Confessions of an Eatosaurus

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Lady Brachiosaur
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Confessions of an Eatosaurus

Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:00 pm

1st of June, first green N day. Starting weight 71.7kg, height 5'4"

I'm planning on using this not only as a daily check in, but also a blog type arrangement to note my thoughts. I've decided to start on a mostly vanilla No S plan but with a few intelligent dietary defaults already set in. In the interest of full disclosure, I have to eat gluten free due to coeliac disease and I have to get ungodly amounts of calcium due to a parathyroid issue. These external impositions often make me feel like I have little agency over my own food choices and has led to issues with compulsive eating, for which I saw a professional for briefly with not much improvement. So No S is chance for me to switch off from food.

I have previously said I'm going to stick to No S but I've been putting so much pressure on myself with deadlines to lose X amount of weight by a certain date that I've panicked and swapped onto some other plan with precisely zero luck. So here is my way of eating, which I'd like to stick with until at least my birthday in October to give it a fair trial. Vanilla No S with some provisos (I know it's not recommended to prematurely optimise but these are decisions I've been reaching over the past few weeks of experimentation and observation).

Typically I don't eat breakfast, especially on weekdays. However, on weekends I find that I often wake up thinking about food already (moreso after a long lie in) so a breakfast is in order. Lunches during the week will usually be a cheese and crackers arrangement followed by a yogurt. One concession I may need to make is a banana or something prior to pole dancing classes. This isn't so much that I'm excessively hungry, more that i can feel a little weakened due to the times involved (lunch at 1-2pm, strenuous dancing at 7-8pm and not then eating until closer to 9pm) and by the time I'm done I can reach a decision fatigued and hungry state that doesn't bode well for smart decisions around food. However, I feel that the volume of food if virtual plated would be one decent plate i.e. lunch components a little spread out. Equally, the banana could be my "third meal" since there's no breakfast involved on a weekday.

I'm in the process of compiling a list of things I can rely on for dinners to help when I'm decision fatigued and approaching a trigger situation. I'm also writing down those triggers, be it foods (avocados on corn crackers are my kryptonite) or situations (like being tired, or second guessing what I want to eat). While I'm not actively calorie counting, I've given these a once over so I know that the generous portion I see on my plate is in fact a sensible amount given that I am a short female who isn't excessively overweight but looking to drop some of it. The daily calorie counting thing isn't for me and I'm not going to weigh and measure everything, it wouldn't fit with my lifestyle anyway. I'm just making sure I've got those intelligent dietary defaults in place.

So that was my plan of action. As for my first accountable day, well I ordered takeaway but despite filling my plate, I ate maybe half of it and the rest is in the bin. I wasn't necessarily "full" like the fit to burst feeling, but I'd had enough of the food and eating the rest of the plate to prove a point seemed stupid. I have noticed that I'm often thirsty rather than hungry, or just chronically fatigued.

This has turned into an epic first check in post! But it will be interesting to see what else I discover about myself along the way. Onwards and upwards (hopefully not in weight!)

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Post by ladybird30 » Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:27 am

Hi Lady B - I too have food restrictions due to health issues, and I can understand feelings of rebellion and resentment that can go along with this. None the less, it is still possible to establish habits of 3 meals a day with no seconds and treats only on S days. Good luck, Ladybird.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

Lady Brachiosaur
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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:49 am

First S day success.

Had perhaps a little too much at lunch which meant I wasn't really ready for my dinner but had to eat due to heading out to work this evening. Saving myself an S day treat for when I'm home at 4am.

Feeling good today!

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Post by TexArk » Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:47 am

I have been at this for a long time and want to offer my encouragement and am cheering for you. The weight will gradually drop off as the habits get into place. I, too, have diet restrictions due to an autoimmune disease which developed after age 70! Thought I had escaped all those. At times I have to be on prednisone and it really increases appetite, but so far NoS has kept everything in check.

There are some folks who jump right in and are able to be in perfect compliance the first 21 days and then they disappear. I think the all or nothing people have trouble with this way of eating. They are used to being on diets and look at weight and size goals and dates to get there. What this is all about is retraining our brains and getting old habits to fade and training new ones. That takes time and patience but it is so worth it. It is so nice to get all that "diet chatter" out of our heads! It truly is for life even when other stuff gets in our life. We don't have to wait until this or that crisis is over to start our "diet." Also, maintaining is the time most dieters have problems. We tend to think if this weight would just disappear I would be so happy and could keep it there, but we know better. The statistics are discouraging for those able to maintain a longterm loss from dieting. I am at a maintaining spot, and actually life doesn't change. We are not coming off a diet when we begin maintaining. Still one enjoyable plate at a time, baby!

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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:39 pm

Ladybird, TexArk, thank you both! It's nice to know the system works even for those of us with other dietary restrictions and that I have the support of yourselves and the rest of the forum

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jun 03, 2018 3:23 pm

Welcome Lady B! I really enjoyed ypur first check in. NoS has been amazing for me in getting my emotional eating under control and I’ve lost a good amount of weight on it with some tweaking. I also love the support and encouragement from the people in this group. I tend to use my check in as a diary so do feel free to write as much as you want. It’s your thread!

Sounds like you’re off to a good start. Great job!

:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

Lady Brachiosaur
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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:23 pm

June 3rd, S day

Again nothing too bad, a couple of snack bags and a curry for dinner, although the doubts are setting in about whether I'm eating too much in general. But, habit first, questions later

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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Mon Jun 04, 2018 5:53 pm

Ooft, I'm calling this a red day. Didn't stick to my one plate over dinner and I know I've simply eaten too much today. Chalking this one up to experience and back on it tomorrow

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Post by Merrygoround » Mon Jun 04, 2018 6:56 pm

Just popping in to say hi, and welcome. Don’t let one red day derail you. Mark it and move on.

In fact for me, that is the essence of no s. After so many diet when ‘I’ve blown it so what’s the point’ was the name of the game, no s is quite a relief. It’s impossible to blow it. You just mark it and move on. Each meal is one.

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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:23 pm

Merrygoround wrote:Just popping in to say hi, and welcome. Don’t let one red day derail you. Mark it and move on.

In fact for me, that is the essence of no s. After so many diet when ‘I’ve blown it so what’s the point’ was the name of the game, no s is quite a relief. It’s impossible to blow it. You just mark it and move on. Each meal is one.

I definitely agree with that Merry. Sure I've marked today as red on my calendar but I don't feel exceptionally guilty about it, more like "oh well, I overate, I can do better tomorrow." I'm actually liking the process of reviewing whether I had a successful day after the days eating is done. It sort of removes me from the judgement of the food/eating behaviour so I can be a lot more neutral about it

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:39 pm

Very true! Btw, hope you saw my welcome post. I didn’t see a response so wasn’t sure.

Have a great day!!
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

Lady Brachiosaur
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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Tue Jun 05, 2018 4:09 pm

lpearlmom wrote:Very true! Btw, hope you saw my welcome post. I didn’t see a response so wasn’t sure.

Have a great day!!
Oops, I'd missed your post! I was on my mobile though, not sure that's the best way to be viewing the forums in hindsight as I've been reading loads of older things today having not seen them on the phone. Anyways, thank you so much for the encouragement, it's nice to see that you've dealt with similar issues to mine and achieved the coveted weight loss!

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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:53 pm

Disappointed to report another red N day however I think it occurred because I failed to plan a suitable dinner and subsequently was disappointed in what I had available.

Fail to plan, plan to fail

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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:09 pm

Green N day now I'm back home! Was feeling snacky but realised I was tired, not hungry. Proudly writing this from my bed sans chocolate

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Post by sharon227 » Wed Jun 06, 2018 11:15 pm

Congratulations on understanding the difference between tired and hungry! That's a tough one (especially resisting the chocolate). Good thing for me to keep in mind, too. I learn so much from other people's threads.

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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:37 pm


Going to call today a red day. While I stuck to three eating occasions, I had a lot of chocolate as my lunch, I think again because I was tired and a little stressed out re thesis writing work.

I've also noticed that a lot of the time in the evening I'm not interested in cooking anything, I'm not hungry enough for any specific food to make the effort of cooking worth it. I think a default to a soup would be a good shout, nothing too heavy for limited hunger, easy prep and might help deal with the feeling of thirst being confused for hunger

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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Sat Jun 09, 2018 12:20 pm

A bit late but yesterday was green!

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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:28 pm

S day and a sane one!

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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:54 pm

Ooh busy few days!

So Sunday 10th was a good S day, boyfriend and I made a pie and a chocolate torte, had fun baking and making most of the day.

Unfortunately Monday was then a red day. Leftover chocolate torte and a weird lack of motivation for my day job is a bad combination. I did however, get a lot of walking in, covering 5 miles to and from a pole dance class and this is a habit I intend to keep up since it saves me enough cash each week that I could have another class! So maybe red, but I did achieve something.

Today has been a green day, I think because I ate a lot more at each meal and just enjoyed it.

Here's to the rest of the week!

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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:40 pm

Another busy week and weekend! I really should make more time to reflect each day.

Wednesday and Friday were red N days. Stress and feeling overwhelmed with work got to me on Wednesday and Friday was a hangover driven binge fest. Thursday was a black tie dinner event, which I was going to keep as a non weekend S day, so I marked it yellow. I actually didn't eat too badly even with the moderately portioned 3 course meal.

This weekend I've been travelling again to see family. Again lots of alcohol. However, food was ok, moreso yesterday when with the family. Today was a little too much really but it's an S day so I'm not stressing about it.

I've noticed my S days aren't really that excessive at the moment but I think that's because I'm failing to get the run of green days during the week. There's no need for the release valve since I haven't actually stopped the behaviour during the week.

I'm thinking over this next week I'm going to just have whatever I fancy at lunch time, without thinking too much about the cost or nutrition etc. I usually try to have a sensible lunch to meet my dietary requirements but maybe this isn't cutting it well enough to keep me maaking sensible decisions for dinner. So winging it for lunch but then planning better for dinner is the plan. Tomorrow I really want a sausage and egg sandwich (something which I've actually been craving since Friday, but been putting it off) and I'm planning on having soup and a cheese toastie for dinner post pole class.

A plus of this week is that I've been walking 2.5 miles to and 2.5 miles from pole dance classes, rather than taking the tram. It feels good to save on the fares and it gives me time to clear my head, so definitely something I'm keeping up. Consider it my first foray into urban ranger!

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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Tue Jun 19, 2018 8:37 pm

Another two fail days, although not drastically so, just eating too much at meal times.


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Post by niccofive » Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:29 am

Hang in there, keep going and keep trying. Each day is a new day!

Lady Brachiosaur
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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Thu Jun 21, 2018 6:01 pm

niccofive wrote:Hang in there, keep going and keep trying. Each day is a new day!
I'm still going, although on a red streak it seems. However, I'm away at the weekend and being around my boyfriend does tend to moderate what I eat. I need to pretend that everyone can see what I'm eating and how much! I've also been contemplating other dietary tactics like calorie counting which has sent me off course! I must get out of the mindset of wanting results now!

I'm determined the rest of June should be green (well yellow for the weekends)

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Post by Soprano » Thu Jun 21, 2018 6:26 pm

Lady Brachiosaur wrote:
niccofive wrote:Hang in there, keep going and keep trying. Each day is a new day!
I'm still going, although on a red streak it seems. However, I'm away at the weekend and being around my boyfriend does tend to moderate what I eat. I need to pretend that everyone can see what I'm eating and how much! I've also been contemplating other dietary tactics like calorie counting which has sent me off course! I must get out of the mindset of wanting results now!

I'm determined the rest of June should be green (well yellow for the weekends)
What drives you to have a red day, do you feel deprived and so end up overeating, are you focusing too much on loss?

Until the No s habits are established it is really important that you don't feel deprived or too hungry, plan your meals so that it is food you enjoy and enough of it to see you through to the next meal. Then relax and enjoy your meals.

When you have got this habit you can look more at the size and composition of your meals with a view to aiding loss but you may just find you adapt without having to think too much about it..

Getting the habit is the most important thing, one day at a time, this is a lifestyle change not a quick fix diet :)

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

Lady Brachiosaur
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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:57 am

Soprano wrote:
Lady Brachiosaur wrote:
niccofive wrote:Hang in there, keep going and keep trying. Each day is a new day!
I'm still going, although on a red streak it seems. However, I'm away at the weekend and being around my boyfriend does tend to moderate what I eat. I need to pretend that everyone can see what I'm eating and how much! I've also been contemplating other dietary tactics like calorie counting which has sent me off course! I must get out of the mindset of wanting results now!

I'm determined the rest of June should be green (well yellow for the weekends)
What drives you to have a red day, do you feel deprived and so end up overeating, are you focusing too much on loss?

Until the No s habits are established it is really important that you don't feel deprived or too hungry, plan your meals so that it is food you enjoy and enough of it to see you through to the next meal. Then relax and enjoy your meals.

When you have got this habit you can look more at the size and composition of your meals with a view to aiding loss but you may just find you adapt without having to think too much about it..

Getting the habit is the most important thing, one day at a time, this is a lifestyle change not a quick fix diet :)

I think it's a combination of wanting to nail down the perfect lunch (cheap, tasty, meets the dietary requirements, keeps me full, enjoyable) and failing to do that. I get disappointed and then it continues into trying to make up for it. I also have fatigue issues that sometimes means I take unexpected days off and then it's basically a free for all.

I think I need a good hard reset!

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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Thu Jun 28, 2018 1:43 pm

Jesus I can't keep up with the days!

So I've been red all this week I believe, although I haven't really been recording it actively. While I could use travel, stress and no work-life balance as excuses, it's really just because I haven't been putting in the effort.

I got derailed over the weekend when my boyfriend told me I need to look after myself more and watch what I eat. Pretty sure he's not saying I'm fat, just that with everything I need to get/avoid diet wise that I should probably be doing a better job of it.

Unfortunately it seems I'll be struggling with this for a while

Lady Brachiosaur
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Post by Lady Brachiosaur » Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:17 pm

Right, new intelligent dietary default: YOGURT!

You can eat a fairly big pot of it for relatively few calories, lots of protein and will help on the calcium front. Plus I'm being motivated by how bad my finances are due to how much food I've been buying and yogurt is cheap!

I can have breakfast and lunch this way (or combined, I'm not a huge breakfast fan) then I've only got to make good decisions about dinner.

I'm also not going to carry any cards with me to work, just a small amount of change in case I want a diet coke. This should stop me caving and buying snacks etc as a time fill

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