Pangelsue's check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Day 29

Post by pangelsue » Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:13 am

Failure 28/1
Good day but ate a snack between lunch and supper. Did a lot of thinking about my stategy and my attitude toward this diet and dieting in general. I am not giving up this time though and I am getting closer to a better me all the time. Lots of sweat equity in changing my approach to life and especially my relationship to food.
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Day 29

Post by pangelsue » Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:42 am

Success- 29/1
Breakfast- egg, toast and asian pear
Lunch- pork, cranberries, sweet potato, peanuts
Supper- more peanuts, minestrone soup, 2 slices of toast

Supper was a tad large and I am paying the price in heartburn but I was feeling poorly. The bone spur in my neck is acting up and I was pretty miserable all 10 hours of my work day. I think I am temporarly caught up at work though and the overtime should be done for a while. Gonna stop typing now and rest my poor achin' neck.
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Day 31 Screwed up the count yesterday

Post by pangelsue » Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:21 am

Utter failure and totally on purpose. 29/2
I have been here for quite a while now. I lost 8 pounds almost right away and nothing for the last 6 months. I have been soooo good for the last 3 and a half weeks, I thought for sure I had lost. At the very least I thought I would have stayed the same. AS of this morning, I gained 2 pounds. Devastating. I wanted to throw in the towel, go to any other diet that promised me something, anything, anything at all but realized wherever I went, would be no better because I've already been to all of them (also without success). So I'm still here. I read again the intro to this diet and accessed Reinhard's attachments about plating and S days. I have a few more tricks left to try before I hang it up. My meals on N days certainly aren't too large but they are often high in fat (nuts and cheese etc.) and way too often high in salt. Also, as I have mentioned before, my weekends are still too large. I will scale those down somewhat. Again, following Reinhard's lead, I plan to purchase one special snack and savor it, thus avoiding the "graze through the weekend trap". I need a success so bad. Kind of tired of keeping a stiff upper lip when I hear others talk about being discouraged with only losing a pound a week. I would be thrilled with a pound a week. Heck, let's face it, I would be thrilled with a pound a month. Only positive part in all of this is I haven't given up which is what I usually do. I am hanging in there and liking me for it. I can not believe what I ate today and it was all in anger and retaliation against what ???. Not too bright. I need to take my frustration and anger out in less self destructive ways. Good night. Very, very glad today is done.
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Day 32

Post by pangelsue » Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:19 am

Success 30-2
Breakfast- bagel and peanut butter
Lunch- black beans, taco chips, corn and an apple
Supper- white chili, flour tortilla, slice of toast, wine and about 12 almonds.
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Post by flsunshine » Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:03 pm

Hi there, Sue. Sorry you have been having a rough time of it - but you really are doing SUPER at sticking with it - good for you!!!

My scale is pretty darn stagnant, but I'm trying to look at the overall trend and not the day-to-day stuff. It helps to have an inaccurate scale that is often up or down by a few pounds - then I don't focus too much on the actual numbers :wink: . I am just happy (well, I'd really like more downward movement to be truthful) that the scale is not going up at the drastic rate that it was previously!

I'm also happy just to be getting rid of some of my very unhealthy habits (gorging myself on treats, for example). The best thing for that (for me) has been to NOT put more rules on me, but just to stick with the simple, No-S's during the week. Only three things to remember and a quick check-in to keep me on track.

I'm really trying to look at this way of eating LONG TERM. I know other diets have failed because of all the rules, all the restrictions, and all the counting/writing required. The simpler I can make this the better - that's why I love your keeping score technique!

It sounds like you have enough restrictions, maybe you need to ease up for a time and give yourself a break to avoid discouragement? Just go back to the basics & when you have a certain number of successes tallied up, then add one more piece??

For me, the upcoming holidays (with many birthdays mixed in) have always been a huge stumbling block. If I can simply keep up with mostly successes & modest exercise (and hopefully no big gains) until Jan., I'll be quite happy. In January I will try to tighten things up a bit more & up the exercise...

I truly believe that this will work in the end, because it is something I can live with - so far, it seems to be working to take the focus OFF of the food. So, in my disjointed, rambling, and opinionated way, I guess I'm trying to say that I hope you're not being too hard on yourself and give yourself credit for all the good work you've done & that you will do in the long term!! :)

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Day 33

Post by pangelsue » Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:48 am

Thanks, Flsunshine. You are my little ray of sunshine on a cloudy day! You can always make me smile. And a lot of good advice as well. I know I need to go with the flow and if I am totally honest with myself, I could also scale back and make my N days healthier. Live and learn and learn and learn.

30/3 Failure but the last one. I needed to stop for a while and regroup. Have done that and will go on even if I never lose more than the 8. (Sighs and is still a little ticked off with results so far. Maybe a lot ticked off). My arthritis has not been cooperating with my attempts at exercise lately either and that is part of the frustration. BUT, starting now, healthier, lower fat meals, 1 wonderful planned treat weekends, meditation and whatever movement the good Lord allows. Also going to apply some of the good advise I got from the good folks on this board and try to look at the diet as mostly N days with the occasional treat thrown in instead of the living and hanging on for the weekend. Onward and upward, (no, that would be downward).
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Post by gettnbusy » Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:51 pm

Went bowling last night. My son found the lightest bowl in the alley. It weighed 8 pounds. It was more than he could hold-he needed two hand and he kept dropping it. Just some perspective on how heavy 8 pounds is.

And you can start over today and lose another 8 pounds in 8 weeks. Its easy; just stay focused on other things and ignore the food interuptions~one snack at a time. This whole for the rest of your life crap can tend to be too surreal for our subconscious to wrap around. But one snack or fatty thing at a time is much easier to grasp. Just say no every time. and for every time you end up asying yes remember all the times you said no.

Just one fat girls opinion :)
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Post by gettnbusy » Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:28 pm

...and I struggle with it eery single time lately. I havent been excercising - thats my demon. I seem to have (for the most part) licked the snacking thing (like I said, MOST of the time!)
But gettn my ass off the couch or whatever Im doing seems to be a real problem for me. I always feel so exhausted at the end of the day. Now I know what you are saying - I do have a lot to do - But I see others doing more than I, constantly. So I have no excuse.
Anyway...I'm rooting fer ya cus I know you can do it. We just need to be honest with ourselves when we are doing it. Remember that most infamous diet saying....Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. I put that on my fridge & then took a wax candle & wrote it on the mirror in my bathroom. Its always staring at me. Although...sometimes things DO taste just that good! LOL But caving in every time is what got me here. So now I only cave in once in a while.
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Day 1-2-3

Post by pangelsue » Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:56 am

Success 3-0
Going to stop listing what I ate unless it was funny stuff. But I am going to report on my journey.
I am basing a lot of my new start on the wonderful things people write here and in particular the following from Eskh:

"The real problem is not eating what you like but eating compulsively. Regarding this, "S days" are a chance to learn to eat.
Always ask myself: Was it worth it? Did I enjoy it? If the answer is yes, there's no problem. I enjoyed it and I deserved it. If the answer is no, I just relax and think about it as a lesson, not a failure."

So based on that, today was a success but a hard earned one. I got a bad cold last night and I wanted to use it as an excuse to eat all day but didn't. I love the idea of N days ingraining the habit and S days as chances to practice what I learned. It sounds so positive and balanced. Reinhard never said S days were a chance to throw out the diet, they are a break and we get to decide what we do with the break.

Good night. Me and my stupid cold are going to bed with some Zicam and Airborn.
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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:26 pm

The Beatles say a lot to me EVERYDAY.
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Post by pangelsue » Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:46 pm

Will start over when I am feeling better. Lousy cold and can bearly drag myself around all day. Just getting by since Sunday night. Not eating bad, just not doing strict No S. As Reinhard says, Sick days start with S. Be back when I'm better.
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Starting over

Post by pangelsue » Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:42 pm

Well the return to the site took longer than I thought!!!
I have gained almost all of my lost weight back and there are a number of reasons (not excuses) this happened.
1) Husband was having cancer health issues and there were tests and long waits involved. Long story longer, they thought his lymphoma had escalated but now they think it has stabilized. We were so scared.
2) Daughter has had money problems again through no fault of her own but I bailed her out because it was partly through my advise this happened. This was all very traumatic because it involved a good friend of mine and it almost ended the friendship. (good advise.... don't do business with friends).
3) My cold went to bronchitis and for over 2 weeks, I coughed and coughed and coughed. Thought I was gonna die and sometimes wished I would. Finally on the mend but still feel like a wet noodle and tired.
4) Totally gave up on the diet because I was going nowhere and felt very depressed about it.

So all of this means that for over 3 weeks, I didn't really No S and didn't weigh myself. Longer, sad story even longer and sadder, I have gained back 5 of the 8 pounds I lost BUT that is okay because I think I needed to start over.

I already posted on the general discussion board that all the long nights coughing gave me time to think in the dark (sometimes good for me) and I found that the reason I think I didn't succeed here they way I hoped I would is my attitude toward the junk foods that got me to this sorry state to begin with. I still saw them as my friends and I felt depressed about not being able to eat them. The N days were trials I lived through so I could get to S days. Well I just had about 20 S days in a row that were total blow outs. And they weren't that great. They didn't help the above named problems and they added a new one, weight gain. I won't succeed until my attitude toward these supposed "wonderful foods" changes. Sweet, salty, fatty foods are not my friends and never have been. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low fat proteins are my real friends and I need to starting seeing them as such.

So tomorrow, Sunday is day one of new attitude put into practice.
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Post by pangelsue » Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:52 pm

Saturday S day

Weight: 200.8

Attitude: New start and feeling positive I can do it this time.

Plan: Not counting days anymore. This is a life style or it isn't. I made 21 several times so I know I can do it. Now I just have to own the concept in my head. Going to have 5 great N days a week. Then I am going to have 2 S days where I can relax a bit but to help define these days, I am going to list what treats I have.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:24 pm

Good luck Sue!!! Big Hug!!!
Please don't be so hard on yourself!
May I suggest another friend to consider, in addtion to avocados and grapes?

Yourself!!!!! :wink:
I'm so sorry it's been such a stressful month!!! Wow..
Give yourself a pat on the back for trying again, and picking yourself up and brushing yourself off!!
Also, at the risk of sounding really like a broken NoS record, it's not the S days that make us gain weight, it's having 20 of them in a row..
If you really really say "no" on N days, then by gosh, you deserve a relaxed S weekend with no rules!
You realize now that overdoing it isn't helping, so I'd just avoid having a half gallon of icecream at a time and maybe don't get the party sized cheetos?

I haven't been to great these last few months with the rules myself, so I've plateaued a lot... The first year I did NoS, I allowed myself junky treats once in a while, as part of my meal.. If I had a need to crunch on corn chips and salsa, I had that as the bulk of food on my plate..
I didn't have that stuff for more than, say one or two N days a week...Not because I restricted myself, but by having it, I got over the urge and craving... Yeah, I only lost 17 lbs that year, but I never gained it back, and I could have easily gained 17 lbs at the rate I was going with overeating.. It was never the types of foods so much as the overeating...

I really know you are trying to reassert and reassess what is good for you foodwise, but that might be a distraction? I say this because my personal take here, is that *no* foods are bad for you if you don't have too much of them.. It's the overdoing it which causes weight gain.. And not even in binge style, but when people eat sweets and snacks every day.. The weight will come on eventually...
I truly think that if you add exercise of some sort and stick to no snacks in between meals and no sweets, you will drop that five pounds again with no problem, and you won't drive yourself all nutty in the process!! (hopefully :wink: )

Good luck! I'm gonna get back to business too this week!
I can't wait to feel my pants fall down again!!! :lol:

Have a lovely lovely day friend!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by pangelsue » Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:52 am

Thanks Deb. Good advise and I am being kind to myself but I really need to get a handle on the S splurging so I will just monitor them a bit.

Weight 199.6
Attitude: Good.
S Day treats: Huge chocolate chip cookie.
Meals: Great. Went to a Mongolian grill and had lots of stir fried vegetables with Thai peanut sauce. Delicious. Also had an organic hot dog today made by a company named Applegate. Wonderful products and pretty clean of additives and preservatives.
Exercise: cleaned closets and walked at the mall.
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Post by This path is my life » Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:28 pm


I'm sorry that I haven't "stopped by" lately, but I read your post and really wished that I could give you a hug. :) I'm sorry about everything that happened lately but these bumps in the road can have positive consequences too, like you said, your rededication to no-s and adjusting the things that weren't working.

Don't get discouraged, sometimes we need 20 s-days in a row to prove to ourselves that they're not worth it when they're every day and that no-s is really it. Just think at least you only had 20 s-days or however many you had now and then stopped when in the past you could have had 100 of them and just called them normal days

Regardless of how your weight is right now, think of how much you've learned on no-s, weight is just one (small) part about no-s, think about the rest, having balance in your life, learning to enjoy food again, being more in touch with your body, the antipation of the next meal which makes it really something special, being able to feel like you're in control instead of the food, really savoring an s day treat because you don't eat those things everyday anymore, freedom from obsessing about counting whatever (calories, points, carbs, etc), not having your days revolve around food, being able to focus on the rest of your life and the people in it, and even if you don't lose weight eating less is still good for you, to name a few, and there are so many benefits beyond those.

You will overcome this and whatever else comes your way and no-s will help you do that. It's fine to take breaks as long as you return, and you already have. If it helps I've been living by this fortune I got in a fortune cookie the other day:"Things are only impossible until they're not." Plain and simple but it's been really motivating for me lately, I even put it on my mirror and I look at it every morning.

Another thing I've tried to do consciously is surround yourself with the most positive and supporting environment possible, that includes people, and things (things like for me it's my super comfy bed, nice lighting, nice pictures on the wall, some inspirational quotes on my mirror, lots of books etc) Maybe focusing on that will help too?

Best of luck. I know you can do it Sue!!

All the warmth,
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Hi there!

Post by flsunshine » Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:45 pm

Hi there, Sue!

Well, I, too, have been suspiciously absent from these check-in pages. And, like usual, that means I haven't been following NoS too well. Oops.

However :) once again you have inspired me. If you can restart, than so can I. Too many birthday and holiday celebrations, and the fear of more celebrations coming up is almost too scary. BUT, if I just continue unchecked I know how unhappy I will be. I will try to follow your example and tell myself that these "special" foods do not have power over me. That this year things CAN be different.

I'm SO sorry you've had a hard time of it (if I can handle the holidays and celebrations, I'm sure I would fall apart at the hard times you've had). I'm glad you came back and have managed to get back on track ~ congratulations to you!!

Thanks again for the inspiration...

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Post by hexagon » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:48 am

Hi Pangelsue,

Congrats on coming back after all of those disruptive life experiences. I know how you feel. This past month of re-settling across the country in a new job, away from family and friends, really sucked. Correspondingly, my bread consumption skyrocketed. My weakness is carbs. The other day I pulled on my jeans and they definitely were snug. Phooey! Therefore, I'm another prodigal daughter coming back to the fold...

Anyway, go you! Rah rah rah! I'm sending waves of positivity your way...


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Post by gettnbusy » Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:20 am

Can you hear your HUGE cheering section?
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Post by cvmom » Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:09 pm

Hey Sue.

I just wanted to add to the well wishes of those who posted prior. I got extremely off track pver the past few months too so I completely understand. The No S habit, as brilliant as it is, was not as ingrained in my psyche as I thought it was. I went back to the old self-comforting methods of sweets and carbs and gained a bit too. But, I have been back on track for the past 5 weeks and fortunately have lost the small amount gained.

It is hard to gear up the momentum, but remember that you have friends here who are going through the same adaptation process and that you are not alone.

Best Wishes,


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Post by gettnbusy » Sat Nov 18, 2006 10:55 pm

Did I see that right? Under 200#?
How cool is that?
Keep it real girlie. We are doing better in our lives now than a year ago (with our bodies at least) and it's progress. Slow, but forward.
I loved your posts inthe general board.
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Post by pangelsue » Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:27 am

Day 1
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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:42 pm

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Post by pangelsue » Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:09 am

I am making more come backs than Rocky. Days 1 and 2 were successes. I think I failed so many times before because my commitment was with mental reservations. Once I allow myself a waffle thought like, Hmmmm, I wonder if this would really be cheating, I was lost. For the last two days, I have tried to short circuit food thinking. On to tomorrow.
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Post by gettnbusy » Sat Dec 16, 2006 4:50 am

~Gonna fly now~

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