Brocky daily check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Brocky daily check in

Post by Brocky » Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:42 pm

First day
Found this site when searching support for binge eating. Had the most awful uncontrolled eating day yesterday including eating most of a big box of shortbread (purchased for Christmas). Have been to every diet club, tried so many crazy restrictive diets all failed and disordered eating just gets worse. So nothing to lose (well hopefully a pound or two) by giving this ago.
Got into work still feeling grotty after all the binge yesterday, decided I wouldn't eat much. By 10 was ready to go again I ate three biscuits then decided to do a web search to get some help and spent half a day reading the posts. (yes should have been working) but figure I work way over my hours weekly and to try to get my head in a better place will be beneficial to the company in the long term.
Breakfast-wrap from a fast food restaurant
Lunch-brie and cranberry shop brought sandwich
Dinner-meatballs in tomato sauce with spaghetti-cheese and pear

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Post by Amy3010 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:36 am

Hi Brocky, welcome to No-S. This is definitely the place to be to get your head in a better place.

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Re: Brocky daily check in

Post by RAWCOOKIE » Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:25 pm

Brocky wrote:First day
Had the most awful uncontrolled eating day yesterday including eating most of a big box of shortbread (purchased for Christmas).
been there! done that!

I've been doing this No S system for about 18 months - it has changed my eating behaviour completely - not overnight, not perfect, but SO liberating! I hope you can stick with it and give it a chance to work. Keep going is the key. (PS I do admit I am not a binge-eater - but I am seriously out-of-control around shortbread-type things!)
I love Everyday Systems :3

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second day

Post by Brocky » Tue Nov 29, 2016 8:07 pm


B Porridge, mixed berries
L wholemeal Wrap, chicken thigh, avocado, cheese slice, mixed salad
D 2 fishcakes, caesar salad, sweet potato, pear and cheese

My friend brought in a pecan Danish pastry at work today, she said do you want this or are you being good? It made me think how people see me I am either "being good" or "being bad" nothing in between. I explained I had found a new way dare I say another diet, ahh but this one is different I explained. They are so used to me drinking shakes, mixing odd concoctions. Always chasing that 3 stone loss. I have actually stayed around the same weight for about 6 years, always having this crazy mix of good or bad days-giving this some thought today and I think today is probably the first day in forever that A) I have ate normally and B) Eaten exactly what I want and C) Really enjoyed my meals. Two things that I would never have eaten on a so called good day cheese and avocado as in my head far to high in calories. So an absolute pleasure to have eaten and enjoyed two of my favourite foods and totally guilt free. Keep saying to myself I am the right weight at the moment for who I am and where I am at this stage in my life, going to try to make new habits over the next three weeks. Also went to the gym and managed 40 minutes of gentle exercise. Feeling pretty good all in all.

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Nov 29, 2016 8:34 pm

Welcome Brocky!! You have come to the right place and sounds like you are in the right frame of mind to make it work for you.

I got so sick of the constant obsessing and jumping from diet to diet that I decided to give NoS a try. It's been great for me. I no longer constantly think about food & diets, I can eat normal meals with friends and family and I feel in control of my eating for the first time like ever!

I didn't lose much weight for several months but I knew this was for life so just wanted to focus on habits first. So I definitely recommend taking it slow & enjoying the process.

Best of luck!

:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

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Post by worth it » Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:49 am

Hi Brocky!

Glad you are here. No S is something I've kept coming back to over and over again, especially for the sanity around eating. I believe that it is possible for you too. In the meantime, I'm enjoying reading about your daily meals and look forward to hearing about your future experiences- Cheers!

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Day 3

Post by Brocky » Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:00 pm

B Berries and porridge
L chicken wrap salad advacado
D pork chop jacket potatoe baby corn cabbage green beans mushroom and mustard sauce. Cheese and apple
Half hour at the gym rowing and treadmill
Bit more of a struggle tonight not sure why. Work a bit stressful so might be that. Just had a feeling when eating that I didn't want to stop but got through it. I know I am feeling loads better already so just need to stick with it. I know Friday might be a difficult day as on my own in office and I know being alone is dangerous time for binging. So any tips appreciated. I ate the fat on pork chop not masses but it was so yummy but felt guilty but just keep reminding myself three weeks of creating new habits.

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Post by CamperRose » Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:39 am

Hi Brocky,

What a good start you have! I enjoy reading your meals - sound so yummy. Good luck to you on your No-S journey and good job on starting your check-in. I think that would be helpful for me but it seems overwhelming right now. You are doing great!

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Post by Brocky » Thu Dec 01, 2016 8:20 pm


B Porridge & Berries
L Cheese, salad, wrap, avocado
D Quorn chicken Caribbean stew with mixed beans and corn, plum

Ok so breakfast & lunch the same all week, trying to keep it simple and porridge is filling. Have lunch and breakfast at work so choice limited. Going to mix it up tomorrow and have salmon in wrap instead
First time I have used quorn chicken pieces - really good ingredient so will be using it again.
Been shopping today bit of a different experience as wasn't thinking about must buy low calorie foods. I love bratwurst but would not normally buy them as I know they are not particularly healthy. Hey but this is liberating. I have friends over this weekend so brought some things including puddings. First S weekend so be interesting how it goes.
I have found the last few days fairly easy but I know I must not be complacent as I normally manage two weeks on a new regime. So my pledge is ro keep posting even when it the going gets tough. :D :D :D

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Post by oolala53 » Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:19 pm

Belated welcome.
Compulsive overeating was my issue, though I call it bingeing. Can't say it never happens but I know that the frequency and size are minor in comparison to how I was living for a couple of decades before Dec. 2009.
I wish there was a way to hypnotize people so that they didn't pay any attention to how they eat on S days for a few months. There is so much pressure to feel S days have to get handled fast and to judge the program by S days. Just believe that what is on your plate on any day of the week now may be completely different in several months or a year. When has being in a hurry ever led to long term success?
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by Merry » Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:05 am

oolala53 wrote:When has being in a hurry ever led to long term success?

Welcome Brocky! Keep up the good work with the green days :-).
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Day 5

Post by Brocky » Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:23 pm


B Salmon, wrap, cheese, salad, plum satsuma
L granola, berries, milk
D Bacon, squash, risotto with scallops, glass white wine
Well a strange day, never ended up getting time for breakfast so had it when I got home from work as wanted to stick with No S.
So I have completed 5 days following the plan. Have also shared it with a few people at work, normally avoid telling people I am on yet another diet so this is a real positive. Have to say totally stuffed the risotto was amazing and filled plate up so do not want anything else. Have planned meals for S days so hopefully won't break into an uncontrolled binge. I know Sunday will be the most tricky but I think that might be because I normally eat for England as planning yet another diet Monday. I have read others who do this the day before they are planning another diet. So I am hopeful as I am not a diet Monday Sunday may not result in a food fest. Busy day tomorrow as friends over and beginning of Christmas festivities with a Dickensian Christmas festival with carols-first real feeling that Christmas is around the corner.

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Post by worth it » Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:39 am

Hi Brocky- your meals look lovely today! I had to look up plum satsuma- mmmmm.

Just wanted to say that your apprehension for the upcoming S days is completely normal. Please try and remember to be kind to yourself and also try to really enjoy whatever you decide to eat on those days. S days are for added pleasures that you wouldn't normally have on other days, so hopefully this is what ends up happening for you.

Good luck and ENJOY!!

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First 2 s days

Post by Brocky » Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:11 pm

thought I would add a post after my first 2 s days. I would say overall it was a success. Saturday better than Sunday. Going to post what I ate and I felt as much as a reminder to myself so as I progress with this system I can read back and measure changes.
Went for a swim and aerobics class Saturday morning and a walk into town in the afternoon so a bit of exercise.
B Porridge and berries
L Cheese sandwich
D lasagne salad garlic bread
Treats Few red wines and two cherry brandies 1 sherry, nibbles before dinner inc. mixed nuts, tortilla chips, humus and mixed olives, tiny slice of Mississippi mud pie. Did go back and snack on a couple more bits of garlic bread, overall felt pretty good and controlled-didn't really feel like I wanted dessert just a slither to taste it.
B nothing
L Lasagne salad, Mississippi mud pie
D Homemade chicken and mushroom pie, swede, green beans, kale
Treats Large pkt bacon crisps, small snickers, 8 short bread biscuits
Felt I lost it a bit on Sunday evening but compared to last week much improvement. Did have some guilt but talked myself through it. A nice weekend.

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Post by oolala53 » Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:03 pm

I think it would have been a success no matter WHAT you did on your first S days. :)
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
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Post by MoreTeaMimi » Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:34 pm

Hi Brocky. I've just fine my first week too. Like you, I'm finding it liberating. And sod that good or bad nonsense. It's feels so refreshing to just eat and enjoy, without the inevitable guilt. Good luck this week &#128513;

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Post by Brocky » Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:51 am

OK so I have read on blogs and on podcast that when you go off track it should be posted on here and in some way this is far important than the success days. So here goes
B nothing
L Greek salad wrap
D roast chicken sweet potato mash onions peas gravy
S cheese and biscuits
Off plan 5 or 6 short bread biscuits
So what happened today that made me slip after such an amazing start. Not excuses just my observations. I talked about finding this site last week after following a huge binge on Sunday 29th. I had binge all day ending in opening shortbread meant for Christmas. I had also eaten some of these this Sunday night but this was OK. So here is the confession for accountability. Yesterday morning I managed to get the box including the rest of the contents in the bin without my husband knowing. Not the he would judge but I just feel ashamed. Felt good about my choices today even with making choice to have cheese and biscuits as still on plan as didn't have breakfast.
I have had a really bad day at work subject to an investigation by an x disgruntled employee. I have had similar things gone on before but these are awful. So unable to sleep through worrying went to bed and the shortbread in the bin it was still in the box was calling me over and over. I tried distraction but difficult at midnight couldn't go for a walk or phone a friend. Tried to reason eat the shortbread and the investigation will still be going ahead these things happen you have to find a new way to deal with difficult situations (SHIT HAPPENS) This conversation went over in my head for about 20 mins when I made the decision to get up and get the shortbread from the bin. I took 5 or 6 biscuits took them into the lounge sat down and ate them. My thoughts were whilst eating them was well I can really go for it tonight as loads of snacks in the house left from the weekend. But after eating the biscuits I stopped there . This for me is a phenomenon normally following on from blowing it is would have eaten anything and everything available until I felt sick and of course the investigation would still be going ahead. So what was different why did I stop I have to say I thought briefly about getting more shortbread or moving onto the savoury snacks or the cookies or bread or cheese or snickers that were easily available in was alone and the food was only 10 foot away . Now I could say I surfed the craving and it passed but the truth is the desire simply wasn't there. I eventually fell asleep so now I have woken up at 4.00 am and yes I am still being investigated I still can't sleep and the food is still there but not calling me. I am not going to analyse why this has happened what has caused this change for today I am just going to be grateful that I have found the site and maybe just maybe there is a small shift in my thinking. Any thoughts or advice would be really appreciated.

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Post by MoreTeaMimi » Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:52 pm

Thinking of you. The work stressy stuff is just pants, and I really feel for you. A couple of weeks ago I had several complaints made to me about my assistant manager, who I consider a friend. Dealing with this was absolutely hideous, and my diet was totally rubbish for several weeks around it all. If we are here for diet support, we are definitely not the sort of folk who lose their appetite whilst stressed! I don't really have any advice, other than this will pass. Feel proud of yourself for stopping after the biscuits - I know I'd have struggled, as shortbread is like ambrosia to me.

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Post by Merry » Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:53 am

Sorry to hear you are being investigated, and I hope everything turns out okay.

My thoughts--I think you did well to not binge like you usually would, and likely your changing mindset did play a role, even though you went for the shortbread--you didn't keep eating after that, and that's a success. That's worth celebrating and realizing things can change.

"Mark it and move on" as they say. No-S is about changing habits, and sometimes that takes time. Hang in there!
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Thanks and a much better day no s book arrived

Post by Brocky » Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:34 am

Thanks for support yesterday. Today has been much better little frustrating as wanted to put up tree tonight had brought new lights and they didn't match so have had to put it off. Tried putting up other decorations but not totally in the mood so now house just looks untidy. I know I am still feeling upset over work but this is subsiding now. But if I had added frustration of tree to work stuff that would have given me major justification to binge. But I didn't I didn't even come close to it. I just accepted I wasn't really in the mood and would get it sorted tomorrow. It doesn't matter that there are bags of decorations all over the lounge and pine needles of course. Anyway food today
B porridge mixed berries
L Greek salad wrap pear and plumbing
D Sauerkraut brautwurst 2 in a roll grapes cheese
Really enjoyed food today. Was great having the brautwurst in the fridge as didn't fancy cooking so quick and easy . Would normally feel bad about eating a meal like this as processed foods but really enjoyed it. I have never really thought about it before but I have rules about certain foods I shouldn't eat such as to many processed foods but then when a binge takes over I eat anything and everything with no thoughts of health.
Really enjoying the book

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Post by Amy3010 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:49 am

Oh, wow, sorry to hear you were having such a hard time! But it sounds like you were able to handle it well and not let the binge get out of control - well done. Small steps like that over and over lead to big change. Good luck!

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Two bad days

Post by Brocky » Thu Dec 08, 2016 6:33 pm

Oh dear completely lost it for last two days will try to list what I have eaten how I am feeling and why I think I might have gone off plan. I figure even though this has happened and I can't take it back if I keep coming back then hopefully I will get back on track as I believe in this.
B porridge mixed berries
L wrap salad sauerkraut brautwurst
D salmon risotto asparagus
2 glasses sherry 2 glasses red wine Irish coffee
2 snickers 2 shortbread chocolate wafer
B McDonald's breakfast wrap
L chicken salad wrap satsuma
D chicken mash carrots mushroom gravy
2 crumpets 1 chocolate wafer 4 cookies
Why so wrong after such a good start? Anxiety I believe and hate it. Decided to have a drink of sherry very traditional as put the tree up. Then drank wine so bit OTT on booze which probably weakened resolve and the sod it rate jumped into my head. Got shortbread out of bin again. Then through in the towel with snickers. Anxiety due to Christmas. job hard and feeling stressed. Slightly worried asvsons fiance mum will be coming for Xmas she is very wealthy and I keep worrying about my house not being good enough. Tree up and beautiful but too big feel I cannot even get that right as to big for my little longer. Feel a bit infererer I know it is totally not illogical but drives a binge and then the guilt and shame begin. And done exactly the same today. Tired and very slightly hungover so this drives a further binge. OK so have posted the grisly truth. But one positive have shared this and still on the site. Normally when this happens I would have just thrown the towel and walked away but not going to do this. So no matter how often it goes wrong its am going to stick with it and try to make better habits

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Post by Allisonmeg » Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:42 pm

Hi Brocky, I can totally relate. I've read your post 3 times now and feel like I could've written it. It's so good to get on here and account. For whatever reason, the confession itself is what makes this diet stick for me. You'll probably notice that when you come back and read what you wrote for your accountability, it's not nearly as bad as it felt in your head at the time. I've had several different blogs and I like how I can go back and learn from them. It's like you can actually see the transformation of a habit slowly taking place. Good luck, you are doing GREAT!! I think making it through both days all the way until after dinner deserves a pat on the back. (I'm on here right now in the afternoon struggling to make it to dinner)!

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Post by Merry » Fri Dec 09, 2016 2:26 am

It takes courage to face things and post--good for you! I hope your fiance's mom can appreciate you for who you are and not what you own. I know in-law type relationships can sometimes be tense--I pray they won't be for you and that you can all enjoy time together this Christmas.

Mark it and move on as they say! Good for you for identifying some of the root causes. That always helps me moving forward.
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Not given up

Post by Brocky » Mon Dec 12, 2016 7:28 pm

OK so haven't posted since Thursday.
Thank you so much for support reading messages that had been left was really nice. Going to have to try to remember back to what I ate Friday. I had a funeral to attend Friday which was really sad and knocked me far more than I thought it would. I didn't eat breakfast and then had a glass of wine on an empty stomach.
Didn't eat much at the wake.
Just a sandwich and a few picky bits small plate and didn't have seconds. I drank another couple of glasses of wine so ended up pretty tipsy. The lady died of Altzimers my mother has the same disease and due to my stepfather I am no longer able to see my mother so not surprising it was so hard. It was. I know after the wine is wanted to go out but thankfully my husband talked me out of it. I know I ate a sandwich when I got in and a whole packet of cheese straws.
The weekend was an eating fest but know that is ok so not going to get wound up even though it was binging.
So here I am back to Monday I have had a look back and Dec so far has been half and half so far. Back on track today and my mood seems to have improved during the day. Had felt very stressed and low all of last week. Another reason for posting is to track moods as think a lot of issues might be hormonal so be will keep completing habit cal. So food today
B porridge mixed berries banana
L tuna sweet corn salad wrap and soup
D chicken stuffing bacon potato beans

Thing that I am most happy with is that I am back posting and carrying on with my journey haven't thrown the towel in as I normally would once I messed up.

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Re: Not given up

Post by Merry » Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:37 am

I'm sorry about the funeral. That would definitely be a rough day. Hoping this week goes well for you--good for you for hanging in there.
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
2 years and counting on No-S.
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Post by worth it » Tue Dec 13, 2016 3:08 am


I'm sorry about the the rough go you've had recently. However, you continued on with No S and posting, even when it's been most difficult for you- that is the definition of success to me! Just wait until you go through the easier times- your success will shine through even more. Until then, we'll all be here cheering you on. Here's to hoping things go better than expected with your finance's mother's visit.

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Much better last couple of days

Post by Brocky » Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:03 pm

Thank you for messages of support Merryn and Worthit. Much more positive today and yesterday

B porridge mixed berries
L cheese salad wrap
D gammon mustard mash kale cauliflower cheese
Had my friend over for a pretty xmas catch up. Had a lovely time. Profiteroles for dessert but didn't have any didn't seem to be bothered about it so maybe a break through. A good day overall although stressed out about a friend who has been causing me a bit if grief. Details are a bit laborious to go into but just briefly in am her boss she is sick but avoiding my calls as I need to follow up with her on absence so awkward but will deal with it soon but didn't lead to a binge. So big positive. Feel better about Xmas house liking nice bought some more Dec's and got used to tree now looking pretty and focusing on that people are coming to see me not my house. I know I won't be judged

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Post by MoreTeaMimi » Wed Dec 14, 2016 6:01 pm

Well done on getting back on track. It's really hard to do that following a wobbly period, especially when its not a Monday!

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