ModBod's daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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ModBod's daily check-in

Post by ModBod » Mon Oct 10, 2016 11:34 am

OK, I've been reading some other check-ins and found them very inspiring, so think I'd like to try the same...

Breakfast: Porridge, with raisins, cinnamon, 1/2 banana, about 6 almonds and 1/2 tsp of honey. I dithered over the honey, was it permissible or not! Next time will prob leave out as it didn't make that much difference anyway!
Plus tea and coffee!

Lunch: Cheese scone, lentil & carrot soup (delicious, though i do say so myself!)

Supper: Tofu and fried rice, apple

Exercise: 14 minutes 'shovel gloving' - a new experience! Walked about 1.5hrs

I do not intend to eat again and so today is a Success!
Last edited by ModBod on Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by kaalii » Mon Oct 10, 2016 1:19 pm

welcome, modbod!
what an awesome start!
good to have you here!
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Post by ModBod » Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:16 pm

Thanks Kaalii!
This is a very motivating board, so hopefully it'll help me find some consistency.
I am also in Switzerland!

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Post by ModBod » Tue Oct 11, 2016 4:19 pm

Breakfast: Large bowl of Fruit & Fibre with milk

Seemed probably too large, but i was hungry by lunchtime so maybe that's ok!

Didn't eat the cake that was on offer with friends this morning. When I told them I had recently given up snacking there was an audible gasp! :lol:

Lunch: Carrot and lentil soup again, with a cheese scone (no butter this time) but 1/4 of a ham&cheese croissant that I'd made for the kids and wanted to try! I also drank a 'coke zero' while I got everyone's lunch (our kids come home from school for lunch)

Supper: ... Yet to happen. We have a bible study group at our house on Tuesday evenings and different people bring the meal, which is nice for not cooking! But I know they're bringing dessert and so I just need to work out if I feel able to refuse - stupid, I know, but sometimes it seems rude/weird so I'll just have to see.

I know it's maybe silly to post before the evening is over, but it is helping me keep on track!

Exercise: Walked over my 10,000 steps goal
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31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:00 am

You made croissants from scratch? Impressive!

Those social situations are tricky. Could you just be honest about your plan & ask to keep something to freeze for this weekend?

Never a silly time to post. Do it whenever you think it may be helpful.

Linda :)
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Post by ModBod » Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:26 am

Hi Linda - no, I didn't make them from scratch!! I just added the ham and cheese :lol:

And, i think you are right about just saying 'no thank you' or saving some for later... Last night I did end up having some of the dessert. But the portion of main I was served was pretty small (!!) so i at least felt I 'virtual plated' a single serving overall, even if some of it was sweet. And I only ate half of what I was given of the dessert. (excuses excuses!)

However, next week I'm going to try graciously refusing!

So, I guess ultimately it was a 'failure' day, however, i don't feel too downcast! Because mentally I'm feeling so much less controlled/consumed by food stress.

Thanks for your encouragement. :D
Also about how to post. I think I'm going to just post my day as I go along and maybe edit a couple of times (at some point I'll have to start exercising 'moderation' on internet use but for now a little every so often I think helps me keep on track during the day!)
Last edited by ModBod on Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
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Post by ModBod » Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:27 am

Wednesday SUCCESS!
Feels like a real success because I was hungry at times (maybe should have eaten more at lunchtime) but I didn't crack! AND I watched 'Great British Bake off' in the evening without eating!!

Breakfast: Porridge with milk, raisins, spoonful of peanut butter and unsweetened cocoa, tea

Lunch Granary toast with mushrooms and spinach and a poached egg, and a few gratings of gruyere cheese

Supper Roasted squash and red onions, with green lentils, courgette, mushrooms and some swiss sausage, plus glass of red wine

Exercise: 30 min run, plus 30+ minute walk with the kids scooting/cycling
Last edited by ModBod on Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:47 am

Sounds like you handled it well even if it wasn't a perfect green day. I try to limit internet time but never feel badly about coming on here!
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Post by ModBod » Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:11 am


Breakfast Cheese scone, tomato and scrambled egg with a strong tea!

Now I need to blitz the apartment, joy!

Had a terrible night's sleep with one child up in the night, and then i couldn't go back to sleep afterwards, so a certain amount of coffee is going to be required to get through today.

Scale was a bit lighter. Don't want to get carried away with that, but I can see a pattern might be (as some have said) high on a Monday, then heading down through the week, then the following Monday perhaps high again but not quite so high. That's my hope anyway, a zig-zagged line that's gradually heading downwards! It gives a bit of resolve to see a favourable shift.

ALSO this week I wasn't at all hungry throughout Monday, then have found myself gradually hungrier Tues&Wed. But now that I'm on Thursday i feel renewed optimism that I can get to the weekend! So a weekly cycle feels mentally manageable! ... I say this during a positive moment, of course, and I'm sure there'll be times when I'm not quite so optimistic, but I shall ride this wave as long as I can!

Have good days, everybody, and I'll update my post this evening. :D


Lunch 'Chalet' pasta (a bit like carbonara, but the swiss version - not light!) with added peas and a tomato

Supper chicken stir-fry with rice and a large glass of red wine - I have to say, the red wine really helps not want sweets as it feels quite indulgent midweek!

I'm SO chuffed to have made it through Thursday with all greens... here's to one last day!
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by ModBod » Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:21 pm

... haha :P
Except I've remembered that Tuesday wasn't ENTIRELY green... but I don't quite count it as 'red' either - it really didn't feel like a failure. ANYWAY! Almost all green... I guess it gives me a clear goal for next week :wink:
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:20 am

Yay you're doing great & like your attitude towards the scale.

So sorry about your sick child. Those are hard nights! I hope your child feels better and you get some rest tonight and yay tomorrow's friday!

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Post by ModBod » Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:54 am

Thanks, Linda. I sent the kids to bed early last night so had a peaceful evening, and for the first time this week everyone slept soundly until morning, phew!

I'm so pleased it's Friday! Feels like it's been a great week overall. It really does 'feel' so much better, doesn't it, to not constantly be berating oneself about having eaten badly and having to make ever stricter/impossible resolutions. Love it!

Breakfast Porridge with banana, walnuts, spoonful of unsweetened cocoa and a few raisins, Tea And coffee!

Right, I'm off to make a soup for lunch then a friend is coming over for a coffee, and depending on what time she leaves I might get a bit of work done before I pick the kids up from school for lunch...

Lunch Carrot and lentil soup, thick slice of 'tresse' bread and a slice of gruyere cheese

Exercise It'll be about 1hr of walking by the end of the day... 45 minutes with my friend this morning, then school runs add up to about 20 minutes each day
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Oct 15, 2016 5:17 am

Yay for getting sleep!

Sounds like a great day with some lovely food.

Enjoy your S day tomorrow!

Linda :-)
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Post by ModBod » Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:31 am

Morning All! Well, i did go overboard on my S days, and again would say it ends up not being enjoyable. Which we all know. It's a bit frustrating to say the least, but what is nice is I certainly don't feel the need to 'beat myself up' over it in the way I might have done in the past, because even though it's not what I wanted, equally it's 'allowed' and so I don't have the same sense of failure. Just a sense that I'd really like to NOT do it, and to learn to override those weird impulses.

Anyway, who'd have thought I'd be saying 'hooray for Mondays!' but it feels like a relief to be here again! As predicted, my weight is up slightly compared to the end of last week, but not nearly as much as the previous Monday, so that is pleasing... although I know I can't rely on the scale to always say what I'm hoping!


Breakfast Bowl of fruit&fibre with milk. Not as enormous as on some mornings as I wasn't overly hungry, but I decided not to skip it either and just get with the programme :roll:

Lunch 2 tortilla wraps with combinations of red pepper, lettuce, humous, grated gruyere & carrot, plus some goldfish crackers on the side

Didn't have the snack a friend brought over this afternoon.
It's 5.30 and I'm hungry now, but we have people coming for dinner so I need to wait until 7.30/8ish. Think I can do it though!

Supper tonight will be chilli and rice, maybe with a glass of wine. Then I've got ice cream to serve the guests and will hope to decline it myself :)

Feel really tired, but hoping for a good night's sleep!

... Update - stuck with chilli and rice, with a few tortilla crisps on the side. Had a lager with it. Didn't snack and didn't have the ice cream that the others had, so all in all it was a SUCCESS!
Last edited by ModBod on Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
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Post by ModBod » Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:57 am

Tuesday SUCCESS!

2xpoached eggs, granary toast and a tomato

Lunch Pasta bake with bacon and carrots in it and a few other various things, plus salad... 1/2 a fruit scone with butter.

Supper Mushroom risotto. Glass of white wine. I didn't have the brownies and ice cream we served our guests so that was a win!
Last edited by ModBod on Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Oct 18, 2016 3:33 pm

I always look forward to Mondays too! It's great to not feel guilty though isn't it? I think NoS is smart in that it has "fails" built into the system because going off plan now & then is what we naturally do anyway right?
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Post by ModBod » Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:09 pm

Yes, that's so true, Linda - it factors in our ups and downs in a very natural way... having said that, today has been a big fat failure. Sigh! First one really that's been proper overt snacking on multiple sweet things. Not sure why really, I just felt so tired and the kids are on holiday so our routine suddenly goes out of the window (which I like as a break from the every day but definitely I work better when there's an automatic structure to my day!)

Anyway, I'm going to just chalk it down to experience and get back on the wagon tomorrow I guess... I think the great thing about these boards is that you see other people have these moments, and then just carry on. It helps to have that group support and perspective that there are inevitably a few ups and downs along the way.

Annoying though! :roll:
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
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Post by ModBod » Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:14 pm

Wednesday FAILURE

Breakfast 2 poached eggs, mushrooms, spinach on toast with a half a sausage... all very good and you'd think that a breakfast like that would have said me up for a very successful day!

Lunch Chocolate brownie (which I resisted yesterday when we had guests - curse leftovers!!)
Leftover mushroom risotto

Then ended up 'snacking' on more brownie and chocolate chip cookies that are in the house...

Supper some of the kids' pizza. Not loads because I've eaten too much sweet stuff. Didn't really need it at all but I'm hoping this will mark the end of my eating for the day!!! :shock:

So, disappointing but tomorrow is a new day.
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
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Post by ModBod » Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:53 am

A new day!
Breakfast Fruit and fibre with milk... Not very exciting but it's quick and easy!
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:56 am

Yay hit that reset button and move forward. You got this!
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Post by ModBod » Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:17 am

Thanks for being a cheerleader, it really helps!!
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Oct 21, 2016 2:48 am

Of course! Hope today went well!
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Post by ModBod » Fri Oct 21, 2016 6:21 am

Oh dear. Well yesterday descended into failure :cry:

Today is my birthday so that makes it an S day... slightly less exciting when following a failure! And followed by a weekend! Then we're away with friends in Italy for a week, so I can't imagine things will go smoothly then as, frankly, I don't want to resist the ice cream and pizza!

I think I will try to keep to no snacking as far as possible, allowing for the odd ice cream, and other than that just make sure I get back on these boards on my return and go from there. I don't want to turn this into dieting angst, so I'm not going to make grand statements, but just see how I go.

See you in a bit over a week...! :?
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by kaalii » Fri Oct 21, 2016 7:18 am

heey, bon voyage!!
i have returned from holidays in italy ablut 10 days ago... almost 3 weeks there... no weight gain, even though i had some failures...

id say - dont resist the nice food there... but just try to keep it to 3 plates a day... at least start the day with that intention... 3 plates a day... and you will not miss out on anything...
and yes, sometimes italian gelato is a failure-worthy treat...

but, in any case, enjoy italy and make sure to come back to check-in afterwards!
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Post by kaalii » Fri Oct 21, 2016 7:19 am

oh, and happy birthday!!! :)
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Post by ModBod » Sat Oct 22, 2016 11:31 am

Thanks kaalli! And for the advice. I think you're right, i will intend to stick to 3 meals at the start of each day, while allowing a bit of flexibility and see how it goes. In fact I'm making today and tomorrow N days. I know this is advised against in the book, but I had one day that descended into an 'S' day (failure day really!) and yesterday was birthday pastries! So, I feel like I've had more than enough sweet/haphazard eating and so today is much more pleasant not eating like that.

It's helping me feel like things haven't totally fallen apart, and like I can indeed stick to the 3 meals while on holiday. Good to regroup and not throw everything away!
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by Jen1974 » Sun Oct 23, 2016 1:59 pm

I wanted to mention your having an N day to sort of make up for a fail. This was so me until I read what Reinhard said about it. Basically that by doing it that way, in the long run it doesn't work. I would get into the habit of thinking I could make up for a mistake later which lead to a bigger mistake than I would of had if I thought of it as something I couldn't make up for, but had to take ownership of. Changing this philosophy is one of the bigger things I got from No S. My slips became smaller because I couldn't justify it with "I'll pay Tuesday for the hamburger today" mentality. He says it way better than me, but I do love his take on it!! It especially helped me on vacation where I used to think "oh I'll make up for all this extra eating when I'm home & the habits are easier to follow". It was always miserable to come back & have to undo all the damage that was minimized once I changed my philosophy. I still gained weight, because I feel like a trip is a time to enjoy the people & food without too much worry, but owning the choices during vacation helped me make smarter ones &#128522;

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Post by StephC » Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:50 pm

Jen1974 wrote:I wanted to mention your having an N day to sort of make up for a fail. This was so me until I read what Reinhard said about it.
Me too, Jen! And that's why I'm starting to like HabitCal--because it's just green or red, no "mostly green" or "mostly red" with all the attendant compensations on surrounding days! I always make the mistake of thinking my future self is going to be stronger and less hungry! :0)
Vanilla No-S + Alcohol on S-days only. For simplicity and sanity.
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Post by ModBod » Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:05 am

Hi Both! Thanks for taking the trouble to post. And, yes, I see what you're saying and think you're absolutely right... It doesn't come easily but you give me fresh resolve! Thank you :D
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by ModBod » Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:13 am

Wednesday 2 Nov

OK. So yesterday can only be described as a failure!

What happened was that I had a great Monday, clean sheet, so was really pleased after my week away... Then yesterday I was really hungry - and grumpy/tired with it - by about 5pm, with 3 kids to sort out, various activities to run them to, plus getting ready for people coming over for dinner but not until 8pm.

So I thought 'I'll do this 'mini meal' thing that some people do.'
I deliberately ate half a quesadilla (was making for the kids' dinner) and some cherry tomatoes, and that sort of felt ok... but then with these friends for dinner I just totally forgot about the rules entirely, maybe because I'm still relatively new and have had a week away, but anyway, I had seconds AND dessert! It was only as I was eating the dessert that I remembered and thought 'Yikes! I totally shouldn't be doing this!!'
So, total failure.

Sigh! But I'm at least back on the boards! :shock:

The holiday was pretty 'off script' but thankfully the scales are the same. And having finally got back on here, I'm ready to go, despite yesterday.
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
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Post by debventure » Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:54 pm

Thanks for posting to my daily check-in. Early days but it feels right, doesn't it? I can see how one might "forget" what one is doing, especially if the graze at will habit is very strong. Tomorrow will be a better day! :D
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Post by ModBod » Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:52 am

And it is VERY STRONG :roll:
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by ModBod » Thu Nov 10, 2016 5:40 am

I haven't kept this up the last couple of days, mainly because the November Challenge Thread serves the same purpose in a more concise way! In fact, an even better purpose as it's great to be alongside everyone else. I'm both motivated by those with loads of greens, and somewhat comforted by those with slip-ups! Makes it feel easier to stay accountable!

Tuesday became a fail - I was making a dessert for our guests who come on a Tuesday, and sampled it somewhat in what was more than a simple 'tasting'! And then - I can't even remember now - but i have a feeling a snacked in a bit of 'well the day's a fail now anyway' kind of way. not total binge-madeness, but definitely a failure.

Which made me think tomorrow would turn into a fail as i wasn't feeling very motivated/encouraged (should have come on the boards!) but then in fact I didn't feel much like eating (WHAT?!) so i stuck to the programme because I wasn't feeling any inclination not to for some bizarre reason. SO, i suddenly feel like I can get through the week with only one red which I feel pleased about - not a total disaster after all!

I see how much my eating varies on tiredness and general state of mind/emotions rather than hunger...
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
14.10: 64.9kg/143lbs, BMI - 25.4!

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Post by ModBod » Sun Nov 13, 2016 6:25 pm

The last few days haven't been great for various reasons. feeling a bit low. Need to exercise as much as anything - and eat as I intend - as i know these things help me FEEL better and that's my main reason for wanting to do them. So why don't I?! I feel gross and low and the very things that would help me I don't do!

Anyway. I shall try to speak nicely to myself and make tomorrow a day for doing those things that will help me feel healthier and happier.
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
14.10: 64.9kg/143lbs, BMI - 25.4!

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Post by ModBod » Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:05 pm

Thankfully Monday is off to a good start.
Breakfast was bowl of cereal with milk
Lunch was salad with tuna and an apple & banana

Have exercised, too. So let's see if we can keep going!
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
14.10: 64.9kg/143lbs, BMI - 25.4!

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Nov 14, 2016 4:39 pm

Hi there

Just noticed your check in journal and skimmed thru it...looks like you are doing really well. Way to go, and keep on going. For me, the food sanity is the most valuable thing about NoS...which is a good thing, because my weight isn't moving very fast at all.

However, it just feels too good not to obsess over food, which I'm sure you've discovered yourself.

Keep it up!

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Post by oolala53 » Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:26 pm

Didn't read all your posts either, but want to say about refusing dessert (this might not apply at this point): thin people often refuse dessert no problem. Or they take the dessert and don't even eat it. They don't seem to care what anyone thinks, although they probably succumb to pressure once in awhile.

Week by week, month by month...
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by ModBod » Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:35 pm

Thanks - both! - for taking the trouble to stop by. I have to say, November is not going overly well!! I keep coming up with reasons why this might not be necessary. But then I remember how great each meal felt at the beginning, when I was ready for it rather than having snacked etc. So, I'm probably seeing - AGAIN - why this would be good for me. I guess it's undoing years of to-ing and fro-ing and wanting quick fixes etc etc.

So, it's all a bit up and down and I just can't seem to settle on saying to myself 'this is what I'm doing' and just get on with it! I need to refind my resolve!
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:07 am

I gently suggest you write down the advantages of the No S approach over others. Get very clear why it's your best option. Make a list and read it OFTEN. You can't read it too much!

Reasons plus crowing about success and downplaying failure = strong habit.

Crow about habit, not weight loss, IMHO. Depending on weight loss can lead to giving up when there is none or little or even gain. The other benefits of moderation can always be there.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Merry » Fri Nov 18, 2016 3:00 am

ModBod wrote:Thanks - both! - for taking the trouble to stop by. I have to say, November is not going overly well!! I keep coming up with reasons why this might not be necessary. But then I remember how great each meal felt at the beginning, when I was ready for it rather than having snacked etc. So, I'm probably seeing - AGAIN - why this would be good for me. I guess it's undoing years of to-ing and fro-ing and wanting quick fixes etc etc.

So, it's all a bit up and down and I just can't seem to settle on saying to myself 'this is what I'm doing' and just get on with it! I need to refind my resolve!
Hang in there! I agree with Oolala, write down why No-S vs. others. I go to and fro sometimes too (a woman at my church lost a bunch of weight doing IF, and even though I really don't want to go that route, sometimes the faster loss seems appealing!). One thought I come back to often--when I've tried other plans, they've either been so taxing to keep up with or I dislike being on them that I yo-yo diet and end up worse than where I started. If I could stick with some other plan, I would have. Moderate eating, even with slow losses, is so long-term sustainable and makes so much sense. I think it's healthier too, despite occasional set-backs (perhaps like the beginning of Nov. for you). Don't let it set you back forever--decide to get back to vanilla and finish out strong.
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
2 years and counting on No-S.
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:22 am

Hang in there modbod! I had plenty of false starts too. I even left and came back after a couple years. The thing that finally made me commit to NoS was my desire to have sanity with my eating even more than I wanted to lose weight.

That was the turning point for me. It felt so good to be in control of my eating & not till later did I start to worry about the weight. Once my habit was down strong, I realized how easily I could tweak things to try to get the scale move. I also knew that if things started to feel too restrictive, I could always fall back on vanilla nos which was still better than the alternative.

I never want to go back to my pre-nos eating. It was chaotic, all consuming and downright miserable. It finally got to the point where I'd think "well I could stray a little but what's the point, I know I'll just come back to nos anyway. " I figured I might as well stick it out.

Anyway, if you can get your head in the right place and be very clear about why this is the right path for you, it might help a bit.

Best of luck!

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Post by ModBod » Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:14 am

Thank you, ladies! Yes, Linda, I'm glad I'm back and it's better to be honest about the struggles at the time because otherwise they go on for longer! And, thank you, oolala53, I think I do beat myself up too much about the failures and need to see them more objectively.

So, I celebrate the success, that even though I've had 3 red days in a row this week, I'll have two green by the end of today. And that I haven't abandoned the whole thing!

Why do I like NoS?
  • Because it is the most sane way to eat.
    Because I don't have to obsess and wrestle with 'can I eat this or that?' throughout the day. I know that between meals, food is not an option (when I'm sticking to it!!!) and so all that angst and internal-debate goes away.
    Because I really enjoy eating when I'm hungry. I sit down and am ready for food rather than feeling bad because I'm not hungry but not wanting to skip eating because I don't want to pass on that concept to my kids.
    Because I like feeling less bloated etc. Even though I eat large meals, I feel lighter very quickly, whatever the scales have to say about it.
    Because I know that having gaps between eating is really good for my health.
I might well add to this. But thank you Merry, oolala53 and Linda for your encouragement. I will try and get on here each day, even if it's only briefly, and i will review WHY I'm doing this a bit more often.

AND focus simply on the habit rather than the results. That is my mark of 'success'
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:12 pm

ModBod wrote:
Why do I like NoS?
  • Because it is the most sane way to eat.
    Because I don't have to obsess and wrestle with 'can I eat this or that?' throughout the day. I know that between meals, food is not an option (when I'm sticking to it!!!) and so all that angst and internal-debate goes away.
    Because I really enjoy eating when I'm hungry. I sit down and am ready for food rather than feeling bad because I'm not hungry but not wanting to skip eating because I don't want to pass on that concept to my kids.
    Because I like feeling less bloated etc. Even though I eat large meals, I feel lighter very quickly, whatever the scales have to say about it.
    Because I know that having gaps between eating is really good for my health.
I'll second that! I so appreciate the calm, sanity that has come from adopting the No S system of eating. I think of it almost like a food management system! I plan what I'm going to eat for my three meals. Meal times come. I eat. I wait for the next meal.

My 'red' events are getting smaller and smaller........... keep going!
I love Everyday Systems :3

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Post by ModBod » Mon Nov 21, 2016 3:39 pm

Today going well so far!
Breakfast - cereal and 2 satsumas
Lunch - ham, cheese and salad sandwich... and 2 satsumas!

And ended as a Green - yay!
Supper - spanish tortilla with tomato and broccoli
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
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Post by ModBod » Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:15 pm


Breakfast porridge, slice toast with marmite and a satsuma. I didn't intend to eat quite so much (toast as well as porridge?!) but I felt hungry so I did!

Lunch Pizza. Not the healthiest, but there we are! I had massive chocolate cravings! But settled for a trusty satsuma

So, I'm feeling pleased that I resisted those urges, and things have calmed down again! Husband is cooking risotto tonight, so that's all planned out. It does feel like there's a long way to go until the weekend, and I find myself planning things to eat on an S day! But I think I generally find Tuesdays the hardest, after that it feels a bit more 'down hill' :)

Feeling much more positive/relaxed generally about the whole thing, though, so thanks everyone for the cheerleading at the start of the week :)
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:40 pm

Glad things are feeling a bit calmer. For me, the longer I do it, the easier it gets although I still have times when I really struggle. In general though it doesn't really even occur to me to eat between meals so it should get easier.

I think it's smart to keep an S day list going. It's a reminder thT you can have whatever you want very soon. Anything good on it? :)

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Post by debventure » Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:01 pm

I also keep an "S" day list going in my head which is very pacifying to the FeastBeast I have ravening in my head from time to time. Just thinking about what I can have in a few days makes the sacrifice now less so. The funny thing is, last weekend all the things I wanted to eat had lost their appeal by the time I go there. Oh, well, there's always next weekend (or in this case, Thanksgiving on Thursday).
Started No S as written 11/1/2016

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Post by ModBod » Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:57 pm

Debenture, the FeastBeast is a good description!

And yes I can see how this list won't actually turn into anything... in a way, Linda, I can't even tell you what's on it!

It's just a general sense of chocolate and sweet stuff! I think if I stopped to think what I ACTUALLY want, I'm not sure I'd come up with anything! It's just a vague sense... And what I generally find is whatever I eat on the weekend rarely actually 'hits the spot.' Nothing tastes as good as I imagine or at least that sensation doesn't last very long!

We're going for a thanksgiving meal on Saturday, though - not being american I'm feeling very honoured :) So, I know that pumpkin pie is on the menu!
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
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Post by ModBod » Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:02 pm

I seem to do my updates in the middle of the day. It helps me keep going, I think!

I had thought I'd stop updating exactly what I"m eating, but then it all went a bit wrong, so I'm going to continue for now (thanks to anyone who takes the trouble to read!! ... and, is it me, or are there suddenly more people active on here? I can't keep up with everyone's posts, but it's nice to have that sense of community)

Breakfast: Cereal and a satsuma (just to be clear, I bought a BIG box of satsumas as they were on offer, and it seems hardly anyone in the family wants to eat them! So i need to eat them before they go off! Hence the major vit c intake going on!)

Lunch: Ham, cottage cheese, a slice of gruyere with salad and some of my husband's homemade bread... I managed to resist putting honey or nutella on my slice like everyone else! Followed by an espresso and a good old satsuma (they are very tasty, fortunately! :D )

This morning I was feeling quite down on myself - 'feeling' fat and fed up! And my jeans are tight etc... But then I just thought to myself that I might as well stick with the NoS routine, because it's not like anything else works! So, onward I go, and I feel pleased that I didn't stuff up this morning just based on my mood. I feel like I can get to the end of today successfully, and so maybe I"ll get to the end of a whole week.... :lol: That's what I'm aiming for. Once Wednesday is done it all feels like I'm almost there!

Yay! ended GREEN!
We've just been given an indoor table grill, and so last night was 'make your own gourmet burger' night - lots of fun, and delicious :)
Plus a couple of lagers, I have to admit, but that's one of the joys of this 'regime' that alcohol can be incorporated!

I also went for a run in the afternoon. So all in all a very good day. I should add that I allow myself a glass of chocolate milk after a run. I guess that's my one 'mod'. I know some on here don't eat after exercising, even if there's a while until their next meal. I'm fine doing that with weights, but would possibly faint if I didn't have something after running. And chocolate milk has time and again been proven to be the best recovery drink, hurrah! it gets me out of the door, too if I know that's waiting for when I get back :wink: So, for me this still counts as GREEEEEN
Last edited by ModBod on Thu Nov 24, 2016 7:53 am, edited 3 times in total.
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Nov 23, 2016 5:51 pm

Have you read Jack Trimpey? Except for his diatribes against AA, I found his work very supportive, though I needed the structure of No S to pull it off.

I like what Kathyn Hansen used instead of FeastBeast: neurological junk.

Enjoy the feast tomorrow.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by ModBod » Thu Nov 24, 2016 7:48 am

Hi oolala, I hadn't heard of either, but your post has prompted a bit of googling :) Thanks, I'll take a look over the next few days/weeks, I think :)
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
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Post by ModBod » Thu Nov 24, 2016 7:51 am

Morning All, Happy Thanksgiving to all the americans :)

Breakfast was porridge with a banana and teaspoon of peanut butter, and a sprinkling of cinnamon, very nice, too :)

We'll see what the rest of the day holds. But am planning on doing a few weights now, and then cracking on with some work.

... 26/11
Yesterday was GREEN!

Lunch was a slightly 'over generous' quantity of home made bread with baked beans! Anyway! I had an espresso to mark 'the end' which helped... home made bread is a bit too delicious!

This was soda bread so it was seriously substantial, so my husband and I didn't eat supper until 9pm.
We had a vegetable green thai curry, and I had a more modest portion :)
Last edited by ModBod on Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
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Post by eschano » Thu Nov 24, 2016 12:09 pm

thank you so much for your breastfeeding advice! You are doing so well. I remember getting frustrated with NoS but got to my goal anyways even if slowly the first time around and loved maintaing although that was hard at times too but much easier than dieting.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Nov 25, 2016 6:01 am

Your breakfast sounds good. Hope the rest of your day went well!
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Post by ModBod » Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:16 am

Hi Linda, it did, thanks, phew! Sometimes it feels hard but I know i"ll be really pleased to get to the end of today and have a green week.... consistency is the key, but it takes quite a while for the habit to form so that I don't feel myself fighting against it several times throughout each day! Definitely have a spoilt inner child who wants to eat nothing but cake and ice cream!!

Hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving!
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
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Post by ModBod » Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:21 am

25/11 Friday!

Breakfast Slice of bread from yesterday with peanut butter and a bit of jam (do some people consider that a sweet? Anyway, i allowed it!!!) plus a satsuma and a banana.
i wonder if that is too much, but it all fitted on a side plate, so I am thinking it's ok!

I have to say, the scales have not budged this week, whereas normally i see a very direct correlation between green days and the numbers nudging downwards. Oh well. I'm going to keep going anyway and think about the consistency of habit...
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Nov 25, 2016 2:17 pm

Jam is definitely fine in my book. I think Reinhard says a sweet is generally something you might have for dessert. I'm guessing jam doesn't really fit that bill. And yep as long as it fits on one plate you are fine.

Also some weeks are just no loss weeks but you're smart to keep focusing on the habit. That's what will bring you success and peace in the long term. You can always tweak things later if you're still not getting desired results but will be much easier when firm habits are in place.

Have a great day.

Linda :)
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:58 pm

A sweet is when the entire food item is obviously sweet. If you can put some sugar in your coffee, which is permitted, you can smear some jam on your bread. It does take some honesty, just as filling your plate does. I'm sure you're fine.

EXPECTING consistent loss is an almost automatic set up for disappointment. I hate to see you go through that when you are doing so well in important ways, but I guess it's the burden of modern life and media exposure. If weight loss alone was our goal, there are ways to do it that are faster and more predictable...for awhile. Perhaps you've heard of some of them... :? (Remembering the options can be wonderfully galvanizing.)

On to a delightful N day before two S(ometimes) days!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by ModBod » Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:03 am

Thanks Linda, and Oolala. I think you both helpfully remind me that this is meant to be sensible, not ridiculously stringent where I panic about each morsel! So, I shall stop worrying about jam! And, as you say, oolala, it's up to us to stay honest with ourselves about it, and we know what's right for us.

Anyway, so I didn't quite make it through friday! But I just got on with doing whatever for the S days and am ready again for today.

and, you're so right about not getting obsessed with this idea of consistent losses. It's weird how that is invariably our expectation...

My goal this week is to focus more on exercise as I have been less consistent recently and i know that makes me feel so much better.
Hope you all have great mondays!
I'm looking to lose about 12lbs...
31.09: 65.7kg/144.8lbs, BMI-25.7!
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:35 am

I think it's actually cruel that we have these expectations but I blame it on the diet industry that for years has blithely told everyone "you can expect 1-2 pound-a-week loss" doing this or that. Where do they get this data? From a calculator? Well, she's eating this deficit so she should get that loss. Except that the body can retain more water or slow this down or speed this up. It's not predictable at all!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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