus at a different place. The first half an hour of the walk was lovely - although I felt tired, I enjoyed the air, the plants, the sea, the birds, the walk. Then it started to rain - and the wind drove it into the backs of my legs - wet jeans! I then had to sit and wait 15 mins for the bus, and I got really cold.

I was thinking that I could have three slices of toast instead of two with my baked beans when I got home. (thinking of 'consoling' myself with food!)

Instead, when I got home, at 7.30pm I got under a hot shower, put on my comfy clothes - and I had my two slices of toast, baked beans, mug of tea, a banana with some creme fraiche. And I was surprised to find that was all I wanted or needed to eat.

It's 9.20pm now and I reckon I'm going to head for bed.

How wonderful to meet my need for consolation with a hot shower and an early night!

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Post by eschano » Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:10 pm

Hi Rawcookie! I am so glad you decided against punishment :) Good luck for Monday!
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:23 pm

Thanks peeps :)

Tuesday, Wednesday and today (Thursday) were all SUCCESSES

I haven't been able to post every day due to my 'weekday Luddite' resolution! I am going to be away from Friday lunch-time to Sunday dinner time - on a residential course with full board. I am SO happy that the bulk of the course falls on S days :D

Today I got bored at work - and immediately wanted to eat! I had had my breakfast at 6am - and managed to wait until 12.30 for my lunch (earlier than usual). Then I was a bit concerned that I might not make it through until dinner time as I had to work until 6.30pm and wouldn't get home until about 7.45pm. I made it! Then I enjoyed a one-plate meal which was not my usual kind: a plate-sized pizza - the base was ready-made, and I topped it with tomato paste, sweetcorn, olives, onions fried in coconut oil, sliced tomato - and cheese. It's been a cheesy week. I don't usually buy dairy - but I just fancied it this week, so have had it pretty much every day. Nothing terrible has happened to me. I've also had a (second) week where I stuck to a very low budget for food - and made some very creative meals. I've missed the fresh fruit which ran out on Tuesday! Shopping tomrrow :)

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away for the weekend

Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:07 am

Friday morning - I confident that today will be a SUCCESS even though I won't be able to confirm that until Sunday night. It's great to feel that sense of confidence - no matter what, I will stick to my NoS rules today.

It's do-able because I know that I have an S day tomorrow. I'm going to be on a residential course - so there will be meals provided, probably cookies and cakes at snack times - and it will be nice to be able to partake, if I want to!

I've bought myself some crisps and a peach to add to my NoS sandwich lunch today - kind of 'emotional space food' for me on my train journey. A 'need' for comforting. Perhaps it's a sort of anxiety thing....... I don't feel anxious, but I guess at some level, being outside my normal routine and travelling means that my brain has to make a lot of decisions. And each decision-event is a sort of leaky gateway for my good habit-building behaviours to spill out. Not that I will - but I can feel the strength of this phenomenon.

It made me think about why things like journeys, and things that are different from my normal routine, seem to have 'eating' attached to them. And I guess, that's exactly what NoS is about - setting up habits around food, that are not toppled by a change of routine (or added brain activity around decision-making)

Today I'm all set for my 3 meals: No Snacks, No Sweets, No Seconds

But I wonder how I would be if it was a weekday residential course? Well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it - I hope I'd be able to stick to my N day habit. I think, perhaps, I could do it........ I think I could.

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Not as much fun as I thought!

Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:09 pm

Well, the weekend is coming to an end and I've just got home from being away for two days.

The freedom to eat whatever I wanted wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be. Most of it was pretty disappointing! Nearly all the extra things I ate were sweet - biscuits at coffee and tea break, some sweets. I didn't have any seconds. I had one of the desserts on offer after dinner on Saturday night - and it was really disappointing!

It was nice to have S days and not to have to worry about avoiding anything, but I was surprised at how I didn't have the appetite for the meals at the times they were offered. The evening meal on Saturday was 7pm and I just had a small bowl of salad - I couldn't face another meal. Partly I suppose my between-meal snacks had spoilt my appetite.

I'll be glad to be back to N days tomorrow - and I expect I'll have put on a couple of pounds.
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Post by eschano » Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:47 am

Rawcookie - I have a similar experience with S day treats as I find that very rarely are sweets on offer at those kind of things good enough to be considered proper treats.

Next weekend you can plan for a proper treat :)
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:45 am

I'm going out for the day today - with two friends who've already been talking about things like 'big flapjacks to keep us going'!

I've got a plan! I've had two croissants with coffee for breakfast - so that feels like a 'treat'. Lunch will be a cheese and pickle sandwich, crisps, 2 kiwis - which will feel like a 'treat' and also be enough to fill me up (emotionally as well as physically). I can then ignore their afternoon eating! I'll have a lovely cup of tea :) Then we're having a meal in the cafe in the evening - so I just choose a main dish - no problem! Coffee to finish! It will be a SUCCESS!

Going out for the day with my friends is NOT an 'S' day :)

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Post by gingerpie » Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:46 am

Hear, hear! I love a good plan. ;)

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Post by natj » Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:59 am

RAWCOOKIE- Sounds like a lovely way to plan around your day with your friends. I love the British tradition of tea! I've been able to enjoy it a few times while traveling to the UK (I like mine with milk). Anyway, I hope it works out and that you can continue to practice the habit today!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:35 am

My plan worked SUCCESS!

I was amazing 8)! But only you guys here would appreciate the victory!

My two friends and I arrived at the venue at about 1.30pm - and got hot drinks to take out from the cafe - then sat and ate our picnics on the lawn. I stuck to my own and didn't accept any 'extras' from them. At about 3.30pm we stopped again at the cafe for 'tea' - they both had a coffee and a huge apricot flapjack (which I know would be nearly 1000 cals a portion) - and I had a cup of tea :) Actually, I noticed that I was still drinking my tea after they had finished eating their flapjacks and drinking their coffees. Perhaps the tea was hotter than the coffee. The cafe counter had been groaning with home-made cakes, buns, cookies, shortbread (my favourite) and flapjacks. I didn't even feel the slightest bit hungry, although I did consider buying a shortbread to keep for my next S day (I didn't!).

At 6pm we went to have our evening meal - and I had a delicious meal of chard leaves stuffed with cous-cous and roasted veggies, with a divine harrissa and aubergine sauce - I followed that with an apple. It was wonderful!

In the interval during the performance, one friend brought out a bag of flapjacks - and offered them round - I said 'not at the moment thanks' - and didn't have one. The other friend offered round mints - I didn't have one.

I am SO pleased with myself! Both my friends are a healthy weight - I guess they treated it as a sort of 'S' day - but because they don't have any food 'issues' they probably don't do that everyday! I need the boundaries of the NoS diet to keep that in check.

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Post by kwerp » Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:24 am

Well done! Sounds like balanced day. Flapjacks are sugar bombs. I only get one when I'm already eating high-carb, and it always feels like I'm hungry half an hour later!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:35 pm

Thursday was a SUCCESS

I know that weighing everyday isn't for everyone, but I find it motivating to look at the general drift of numbers over the week/month. Over the weekend I went up to my top weight, and today I am just under my low weight - that motivates me to be moderate today and see if I can gradually move that base-line down.

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:34 pm

I didn't weigh myself in the beginning but now I weigh myself every Friday for my "official" weekly weight and every Monday. I like to weigh on Mondays because I tend to panic and think I've gained more weight over the weekend than I usually have.

It used to discourage me a little to see my weight up a pound or two on Mondays but now that I continue to see a definite pattern of weight up on Mondays & weight still down from previous Week by Friday's, I'm fine. It's the general pattern over time that matters. Not the day to day fluctuations.

Anyway good job yesterday & have a great day today!

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Post by natj » Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:03 am


Great job on your day out with your friends! Your dinner sounded divine... I am a HUGE fan of mediterranean food, especially the aubergine spread-it's one of my favorite foods.

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Post by r.jean » Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:32 am

It sounds like you are doing quite well. Keep it up!

As far as the scale goes, do what works for you. You may find that your attitude toward the scale changes in time. I have fluctuated between frequent weigh ins versus no weigh ins at all.
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:34 am

thanks for the comments: I'm weighing every day, but only recording my Monday morning and Saturday morning numbers to track them - like you, Linda - it gives me a good idea of the up/down effect of the S weekend.

Friday was a SUCCESS

8stone 9lbs

looking forward to a MODERATE S day :)

I had a great day - so moderate I hardly noticed I was having an S day! I had a shortbread biscuit (one, bought from local baker) at coffee-time, which I really enjoyed. I had a single-portion tub of ice-cream with some stewed plums for dessert after my dinner. Then I had a decaff coffee and ate the chocolate buttons I'd bought for tomorrow - and I really didn't need them - I could 'feel' them in my belly - it was too much.

I'm beginning to get a taste of what long-term NoS-ers talk about, in that my S days are almost like my N days........ with just a couple of small treats. But, being a beginner, I'm kind of 'missing' eating.......more!

I've just looked at the meals I've got planned for tomorrow - and it's basically an N day menu with one small piece of cake added in.... an permission to have a hot chocolate in the evening if I want it.

This process of re-habit-ing is very, very interesting!
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hooray - a 'good' S weekend

Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:20 pm

So pleased, I had a lovely S day today, with just one sweet thing which I ate with my dinner - so I only had three eating-occasions today - which felt much better than last week's stuffing!

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:52 am

Yay--you're doing great!!
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:53 pm

Thanks :D

Today I felt just a little bit vulnerable setting off for the day with just a sandwich and a peach for lunch. In the afternoon I felt uncomfortably sort of 'hungry' for a little while - it was like a sort of indigestion I think. I've got a cough and had been taking cough mixture (sugar-free herbal stuff). I did contemplate getting a snack. But I didn't! I went to the green grocer and bought some veg for tomorrow's dinner - and cooked my meal as soon as I got home. And I'm fine now.

I am really pleased I managed to stick to the No S boundaries.

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Post by eschano » Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:44 am

Hi rawcookie! Despite the vulnerability yesterday, which you seem to have handled brilliantly, I've just caught up with your thread and you are doing so well!

I'm very impressed with your flapjack moment :)
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:44 am

Thanks eshano!

Because of the vulnerable feeling on Monday, I'm making sure I have plenty to eat at each of my three meals today.

On Tuesday, I added a little more to lunch and dinner - and that worked. Today, Wednesday, I am spending time at a friend's house between coffee and lunch - so I'm making sure I have a substantial breakfast. I've got pizza on my menu for dinner - so I can use that as my 'carrot'!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:34 am

SUCCESS! my plan of having a substantial breakfast worked! I had three slices of toast and vegan pate for breakfast, and waited until later than usual to eat them, before I went to my friend's house. So, when I arrived, I was totally able to say 'not just yet; I still feel full from breakfast' to her offer of an almond croissant with coffee. When her husband came in later, he was glad to eat it! I also stayed for lunch - and accepted soup, bread, banana - which was a perfect lunch choice. I did also enjoy eating my planned pizza for dinner - I didn't manage all of it actually.
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:08 am

Awesome--you're doing great! It always helps to have a plan in place for these kinds of situations. Thx for the reminder!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:37 pm

Today I was tested - and I passed the test

There was a very slim woman in the office today, who dipped her hand into the cookie jar very regularly - I was aware of her doing it - but wasn't tempted.

When I left work I felt hungry......... I bought chewing gum. Then the 20 mins bus ride home became a 2 hour journey - including walking about 5 miles - because a bad accident meant that the road had been closed, and the bus couldn't proceed. Phew - I got home much later than I'd expected. But, I had it planned - a lovely vegetable chow mein sort of meal - which really satisfied my appetite!

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Post by jessand2boys » Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:22 pm

That sounds yummy, especially after a long walk!

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challenges tonight!

Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:28 pm

I have two friends coming for dinner before we go to a meeting at 7pm. This does mean I'll be eating quite early - but I've had a light lunch to allow for that.

I'm making a vegan, fat-free sort of meal - Mexican Loaded Potatoes - baked potatoes, red beans, corn, salsa, onion, olives - that sort of tasty combo ;)

Here's the challenge:-

First friend is bringing pudding. I am planning to say 'Not just yet; perhaps later' (I'll accept a piece to keep for my S day tomorrow if she offers!)

Second friend is bringing 'something nice to drink' - it 's probably NOT alcohol as they are both driving and we're going to a meeting - so that may mean it's something sort of fruity, fizzy, maybe sweet. I'll have to wait and see, but my plan is to say I'd prefer to drink water with my meal - and that maybe I'll have some later. By which time everyone will have forgotten about it!

It is NOT an S day - and am not making it one, because it's NOT special! (and I want a green square on my HabitCal!)

later: well - the meal went well - I had my one-plate of good food (even left some of my baked potato) and No Seconds. I avoided the fizzy drink by not drinking it even though it was poured out for me (I exchanged it for water when I was clearing dishes). I did have two chunks of the dessert - which was a Paleo 'fudge' made of mainly nut butter, nuts, cocoa, coconut oil, dates, orange zest - just a touch of maple syrup. I am not going to be hard on myself - it was NOT composed of mainly sugar - and I had room on my plate for it. I admit, I could have refused any at all, or eaten a piece of fruit, but I did enjoy it - it was fruity, salty, oily - and filling!

I have a fridge full of left-over food - all 'good' food, but more than I can eat - I'm going to have to be very creative over the weekend - and instead of my plan, I may have to make up some salad jars for packed lunches.

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:40 pm

Sounds perfectly acceptable to me. You didn't use your friends coming over as an excuse to go wild. At the same eating is a very social thing to do together and the point of NoS is we're not on some crazy diet where we have to forgo all social events till the diet is over. Nos is about having a full life while still maintaining reasonable, moderate eating habits which is exactly what you managed to do tonight.

Now I'm craving paleo fudge. :oops:

Have a great weekend!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sat Aug 08, 2015 8:17 am

Thanks for that Linda - I woke up this morning thinking 'was it a 'red' day? - was that 'fudge' really a 'sweet. am I bending the rules too much?' Now I'm going to just move on - to a lovely, moderate but delicious S day - starting with a HUGE fruit salad and soya yog!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:29 pm

I had a yummy veggie pasty for lunch - with a large mug of strong tea. Just the job after a long stint at work (started lunch-time Sunday and got home lunch-time today). Dozed in the sunshine this afternoon - drank tea, read a good book. Nice.
At dinner time I made a thin-based pizza LOADED with veggies and just a light sprinkle of Parmesan cheese and had half of it with a green salad, followed by a few stewed plums with soya yoghurt.

So - quite a heavy eating day - but only three meals; no snacks, no sweets, no seconds!

I went out for an hour's walk this evening - saw everyone eating ice-creams, fish & chips etc - didn't envy them at all - just thought 'look at all these people eating!' (I am planning to have some nice ice-cream at the weekend)

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:15 pm

Tuesday SUCCESS with No S - and the habit does seem to be having an effect on my relationship with money too. I'm budgeting for my grocery shopping each week, and when it's gone, it's gone - I have to wait for Saturday! I'm finding I'm being much more creative about using what food I have to make meals - and less fussy about eating left-overs. It's almost like the food has ceased to be such a novelty event, and is now more functional. I'm very happy about this!

There are cookies and brownies at work - people munching stuff - it doesn't even touch me now!

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:46 am

You're doing great!

Yes the budget thing does add a whole new dimension to what we eat doesn't it ? I find myself getting creative with whatever we have as well. I think it's great. So much less wasteful! The hardest thing for me is giving up my daily Starbucks (I just go some days). But it's ridiculously expensive & im saving a few calories too so I bravely pass that green mermaid beckoning me inside on the days I'm feeling strong.

Keep up the great work!

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:22 pm

Thanks Linda

Today we had a team meeting at work - and I took in a packet of Custard Creams (that's part of the deal with team meetings!). I brought the left-overs home with me and have put them in the cupboard for the weekend (if I want them). I bought myself a packet of crisps on the way into work today, and ate them WITH MY LUNCH because I thought I would 'need' some food thing that met an emotional need after the meeting!

8stone 9.5lbs (I'm looking forward to being able to post my 2-month weight tomorrow - in my signature)
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3 lbs down in 2 months

Post by RAWCOOKIE » Thu Aug 13, 2015 5:59 pm

SUCCESS 3 meals - No sweets, No snacks, No seconds

People in the office were munching biscuits - and tucking into their supermarket-bought lunches at midday. I ate my packed lunch at 1.30pm and had NO desire for their biscuits.

I am delighted to find I've lost 3lbs in my first 2 months of doing No S - and that's without any other 'diet' thing going on, other that the No S rules. I am eating well and enjoying my meals - and my S days. This works for me - I'm doing it forever!

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Post by gingerpie » Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:50 pm

Amazing isn't it? I'm a bit embarrassed that someone had to tell me how to eat less. But boy! Am I ever glad I listened ;)

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Post by Kit » Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:01 pm

Congratulations on the weight loss!


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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:44 pm

I had a less moderate than usual S day today. It wasn't really a binge - I'm fortunate in that I don't do that - but it was a bit more than usual. I wouldn't normally blog about what I've eaten - but because so many other people seem to have gone a bit haywire today (and yesterday) I think there is something in the air - some planetary influences going on maybe!

Breakfast was a planned decadence of two croissants with a mug of freshly-brewed coffee - delightful.
Mid-morning was another coffee with half a dozen custard creams and two shortbread biscuits. (basically I just emptied the container)
Lunch - was a planned ice-cream! yes, I'd been craving ice-cream, so I went to one of the ice-cream shops (I live at the sea-side) and had a two-scoop serving, and sat and ate it with decorum and joy.
A couple of hours' later, I had a vegan 'fake bacon' and BBQ sauce sandwich and an apple picked from my garden.
At dinner time I had a bowl of home-made celery soup, then about 100g of Bombay Mix. Followed by a small bar of dark chocolate. Followed by another 100g of Bombay Mix.

I tipped the remaining 150g of Bombay Mix into the bin - as I didn't want to eat any more, and couldn't leave it alone! I would normally only have purchased a 100g bag - but the shop only had 350g bags this time!

I am aiming for a much more sane S day on Sunday!

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Post by natj » Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:31 pm


Congrats on your success so far (and thanks for stopping by my thread)! I'm so glad No S is working for you. You are right, there must be "something in the air" since many of us are eating more than usual. The croissants sounded so lovely that I may have to have one tomorrow!

Enjoy your day tomorrow.

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Post by oolala53 » Sun Aug 16, 2015 4:22 am

Once in awhile. I bet you're over it now.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Aug 16, 2015 4:43 am

yes definitely something in the air! My S day today was fine but I'm definitely in a bit of a funk and I had my first red day in a while yesterday! I'm sure tomorrow will go better for you though!

Linda :)
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:14 pm

Today has been a bit rubbish eating-wise too! I can see now that on SOME S days I eat crap instead of food. When one gets used to eating three meals a day - there's no-where to eat the other stuff any more!

Breakfast was planned: fake bacon and tomatoes on toast
out for a hike this morning - I stopped at the shop and bought a small tube of Pringles, and 100g tub of Jelly Beans! Which I ate whilst out walking.
then on the way back to my house I stopped at the shop for milk and picked up TWO Kit-Kat bars (2 for a £1 I thought I could keep one for next week - but I ate both!)
Lunch ended up being another fake bacon sandwich.
Afternoon 'tea' was three home-made scones (fat and egg free recipe - but still a bit sweet) with some good 80% fruit jam and cream, and a big mug of tea.
Dinner hasn't happened - might not happen................probably won't - I feel over-full of c r a p!

Bring on the N day tomorrow! I think this the first really crazy S weekend I've had since I started No S - so it was probably overdue!

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Post by natj » Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:27 pm

Ahhh, the Kit-kats get me too! It's one of the few candy bars I care about.

I am also looking forward to my N day tomorrow and throughout the week. I just feel so much better physically!

Here's to a moderate day tomorrow.


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Post by oolala53 » Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:04 am

good insight about it being overdue. And likely unpleasant enough that you'll see the signs before it gets out of hand next time. I think your relatively sane behavior (comparatively speaking) about food before you started No S will help you get over wild S days faster than I did.
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:07 pm

Thanks for the comments folks. Yes, it was such a relief to wake up knowing it was Monday! :lol:

(and I didn't have any dinner last night - that was it for the day!)

I've had a lovely day food-wise:

Banana on Ryvita for breakfast
Cress and peanut butter sandwich, tomatoes, melon slices for lunch
Salad, nut-burgers, more melon slices for dinner

An evening mug of decaff coffee is my 'signal' for the end of the eating for the day now.

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Tue Aug 18, 2015 6:05 pm

A good N day - No snacks, No sweets, No seconds

A friend came to lunch and we had a 'ploughman's' lunch - and I had to really be mindful of not having seconds - so I put everything I intended to eat on my plate at the outset. It would have been very easy to go for more bread - but I didn't!

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:02 am

And I bet you felt a lot better an hour later. Yet you still got to enjoy bread!
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:12 pm

I enjoyed the rest of the bread for breakfast today :D

Today was easy, good - sweets and muffins at work did not tempt me (much)! Actually, it's probably a very negative thing - but seeing other people eat them, made me more determined NOT to eat them - I think that's me being a bit judgemental really - but, well, my habit is MY most important thing - some things you have to be selfish about!

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:28 pm

Your reaction to other people eating is probably temporary, and just what you need for now to help you create your own slim culture on the inside.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:16 am

Yeah I think being on NoS just really draws attention to how much other people eat or at least how often. Even when my very thin mom comes to visit I'm amazed at how often she's eating. All that picking at food here and there makes me a little crazy. Like just eat a real meal and move on already. Anyway I can relate!

:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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