Goldilocks' Diary

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

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Goldilocks' Diary

Post by Goldilocks » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:29 pm

Goldilocks' Diary for starting my Non-Vanilla NO S journey

My Five "NOS" 7 days a week:

No more than 4 meals per day

No restrictions on type of food at each meal

No supersize portions

No seconds

No caloric beverages between meals

After these become second nature, I may add in more small things like include a veg/fruit at each meal, and limit sweets to one small item per day, no more than one caloric drink per day.....but NOT until I master the basic list of 5 rules first!! (Thank you Simmstone for your art analogy)

"The Goldilocks principle states that something must fall within certain margins, as opposed to reaching extremes."

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Post by simmstone » Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:29 pm

Looks like you have a solid base to work from!

Now comes the hard part... patience and mastery :)

Best of luck to you on this path!
"No S is such a good way to combat the randomness, which is often the slide into more and more." - oolala53

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Post by Goldilocks » Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:43 pm

Simmstone, more words of wisdom "patience and mastery". I will remember that when temptation arises!

"The Goldilocks principle states that something must fall within certain margins, as opposed to reaching extremes."

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Post by ladybird30 » Thu Jun 07, 2018 3:54 am

Welcome and good luck with your plan from a fellow goldilocks fan.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Post by Goldilocks » Sat Jun 09, 2018 6:43 pm

ty LadyBird!

First couple days are going well so far!

"The Goldilocks principle states that something must fall within certain margins, as opposed to reaching extremes."

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Post by Goldilocks » Mon Jun 18, 2018 2:45 pm

Random check-in, still on plan, scale only down 1 pound from a week ago, but I will take it...

Struggling a bit with some life stress and major streak of insomnia, I think it's been over two weeks since I have had what I would consider a decent nights sleep. I know stress and sleep are a factor in weight loss, hoping those both improve and scale will move again.

Also, I think I may invoke someone elses mod of "no starving" we had an awful fish fry meal at a new restaurant the other night, I mean barely edible-I only had a few bites, so had some yogurt and a spoon of Peanut Butter before bed. I think this is an acceptable exception. The fryer was clearly kept at too low of a temp, my fish and chips were soggy and completely soaked in oil....and the coleslaw was warm almost cooked, like they had it under the heat lamp. Ewe, just ewe!

On a positive note, I made an amazing slow baked fall apart pork roast with my new favorite BBQ sauce Stubbs Hickory Bourbon (no hfcs, major win!). Sooo good on a soft bakery roll with some jalapenos, along with a mountain of steamed broccoli with buttered breadcrumbs on top.
Last edited by Goldilocks on Mon Jun 18, 2018 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"The Goldilocks principle states that something must fall within certain margins, as opposed to reaching extremes."

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Post by Larkspur » Mon Jun 18, 2018 2:59 pm

Yes, a disappointing meal is a challenge on No S. I used to have trouble with hunger before bed (still would, with no dinner) but it’s not a problem now. Good luck!

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Post by Goldilocks » Mon Jun 18, 2018 3:11 pm

TY Larkspur! Encouraging to hear bedtime hunger fades after a while, still struggle a bit but I KNOW it's all in my head not in my tummy. I'm finding if I am heavy on the protein portion at dinner its seems to be helping. I am practicing patience, very hard for us ESFJs!

"The Goldilocks principle states that something must fall within certain margins, as opposed to reaching extremes."

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Post by Soprano » Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:07 pm

No starving was my mod, I've only invoked it 2 or 3 times but it's kept me on track :)

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Post by Goldilocks » Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:13 am

Thank you Soprano!

I had a wonderful day of satisfying meals yesterday. I am not planning to take the time to document all my meals here, but I know if I pay attention there are definitely some meals that last longer and make me feel my best. So here is a sample (yesterdays actual meals) that left me both satisfied and full of energy between meals, and for the first night a LONG time I actually had a decent night sleep (although I have been up since 4:30...)


Blueberries, two eggs and sprouted grain toast, Siggi's whole milk skyr (yogurt)


8 large spears of homemade pickled asparagus (summer fav), buffalo chicken tenders, chocolate cupcake with frosting - wait it was more like frosting with a side of cupcake...

one scoop of scratch mac-n-cheese, pulled pork roast (no bun), heaping serving of coleslaw

Full and Happy. (borrowed from Blawnde article link photo caption in "resources that support No S" Thread)

"The Goldilocks principle states that something must fall within certain margins, as opposed to reaching extremes."

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