Pinkhippies daily check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue May 05, 2020 6:30 pm

Yes it is frustrating. Sorry about your mom putting you in that position. That is totally something my mom would do. I was worried my dad would do something like that early on, but eventually, he started taking things seriously and hunkering down. That is great you get to see your mom though. I am glad she was understanding.

Yeah... IF is a good tool for sure but I still don't know how sustainable it is... Sometimes I feel weird in those FB groups like Im in a cult or something. I just don't know. I think the only reason I am reluctant to give up IF is all the health benefits its supposed to have. Autophagy, increased memory, less inflammation etc...

Today I got really hungry at around 11 30 and even felt sick and headachey and nauseous. It didn't go away either. Since I have been doing this for at least 6 weeks or so, I figured my body needed food and I ate around noon. I don't know if its period related (1st day of AF I sometimes get extra hungry) or what. I will be flexible and see what happens.

9 am black coffee
12 pm 1 piece of banana peanut butter toast(breakfast) -felt better about 30 minutes after eating this but still hungry
1 pm: 1 bowl chicken tortilla soup with snack size bag of fritos(lunch) - felt satisfied after this.
5 pm: vegetable potato quiche, ramekin of plain yogurt with frozen berries

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed May 06, 2020 11:18 pm

I got my final grades in today! I did better than I could have hoped for on my website and got full credit plus bonus for a semester score of 101%. My professor had such nice things to say about my project, this is the first time he hasn't had a critical( constructive criticism ) comment. In my other class I got full credit for my paper and my coding assignments and ended the semester with a 99%.

And yay! now I have a summer break for the first time in a few years.

11am: 1 bowl of oatmeal with peanut butter and banana
2: pm 1 bowl of chicken tortilla soup
5 pm: pork tenderloin, sweet potato, sauteed baby spinach. A ramekin of plain yogurt with berries and walnuts. This all fit on one plate.

I am REALLY stuffed after dinner. I feel like I ate way more than usual today. I will try to eat a little more mindfully tomorrow. I didn't really need the ramekin of yogurt, I just wanted it.


weights: lower body ( hard to force myself to do it, but I was very glad that I did)
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu May 07, 2020 6:14 am

Yay! Congrats—that's amazing! Now you can enjoy a well deserved break! Sorry you got too full although it doesn’t look like that much food to me. I can eat a lot of food though! ☺️
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu May 07, 2020 6:18 pm

Thank you Linda!

Yeah now I feel weird and aimless like I don't know what to do with myself. It's always hard to gear down after a semester. I will figure it out soon.

It doesn't look like a lot of food, but I think it was having 3 meals in 7 hours. I wasn't really that hungry for dinner, but I ate like I was. Probably mostly out of habit.

I tackled my huge project of organizing my closet from winter to summer today. I have to say, yesterday when I ate breakfast, I didn't have a lot of energy and it was soooo hard to force myself to do my work out. Maybe there is something to this fasting business.

9 am: black coffee
1pm: 1 piece banana toast and milk
3 pm: coffee with milk, 1tbsp peanut butter with half banana. ( I was pretty hungry, a piece of toast without peanut butter for lunch wasn't going to work today)
530 pm: kids had baked ravioli. I had a big ol chicken breast baked with marinara sauce, roasted broccoli, and spinach, with some mozzarella cheese.

Again, I felt like I ate too much. I couldn't stop eating but my stomach felt uncomfortable for about an hour after dinner. :( I have gotten pretty good at eating until satisfied not FULL. And now if I eat until full it doesn't feel good. I have to remember this feeling tomorrow.

One thing I have been working on is putting my fork down between every bite to try to slow myself down. My meals are usually only about 8 minutes long and I think that leads to me eating more than I want. Fullness kicks in later. will work tomorrow on slowing down more.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri May 08, 2020 6:41 pm

I'm going to start posting my weight every day. Today I noticed that several years ago when I was part of a weigh-in thread on a different forum it seemed to help me without calorie counting or anything like that. Worth a try! :) If it's triggering to anyone I apologize.

Friday yay! May 8, 2020


I have realized I don't like eating big meals anymore( I don't like that stretched stomach feeling) so I am going to try to do 3 small meals instead of 2 larger meals or 1 small meal and 1 very large meal. I am also going to start eating earlier than 1 pm. Yay experiment!

9 am: black coffee
1pm: 1 piece of peanut butter banana toast
3 pm: 1 cup of lentil soup, 1 apple
5 pm: 5 pieces popcorn chicken, 1 nugget, honey mustard, roasted broccoli
5:45 1 serving vanilla ice cream with a drizzle of Reeses Shell

I liked eating this way today. My stomach didn't feel too full and I also never felt ravenous, like I could barely handle the time until dinner. It was easier to eat more slowly as well. I will tweak some more this weekend.

Weights: upper body
Frantically mopping up the entire kitchen on my hands and knees with old cloth diapers when the washing machine had drainage issues today. Good aerobic workout. :)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat May 09, 2020 1:00 pm

A lot of us post daily weights so should be fine. Looks like your weight is going in the right direction. I keep losing and gaining back the same 5 lbs. so annoying. Sorry about your washing machine but yay for extra workout. 😀
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat May 09, 2020 6:46 pm

Thanks for the reassurance Linda. I am used to being in more intuitive eating forums where weight posts are an issue. I hear you on losing the same amount of pounds over and over again. My body seems to really like the low to mid 160's and doesn't want to leave. I have been bouncing between 163 and 164 for about 2 weeks now. And right before I left No S last time, I left because I was impatient because my weight was between 162/164 for ages.

Yeah the washing machine was annoying but it was my fault. I hadn't emptied the drainage filter after I washed all the dog blankets and eventually it just couldn't drain. Once I cleaned that out and all the extra water it worked again. Phew!

Today has been a nice day. My husband went on a mountain bike ride and its just me and the girls. The younger girls are in the back yard with some freshly found four square type balls and their portable soccer goal and the 17-year-old is on our back yard fort playing her ukelele and hanging out with them. The dogs are resting at her feet. It's so picturesque and idyllic. I wonder how long it will last. The weather is amazing today, in the mid-'60s with lots of sun. Warm but not roasting.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


10:30 am coffee with some cream so much better than black coffee!
11:15 am 1 piece of peanut butter banana toast
2:30 pm 1 big bowl veggie soup, 2 rockit apples
4:45 1 cup roasted broccoli (was having a growly stomach. Veggie soup just doesn't have enough substance without something substantial with it)
5 45 pm half a turkey provolone sub, half a serving of fries with ranch, and half a cup of vanilla ice cream.


Weights: lower body and...
I got my trainer to make my bike stationary! Yay!
20 minutes on my bike.
It felt great to be on it again. I noticed at a higher resistance my ankle hurt so I put it on the lower resistance but still was able to finally get an aerobic work out in. I'm excited.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun May 10, 2020 6:09 pm

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms! I hope we are all having a great day! Mine has been unexpectedly great as when I got up my 2 youngest had cleaned their room and organized their dressers all without me telling them to. They told me they didn't want me to have to come in and do the work of supervising and helping. The plan was to do it after breakfast with me involved. So that was amazing! I felt the love. <3

Sunday May 10 2020

164.2 hah!

10:30 Coffee with milk, 1 waffle with greek yogurt and berries instead of syrup. Delicious! 1 piece of bacon
3:pm 1 bowl lentil soup, roasted broccoli
5:15 pm half of toasted provolone turkey sub, half fries with ranch

20 min bike

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Sun May 10, 2020 11:52 pm

Hi Pinkie! I've been a little overwhelmed and out of it and realized I missed a whole week of people's posts. You sound to be doing great though and I'm so excited for your future.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Mon May 11, 2020 5:44 am

Happy Mother’s Day!💕 Sounds like a wonderful day and your kids sound so sweet.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon May 11, 2020 4:03 pm

Auto, please don't worry or feel pressure like you have to check in on my thread. I know you are the moderator, but don't worry about me! I am happy to see you post whenever you get a chance but I know how busy and pressed you are right now.

Thank you Linda! Happy Mother's day to you too! My 2 youngest kids are usually pretty sweet. I am enjoying it while it lasts! Not that the teen isn't sweet, but it's just different when they get older.

Been reading intuitive eating stuff again... I really love the idea of it so much! I do try to listen to my body with food to a certain extent. For example this morning, I woke up and my plan was to eat breakfast early. However, its 11 am and I still am not hungry. So, I will wait until I am hungry and then eat either breakfast or lunch, depending on what I am in the mood for. I feel like No S and intuitive eating can go pretty close together if you learn how to adjust your meals just right. That is the tricky part. learning what and how much to eat to feel satisfied and then when you feel hungry the next meal is almost there. I tend to get it wrong and be very hungry at nighttime.

Monday May 11 2020


930 am coffee with milk ( I am DONE with black coffee! I drank it for 2 months and I just can't do it anymore)
1pm 2 grilled hot dogs on buns with ketchup and mustard ( I did the happy food dance when I ate these.)
5:30 1 big ol' bowl of chicken mulligatawny soup with cream, 1 piece of toast with butter

Weights: upper body
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Mon May 11, 2020 8:34 pm

LOL about the black coffee. I'm with you. I'd rather not drink it at all, actually, if I can't put milk or cream in it.

Oh, I didn't even think about the moderator thing. The history on that is that spam was getting horrifically awful on the boards and so Soprano and I both volunteered to delete spam if we see it. Reinhard happily took us up on it; I don't think he has much to do with this creation that has self-evolved over time. :-) I just LIKE to read your thread - it's interesting! :-)
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue May 12, 2020 4:03 pm

Auto, Oh hah! Well, I am flattered you find my little check-in interesting. I like reading yours too. :)

I just got back from my scariest excursion which is grocery shopping. Today wasn't too bad. They finally put the arrows for going one way in the aisles and I really like that! I think they should leave it, it makes shopping so much easier and it's pretty much my natural pattern. The store was pretty empty since I made it early enough, as I was leaving at 10 am it was starting to get packed. The meat all has limits on it now, but apparently not precooked meat so I stocked up on little precooked hams and ham steak. My picky 8 year old loves ham. Of course, she picks one of the unhealthier meats. Ahh well... I also got some half and half for my coffee. And not the great value for 1.50 but Hiland for almost five dollars! I hope it tastes better... After weeks of black coffee, I wanted to indulge ;)

One of my best friends from childhood is doing dress-up days for entertainment(posts the results on her Facebook) and she is doing the nineties today. She wants me to dig out my old "skater pants" and join in the fun. I told her even if I still had those pants, I doubt they would fit. I got rid of all my ginormous JNCO's and Gouge and all that a few years ago finally. I did keep a pair of sparkly platforms though. :D

May 12 2020

164.4 hah! :?

My weight is basically frozen but today I put on my size 10 jeans and they feel really comfortable. Previously I have to be around 160 for them to feel good so maybe I am just tightening up with all my weight workouts. I feel like I look pretty good, sometimes when I am exercising I look at my legs and I am amazed at how toned they look. lol It's my midsection that still needs work. I have been doing my more intense weights for about 3 weeks now and yesterday I finally felt improvement and like it wasn't as hard as it was when I started.

10:30 am coffee with half and half
1pm: 1.5 cups of chicken mulligatawny soup, 1 piece toast with butter.
5:15 pm 1 cup of cheerios with milk and a banana AND 1 cup of plain greek yogurt with fruit and nuts. So easy, so quick, so like the old single days. :)
oldest is gone for dinner so I had no one to really make a good dinner for. Younger Kids had leftovers(mac and cheese , quesadillas)

20 min stationary bike

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Wed May 13, 2020 2:26 pm

Good morning. I've been following along with your journal so I thought it was time I say hello! Congrats on the size 10's! That must have been a great feeling. I agree that it's awfully nice when we don't have to worry about anyone else and can just make a quick dinner that we like for ourselves! :)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed May 13, 2020 3:15 pm

Hi Alene! It's so nice to see you here.

Fitting back into a smaller size is a great feeling! I had put those jeans to the side last year. I think my body liked the dinner I chose last night because the scale was back down today. I know we all have crazy fluctuations from water, weather, etc.. but it still feels good. I wish I could just eat that way for dinner more often but I guess I still like feeding the family most of the time. Maybe I will work that into once a week or something.

The kids are almost done with their school and I can't wait. Their district has made a "memory project" assignment which needs a lot more parent involvement. My 10-year-old gets up early and does her schoolwork every morning without me even prompting her. She told me today that she even did tomorrow's already just to get it out of the way. My 8-year-old needs lots of help and lots of chivvying along. She always wants to procrastinate and delay and does the bare minimum. My 17 year old still asks me to check her work and often has not turned in vital assignments.

I need cool code names for my kids... I will give it some thought.

May 13, 2020

163.2 ( I will not be really excited about this until I see it not go up to 164 fingers crossed)

10: am coffee with half and half
1 pm: 1 bowl of chicken mulligatawny soup, piece of toast with 1 tsp of butter. I finally measured it out and realized I had been putting over a tbsp on my toast! :shock:
5:15 barbecue kielbasa (half cup) 1 cup rice, roasted green beans, 1 small piece of cornbread with half tsp butter and a few stalks of roasted broccoli

I felt satisfied and comfortable after this meal. Not like I ate too much and not hungry.

Exercise: I am putting it here because I can tell I am going to have a hard time motivating myself as these are the hardest weights.
Lower body (plan for 25 minutes) I did it! Yay! I always feel so much better after I exercise but it's hard to do sometimes.

Also now that I have NO schoolwork, YAY and I can do whatever I want all day, I am trying to get up and move around at least 10 minutes every hour. I am such a slug now that school is over.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu May 14, 2020 3:09 pm

I really need to clean out the microwave and the kitchen today. Our microwave broke back in April and we are supposedly having someone deliver and install a new one on Saturday. I have no idea how that will work and if it was up to me, it wouldn't happen but my husband is insistent. I have actually figured out lots of little ways around the microwave using the oven. I could happily go without a microwave for quite a while longer but my husband the non cook has been suffering.

Also, I woke up hungry this morning with a growly stomach that didn't go away, so I decided to roll with it and eat one of my favorite meals for breakfast.

May 14 2020


9:45 coffee with half and half, 1 cup of honey nut cheerios with half banana, milk and 1 tbsp crushed walnuts
1:15 pm 3/4 cup of chicken mulligatawny soup, 1/2 piece toast with butter
3 pm: 3/4 cup of chicken mulligatawny soup, 1/2 piece toast with butter and half banana
530: half cup spaghetti with meatballs that my 17 year old made. I also had bread with butter and some green beans.

20 min on bike and once again, trying to get up and move around every hour. I was pretty successful with that yesterday.
Last edited by pinkhippie on Thu May 14, 2020 11:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Thu May 14, 2020 5:50 pm

I so want to be done with school. I so want to be done with school. I so want to be done with school.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu May 14, 2020 8:37 pm

163 two days in a row. 🤞
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Fri May 15, 2020 1:45 pm

Congrats on sticking that 163! :)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri May 15, 2020 3:58 pm

Auto, I know how that feels! That is how I felt last semester. I hope the rest of your semester goes quickly and you get a second wind.

Thanks Linda and Alene! I looked over my weight log( I track every day) and I have been going between 163/164 for almost 3 weeks now. I know its only a pound but its starting to get discouraging.

Today my 10 year old turns 11!

My big girl. She has started acting much older in these past 6 months I would say. Sniff... my baby is growing up. I always get so emotional on my children's birthdays. It's also the last birthday of 2020! YAY!

I still need to finish wrapping gifts. And its another cupcake night! It lines up with my S night so that is nice. I tried an experiment yesterday of smaller meals more often and even though it was the same amount of food I felt a lot more hungry. I suppose I could get used to it, but I don't think I will stick with that. I didn't wake up hungry though. I don't know.

Friday May 15 2020

163.6 (going up eeeeek)

10am: coffee with half and half
1:45 last of the chicken mulligatawny soup, piece of toast with no butter
5:15 4 chicken nuggets, broccoli, honey mustard
5:40 Birthday cupcake! It was called an Elvis. Banana bread with a chocolate center and peanut butter frosting.... YUM.

Weights upper body
Yesterday I racked up 6k steps for the first time since my injury. My ankle is feeling pretty much better, but I can still feel that soreness on the top of my foot. However, I can tell I am getting better and that is very exciting. My goal is to be able to go for a 30 minute walk 3 times a week and have no pain. Not sure when I will get there.

Today about 5,500 steps.
Last edited by pinkhippie on Sat May 16, 2020 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Fri May 15, 2020 4:49 pm

You'll get there (to that walking goal).

Happy birthday to your daughter!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat May 16, 2020 5:16 am

So bittersweet watching our kids grow up. Yay for ladt bday though and so glad you are on the mend.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Sat May 16, 2020 2:09 pm

Good job on your steps! I'm glad your ankle is getting better. It's so difficult to be grounded by an injury.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat May 16, 2020 6:26 pm

Thanks Auto, Linda and Alene! Yes definitely bittersweet watching the kids grow up. I am also really excited that my ankle seems to finally be on the mend. It has been 8 weeks since I sprained it. I was able to dance around my bedroom(carefully) last night and I was very excited about that. one of my favorite things to do is put on my Bluetooth headphones and bop around my room. Maybe tomorrow I will try a very small walk to the end of our street and back.

The microwave is here! It is a big upgrade from our last one. The people that installed it were masked, gloved, and they even had covers for their shoes. So that was good. I was kind of stressing about that.

Today I managed to do my lower body weights. It is very hard to motivate to do those. It really helps that my husband goes bike riding on the weekends so I feel more like we are exercising together even though we are apart. Today when he hugged me this morning he suddenly started patting me and said "when did you get so small?" I was like man took you a while to notice! :D I have lost about 20 pounds since early this year. " So that was nice. :)

Today after my birthday feast yesterday I was...

163.6! Happy to be in the 163 and not 164 but I ended up having a takeout burger for dinner. So we will see
9:30 banana and glass of milk with coffee and milk
12:45 Apple
5pm: burger (ate about 3/4, fries(also ate about 3/4)
5:30 pm frozen yogurt vanilla bean. yum. :)

Exercise :

Weights lower body 30 minutes (includes physical therapy ankle exercises)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Sun May 17, 2020 3:46 pm

That's nice that your husband noticed you were smaller. :) It does take them a little while sometimes. lol

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun May 17, 2020 11:17 pm

Oh yes! My husband doesn't notice physical changes for quite a while. Which on one hand is nice when the physical change is not to my liking... :D

Pretty relaxing day today. Not a lot of action. Oh but yesterday we got a door to door salesman at our house! For pest control! No mask! Just standing on the porch like nothing is going on, and trying to sell pest extermination. I was anti-impressed.

Sunday May 17 2020

162 (I was excited yet not AS excited because I ate very little yesterday. I was having monthly ovulation pain which makes me not very hungry) I ate more food today with more sodium so I expect to see that number go up tomorrow. However, fingers crossed that at least now I can bounce around in the 162's! :)

930 coffee with half and half
1pm: leftovers(1/4 fries, 1/4 hamburger) half a bagel with peanut butter and banana, half a glass of milk

5:30 pm leftovers kielbasa(half cup) leftover rice(half cup) 1 cup sauteed spinach
7:30 decaf w/half and half

Exercise: I walked to the corner and back again with my husband. YAY!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon May 18, 2020 2:18 pm

I am going to stop trying to predict scale fluctuations. They seem to have no rhyme or reason to them. The only thing I notice, is I haven't been as hungry the past few days. I also have broken out all my old intuitive eating books and am trying to be more aware of my hunger and fullness, and eat to satisfaction, not "I have to eat all of this because my next meal is hours away". I hope over the long run that will make a difference too.

May 18 2020


9am: 1 cup coffee with half and half
1 pm: a bowl of minestrone soup with one piece of cheese toast( was kind of craving bread and cheese but wanted some sustenance to go with it as well)
3:30 bowl of cheerios with milk and crushed walnuts ( I know I should have had yogurt for protein or something but I really wanted cereal and milk)
5:10 pm: 2 chicken fajitas with cheese and 3/4 of a mini lemon tart. ( my 11 year old made these, and she wanted me to have one... so I did. :) )

weights upper body 25 min plus ankle exercises

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 19, 2020 3:15 pm

161–yay! I agree, the scale is a fickle thing. You’re doing great. 💕
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue May 19, 2020 5:38 pm

Thanks Linda! Still in 161 just barely. I have noticed that it seems to drop really low and then back to a more moderate number and then stay there bouncing around for a while. But who knows?

I have been working on finding the sweet spot of eating enough where I don't feel overfull after meals and feeling like I ate enough to make it happily to the next meal. This has always been such a difficult thing for me.

May 19 2020


9:45 coffee with half and half, 2 over medium eggs, 1 piece of toast with pear butter( woke up hungry and craving eggs of all things)
1:30 pm small bowl of fajita chicken and veggies ( in hindsight didn't eat quite enough for lunch.)
5:15 pm: 1.5 veggie bean burritos (ate to satisfaction here) I got up in the middle of my meal and then came back to it, So I could get the all-important 20 minutes. I have been timing my meals and they are about 10 minutes. I think I try to eat slowly, but I guess not that slowly.

21 minutes bike
Been hitting 5 k steps the past few days, but I notice my ankle a little sore this morning so might try to take it a little easier than that today.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Wed May 20, 2020 2:12 pm

I struggle too with finding that sweet spot for eating enough to carry me till my next meal/snack without overdoing it. I'm trying to be more intuitive about that also. I think combining that with daily weighing will keep me aware and honest with myself. Eating more slowly is a goal for me too! :)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed May 20, 2020 2:47 pm

Yes I agree Alene! That is my strategy as well. Some days are more successful than others. :)

This morning I bathed my basset hound. I think that should count for cardio. I could feel my heart beating right out of my chest. Wrestling 70 pounds of stubborn basset is a work out in itself. Poor guy doesn't like baths.

I noticed yesterday that I was really craving protein. Looking back over my food, everything was high in protein. I guess I needed it.

I think I have come to a more peaceful place regarding IF. If I do my normal routine in the morning, and I'm not really hungry, I won't force myself to eat breakfast. If I do my normal routine and I AM hungry in the morning, I WILL eat breakfast. I just hate seeing in my facebook fasting groups about people barely able to hang on and being so starving all the time. That just doesn't feel right for me. We will see what happens.

Edit * Nope, I have changed my mind. I am going to go to breakfast lunch and dinner. basic vanilla no s actually. I'm sick of all this overthinking. Scale might go up a bit but oh well. I feel like I am not getting enough food without breakfast and I don't like eating the huge meals required to get enough food in an eating window. Going between meals without snacking has health benefits too. So, that is my plan. Lets see what happens.

May 20 2020


10 am: coffee with half and half
1:40 pm 2 chicken fajitas with corn tortillas ( I was not hungry until about 1 30. I decided to wait until I was hungry to eat lunch)
4 pm: 1/3 cup full-fat yogurt. Around 4 my stomach started making crazy noises and hurting along with it. I felt better after eating the yogurt
5:15 pm: 2 English muffin pizzas, sauteed broccoli, baby carrots with ranch. (This was a delicious and satisfying meal)


Feeling too tired to think about it right now. Hopefully, later I can motivate to do something.
12:40 pm And I did! I really didn't want to work out at ALL but the only thing that got me motivated was that I was able to lift my 70 pound dog in and out of the bathtub and not hurt my back or even my ankle! I know that is because of my weight lifting. I have a bad lower back, and it gets hurt easily. I also can pull a muscle in my lower stomach just by rolling over wrong and that seems to have gone away too. I am really happy I was able to do that and not get injured. So...

Weights: 30 min lower body plus ankle exercises and stretching.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu May 21, 2020 2:50 pm

Day 1 of Breakfast lunch and dinner. :)

I didn't feel particularly hungry this morning so it was weird to eat. However, it did taste really good so I have to think my body was at least a little hungry. Maybe I have disconnected from my hunger signals in the morning. I just made what sounded good and would have a good amount of protein and then ate most of it. Since I didn't feel hungry when I ate, I had no indicator to when I was done which is the main reason I don't like eating when I am not hungry. But, if I waited til hunger, then it would be too close to lunch... and if I waited later for lunch then dinner would be the non-hunger meal and I would either eat too much or end up starving in the evening. I am trying to manage my hunger times. We will see....

May 21 2020

160.8 BMI 24.1

9am: 1 toasted English muffin with butter, jam and 2 over medium eggs
ended up getting hungry about 12:30 which was perfect for my needs
1 pm: most of a can of chicken noodle soup and a piece of cheese toast
felt good after this meal, ate to satisfaction ie felt comfortable but couldn't feel the food in my stomach.trying to make sure I am hungry for dinner at 5 pm.
6:50 ham and cheese pull apart bread, broccoli, baby carrots with ranch and honey mustard
I have been craving broccoli and baby carrots with ranch the past couple of days) Also, it took me a long time to feel hungry, I guess I overshot lunch a bit next time maybe just one bowl of soup. Ate dinner to satisfaction though and feel good.

21 minutes bike
goal is 5 k steps, my ankle is feeling better and better.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Fri May 22, 2020 5:59 am

I definitely think our bodies get used to our eating patterns. I got to the point where I wouldn’t even think about food till 2 or 3pm. After awhile the psychological part of missing Meals just became too much though and i had to take a break. I think being flexible about it is key. I don’t know how some ppl can do a short window for years and years. It's a lot mentally at least for me. Is your plan to just stock to nos for now?
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri May 22, 2020 2:15 pm

Yes Linda I totally agree. Physically, eating in the afternoon only was not too challenging, but psychologically, it really started to wear on me. Also, I have spent months teaching myself to eat moderate-sized meals and a short window was making it where I had to eat really large meals. I was not getting enough to eat. I think that made it hard over the long term as well. Yesterday was a revelation, as I was not hungry all night long. I have gotten so used to just being very hungry at night and before dinner and ignoring it.

I don't know how people stick to short windows for years and years either! Flexibility is definitely important. It's nice to know that I can do it if/when I have to though, and it taught me to be much more tolerant of my hunger, which I think is an important skill.

Today is the last day of school for my kiddos! It remains to be seen if my 17 year old will actually pass all her classes, but the 2nd and 5th grader are definitely graduating. They have a virtual zoom graduation today.

May 22 2020


845 am: coffee w/half and half 1 English muffin, half with butter and jam, half with peanut butter. Plain greek yogurt with berries and crushed walnuts ate about 3/4
I was pleased to feel my stomach growl at 8:30 this morning. I got up 30 minutes earlier to try to be hungry for breakfast. I am experimenting with yogurt as a protein source in the morning. The only plain greek yogurt I can ever find is non fat so I dont' know if it will works for me

12:40 pm 1 and 1/4 bean burrito
I was hungry for lunch at this time.. ate enough to try to make sure that I was hungry for dinner but undershot this time. Stomach was growling angrily and I was lightheaded by 3 or so.

3:pm 1/4 burrito, decaf coffee with milk
was proud of myself for not being extreme and refusing to eat until dinnertime no matter what regardless of how bad I felt. In NO S structure, Im going to call this delayed virtual plating ;)

5pm: 4 chicken nuggets, broccoli, honey mustard
We ate early because its the weekend my 17-year-old gets picked up by her dad. I was definitely hungry for dinner

5:30 a scoop of frozen yogurt with a drizzle of fudge shell
been really into frozen yogurt lately, it has that delicious tang to it. Felt a little full, probably from the ice cream but not too bad. I also know I will be up late tonight so I think I probably ate a little more because I don't want to be super hungry tonight


Upper body weights with a heavier weight for some muscle groups. Yay! Maybe it was because I had breakfast. It definitely felt easier than normal.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat May 23, 2020 8:48 pm

May 23 2020


10:am 1/2 Krispy Kreme glazed donut( my husband I shared) 2 eggs scrambled with cheese and chives, 1 cup coffee with half and half
was hungry and wanted some protein to balance the donut. Ate 3/4 of the scrambled eggs felt satisfied.

2:45 pm 1/2 a burger, about 1/4 of fries and 1/2 a Hershey sundae pie
After an hour bike ride, grabbed Burger king take out on the way home. I love Burger King, get to have it about 3 times a year because no one else in my family likes it. Ate until satisfied.

9 pm: 3 pieces thin crust veggie pizza 1/2 hersheys sundae pie
weird day, had to wait for my husband to get back from his bike ride, but wasn't actually hungry until about 8 30 so it wasn't too bad. Ate til satisfied


A real bike ride out in the world with my husband! SOOOOOO wonderful! Rode for about an hour, we have some great trails out here and they were not crowded. I could tell that all my stationary bike riding has made me much stronger, so that was awesome!
Last edited by pinkhippie on Sun May 24, 2020 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Sat May 23, 2020 11:36 pm

Sounds like a great day!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun May 24, 2020 4:13 am

I don’t think my girls did much schoolwork towards the end there but their grades just default to their last semester so I think it’ll be okay. Your bike ride sounds great!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Sun May 24, 2020 3:19 pm

It sounds like a really great day! I'm so glad you got out for a wonderful bike ride, and it feels so good to be stronger and know that your exercise has been paying off.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun May 24, 2020 4:55 pm

Thanks, everyone! It really was amazing to get out there and be able to do what I haven't been able to do in over a year. My husband and I used to ride together in the summertime but last year I was too out of shape to want to even get out there.

Thanks Linda! I'm crossing my fingers for her!

This is long introspection so feel free to skip or skim...

I have always had a very hard time sticking to regular exercise. Even though it feels great, and I enjoy it, and my life is actually way better when I exercise in many ways. Forget physically looking better. Better mood, more strength, less muscle tension and cramps in my neck, less injuries, able to do more, my restless legs are way better, better sleep,more energy to play with my kids and live life, even my marriage is better as I feel more attracted to my husband... I NEVER have stayed with it.

Over the past few days I have become aware of a little voice in my head that I never noticed before. I always thought it was just my own logical rational thinking. It is the voice that tries to get me to not exercise! It's so crazy, it comes up with all kinds of reasons to not do my planned workout. Its nowhere to be heard when I first started regularly exercising, but after about 6 weeks or 2 months it pops up. And then I stop because in the past I always listened to the little voice.

Today my husband went on a bike ride and it's my day for my lower body weights. In started the voice "if you exercise today, you will have worked out 7 days in a row without a break, that could burn you out... yesterdays bike ride was pretty much a lower body workout, let's just count that as your workout... it will probably be really hard to do today because your legs are tired from yesterday... maybe we need to recover from the bike ride, it could be bad to do our regular workout...etc.. "

So, I was going to go along with the voice but then I was like wait... I noticed that little voice this week and I ignored it and did my workout anyway, and I was really really glad that I did. So... maybe I should ignore it today.

Then I asked myself "will I feel better if I do my workout or worse?" And the answer was "duh better". And so I did do my workout. I didn't push myself insanely hard, I didn't decide to add more reps or anything and it felt great. I felt stronger and I do feel better after my workout.

So then... ( sorry it's not over guys!)

I pondered...why do I try to get myself to not do something that always makes me feel better, helps my life in so many ways, and that I enjoy? And so surprisingly the answer popped in my head... Because I don't feel I deserve it. :( It feels selfish to devote time to me just to make myself feel better and make my life better. I may not even feel like I deserve to feel better. That would be very unconscious if that is true. I do know that my husband takes care of himself exceedingly well and it drives me crazy! I have gotten mad in the past that he takes time to ride his bike, or stretch before bed, or doesn't just ignore his tight muscle pain like I do but actually tries to fix it. I think its because I resented him for doing what I felt unable to do.

I think that *could* even play into my frequent injuries. I push myself way too hard and way too fast, ignore any warning signs of pain, continue to push myself further, and always injure myself badly and then "oh no can't do any exercise for a while" Like exercise has to feel bad and hard for it to be ok for me to do... So crazy!

So deep thoughts for a Sunday morning, but I never would have realized all this if I didn't ignore that little voice and worked out anyway.
Last edited by pinkhippie on Sun May 24, 2020 5:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun May 24, 2020 5:11 pm

Decided to put food log in a separate post

May 24 2020

159.6 ( I think this is due to that bike ride! I didn't drink as much water as I should have, I expect to see this go back to the 160s)

10:40 1 cup coffee with half and half, 1 donut, a scrambled egg with cheese and chives for protein (ate half)

3 pm homemade black bean chilli with corn tortilla strips

4:50 1/4 of my whopper
I was soooo hungry!

7:30 2 slices veggie pizza
not really too hungry but ate because we were getting ice cream

8:30 mini peanut butter cup blizzard
pure fun eating, wasn't hungry but also wasn't stuffed when I was done.


Lower body weights 30 min
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun May 24, 2020 8:31 pm

Wow, tremendous insight. That is so very much me as well although I don’t think I ever made that conscious connection between the little voice and the “I don’t deserve it” feeling. I think as women we are often taught to put everyone else’s needs before their own. I was always struck by my mil level of self-care & sometimes I even viewed it as a little selfish. As I got older and had my own kids I realized how smart she is do have developed this skill. Anyway, good luck with your continued journey in this area if your life its so important. 💜
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon May 25, 2020 9:43 pm

Thanks Linda! I totally agree that as women we are often taught that our needs don't matter as much as everyone else's. I think for me especially it was tough because I have a younger brother who my parents treated very well and like his needs always mattered. My mom always put his and my needs below his (probably because she had been raised that way too) So it definitely messed with my ability to even see my needs or voice them. I have gotten much better, but its a constant journey.

May 25 2020


11 am: Oatmeal with chopped apples, cinnamon and walnuts
ate about 3/4 of this, realized it didn't really taste that yummy because it didn't have enough sugar and didn't want to add the sugar first thing in the morning.

2:30: black bean chilli with corn tortilla strips, 1 piece of veggie pizza
was really hungry only 3 hours after breakfast. Typical oatmeal doesn't seem to stick with me. Next time add protein or peanut butter maybe?

7:00 1 grilled cheese sandwich, steamed broccoli, ranch, full-fat greek yogurt with berries
felt satisfied after this meal. I guess I was craving fat. Looking at my menu for the day I notice it is pretty low in fat...

Weights upper body
I almost didn't do my workout because its a holiday and my husband is home... but then I thought about what I really wanted and needed and told him I had to go do my workout. He was extremely supportive and I was glad I did it

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 26, 2020 6:14 am

Great job on figuring out what you needed and ysy for supportive husbands!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Tue May 26, 2020 2:01 pm

I'm so pleased for you on how your eating is going. You're tuned in and getting into a groove. Yay you!!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue May 26, 2020 5:50 pm

Thanks Linda! Yes I feel so lucky to have such a supportive husband. He drives me crazy sometimes, but really he is pretty great. :)

Thanks Alene! I feel like I am getting into a pretty good groove as well... my little notes under my food really help me.

Today we are doing a social distancing Memorial Day dinner with the grandparents. Also, my 17-year-old has been at her dads and she got back last night. I have to say, it was really nice having a break from her. It's funny how your kids know exactly how to push your buttons when no one else does.

May 26 2020


10 am: 1 English muffin with butter and jam, 1 over medium egg
I was happy to wake up hungry this morning and knowing exactly what I wanted to eat. Ate most of it

12:30 Apple peanut butter sandwich ( slices of apple spread with peanut butter stuck together like a sandwich)
After my hard workout today, was craving apple and peanut butter. Also am trying to be hungry for the memorial day dinner at 5 pm I didn't eat all of it, may have to finish the rest sometime this afternoon to keep me going until dinner

4:40 pm half a steak, iced tea, half a baked potato, strawberry salad, half a roll with butter, asparagus and a large piece of the most amazing oatmeal pecan cake in the world with milk.
I tried to control myself but the food was so amazing, that I ate a little more than I wanted to. I was definitely having a little stomach stretching discomfort. I didn't eat all my cake, I managed to stop eating it when it stopped tasting amazing. Next time I will try to take smaller helpings. I still ended up eating only about half of my dinner, but it was a lot of food. I will wait to get hungry tomorrow before I eat breakfast


Stationary Bike 21 minutes... added some HIIT to the work out because my cardiovascular health needs improvement. That made it seriously exhausting but it felt good.
Last edited by pinkhippie on Wed May 27, 2020 12:44 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Wed May 27, 2020 12:12 am

I loved reading about your exercise insights and how you are responding to the little voice in your head! Go Pinkie!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed May 27, 2020 4:25 pm

Thanks auto! I am interested to see where it will take me. Hopefully to regular exercise and not injuring myself on the regular anymore. :)

Today I have been trying to get back in the swing. Hubby went back to work. :( All the kids are here and its time to get back into whatever swing we have right now. Such weird times. I made my grocery list and meal plan for the next two weeks. I am going through all my bookmarked recipes and trying to organize them. I am also not going to worry as much about "healthy or low cal" dinner recipes as I am just looking at if I like it or not for my meal plan.

My 11-year-old has gained some weight recently and I know its probably because she is about to hit puberty. Same thing happened to me, I gained 40 pounds which was really hard. But it's so hard to not want to try to tweak her diet or try to get her moving. I HAVE to adjust my own views, I do not want to pass them down to my daughters. Of course, I don't want her to get teased for being larger, and I want her to be happy. My mom didn't say anything about my weight when I was heavier as a kid but anytime I lost weight (even through something like the stomach flu) she would always praise me and say how great and skinny I was looking. URK. I do not mention my kid's weight. My 17-year-old is actually underweight and she has come to me concerned about her body (sometimes worried her thighs are too big, and others that she is too skinny) and we have talked about how every person's body is valuable and worthy regardless of their weight and how her body is just right for her. I know genetically her dad and my mom were both super skinny as teens, and she is healthy, she is just very tall and skinny right now. Its such a tightrope to walk talking to your kids about body image and weight.

May 27, 2020


10 am: a packet of protein oatmeal with milk, coffee with half and half
was hungry this morning, but by the time I sat down to eat, hunger was gone. So I just ate most of my bowl snd left a few bites behind since I wasn't really as in tune with hunger or fullness. I still feel good an hour before lunch, so I think I ate a good amount

2:10 pm: fried egg sandwich with sauteed onions
was hungry and having a weird craving for eggs and sauteed onions, actually only ate one piece of the bread because it was too bready. The onions were delicious!!!!

6:00 pm: baked potato with black bean chilli, cheese, sauteed broccoli 1 piece of cranberry pecan toast with butter
Unfortunately, I wasn' t really hungry yet, but felt I couldn't wait since the kids don't love this dinner, I felt I needed to be a good example. Really was craving a piece of pecan cranberry toast because my husband brought home my favorite bread from the store. I think I ate a bit more than I needed, hard to tell since I wasn't very hungry at dinnertime. Need to eat breakfast earlier to be able to eat lunch earlier


Lower body weights

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Thu May 28, 2020 2:40 pm

I remember when I taught 5th - 8th grade (at a very tiny school) and so had the same students every year for 4 years - I would SEE this change and I would be shocked when chubby 5th graders turned into long and lean 8th graders. It was a good thing for me to become better educated about, because I had not really changed while growing up (I was neither chubby nor skinny at any point, lol).
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu May 28, 2020 3:39 pm

auto, thanks for that perspective. I felt like when I was in 5th grade it was just me and it's comforting to realize it happens to kids around this age. It's just been such a visual shock because she was always so slim, it was hard to find pants that fit her on the waist but would be long enough just a year or so ago. She couldn't even wear elastic waists since they would fall down.

Today was another store trip. My county has a hotspot right now, one of the top case doubling places in the nation, and its MY town so I was especially reluctant to go. I probably stocked up for about 2.5 weeks this time, it's just tough with fruits and veggies. I also got up early and left immediately so there would be fewer people in the store. Also, amazingly my store had Clorox wipes! I couldn't believe it. I bought my one container, my husband will be happy about that.

May 28 2020


10 am: a half serving of all-fiber cereal with milk and 1/4 banana, 1 piece of pecan cranberry toast with butter, 1 cup coffee with half and half
I know I wanted to eat breakfast earlier, but I wanted to get the store over with, so I ate when I got back and after I unloaded the groceries. I tried not to eat a lot and I tried to not eat a large amount of protein, hoping I would be hungrier for lunch. If I am not hungry at lunchtime, I will eat something really small

1pm: 1 serving of black bean chili with some cheese and plain yogurt with a handful of Fritos.
Yay for Fritos! Such a delicious indulgence, that I haven't eaten in quite a while. I really enjoyed them. I was hungry for lunch, and I thought I would want some peanut butter and apple, yet I really found I was craving my chili. Maybe because I had an intense workout and was craving protein.

5:45 2 Steak fajitas, one on a flour tortilla, one on a corn tortilla, with cheese and yogurt. 1 apple
I felt like I ate a little more than I needed for dinner again. I think I am having a bit of trouble because for all the months that I was doing IF I was really really hungry at night because I don't think I was getting enough to eat. I don't want to feel that way ever again. I have no problem eating to satisfaction with breakfast and lunch because I know there is another meal coming... maybe I should plan in an after-dinner "snack", a glass of milk, something and let myself know I can eat it if I want it, but I don't have to? I think I will do that. I really don't like the feeling of eating past satisfaction now and maybe this will give me the courage and freedom to not overstuff myself at dinner, to have that food safety net.

Exercise 25 min bike with HIIT
Last edited by pinkhippie on Fri May 29, 2020 12:58 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu May 28, 2020 5:34 pm

I wrote a long response but then lost it, but just wanted to say my youngest daughter went through that at that exact age. I remember feeling very nervous about it because that’s when I gained weight too which led to a lifetime of dieting. Anyway, I stayed strong and did absolutely nothing. Lo & behold a couple years later she leaned out and is a very healthy weight. On the other hand, when I gained at that I age I went on a diet that lead to many, many issues for many years to come. So you’re doing the right thing!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Thu May 28, 2020 10:37 pm

It sounds like things are going along really well for your eating. That's wonderful. You sound very in tune. Yay for getting Clorox wipes!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri May 29, 2020 2:51 pm

Thank you Alene! I am trying!

Thanks Linda, that is comforting. I absolutely know that girls going on a diet is what messes them up, and it's good to hear that your daughter grew into a healthy weight when you did nothing and stayed strong.

I hate it when the school weighs them and sends them home with BMI report of being overweight. I understand they are trying to help but in a lot of cases I think that does more harm than good. I am staying strong and my biggest thing I do is just try to teach and show her and all my girls to listen to their body. I don't offer treats for plate cleaning and I tell them if they are not hungry they don't have to eat it. It's actually interesting how much I do that, I wonder if I was encouraged to eat when I wasn't hungry as a kid. I don't remember that, but I don't really remember a lot about my eating experiences as a kid except that I hated most of the food. LOL My parents were hardcore hippie vegetarians and we had such delicious fare as zucchini and squash in tomato sauce and burned soybean burgers. We also had a lot of spaghetti, weird pasta like corn pasta and such, and bean burritos. Burritos were of course my favorite. Come to think of it... I do remember being forced to finish my vegetables. My parents told me to hold my nose and eat them if I didn't like how they tasted. I don't remember if I did a lot of snacking, or if I was hungry for meals. I do remember practically gorging on fruit when given the opportunity. Anyway...

May 29 2020


Breakfast 8:30 am: bowl of fiber cereal with milk, half a piece of cranberry toast and coffee with half and half
I was hungry this morning. I ate to satisfaction. I wanted the taste of my cranberry pecan bread but I wanted to eat my cereal more so I just had half a piece of toast. I saved the other half of the bread for later. It is HUGE bread.

Lunch: 12:30 2 steak fajitas with 1/2 an apple
Was hungry yay! ate to satisfaction

Dinner w/Desert 5:15 pm : 5 Chicken nuggets, sauteed broccoli, honey mustard, 2/3 cup frozen vanilla yogurt with a drizzle of fudge
I ate just a teeny bit more than satisfaction but like maybe by a bite. I did much better today, and am leaving the option for a snack open if I feel I need it.


Weights: Upper body
5 minute walk with no ankle pain yay!
lots of stretching
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Sat May 30, 2020 12:41 am

I gorged on fruit too, as a kid. :-)
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat May 30, 2020 3:51 pm

Oh gosh, I’m so not down with the weighing at school. I’m pretty sure callcan email the school and opt out. It’s not helpful in any way imo.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Sat May 30, 2020 5:18 pm

Ooh, that cranberry pecan bread sounds good! Do you get it a local bakery?

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat May 30, 2020 6:15 pm

auto, one of the stories I remember as a kid was when my dad brought home a huge bag of plums. Like 15/20 plums. I said "hey can I have some plums?" my dad said sure. I said "can I have as many as I want?" My dad said "sure". I ate the whole bag. my parents were shocked. I don't even remember my stomach hurting. It was a long time ago though.

Linda, I didn' know that! When they go back to school I will see if I can get them opted out of that.

Alene, yes sort of. We do have a local bakery and they have their bread sold at some local grocery stores which is where I get it. It is amazing bread. It has like 4 ingredients in it and it is almost as unprocessed as you can get. I also get bronze wheat from them too.

May 20 2020

158.6 or 159.6 ? (first, the scale said the lower, than the higher. I don't know. I am sticking with the higher since its probably pms bloating stuff and its going to be higher in the next few days)

9:30 1 English muffin with peanut butter and banana
I was hungry this morning and knew just what I wanted. Love it when this happens. Ate to satisfaction

12:40: plain yogurt with banana, honey, apple walnuts and raisins. YUMMM
Was hungry and knew what I wanted. Only ate half of this however as I ate to satisfaction. I could have waited until later to eat, I am still figuring out my hunger signals. I feel like they have been muted over time

3 40 the rest of the yogurt with fruit
I was actually pretty hungry and didn't want to spoil my appetite for dinner. Was still hungry after this

5 30 pm 2 pieces of pizza, 2 cinnasquares
was hungry and ate to satisfaction. I have been extra hungry today


Weights lower body:
10 minute walk YAY! I am slowly reaching my goal. Must be careful to not go too fast too quickly.

That little voice is getting quieter. Usually Saturday is one of the hardest days to motivate myself and today I didn't even think about it. Progress!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:12 am

May 31 2020

Lots of snacking today...


10:45 am coffee with half and half, 1 waffle, yogurt, berries, drizzle of syrup
was pretty hungry by this point. This was like brunch really. Ate to satisfaction

1:50 1/2 an apple with spoonful of peanut butter
was hungry and still was a little hungry when done

4:10 1/2 apple
was hungry and still a little hungry when I was done

5:00 pm 1 piece of Canadian bacon pizza, 1/2 cup of broccoli 1 piece of oatmeal cake with half a scoop vanilla frozen yogurt
was hungry for dinner, had been looking forward to the oatmeal cake all week, but I kept thinking it tasted off... ate less than I planned

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:10 pm

Yay for quieting that little voice and your weight seems ti be sticking—woot! Your S days look really good. Mine were never that calm! ☺️
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:02 pm

Hah thanks Linda but I didn't post here when my S days were off the rails. :D

I did decide though that it was important on for ME on S days to try to just eat when I was hungry and see when that was, and not worry about trying to stick to 3 or 2 meals. I haven't done that in a REALLY long time. I discovered that its really annoying to have that option. I felt like I thought about food way more yesterday, especially after dinner. I was constantly all night long, well am I hungry? am I hungry enough for a snack? well what would I want to eat? On and on for about 4 hours. Finally around 10 pm those thoughts subsided. It was annoying.

The weight loss is sticking by the skin of its teeth. Originally back when I was 23 pounds heavier 159 was kind of my good enough goal. The reason I made it that is because I remember in my previous attempts I seemed to stay at 159 for a very long time and it is difficult to budge below it. And at 159 I can wear all my old size 10's. Of course I would like to be a little lower because 159 is about as high as I am comfortable with, and being lower would give me more of a "safety" threshold but for now I am going to be mostly content and keep on focusing on my habits, and exercise. Of course any weight loss beyond 159 is awesome! But my goal is to at least STAY 159. In the past I have gotten impatient and drastic and not been able to maintain what it took to be below 159 and then gave up and gained back the weight I lost. DO NOT want to do that this time. Maintenance is the name of the game.

June 1 2020 ( Wow May seemed really fast this year)


1:15 pm 1 bowl of oatmeal with peanut butter and banana and raisins
I decided to wait until I was hungry to eat breakfast this morning, and was not hungry until 1 pm today. I noticed that I ate more to feel satisfied, which makes sense, but I don't like having really big meals. maybe will just eat breakfast and not worry about being hungry. Leaving it open to have a third meal after dinner tonight if I need it./i]

5:45 pm 1.5 servings of baked ziti, 1 garlic knot
I was HUNGRY. I really felt that whole no breakfast thing. I didn't really like the feeling. I definitely ate more than I normally would for dinner. Also, I didn't want any vegetables I think because I was hungry. Will do breakfast tomorrow. Was not super hungry after dinner. Got hungry right before bed, but went to bed./i]


Weights and a 10 minute walk changed up my weights, going to try to start shifting to more bike riding and walking less weights.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:20 pm

Been dealing with teen drama here. Pretty much all my 17 year olds friends dropped her over a small misunderstanding. Because they are girls, when one girl in the group had a problem with her, They ALL had a problem, they ALL blocked her, including her one close friend who is friends with the friend group. I am so sad for her. :( It's especially bad timing as they were her only social interaction during the pandemic. Kids can be so mean to each other. They blocked her on all their apps, and set up a new pinterest board for them to all talk and hang out for their future roommate ideas (of which she was supposed to be one) that she can see, but of course can't access. YUCK. :(

June 2 2020


9am: 1 bowl of all-fiber cereal with strawberries, banana, crushed walnuts, and milk. coffee with half and half
I didn't feel obviously hungry but my stomach was empty enough that when I drank water it hurt because it was in the middle of a pang. Not sure if that happens to anyone else... I think in the morning my hunger signals are very muted, but they are there. Logically if I haven't eaten for 14-16 hours, I am probably hungry

1:15 pm 1 serving of leftover baked ziti
I found it so much easier to just eat to satisfaction when I wasn't starving for lunch. Although breakfast was not a lot it kept me going just fine for about 4 hours.

5:30 pm 1.5 servings of stirfry bake with vegetables and chicken. 1 bowl of berries with milk 1 decaf coffee with milk
was not as ravenous at dinner as yesterday, was craving some milk


Bike 27 min
10 min walk
Last edited by pinkhippie on Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:24 pm

Oh my gosh that is horrible what those girls are doing to your daughter. How painful for her, and for you, as her mother, to have to see her go through that.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jun 03, 2020 5:04 am

Oh gosh, im so sorry. Sweetpea went through the exact same thing her sophomore year. Teens can be down right cruel. She’s still struggling with that same group that turned on her after her ex bf (mr popular) broke up,with her. Its all so ugly but she does have a couple of very close and kind friends now thank goodness. I told her all that bs goes away once you’re in college or at least it did for me. So painful in the moment though i know. *hugs*
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:09 pm

Oh wow, that's terrible! Why can girls be so mean? I think it's actually much worse these days with social media. I'm so sorry she is experiencing this. I hope they can figure it out, or she can connect with some kinder friends. Big hugs to you both.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:48 pm

Thanks, ladies. I know! Girls really can be so mean.

Linda, poor sweetpea. I am glad she has some good close friends. My 17 year old seems to make friends who have been friends with other girls for a long time so if anything goes down, she is the first to be tossed and the other older friends have more importance. Sigh... I keep telling her the same thing that college or out of high school will be way better.

I let her sign up for an online community geared toward teens and writing art etc... makes me nervous but she seems to be getting something out of the interaction and we had lots of talks about internet safety. But every day now she gets up she tells me she is mad. Which I think is a good healthy reaction. She has her telehealth therapy appointment today, thank goodness and I hope maybe her therapist will have some wisdom.

June 3 2020


9 am: bowl of fiber cereal with raisins and milk, coffee with half and half

1pm 1 serving chicken stir fry bake, half cup yogurt with chopped apple
been experimenting with bigger lunches so I don't overeat at dinner from feeling so hungry added yogurt for protein

5 pm pulled pork tenderloin sandwich, homemade slaw.
was really hungry! Crockpot meals while at home all day are tricky because you smell them all day. this was soooooo good! Best pulled pork I have ever made. My mind wanted to keep eating but my body was full and I managed to not have any seconds although I really wanted to.


20 minutes bike
10 minute walk

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:38 pm

Things seem to be going better for my 17 year old. She has connected with a few old friends. Hopefully, they are decent people.

Yesterday and today my two youngest girls spent all day making barbie clothes out of old socks. They have been having a blast. My 11 year old loves to sew and the 8 year old has to do what the 11 year old does. Now they are ALL 17, 11, and 8 year old playing with barbies in the kiddie pool in the back yard. The 17 year old probably won't last too long, but I love that she will still play with her younger sisters.

June 4 2020


I seem to be maintaining at 159, which is great! Of course, I want to be a little less but this is probably a pretty healthy weight for me. I have already gotten used to how I look, because I spent most of my life around this weight, maybe a little lower so now I look normal to me again. In my head I always look like this, even when I weigh 180 pounds! Ahh denial. :D

10: am coffee with half and half, homemade rice pudding
had some leftover rice and wanted to make some rice pudding. The younger girls had never had it. It was delicious!

1 pm: chicken stir fry bake with yogurt and chopped apple
was hungry, had a really intense bike workout today

5 pm Pulled pork with sauteed onions, barbecue sauce and coleslaw
was so hungry! Ate to satisfaction. Have been hungry for all my 3 meals lately. Maybe I am starting to get used to the 3 meal structure and hunger signals are coming back after all the fasting /i]


25 minutes bike HIIT
10 minute walk

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:13 pm

I'm so glad your daughter has connected with some old friends. I hope she's feeling better. That pulled pork sure sounds good! I'm glad you're in a nice spot with your weight. You seem to be humming right along!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jun 05, 2020 3:20 pm

Thanks Alene! I am in a pretty good spot. It's just that I don't want to be 160 so I have like... a pound of flexibility. Ahh well, my body is pretty stubborn and I should just be grateful that I am easily staying at this weight. I am going to try to be more active in my every day life. I kind of tend to slug around if I am not doing my work out. Our house is small with no stairs so its easy to not take many steps or do much movement in a day. My daughter does seem to be feeling better. She is going to her dad's this weekend so... we will see how she is doing when she gets back.

June 5 2020


9 am 1 bowl of fiber cereal with berries,walnuts, milk, half a piece of cranberry pecan toast with butter, coffee with half and half
I woke up hungry this morning! Like really hungry. It was awesome. I love waking up hungry for breakfast because I like eating breakfast and its much better when I am hungry

2:30 pm 1 bowl of lentil veggie soup, half an apple
had a smaller later lunch because dinner is going to be big. wanted to have plenty of room but not be too hungry from a small lunch

530 pm: 2 homemade baked chicken tenders(pretty good substitute for nuggets, might have to work those in more often) broccoli, honey mustard, oatmeal cake and frozen yogurt.
was hungry for sure! Ate to satisfaction. A small lunch like that guaranteed hunger for dinner, I drank a cup of herbal tea in between lunch and dinner. I think my experiment with smaller vs larger lunches is... at dinner time emotionally and mentally I just want to eat. I think I actually ate less yesterday because my hunger was so strong, I could tell when I was really satisfied. Back to experimenting with smaller lunches.


Going to try to get 6- 7K steps today and go on a small walk. taking a break from bike and weights today. I think my body needs it.
*edit I actually started feeling REALLY antsy around the time I would work out. I went out and did a vigorous 15 minute walk, (ankle was fine yay!) lots of stretching, and then came in and scrubbed out the tracks on the sliding glass door. They really needed it! I think I have gotten used to getting my heart rate up and moving every day around the same time. Fascinating.

Another 15 min walk after dinner yay! 8,600 steps yesterday! Ankle still feels good.
Last edited by pinkhippie on Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by ladybird30 » Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:54 am

Wrestling 70 lbs of reluctant dog in and out of the bath - awesome
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Jun 07, 2020 6:15 pm

Hah! Totally ladybird! He is so annoying! I think he likes it. I have to put a spray on his underbelly once a day for fungus and he forces me to sweep my arms under his legs and then grab him by all four paws and pull him toward me on his back. Then he will lay there completely happily and peacefully. He never yelps or complains and he is a very complainy dog... I think he likes to wrestle. ;) Maybe I can get a picture of him up here since some of us have shared our dogs...

So, yesterday I made the effort to be much more active. Not just exercise but up and moving around more... I wonder if that is what is required for weight loss. That is a habit I guess I need to try to get into more. I am a natural sloth. I love to lay or sit around and read. But besides the weight, it's really not good for me at this stage of my life with my back and my neck, always hurting and feeling stiff. I feel really good when I am walking and moving around. So, new habit to work on. Move more! not just exercise. But NEAT.

Today is the weekend! A bike ride is in the plan! It's super hot out today so we will see...

A tale of two bike rides:

June 6 2020


10 am cereal, milk, berries, almonds, half and half with coffee
was hungry before my ride

3 pm sauteed broccoli, half an apple
was very not hungry after my heat exhaustion

6pm half a chicken sandwich, fries and 3/4 small peanut butter cup blizzard
sometimes, fast food is the food of the gods. After heat exhaustion and a lot of hard work, this tasted AMAZING

Exercise: 6 mile bike ride

in 98 degree weather with humidity at 73%. Ooops! I totally was not acclimated and I got heat exhaustion. I recognized the signs from when my 17-year-old got it a few years ago. I couldn't hear, I thought I would throw up, I was confused, I felt like I was about to faint... yikes! I noticed that everything that shouldn't be hard was REALLY HARD. Luckily once I turned around and rode back a lot of it was downhill so I could recover. lesson learned for the summer. It took me most of the rest of the day to recover.

June 7, 2020


930 am half a multigrain bagel with egg and cheese, greek yogurt with berries, half and half with coffee
we were headed out on another bike ride! I thought maybe I didn't have enough protein and fat yesterday so I tried to eat more of that. Only ate about half because I didn't want to be too full

12:45 half peanut butter and honey sandwich on whole-grain bread, an apple with peanut butter, a glass of milk
After my much better bike ride, was craving peanut butter and bread. This really hit the spot

3 pm: 1 serving of white corn chips with salsa
So, I was REALLY hungry and craving corn chips. I don't usually like corn chips. I think I am recovering from yesterday because I didn't eat much.

6:45 pm 1 serving of enchilada casserole, 1/4 dairy queen blizzard
Dinner was totally satisfying and I really didn't need that blizzard but it was calling to me in the freezer, so I ate it and it was good. :)

Exercise 6.5 mile bike ride

20 min walk

Today was much better! It was slightly less hot. 93 degrees, humidity 61%. I felt more acclimated, I drank more water before I left, and I was careful. I rode the paved trail while my husband rode the accompanying mountain bike trail. This was a great ride! Completely different than yesterday and I felt really good when I was done.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Jun 08, 2020 5:19 pm

Whew! What a weekend saga.

This morning I am still 159 but I noticed my 10's are starting to get a little loose on me. I had a fun little try on old clothes in the closet party this morning. My 8's are a still a little tighter than I would like them, so I am staying in the 10's for now. And of course, this is vanity sizing. I have old pants from the '90s ( no spandex) and they are size 12 and they fit just like size 10's now. But its encouraging since the scale basically says I am the same regardless of my habits and changes every single day.

June 8, 2020


11 am coffee with half and half, half a bagel with 1 over medium egg
I was the opposite of hungry this morning, I think because I ate so much yesterday so I waited for hunger and ate a small amount

1pm serving of chicken enchillada casserole
I was actually pretty hungry and had a hard time stopping but that was all I had served myself for my plate of food

5 30 pm: 1 black bean burger on a bun with green bean fries(all homemade)
No school and no work equals lots of time to experiment in the kitchen! The burgers came out great, not so sure about the green bean fries. I was HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY. Howevver.. we also ended up in this heavy-duty discussion with my 17 year old at the table.

I REALLY REALLy wanted to eat more after dinner. First I was like Screw it! I will have dessert! And then I was like no... you had dessert 3 days in a row, if you have it tonight it will be REALLY hard not to have it tomorrow as well. So I was like fine I will have a SNACK! And then I was like... but you already ate dinner, and you don't snack after dinner... and I was like FINE! I will have a glass of milk! And then I was like Why don't you wait for a little bit since you just had a huge dinner and if you are still hungry, have that glass of milk. And I did, and eventually, I realized I wasn't hungry at all, but EMOTIONALLY I was very hungry. That conversation was upsetting but also one where I pretended it didn't really bother me. That is the number one trigger for emotional eating for me. And it really does feel like hunger. It's so crazy! Anyway once I recognized that I was actually very upset and anxious, the hunger went away. I did a 10 minute walk instead and went to bed feeling good.


15 min walk in the heat to acclimate. Aiming for 7k steps today *edit got 8K!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 3:52 pm

It is SO HARD not to eat emotionally sometimes!! I have an 18 year old son, kids can push our buttons like not other LOL!! Sounds like you did really good! I too can quickly develop a dessert habit or a nightly drink habit where my brain will be CONVINCED that the world will END if I don’t keep the habit rolling :lol:

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:11 pm

Hi Jen! It is SO true about teenagers! Oh my gosh! I really had no idea what I was in store for and I have two more coming up behind the 17 year old. :shock:
Hopefully by then these NO S habits will be rock solid!

I have decided I am going to stop posting my weight unless it changes. 159 every day is getting boring. But good!

After yesterday's recognition of emotional eating, I realized I still can be vulnerable to it, and it's just another reason to continue sticking to No S. It really helps to eliminate and recognize a lot of emotional eating when you don't eat outside of meals.

June 9, 2020

9:30 am protein shake, coffee with half and half
Wasn't really hungry but felt like I should eat something so I wouldn't be overly hungry later like yesterday

1 pm black bean burger with pretzels, half a banana with natural peanut butter
Still craving salt lately, man these pretzels were good! So were the banana and peanut butter. Been craving banana but only going to the store once every two weeks means bananas are only around for about a week. Ate to satisfaction

5:30 broccoli pasta with diced chicken, 1 small bowl of cheerios with banana and milk
Again, this tasted so good and gave me the food happy dance. Was craving and ate to satisfaction


30 minutes stationary bike

Worked on my resistance so my thighs will be less burny on hills!

Steps... taking the day off from walking. Will be lucky to get 4k

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by nettee » Wed Jun 10, 2020 5:24 am

Well done Pinkhippie for resisting the after dinner emotional eating craving. And for keeping up the motivation whilst maintaining. That is the success we all should be aiming for. :D
3 tasty meals a day and loving it

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:24 pm

You did so great managing your desire to eat emotionally!! So huge to recognize what was going on and deal with it in a new way. Well done! Sounds like you are really tuning into what your body wants and eating in a very satisfying way. Yay you!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:23 pm

Thanks Alene and nettee. Emotional eating is a huge hurdle that does seem to pop up when you least expect it.

It is true that keeping up the motivation for maintaining is pretty tough. My original goal 20 something pounds ago was 159 pounds. The morning I reached it I felt oddly let down. Like, my life was exactly the same, except now a little bit harder and more work because I had an exercise habit to maintain now and no snacking. Smaller sizes are awesome and my face looks a little thinner but visually I look pretty similar to how I did before. I understood for the first time why they keep talking about sustainability and how important that is. So, I have been doing my best to maintain my habits, in order to maintain my weight and that is really where the beauty of No S comes in.

June 10 2020

9 am: coffee with half and half, bowl of all fiber cereal with peaches, milk and almonds.
I was hungry and this was delicous

1pm: leftover pasta with broccoli and chicken
was quite hungry. I am back to working on eating more slowly and I think it helped me to feel satisfied with my one serving

530 pm: 1. 5 hot dogs, snack size bag of chips and green beans.
was very hungry and this tasted amazing. I almost ate at 3 but decided to have tea instead and I was glad I did. Dinner tasted delicious. Ate to fullness and satisfaction


18 minute brisk walk yay! Ankle and foot felt pretty good. I am slowly getting to my 30 minute 3 times a week goal

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:19 pm

I 100% agree with you on finding a way of eating that is truly sustainable for you as an individual. That's really the ticket, and then being consistent with it. I am loving reading your food diary and the way you are enjoying your food and eating to satiety. So wonderful!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Thu Jun 11, 2020 4:03 pm

I realized that about weight too!! At a certain point for me weighing a little less for me seems like it makes my life worse & not better. Life is too short to miss out on things like pizza night, warm cookies out of the oven, or brownies & ice cream!! No matter what I weighted I never felt like I was happy with it either but when I look at pictures where I was thinner my faces looks older :lol: When I was “not dieting” & pushing the upper limits of my set point weight didn’t feel good either. That’s what I love about No S, it’s sustainable!!!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Jun 11, 2020 6:59 pm

Thanks Alene and Jen!

Alene, I am glad you like reading my food diary, I feel like it has got to be boring sometimes, but it is really helpful for me to be able to look back on and see patterns. I have been working on eating what I really want rather than what I think is low cal and "healthy" and that is a tricky line to walk since I DO want to be healthy. I can't deny though when I eat what I really want it's all about the happy food dance and it is much easier to stop at satisfied rather than too full.

Jen, yes exactly! My face looks older when it's thinner too. Although there is a sweet spot( I think I'm in it) where it looks younger. And if I have extra weight I look older, I think because of the chin.

Sustainable is absolutely the name of the game!

June 11 2020

9 am: 1 pancake with natural peanut butter and half a banana
The kids wouldn't stop talking about pancakes yesterday so I got a craving. I wanted peanut butter and banana too so this ended up being delicious and satisfying. In the morning, I often don't feel my hunger as strongly by the time I sit down to breakfast so I just have a reasonable portion and stop eating when I'm done. I don't usually feel the satisfaction feeling, just have to wing it. My stomach growls very strongly when I first get up but then will go away until much later, and I don't usually want to wait that long until breakfast.

1pm: a plum, a turkey sandwich on a bagel with fresh cucumber and tomato with mustard, salt, and pepper and some pretzels
Yum yum! This hit the spot. I was telling myself I "should" have soup but I realized I REALLY didn't want soup. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted, roaming the cupboards in between fixing my kid's lunch. I think I may have let myself get a little too hungry before lunch. Probably because I had a pancake for breakfast... So hungry I couldn't focus in on what I wanted. Anyway, I was able to figure it out and it was delicious! Ate to satisfaction

3 pm: a serving of plain Greek yogurt with half a banana
I felt really hungry and decided to experiment with a small protein snack to see if it made a difference in how I came to dinner. I felt a bit better after the snack, was lightheaded and feeling bad. a possible culprit is that lunch was extremely low fat. Maybe should have had a fat snack...

5:45 pm 1 1/2 sweet potato spinach quesadillas with salsa
I was actually pretty hungry. I started feeling hungry again around 4:30 despite my snack. It was easier to stop eating at satisfied.

I have realized that mentally and emotionally I want to eat a LOT at dinner. My brain tells me to eat a lot even when I don't need it and I don't want to stop eating. There is a psychological aspect to dinner that I have had for a long time where I feel like eating a lot. I think this habit is holding me back. Coming to dinner really hungry makes it really hard to stop eating when I have reached satisfaction. But no matter how hungry I am , I want to eat a lot at dinner. That is why fasting and only eating two meals was good because I could eat a lot for dinner but still not be eating too much in a day. However, the habit of eating a ton at dinner stayed the same with fasting. It's not changing the habit.

The new habit I want to develop is to eat a smaller dinner and feel satisfied. Today I actually stopped eating before I felt satisfied but I told myself that I could eat in 20 minutes if I was still hungry. After 20 minutes I felt satisfied and full. I think that is one reason I often overeat at dinner time. I have to stop BEFORE satisfaction and that is hard. I think I must eat really fast at dinner, as it is the least peaceful meal of my day. The whole family, the kids, demands, etc... I am going to try to be aware of all that.


30 minutes on Stationary bike no HIIT just higher resistance

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:54 pm

I like your food thoughts diary too (: I like how you base it on satisfaction & not just some arbitrary amount!! I know for me without satisfaction I’m left still wanting more even if I am technically full!!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jun 12, 2020 9:37 pm

Thanks Jen! I am glad you like it! It really helps me a lot.

So, surely it is amazing to be able to be the same weight every single day for 3 weeks only varying by about half to 3/4 of a pound right? I feel like that has to be an accomplishment. :)

June 12 2020

8:30 am half a banana coffee with half and half
Tried an experiment today where I choked down a piece of fruit even though I wasn't hungry to see if it would get my appetite going so that then I could enjoy breakfast.

10:30 am 2 eggs scrambled with tomato, spinach, peppers, onion, and cheese
My little experiment worked. I was really hungry and not for anything foo foo. I wanted savory and filling and vegetables. Which is not normal for me at all. Definitely ate to satisfaction

1:45pm Peanut butter and banana open-faced sandwich with plum and glass of milk
waited until I was hungry, may have waited too long, its a really delicate balance between just right hunger and going to eat the furniture hunger for me. I tried to eat a little more slowly, even though I was very hungry. After the savory breakfast, I wanted a foo foo carby sweet lunch. So, maybe it doesn't matter. I will naturally balance what I want to eat. Ate to satisfaction

3 pm decaf coffee with half and half
was feeling a little peckish.. This helped.

5:30 chicken nuggets, honey Mustard, broccoli, frozen yogurt
was hungry but not too hungry and ate to satisfaction

I notice it's much easier to not overeat at dinner on Fridays when I know I'm having dessert. I happily save room. Maybe I should think of something small and non desserty I can have on weekdays with dinner to help me not eat more than I need. Like a piece of fruit. I love fruit and I feel like with no snacking I eat a lot less of it than I used to.

Exercise 15 minute walk 30 minutes of yoga in lieu of lifting weights. Felt good for that tight neck and shoulder.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jun 13, 2020 1:15 pm

Totally get about being let down once you reach a goal weight. I think that’s why I would try to get to a lower and lower weight no matter what weight I reached. Definitely not healthy but whenever I think about reaching my goal weight it’s like “then what”? I’ve been dieting and trying to get to a lower weight for 42 years. It’s hard to imagine not having that goal anymore as odd as that sounds. Especially when the clouds don’t part and one’s life doesn’t suddenly become perfect at the new lower weight. But yes there is maintenance which can be just if not more challenging than getting the weight off sometimes. Anyways, not sure what my point is but I definitely can relate. Still you should be proud of yourself having the discipline to stick to NoS and reach your goal.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Sat Jun 13, 2020 3:28 pm

I love your "food thoughts" diary as well. :-) But even if we all found it boring, it's for you, so you keep doing you. :-)

Speaking as someone in maintenance, I can attest that for those of us that are genetically more likely to gain weight on processed foods, there is no "easier" once goals are achieved. I will always have to be careful. If I avoid all processed foods and eat only whole foods I prepare at home, I'm golden. But we all know that processed food temptations are around every corner (and for those of us with kids, literally we feel surrounded).
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Jun 13, 2020 4:18 pm

Linda yes I know what you mean. Trying to lose weight has been a focus of my life for so many years now. I feel lost when I don't have it to focus on anymore.

Auto, I know so true, this is for me, I ought not to worry about other people. But I do appreciate that other people read this as well.

Yes, I hear you about kids with processed foods! And a husband too... I was thinking the other day about how much energy I put into trying to eat more healthily in my family surrounded by processed foods and junk, and trying to encourage healthy eating on the kids part and fix their meals and mine and its kind of exhausting! I can't remember if I have mentioned it before, but my husband has a sensory issue that he seems to have passed down to the kids and he eats about 5 things. When I was young and single it was way easier to eat however I wanted to. And pizza. Pizza has come to dominate my life. I almost never ate pizza as a young single person. Or even when I was married to my ex-husband. He is a foodie and he did all the cooking.


June 13 2020

157.8 (I have been at 159.0 for daaaaaays, we will see if this stays.)

9:30 am: coffee with half and half 1/4 of a banana
This worked so well yesterday, I decided to try it again. I slept in and the growling of my stomach woke me up. However, by the time I made it into the kitchen I wasn't hungry anymore. After I ate the banana I decided to do my work out and see if that got my hunger going and so far at 11 am I got nothing. I may just eat an early lunch

12:45 pm Open-faced tuna fish sandwich melt with tomato, 1/2 a peach, small handful of pretzels
Surprisingly, I was hungry but not like FAMISHED the way I was yesterday. It was a good level of hunger. I have been having my sandwiches open-face lately because I have been feeling like two pieces of bread overpowers the filling. I really wanted more than half a peach but I had to share with my girls. We only have one peach left! The sandwich was delicious, just what I wanted. I was still slightly not satisfied so I ate a few pretzels and then felt satisfied.

3 45pm 3/4 banana
I was hungry / lightheaded and I could have waited
.. But why? I don't have a problem waiting until hunger...I can easily deprive myself when I'm extremely hungry. That's not my goal. So I ate the banana to tide me over. It was good! I was not light headed anymore and it felt like I was taking care of myself. I was still a little bit hungry but that was fine.

530 ish: 2 small pieces of grilled chicken pizza, broccoli and ranch. 1 scoop of rainbow Sherbet.
I was hungry. I was able to eat slowly and eat to satisfaction without stuffing myself. I think because of that banana!

Exercise: 30 min on Stationary Bike
Stretching 20 minutes ( I am sooooo inflexible (especially my hamstrings)but I have been stretching every night before bed for about 3 weeks because I discovered it really helps with my restless legs, and after my workout, I was pleased to discover that I could stretch much further than before with my nice warm muscles. I am going to continue to try to work that in on a daily basis

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:04 am

Yay for a drop in weight (: Always feels nice to see progress!!

Processed foods are something that interests me. My daughter who is 14 has no issues with them. She also has no interest in eating emotIonally :lol: She listens to music or uses other coping mechanisms. My son however says he has to remind himself not to eat when he’s bored. He once told me he can tell if he’s hungry or not if a banana sounds good to him. that he always wants a cookie but only wants a banana if he’s actually hungry :lol: I’ve figured out how to include them in a way that works but they override hunger & fullness so I have to be really intentional when I include them!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:50 pm

Jen yes it is interesting. One thing I have noticed, is that if I eat processed foods mindfully, especially fast food for example. I actually don't eat much of it at a sitting because it fills me up very quickly. It's easy to eat mindlessly though, so yes eating with intention is important. Sounds like your kids do an awesome job listening to their bodies! I love how your 14-year-old is already aware that he knows he isn't hungry if a banana doesn't sound good.

June 14 2020

157.4 (BMI 23.6)

10 am: 1 waffle with syrup and 1/4 banana, 1 piece bacon and coffee with half and half
I was not hungry, but this is a twice-monthly family breakfast that we do. I added a banana because I love banana lately and just ate a reasonable portion. I feel like in the morning I don't really feel the food in my stomach when I eat. I don't know if that is because its soooo empty from not eating for so many hours or what. I also don't know if its wasted food or if it helps me not feel as hungry later on. I would imagine the latter. Im going to experiment with having larger breakfasts this week and see how I feel.

1:30 2 pieces small grilled chicken pizza with fresh veggies added, half an apple
I don't know if I ate to satisfaction. I was hungry when I ate. Not in a growly stomach way but a fantasizing about food looking forward to it way. I planned out what I was going to eat, and had a phone call in 10 minutes so I ate what I had planned and ran. Felt hungry about 3 hours later

5 pm: 1 serving of chicken broccoli casserole, 1/4 banana, a glass of milk
I was hungry. I noticed that after I ate my plateful of food I REALLY wanted to get seconds. I had served myself 1 serving. But, I thought about it for a little bit and I realized that every time I actually eat more and get seconds, I always end up feeling like I ate too much. So, I decided to wait about 20 minutes and if I was still hungry I would have more. Then I remembered I was going to try to leave room for a little fruit with dinner. The must eat more fever passed in less than 5 minutes and then I had room for a little bit of banana and milk, which was delicious and left me feeling satisfied. I was pretty happy with that and must remember that for the future

Also had some thoughts about dinner as a meal that I want to write more about... but have to put kids to bed. Just putting this here to remind me for later.


Today is my day off... I did lots of cleaning today and this morning, so I think my steps might reach 7k We will see...

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Mon Jun 15, 2020 2:15 pm

Loving reading your thoughts on your meals. Thanks for taking the time to do it, as I know it's helpful for you, but for your readers as well. :)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Mon Jun 15, 2020 4:00 pm

Pink, I do the same thing with fruit, especially when I’m having highly palatable foods. If I think I want more, asking if I want fruit gets down to if it’s just my tastbuds that want more or if my body actually needs more :lol:

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:50 pm

Thanks Alene! I am so glad that you find it helpful! Its funny that we have reached the point where eating requires this level of analysis and checking in, but I think for so many of us, our mind is driving our eating and not our body. I have come to realize that more and more by keeping my food journal on here.

Jen, yes it is a good way to check in and see if you really want more, I will remember it for the future.

So... Dinner thoughts. I have realized that it is usually the worst meal of the day for me. I typically eat breakfast alone while my kids do whatever they do. Lunch is sometimes with the kids but it is relatively peaceful. They don't ask for seconds, there are usually not a lot of dishes to wash.. my husband isn't here. I don't really cook, just make pbj and throw some pretzels on a plate. Dinner is a completely different story! I usually feel stressed. Making dinner itself is sometimes stressful. Serving dinner is somewhat stressful. Are they going to eat it? What can I do to make it more palatable for them? I am not relaxed when I sit down, I am more like whew I finally finished running the race! The whole family is at the table. Sometimes my teen is being annoying, sometimes the little girls are fighting. Sometimes my husband is grumpy. Somehow I always have to jump up and down and get people stuff, even though often my husband tries to help. I usually have a bunch of dishes to do right after dinner. Hmmm can't imagine why I wouldn't want to stop eating... This may be why it's much easier for me to stop eating with takeout or at restaurants or on Fridays when husband makes nuggets. I am relaxed because I didn't have to do the cooking or the cleanup.

I am not sure of the solution because I really value modeling eating healthy food with the family. I don't know if it makes any difference though. Also, the evening is usually kind of busy after dinner until bedtime. I am not sure I could fit in a relaxing meal later. However, today because of my bigger breakfast, I am going to eat lunch later than I normally do. It's possible I will not be hungry at dinnertime. In that case, I can delay my eating until later. I'm going to talk to my husband about my findings and enlist his support.

June 15, 2020


930 am: Protein cranberry oatmeal, half a slice of cranberry pecan bread with butter, coffee with half and half
So, I decided since I am not really hungry in the morning like I can tell my body needs food but I have no tuning into what it wants, that I will have this fall back breakfast if I can't figure it out after about an hour or so of being up. It has lots of protein, fiber, and well... I have like 5 boxes in my pantry that really need to be used! I had to order it in bulk after my store stopped carrying it. I used to eat two packets every morning when I was in school and couldn't eat a meal until 3 or so. I did experiment with a larger breakfast today and I finally felt almost full after breakfast. It was nice.

215pm open face tuna melt, 1 whole peach
Here we are going to get into the nitty-gritty of my hunger. Around 12:50 I served my kids' lunch. I checked in with myself and I wasn't hungry. My brain thought eating now might be good because everyone else was. I got busy cleaning out the pantry and completely forgot about it. Around 1:15 food popped into my mind again. Around 1:30, my planned tuna melt started sounding better to me, but I still didn't feel HUNGRY. At 2 I was really thinking about food more often and my stomach felt empty, and then at 2:15 suddenly it was TIME TO EAT. I was hungry and lightheaded. In retrospect, I think I could have eaten between 1:45 and 2:15. I might have waited too long, but I am not sure. Still figuring it out. Anyway, I ate to satisfaction

630 pm 1 black bean and corn quesadilla with sour cream and salsa
due to the late lunch, I wasn't hungry until about 6:30. Although I didn't' feel ravenous when I ate I was able to tune into hunger and fullness. I think THAT is the level of hunger I should be aiming for. More gentle, less lightheaded starving. I also ate by myself and found it much more relaxing and easy to pay attention to my food. It was much easier to stop eating when I was satisfied.

My goal is to stop waiting to be ravenous before eating and be more at a gentle hunger level. I like to wait when I first feel hunger to make sure I am hungry but I think I wait too long.

Exercise: 20-minute walk
light weights but they were too much for my neck, going back to yoga for a while.
Last edited by pinkhippie on Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Mon Jun 15, 2020 7:31 pm

I'm very interested to see what experiments/tweaks you will do and how things go for the dinner hour. I think virtually all of us moms on this forum can relate to your situation, and there is no easy solution. But you probably will have some great ideas, and I'll be listening!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jun 16, 2020 3:10 pm

Thanks auto! Nothing too earth-shattering here. I talked with my husband and we decided that on M- Thur I will have dinner after the kids. He said they are older now and don't need my healthy eating modeling as much. I suppose that could be somewhat true... also I haven't ever seen it make a difference. But, Usually after dinner, there is a lull when the family plays video games together/and or the kids go outside to play during nice weather and during that time is the best time for me to eat. So I am going to aim to be the right level of hunger to eat around then.

But, I think also this might not be permanent. I may just need the practice of eating dinner in a calm relaxed not getting anything for anyone kind of way.

We talked to the kids and explained how when mommy was eating dinner, they were not to bother me with requests and come over and start fighting. They could come talk to me, but not ask for stuff. Of course, my 8-year-old came over almost the minute I sat down and said she was still hungry and wanted me to get up and get her seconds. I stuck to my resolve and told her she would have to wait until I was done and then I felt horribly guilty for about 5 minutes even though obviously she was fine and had already eaten. So this is good! It is bringing out issues I have with setting boundaries with my kids for myself and my feelings of guilt. Maybe dinner is tied into trying to be the best mom ever since it is one of the MAJOR things I do for them every day and I take pride in and feel guilt in the food I serve them. Things to ponder, but I will continue to do this and see what else it brings up.

Maybe dinner is about focusing on everyone else's needs and therefore not focusing on my own... ah hah!

June 16 2020

10 am: 1 slice of banana bread with peanut butter
Was hungry, had promised the kids banana bread this morning. Yum! It was a good day for it because we have to eat lunch a little early as the kids have dentist appointments right after lunch. I didn't necessarily feel full but I did feel satisfied.

1pm: A turkey sandwich with cucumber, tomato pickle and mustard with half an apple
Had to eat a little early because of the dentist's appointment. Even though I didn't feel super hungry, I really enjoyed my sandwich and was able to feel when I reached fullness. I am wondering if for me, say on a scale of 0-10 where 5 is neutral and ) is as hungry as you can get, I think I am at a 3 or something but I am actually at a 0. Anyway, the hunger scale drives me mad but that is the only way I could think of to describe it

5:30 pm: 1 black bean and cheese quesadilla with yogurt and salsa, 2 apple slices
I was fairly hungry. I felt a little traumatized after the dentist. I hate taking the kids and especially now, I was stressed. I wanted to just eat when I got home but I didn't. My brain really wanted something sweet after dinner as like a reward or a stress reliever but it is an N day, so I just made myself a chamomile latte with milk

Ate dinner with the kids today because I had to eat lunch early so was hungry at the time of their dinner. Before I sat down I made sure they had everything they needed and then announced that mommy wasn't getting up at all for anything until I finished my dinner. Dinner was actually pretty quiet and peaceful. Maybe because it was just the kids and me, my husband was not sitting down with us. They also might have been a bit subdued after the dentist. :)


30 minutes Stationary Bike High resistance and getting stronger!

Last edited by pinkhippie on Wed Jun 17, 2020 3:04 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Tue Jun 16, 2020 3:32 pm

I have the hardest time finding satisfaction during stressful meal times too!! And it is SO HARD to be the mom. We feel so much responsibility for everyone’s happiness & guilty when they aren’t happy. I heard once that it’s important for moms not to take responsibilty for their kids happiness because it keeps them from finding it on their own, which is a really important life skill, & I try to remind myself of that when I find myself feeling responsible :lol:

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:44 pm

I'm so glad you set some boundaries at dinner and had a peaceful experience. Go you! :)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Jun 17, 2020 3:58 pm

Jen those are some good words of wisdom right there and I need to remember them. Thank you.

Alene yes! It is surprising how hard it is to set boundaries! I think for me, a lot of my emotional eating has almost always been about not expressing or recognizing my needs and so trying to meet them with food. It now makes perfect sense to me that I want to eat lots of food at dinner.

Yesterday I had to take the kids to the dentist and that was incredibly stressful. The 8-year-old needed SIX fillings on every side of her mouth and the 11-year-old had two. They did great, but it was stressful to be out. We wore masks and washed our hands 8 zillion times and they had protocols in place but I haven't been around that many people and I haven't had my kids out since the pandemic started. I REALLY wanted to reward eat at dinner last night or have a dessert. I honestly couldn't tell if I was still hungry because emotional need and hunger feel exactly the same to me. So I just didn't eat after dinner and had tea instead. The structure of No S was incredibly helpful here. I had less debate time in my head about whether I should eat something. Its an N day, so nothing after dinner. I felt fine when I went to bed so I would say that was some serious emotional hunger.

June 17 2020


9:30 coffee with half and half, 1 piece banana bread with peanut butter
This is not the most filling breakfast, and I predict it will lead to a bit earlier lunch. But, its so yummy and it is worth it. The bread is almost gone now so tomorrow should be a more substantial breakfast. Was not really full after breakfast.

1 pm open faced egg salad sandwich, half an apple
I was hungry earlier but had to wait for the eggs to boil. :)

4 pm a few slices of turkey
I was sooo hungry! Light headed and felt bad

545 pm half a ham steak, spinach with garlic, sweet potato
this was soooo good! I was so hungry! Ate to fullness and satisfaction

It was a really hungry day for me today. I felt hungry between every meal and after dinner.


15 min vigorous walk
Last edited by pinkhippie on Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Wed Jun 17, 2020 5:07 pm

I felt the same way when I was going out in the beginning of all of this. I’d come home feeling anxious & wanting time eat! Great job not giving in to that!! It always feels like such a victory when you make it without using food as a crutch :D

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:14 pm

Sorry about your very stressful outing to the dentist. That is a lot of cavities for the 8 year old! Poor thing.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Jun 18, 2020 5:00 pm

Thanks Jen! It does feel like a victory!

Auto, yeah I felt bad for her. We have started a toothbrushing challenge at home. A star earned for every day they brush morning and night. My 11 year old was already great at this but my 8 year old... is not. I have it going for 30 days. I hope that will help set the habit. We brushed her teeth for her for so many years, and we still help on occasion but man it would be nice not to have to anymore. 17 year old is also in this challenge. She takes terrible care of her teeth but genetics keeps her from getting terrible cavities.

I tried the waist measurement mentioned in autos journal. I took my height in inches 68.5 and divided it by 31 inches which is my natural waist to equal .45 . I tried it with the tape over my navel which is 33 inches and that was .48. I am glad to see that it is a healthy level of fat. It's so funny because I was bemoaning my stomach in the mirror just this morning. It doesn't look the same after 3 kids no matter how much weight I lose or how much I exercise.

June 18, 2020

155.8 (155 is technically my solid goal, so this felt weird. I am only 10 pounds away from my lowest adult weight ever, and 155 is the weight I spent most of my pre-kid adult life. But I don't look the same as I did when I was 20! :lol: )

9:30 am coffee with half and half, cranberry pecan oatmeal with ground flaxseed and berries
I was so excited to find out today that my flaxseed in my pantry has never been opened. I thought it had and was maybe bad. But it had a good date and it was sealed so yay! I like the addition of flaxseed to instant oatmeal. It helps cut down on the sweetness and gives it a bit more heft. This will be my new go-to breakfast for a while I think unless I have a craving for something else. I was hungry when I sat down to eat, and satisfied when I was done.

1 pm 1 bowl of minestrone sausage soup, 1 piece cheese toast, half an apple
Experimenting with levels of fullness for lunch. Have been eating only until hunger is gone but can't feel food in stomach. I am now trying to eat a bit more where I can start to feel the food in my stomach. A delicate dance. I have been doing better with gentle hunger though. Was hungry but not ravenous for lunch

515 pm 1 bowl of chickpea Curry with basamati rice. 1 serving trail mix
felt good level of hungry. Did not feel starving between lunch and dinner like yesterday, ate to very slight fullness and could barely feel food in my stomach and it was not uncomfortable. Also new recipe that I was nervous about and it was delish

I felt really good today. I wasn't hungry all day like yesterday and it was so nice.

I have been enlisting my husband's help for dinner and that has helped a lot with the stress before dinner. He doesn't cook or anything but he gets sauces, gets drinks, cuts meats, etc... It really helps and I have always turned down his help before like the mom martyr I am trying not to be.


30 hardcore minutes on my stationary bike. I am finally strong enough to start really working hard and working on my cardio and that makes me happy because my cardio health really needs improving. I love to see my average heart rate rise a little bit with each ride.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:09 pm

It sounds like you're getting into a sweet spot with your food amounts! You must be feeling very encouraged that your weight has dropped down so nicely. :) Your exercise is going great too. So great to see you doing so well and feeling so good!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:32 pm

Pinkie, have you heard of this crazy bike called the C.A.R.O.L.?
It supposedly gets you done in 8 minutes, and calibrates to your fitness level. Here's a quick video of the protocol:
If I were into biking, I'd be intrigued. It's probably ridiculously expensive. I just checked - it's $3000. :roll:
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jun 19, 2020 5:32 pm

Thanks Alene! I am really happy with how things are going.

Auto holy expensive! That is even more than the peleton! It sure looks cool though, I am going to email my husband the link. Not that we would spend 3K on a stationary bike for me but it looks awesome.

I haven't been at this low weight so easily and sustainably since before my second child. I think one of the differences this time is that I am coming from a different place. I was working very hard on body acceptance and I was genuinely happy with myself at a higher weight. But, I started noticing that it was harder to walk and be active, and I didn't feel as good. I seemed to have more niggling little health problems. One night in late January laying in bed with my husband, I said " I would like to be a little bit thinner". And right after that, I started taking steps to get to a lower weight. But it wasn't coming from a place of hatred or desperation, it was just a recognition that I wanted to change my body size and get more healthy because a lower body size worked better for me. Always before it was coming from a desperate hatred and I would do whatever it took(crazy restriction, crazy exercise) to get to a lower weight, and then not be able to maintain and rebound like a crazy rubber band person. So, I feel really good and really hopeful. My exercise too seems pretty maintainable, it's not super intense like previous exercise habits. :)

June 19 2020

I'm going to try no more times, they are almost always the same. just B L D because I have figured out I am usually hungry every 3-4 hours. I also have figured out that I basically do a 16/8 protocol with 3 meals, which is probably why I get hungry so quickly. I prefer 3 smaller meals in a shorter time frame though.

B: pecan cranberry oatmeal, berries, ground flaxseed, coffee with half and half

L: Apple peanut butter sandwich, a half serving of trail mix
This was not what I had planned at all(had planned black beans and rice) but suddenly I was CRAVING peanut butter and peanuts. Can you tell? :lol: This tasted delicious and I ate to satisfaction

D: 5 chicken nuggets, honey mustard, broccoli 1 lemon square, glass of milk
Oh I miscalculated with the lemon square! My mother in law dropped them off and as I ate it I could feel my throat being sore which is the prime alert that it is high sugar. But, I had eaten dinner with protein and fat so figured it was ok. NO. I got such a head rush, it took me almost an hour to recover afterward. It's why I had the milk. The annoying thing, I was full so I didn't want to eat anything else to combat it. Lesson learned on the lemon squares. It's why I like ice cream so much. It's got a good amount of fat and protein and it doesn't give me a head rush.

Exercise: 20-minute walk ( getting closer to my goal!)

Reached 8.5K steps yesterday! Amazing!
Last edited by pinkhippie on Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Joined: Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:49 pm
Location: Colorado

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:05 pm

Pink: That is so awesome about the lower weight!! I think you’re so right about the mindset behind it. Out of body hate comes desperation & unrealistic expectations, out of love comes more patience, compassion, less pressure for perfection & therefore more sustainable & better results!!

Awesome about being able to workout more again!! I always love getting back into it after a forced rest period :D

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