April's Keep it Simple at 50

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Thu Aug 13, 2020 8:57 pm

I am turning 50 in few days, and am committing to a weekly check-in for one year, hoping to reach my goal before my next birthday!

Here are my 3 rules to "keep it simple" on No-S:

#1 Three Meals per Day. Seven days a week.
Anything is allowed if it fits on one plate (virtual or actual), including sweets.

#2 Three Exceptions per Week.
One Snack OR one second helping/larger meal counts as one exception.

#3 Don't add any more rules.
Keep it Simple!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by Soprano » Thu Aug 13, 2020 9:41 pm

Simpler the better, good luck

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Thu Aug 13, 2020 10:20 pm

Thanks, Soprano. I love reading other's signature quotes, I think yours will be stuck on replay in my head for a while!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by Soprano » Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:21 am

Thanks, it resonated with me in respect of a new hobby I took up some years ago and seemed appropriate here.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:19 pm

I've always loved Soprano's siggy too! :-)
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:28 pm

Check In:

Day One Green
Day Two - Red, so very very Red....could have colored in my whole calendar day with a red marker....
Day Three Green
Day Four Green - and very healthy food choices today
Day Five Green

Scale - Holding Steady

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by healthyskillz » Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:27 pm

4/5 greens! Good work! Keep it up!
"Not giving up = winning!" // healthyskillz.tumblr.com
F/30-ish. BED recovered. Mod: pre-dinner fruit.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:08 pm

Hi April! Looks like you are off to a strong start! I like how you are keeping it simple.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:23 pm

Hey there April!
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by Octavia » Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:05 pm

Happy upcoming birthday April! 🎂

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:50 am

Thank you all for your stopping by and supportive comments! :D

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Fri Aug 28, 2020 11:01 am

Remainder of week one
19th Green
20th Green

Week 2 (Fri-Thurs)
8/21-8/26 All Green!
3 Plates each day and used all 3 permitted exceptions:

1. Frosted Carrot Cup Cake mid afternoon
2. Seconds for Pizza night
3. Cheese and Crackers afternoon snack

Scale-same, but pants feeling looser the past few days and more energy, NSV!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Thu Sep 10, 2020 1:26 pm

One Red Day since last check in (yay!). Feeling good, walking 6 days a week one-two miles. This helps me to be hungry for quality food, not junk. AND my sweet tooth is WAY better, like don't even crave heavy desserts accept for jelly on toast this past week.

Using a 7 day running average for weight as I fluctuate 1-3 pounds in a week/month surely due to hormones mostly at my age :oops:

It is more helpful than just weighing once in a while as I can see a trend.

Holding steady a 8 pounds down - 43 more to go to be a top of normal BMI.

This was a very filling meal:

Pot Roast
Green Salad with Greek Dressing

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:24 am

great job on your consistent routine!
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Tue Sep 22, 2020 10:53 am

Mostly on Plan with one or two bigger meals than usual for supper the last two days. Weight holding steady. Having some extreme hunger between meals even though eating more healthy foods. Maybe PMS hunger...

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Tue Sep 22, 2020 2:39 pm

Hang in there! And don't forget the protein! It's the most satiating thing you can eat to tide you over between meals.
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:22 pm

Mostly on Plan since last check in with one PMS day super-fail....I don't have a red pen that red!!!

Any way, that was four days ago and I am now down one more pound. :D

Back on track. Having soup for breakfast frequently which is an odd breakfast item but filling and low cal. Most days had soup, accept for the peanut butter waffle extravaganza on my red day mentioned above. Plus two chocolate bars at bedtime..

Carrying on....

PS I am thankful for just the one red day as it was a wee bit stresstull when we found out our son who is away at college has covid. However his symptoms were so mild he was very surprised he tested positive. 10 days in and has ONLY stuffy nose, mild sore throat and occasional headache. NO fever, NO cough. Praising and thanking the Lord. We have been told it is highly unlikely that he will get any worse which is very comforting for Mama Bear.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Mon Sep 28, 2020 9:31 pm

Glad you are back on track. So glad your son is having a mild experience with COVID.
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Thu Oct 01, 2020 12:53 pm

Yesterday's meals - posting for my own benefit as I slept great and feel great today thinking my meal choices had a bit to do with that. Surprisingly lower animal protein than normal which is interesting.

B Cup of Butternut squash soup, egg and toast (odd combo but good!)

L Two giant spoonfuls of Peanut Butter spread on 8 Ritz Crackers, variety of raw veggies (no dip), Grapes, couple olives, cheese stick, half of a chocolate bar. ( a charcuterie board lunch minus the actual meat!)

D very small pork chop (like 2 ounces maybe), green beans, bowl of granola cereal

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by Jen1974 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:20 pm

My son caught COVID at college too! He is quarantining at home now while we are traveling. He had mild symptoms too, one day where he felt pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as I’ve seen him feel with other things!!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:10 pm

Jen - so sorry for the late reply I am very much a random poster..how is your son now is he recovered??

Update - scale down two full pounds, pants are loose!

I have been been playing with intermittent fasting so I am having my 3 plates in a more condensed time "window" having lunch/supper/bedtime snack most days. Most days I feel full with less food, and black coffee and water in the mornings surprisingly is just fine for me to make it to lunch.

Recent meals

1 pm Lunch: Chicken Salad & Soup, Hershey Bar
6 pm Dinner: Steak, Baked Potato and Salad
8 pm Bedtime Snack: Peanut Butter Toast

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:57 pm

Thanks to reading this in Jen1974's thread I am getting back to basics (why do I push the limits so much - keep it simple!!)

"too much effort backfires for me & I’m better off with a looser, 3 meals a day, don’t worry about the rest approach."

Back to normal meal times and normal meals, the increased hunger following several days of delaying breakfast and using IF with NO S has not been good for me! Need to loosen the reigns a bit....

Weight still holding steady.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:44 pm

Hi April!

I also had that kind of rubberband hunger after stopping IF. I did it for months and it took quite a while to recover.

I agree with going back to the basics. It's what I am working on right now too. It's funny how hard that can be sometimes.

Hope you are having a good start to your week!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by Octavia » Sat Oct 24, 2020 10:47 am

Yes, the basics can be so challenging. In its own way, No S does require a lot of willpower - to not snack at all, to not eat sweets for five (frequently challenging, tough, stressful) days in a row - it is radical. But it’s also simple, and the habit does grow. I’m currently trying to shrink my meals a bit, and wondering if it’ll backfire - but I guess we have to try these things! Onwards!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Oct 30, 2020 6:39 pm

Hi April!

How is it going?
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:46 pm

Pink - thanks so much for stopping by to check in with me! :D

Confession, I did a fasting experiment with the full intention of it being just an experiment, the results were this:

5 pounds lost in 10 days. Astounded. Amazed. Hooked - lock stock and barrel. Then, "compensatory eating" happened resulting in 4 pounds gained back in 5 days. AND WORSE THAN THAT it was a complete OCD trigger. After my regain of most of what I lost not seeing the forest for the trees... I wanted to go longer and longer with the fasting, this really scared me at how obsessed I became in such a short period of time!!! I am glad I realized before too long that this is not good for ME...although I do believe it is good for those who have had success for years with it, but too triggering for me.

Clearly I need to walk away, quickly and without looking back.

(Just realized I posted about this in the beginning of my "IF experiment" I see I already saw the signs early on but just kept going against my better judgement....so i guess today's post is the full summary :oops:)

So the prodigal daughter is returning to the perfectly reasonable, and sustainable, modified No S plan posted at the beginning of this thread. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Weight loss for me will be SLOW. I need to be patient and accept the fact that even a small 1/2 pound loss on average per week is something to be very thankful for.

The one positive thing I will say that I discovered from my short fasting experiment is how much I appreciate really high quality food and how good I feel when I focus on that for my meals. I will be keeping that lesson moving forward with NO S. A perfectly cooked steak with a baked potato and simple green salad with olive oil and vinegar is ten times better than a frozen pizza any day. And I FEEL so much better later after a meal like that. (Duh!)

Part of me wonders if the fasting experiment and sudden dive in to unhealthy food OCD was my way of escaping what is going on the world this year....

How easily I can speak freely in cyberspace but not so much in real life...things I need to work on.

So thankful this board is here for me to return to :wink:

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:18 pm

Octavia thanks for your two cents :D Basics do NOT always equal easy, so true.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:26 pm

Hi April!

I also experimented with fasting with damaging results. I understand about the OCD trigger. Good for you for seeing that and managing to stop yourself! I think with fasting over time it becomes really easy to ignore our bodies signals and maybe for anyone who has a disordered eating past, it is way too easy to go way beyond what is good for us.

I realized after my fasting experiment that a sustainable way of eating was really the only choice for me, and fasting just wasn't sustainable.

Welcome back!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Wed Nov 04, 2020 7:51 pm

Thanks again Pink :)

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:54 pm

April, really good insights you are having and I appreciate you sharing them. And I understand about how, by controlling our food (when we can't really control much else going on around us) can be tempting.

What's interesting is that my normal "Way of Eating" is more restrictive than many (just due to my health issues), and yet it has worked for me for years. But then, about a month ago, I tried racheting up the "restriction" and it definitely had a negative rebound effect like you've described above. It reminded me of how important it is to stay within long-term, sustainable boundaries - pushing too hard backfired for me.

Anyway, we are all here to support each other as we find that "sweet" spot (but not too sweet, LOL!!!) for our boundaries.
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by Soprano » Fri Nov 06, 2020 7:06 am

Sustainable is the key point. I dabble with fasting but really only between 12 and 18 hours. But I can see how it can become addictive and certainly for some it is a god send.

Slow weight loss is hard to live with at times but those half pounds soon add up :)

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Wed Nov 11, 2020 1:42 pm

"But I can see how it can become addictive and certainly for some it is a god send."

Well Said!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Thu Nov 12, 2020 4:32 pm

Having a rough time truly giving up on IF. It makes me sad it didn't work out and mad that I ever tried it! I loved the clarity and energy and the "de-bloating" effects SO much, but the crazy making OCD and the resulting diet backlash makes it just not worth it. Everything is a trade off, but I am not willing to pay the price to continue even though I am tempted still knowing all that!

I need a constant reminder that NO S = Sanity.

Just read a post quoted below on Linda's page from Sept. 15th. I cried. I REALLY needed to hear this today. Thank you, Linda, for sharing this:

"Well sunday I ended up eating ALL day like I couldn’t stop. I know it’s backlash from me trying to fast again last week & as I lay in bed last night with a stomachache I realized that i cannot do this one more day. I cannot diet for another moment. I have put so much time and energy into literally trying to make myself smaller for other ppl. Im so done. My body keeps coming back to the same weight. Clearly thats where im meant to be. Im certain that if I hadn’t been on so many extreme diets, my set point would be lower but i cant change the past.

Ive been dieting since i was 10 years old. Ive tried just about everything. When i was in high school it was not uncommon for me to limit myself to 800 calories a day. Can you imagine? Ive spent a huge chunk of my life centered around my weight. In fact, i think im kind of addicted to dieting. It’s a great distraction and it makes happiness seem so simple. Just reach a certain weight and your life will suddenly and magically become perfect. Well we all know that doesn’t work out. I wonder where i would be if i spent all that time and energy on something more meaningful. Im just done. Im putting down the sword In this losing battle.

I just want to eat normally. I want to follow my own advice in my tagline. Back to vanilla but with regular sized plates and no goal trying to lose weight. I just want consistency and a stable weight. I want food back in it’s normal place. I want to make sure i eat enough to get me through to the next meal but not so much that im not hungry for my next meal because thats sort of joyless. Im going to continue my exercising because i love how it makes me feel. If i miss a day its not the end of the world. Im just so tired of trying to fit into this narrow mold thats just a construct of societies impossible standards for women.

Well i guess it’s obvious ive been thinking a lot and ready for some sanity back in my life. I guess ive come full circle and back to the first place that ever gave me any sanity with my eating. It feels really good to have made the decision to stop trying to lose weight and just focus on having normal eating patterns. I dont think i ever want to skip a meal again.

I want to stick around but have to be honest. Sometimes when i read threads with weights posted or talk about weight loss especially when i know you all weigh less than me, it can be super triggering so if i skip some of your threads for awhile, please dont take it personally."

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Thu Nov 12, 2020 5:42 pm

Slightly Revising my Modified NO-S plan from the beginning of this thread:

3-0-7 plus 3 Exceptions

Three Moderate Meals, Zero Snacks, Seven Days a Week.

(MY definition of a Moderate Meal: reasonably sized, reasonably balanced, with no restrictions on
types of food.)

Three Exceptions

1) Snack permitted once a week (likely a weekly mid-afternoon ice cream)
2) Social Gatherings (in my world this is usually once a week or less)
3) Sick Days (including pms)

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by lpearlmom » Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:22 am

Hi April, just wondering how you were doing and if your new plan was working out. I know what you mean about IF. It was so good till it wasn’t. I had really bad backlash as well in the end. I really enjoyed the energy too but then I read that it’s due to the body needing food so badly that it’s trying to prime you to find food. Sounded kind of alarming to me. There’s something so alluring about it though.Oh well, back to the basics I guess!
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Mon Nov 23, 2020 6:57 pm

Hi Linda! Words of wisdom in your post "it was good until it wasn't" for intermittent fasting. I am still rather sad that it wasn't the golden ticket it appeared to be. My new plan is on again off again as the holidays and extended family drama and sleep deprivation due to perimenopause has consumed most of my days and nights. I am hoping to take a breath with each new morning and with a positive attitude keep moving forward. On a positive note the scale is continuing to ever slowly creep down which is encouraging although confusing because I have not been consistent lately. Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you are doing well haven't been online very much lately. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:17 pm

Happy Thanksgiving to you too April!
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Thu Nov 26, 2020 1:25 pm

Good morning. This is an open letter to all of you who have graciously stopped by and offered words of encouragement, and for anyone else who stumbles onto this thread.

Some new "S's" to share:

I have decided to take a Sabbatical from No S and from all other diet plans, looking at diet websites, even those that seem very sane in their approaches, including IE - that can also be turned into a "diet" if one is not careful! These have been more stressful than helpful as of late. I LOVE the simplicity of NO S but it is still restrictive to me as was the stint of IF I tried recently. Time to draw a line in the sand.

I have decided, for my mental health (which can affect my physical health) at least for a season, I need to step away from anything that will trigger my obsessing over any kind diet related rules. In the recent past, I have also had some annoying, most likely stress induced, symptoms have magically disappeared, mini panic attacks, itching all over, very restless sleep, and sometimes feeling depressed over not being able to stick to whatever the rules are at the moment - which is very scary as I don't know that I have ever felt that way in my life....I am sure perimenopause may be a factor with this as well but who knows.

These have all stopped since I have decided to make an ironclad contract with myself to go on a


I've relaxed around food just enough to just naturally be eating less and the scale is very slowly moving down. If it works maybe I'll write a book. Not! LOL!

So, bottom line, at least for now, I need to remove any and all triggers for me to want to add ANY food rules, however sane and simple and easy, from my view. I will be at least for a time (possibly) not checking in here as part of my plan to avoid being tempted to stray from my new "don't have a plan" plan. But then again it is a good place to "vent" anonymously.

This does not mean I am throwing in the towel on my desire to lose 40+ pounds, it just means I think at this point I need a BREAK from ANY outside influences. I feel I need to figure this thing out on my own terms.

Thank you to ALL of you on this VERY supportive and kind forum and I may or may not be back sooner or later to check in.

Happy Turkey Day!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:29 pm

Take care, April! Thanks for the update on your next experiment! :-)
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Nov 28, 2020 4:21 am

As you probably already know, I can relate 100%. Been there many a time and I think a break is a fantastic idea. Just step away from it all for awhile and see how that feels.

Best of luck & *hugs*
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Sun Dec 13, 2020 12:35 pm

lpearlmom wrote:
Sat Nov 28, 2020 4:21 am
As you probably already know, I can relate 100%. Been there many a time and I think a break is a fantastic idea. Just step away from it all for awhile and see how that feels.

Best of luck & *hugs*
Thank you :D

So COVID is a horrible weight loss tool, not eating due to illness is certainly not a good way to lose 4 pounds..... Hubby and I are on the other side of COVID (mostly) we are on days 12 and 10. We were lucky as to not have any very severe symptoms but still a scary experience. I am still dealing with mild out of breath episodes when climbing stairs and the occasional dry cough, but all other symptoms have subsided. Hubby fully recovered but still a wee bit tired. On the plus side according to the experts we cannot catch it OR carry it for 90 days so that's a plus.

Moving forward, regaining full health after being very ill is priority one. Just returning to normal activity is going to be a slow process. Thankful our experience was not as bad as many others have had.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:37 pm

Glad you are recovering! And I would hope that you have at least some level of immunity for more than 90 days! I mean, if someone that actually GETS the disease and recovers is only immune for 90 days, what hope do we have of any sort of reasonable protection with the vaccine? :shock:
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by Jen1974 » Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:02 pm

I’m glad you & hour husband are on the “good” side of having COVID :D Kind of nice to be immune to it for a while and have it behind you!!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by Soprano » Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:18 pm

Pleased to hear you are both recovering. Take it easy :)

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Mon Dec 14, 2020 6:17 pm

Thank you all :D

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:54 pm

Wow, April I am glad to hear that both you and your husband are recovering, but sorry to hear you were ill in the first place. I hope that you both continue to feel better.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Sun Dec 20, 2020 4:41 pm

Thanks Pink - some daily bouts of extreme fatigue for like an hour or two and sleeping a LOT, I am now on day 17 but all other symptoms gone. Hubby bounced back like he was never ill even though his case was a little worse than mine. I have heard of "post viral fatigue" after you are done fighting off a bad bug like the flu your body needs to "rest and repair" from the energy it needed to get over the virus, hoping it doesn't last too long prepping for company for 4 days over Christmas...How are you?

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Mon Dec 21, 2020 1:08 am

Oh gosh that forever fatigue must be maddening! I have only been really sick maybe once in my life - it was from Strep throat - and it took me like a MONTH to feel normal again......

I'm really hoping you start to feel more energetic again, and soon. Being exhausted at Christmas is the pits!
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Dec 21, 2020 3:04 am

Oh man so sorry to hear that you had covid. Seems like different ppl respond very differently to it. I do remember DH being pretty weak for a few days after the worst was over. Probably about 3 weeks total of feeling unwell. Now it’s like he never had it though so hang in there and be easy on yourself.
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Tue Dec 22, 2020 3:11 pm

Thanks Linda :) Looks like you are doing well from your recent posts :)

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Dec 22, 2020 3:42 pm

Hi April! That sounds rough with the fatigue! It makes me think of when I had Mono in my twenties. I have never been so tired in my life! I know that is one of the symptoms specific to Mono though, and it took weeks to get my strength back. I hope you are feeling better today and that you get to have a restful holiday. I am doing good, just getting ready for Christmas!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Wed Jan 20, 2021 10:47 pm

Thank you ALL for stopping by and your supportive comments.

I have come to realize a fact that I think I always knew, but as of late has become an absolute and obvious truth:

Good night's sleep = moderation and healthy food choices are easy and almost automatic

Rough night's sleep = O.M.G. not so healthy food cravings all day long - then trying to fight all day long cravings, guilt over caving into to said cravings. Fatigue from overindulging...

Over the past year I have increasingly been unable to stay asleep (about three to five nights a week) for more than 6 hours. Translation waking up way to early and usually cannot go back to sleep. My ENTIRE life I have required a solid 8. Now a days, 7 is a victory...

So - maybe I need a cure for my sleep issues and then the whole eating moderately to slowly lose 40 pounds will be so so so much easier.

I am tempted to try SOMETHING now that Covid is over (at our house). I really feel I want to be healthy, which includes losing SOME weight at the very least.

Thanks for listening to my cranky pants complaining LOL.

If anyone has the magic cure for peri-menopause sleep issues, I'll pay any price for it! I've probably tried every remedy there is but maybe the magic pill is still out there somewhere.....It's hard to induce sleeping long enough, sleeping pills/melatonin, etc. wear off before I really need them to be working.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:41 pm

November 26th I posted I was going on something of a "sabbatical". I think I am at a place where I can cautiously dip my toes in the water again. Pink, I just got done binge-reading (not sure if that's a word LOL) the first pages and the last pages of your check in. I really love your sharing so much of how you are using NO S and making it your own. I feel inspired to gently start with a loose strategy again learning from the past...

I plan to (try) to not be overly strict with any rule as that seems to backfire sooner or later. For my personality loosey-goosey is a rather hard thing for me, but maybe that means I need to learn to sometimes have soft boundaries (thank you Pink) instead of an electric fence around the law.

So returning with a very similar plan as I have tinkered with off and on with some minor changes. I TRULY loved some aspects of IF and want to not completely abandon the idea of sometimes and very casually include gentle "windows" only when I can handle it and not to often. Wow am I rambling...

Here is my "not so strict" starting point, and will tweak as I go:

3 - 0 - 7

Three meals, Zero snacks, Seven days a week - MOST OF THE TIME

Anything on my plate, but focus on balance and include plenty of produce and quality protein.

I do not plan to take any weekend "S" days but leaving room for plenty of exceptions for the weekly afternoon ice cream, social gatherings, coffee with friends, pms cravings within reason, family trips, and once and a while at my discretion.

Also, occasionally and without any schedule or planning ahead - if I feel like postponing breakfast I may condense my three plates into a softer IF Window of maybe up to 15 or 17 hours at most (but nothing even close to what I was doing before 19-22 hours - not for me) but if it gets to be to much I will remove this option altogether. I refuse to let my mental health suffer for the benefit of my physical health ever again. If I see any OCD signs, I'm out of the IF game on every level.

I so appreciate this board as I keep saying, and you all have been so supportive on my on again off again can't make up my mind trial and error plans!

Over and out till my next random update which may or may not include tiny tweaks.....

PS I am glad to say I made it through the holidays and have maintained a FULL 10 pound loss since December of 2018. That I am thankful for. Ten pounds in a years time is so little but knowing I have kept it off is a victory. Only 40(ish) more to go :)

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:06 pm

April wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:41 pm
November 26th I posted I was going on something of a "sabbatical". I think I am at a place where I can cautiously dip my toes in the water again. Pink, I just got done binge-reading (not sure if that's a word LOL) the first pages and the last pages of your check in. I really love your sharing so much of how you are using NO S and making it your own. I feel inspired to gently start with a loose strategy again learning from the past...

I plan to (try) to not be overly strict with any rule as that seems to backfire sooner or later. For my personality loosey-goosey is a rather hard thing for me, but maybe that means I need to learn to sometimes have soft boundaries (thank you Pink) instead of an electric fence around the law.

So returning with a very similar plan as I have tinkered with off and on with some minor changes. I TRULY loved some aspects of IF and want to not completely abandon the idea of sometimes and very casually include gentle "windows" only when I can handle it and not to often. Wow am I rambling...

Here is my "not so strict" starting point, and will tweak as I go:

3 - 0 - 7

Three meals, Zero snacks, Seven days a week - MOST OF THE TIME

Anything on my plate, but focus on balance and include plenty of produce and quality protein.

I do not plan to take any weekend "S" days but leaving room for plenty of exceptions for the weekly afternoon ice cream, social gatherings, coffee with friends, pms cravings within reason, family trips, and once and a while at my discretion.

Also, occasionally and without any schedule or planning ahead - if I feel like postponing breakfast I may condense my three plates into a softer IF Window of maybe up to 15:9 or 17:7 hours at most (but nothing even close to what I was doing before 19:5-22:2 hours - not for me) but if it gets to be to much I will remove this option altogether. I refuse to let my mental health suffer for the benefit of my physical health ever again. If I see any OCD signs, I'm out of the IF game on every level.

I so appreciate this board as I keep saying, and you all have been so supportive on my on again off again can't make up my mind trial and error plans!

Over and out till my next random update which may or may not include tiny tweaks.....

PS I am glad to say I made it through the holidays and have maintained a FULL 10 pound loss since December of 2018. That I am thankful for. Ten pounds in a years time is so little but knowing I have kept it off is a victory. Only 40(ish) more to go :)

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jan 22, 2021 4:35 pm

Oh perimenopause sleep issues are the worst! I know what you mean about bad sleep-inducing cravings and wanting to eat. We just got a new mattress and new sheets and that has actually helped me but that is just because our old mattress was very uncomfortable. ( you probably know this since you read my check in. :D) I wish I had the magic cure! I have started using soy milk and taking magnesium for my perimenopause issues. ( bad headaches) Too early to tell if it's actually helping.

Your plan sounds great! I know a lot of people thrive by having this be very strict but as you said, that just doesn't work for everyone. Having gentle boundaries is much more sustainable to me and doesn't activate my diet brain of succeed or fail or WTH eating.

Congrats on maintaining that 10-pound weight loss for over 2 years! That is a big deal and it shows you that you can do it!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by Jen1974 » Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:32 pm

Me too on bad sleep= Struggle to eat moderately!! I take GNC melatonin when I can’t sleep in the middle of the night & GNC time release when I do something where I know I may have trouble sleeping (more than one cup of coffee a night with extra drinks). The GNC melatonin takes a little bit to set in & I focus on my breath to keep my brain away from stressful thoughts & it seems to help!!

It’s good to see you back!! Your plan sounds similar to mine minus the IF part :)

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Sat Jan 23, 2021 1:11 pm

Pink I LOVE soy milk haven't had it in years since I gave up my Starbucks sugar bomb habit and switched to exclusively black coffee...but maybe I'd like it as a latte or as a milk substitute for my baked goods? Will try it! I do get soy from soy sauce (love vegetarian sushi) and I am an extra mayo girl - did not know until recently it is high is soy - due to the soybean oil base (Duh moment).

Jen - Time release melatonin - I was not aware of that product! I will give it a try as regular melatonin wears off to quickly as I have no issue getting to sleep, waking early is my issue. Thanks!

Yesterday I "accidentally" did not eat lunch due to busy life things happened...I really enjoyed my bigger supper and breakfast. Not sure if that is going to be a regular thing but it sure worked for me yesterday.

Big Breakfast
Skillet Meal: Diced Potatoes with leftover asparagus and turkey sauteed in butter together, topped with goat cheese, herbs and fresh tomato slices. Still hungry so had
a sweet pastry & cup of fresh raspberries.

Lunch: NONE

Cheesy Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, cucumber slices. Not even wanting a sweet "ender" What??? Full and Happy.

Scale down one full pound this morning to my utter surprise expected it to be up that's a lot of calorie dense and salty food, we'll see if it bounces up again which I would expect.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Sat Jan 23, 2021 4:02 pm

You are doing so well at being honest and reflective in your journey! It's fun to read!

And, here's to better sleep!
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by Soprano » Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:40 am

Big congratulations on maintaining your 10lb loss, that's a real Biggie :)

Love your plan, quite similar to what mine has morphed into. I like a little IF but usually 14 to 16 hrs and not everyday.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:45 pm

Hope the soy milk helped! I switched to soy milk in my coffee a few times a week.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:36 pm

Why are you guys drinking soy? I know that used to be popular but everything I've read lately .... eeks I avoid it like the plague because I value my thyroid gland. LOL.
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:17 pm

Oh yeah, I know soy is really controversial and has possible health effects. I read that it could help with the hormonal imbalances of perimenopause and being a little desperate decided to try it. I also have always really liked soy milk and was sad when it became a possible health issue. I haven't read about the thyroid thing though! Just estrogen. That DOES sound eeky.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:28 pm

Well, yeah Pinkie perhaps its phytoestrogens are worth it to help us get through perimenopause. But yeah, in some people it's definitely known to suppress thyroid function. Not everybody, but I didn't want to risk it in case I'm one of the people sensitive to those effects.

Sorry about the hijack April. A TRUE hijack. :roll: :roll: :wink: :wink: Forgive me? :-)
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Mon Feb 08, 2021 2:57 pm

Funny about the hijacking LOL!!! I am glad to have provided a platform for an in depth soy conversation. :lol:

So I have a Wedding Announcement - IF and NOS are currently on their Honeymoon.

I accidentally found an eating pattern that so far has happily married the two.

2 - 0 - 7

Two Meals A Day/Zero Snacks/Seven Days a Week

Brunch & Supper (no foods off limits)
No Snacks (accept for Social Occasions and PMS week), and no strict "eating windows".
And I think most importantly: Brunch when I am truly hungry mid to late morning (I have the luxury of eating whenever I choose, as I am self-employed) and then supper at our usual 6 pm most nights.

I had a "Brunch" around 9:30 or 10 one day, and it was substantial and healthy as well. I was so content with the meal that I still wasn't wanting lunch by 2 pm, so I happily waited until our usual 6 pm supper. I was TRULY hungry for both meals but not so much that I needed seconds to be full.

Time will tell, I will keep you posted if this marriage needs to be annulled LOL...

The problems I had with IF and with NOS seem to be solved with this option:

IF - just can't adjust to going too long after waking until my first meal without feeling unwell physically after several days and then giving up. And I also had the problem of NOT being hungry at six for supper as I waited so long for my larger lunch I didn't eat much supper, but then again hungry after my window closes or in the middle of the night!! I had this problem even with a noon lunch. I have come to hate "windows" but STILL love the increased energy and de-bloating effect of IF so want something "IF-ISH" to still reap those benefits.

NOS - I seem to still eat too much for each of the 3 meals and if I reduce portions, I am starving two hours later which never ends well!!

So since I enjoy larger meals, why not make it work in my favor by just having 2 meals farther apart to allow for a healthy appetite to return? Seems like a no brain-er, hopefully this is the answer for me!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Mon Feb 08, 2021 3:51 pm

Experiment Commenced!!! :-) Actually I sort of think I do something a teeny bit like this. I just have creamy coffee when I get up. Then anywhere between 10am and 1pm I have my yogurt lunch. And then dinner is usually pretty early, sometimes as early as 4pm.

Let us know how this week goes. Sounds like a good experiment.
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by Soprano » Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:03 pm

I've been eating 2 meals a day for a while and feel better for it.

I have been trying 16hrs fasted but do have something to drink sooner if I need it.

Good luck

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:14 pm

Auto, yeah I didn't know about the thyroid and soy. I dont' know if I am sensitive to it, but it's good to be aware of the risks. Thanks for pointing it out!

April, Your marriage sounds good! good luck! I am interested in how that plan works for you. I did that for quite a while when I was losing a lot of my weight. Please keep us updated. :)

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:24 pm

Thanks again for the support everyone!

Pink - it is encouraging to hear two meals is what you did when losing weight!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:42 pm

Yesterday's Brunch

Big Bowl zucchini and corn sauteed in butter with herbs and a dribble of chili oil,
few slices of deli ham, scratch oat bran pumpkin muffin with maple butter.

Yesterday's Supper

Fresh Pineapple, Fried Chicken, glazed carrots (so good I should make them more often), homemade french bread

Tomorrow's Meal Plan

Brunch - Chick-fil-a: The best quick-serve restaurant on the planet - period!
Salad with Chicken and Avocado Ranch, side of waffle fries

Supper - My favorite Seven Veggie Salad
(Greens, red cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower)
Lasagna, Garlic Bread

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:38 pm

Nice job planning out your meals ahead of time! That is definitely my best eating habit for staying on-point.
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Feb 09, 2021 8:00 pm

Your meals sound so delicious! Yum!
Planning them out in advance definitely helps. I always find that its easier to not eat between lunch and dinner if I know exactly what I am making for dinner. If there is any question or I am not sure, I find myself snacking more often.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Thu Feb 25, 2021 1:30 pm

I am finally back to daily walking after holidays and lingering Covid symptoms finally have dissipated (90 percent-ish) it feels SO GOOD to move again, I can't believe how much it improves my mood and energy for hours! It truly is a natural high.

But with that change, suddenly the brunch and supper only is too challenging I just get too hungry or eat way to much at each meal and scale is UP 2 pounds....booo!! :evil:

So tweaking (again :!: ) to 3 single plate meals with a later breakfast, lunch and supper. Anything on my plate but keep it balanced.

Trying to keep the mindset of "adapt and tweak" as needed until it works without jumping ship completely again!

Yesterdays meals:
Ham Egg and Cheese on a Sprouted Grain English Muffin (Upgraded Egg McMuffin), Fruit

Cucumbers and dip, Reuben

Steak, Broccoli with lemon butter, Small Potato, two snack sized Hersey bars.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:04 pm

Good job to "pivot" as needed. That's excellent.
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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:18 pm

That is great that you are daily walking and that you are listening to your body and giving yourself another meal when you need it! I know what you mean about the natural high, sounds like you are doing great!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Sat Feb 27, 2021 3:50 pm

Thanks for the continued encouragement Pink & Auto :D

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Feb 27, 2021 9:39 pm

Anytime! I think the support of our little group here has been so helpful!

I hope you have a good weekend!

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Sun Mar 07, 2021 3:42 pm

Pink - I agree and appreciate it! I do not do any social media but this space has been a great place to speak freely without fear :D

Unrelated to weight loss - one week ago I had a very traumatic phone call that upset me for DAYS, not sleeping, full blown panic attacks, constant worry. It is too personal to share but it involves my parents. Then four days later - almost exactly 90 days after I had Covid, I have had worsening shortness of breath (which never completely went a way since I had it) and am now achy, tired, dizzy, headaches and generally feel ill all over. Read some articles not sure if it's just a 'flare up' of my first Covid or a new illness of some kind. I am getting tested but won't know if test will even be accurate as we were told we can still test positive even at 3 months from the first infection?! I am hoping it's something else but no fever (never had one the first time).

Curious if anyone here has had a similar experience with returning symptoms after getting better?? I was so happy to be back at work and normal life again... so frustrating especially since we went from 20 inches of snow all Feb to now in the sixties for the
next whole week perfect weather to be out walking.

:( :( :(

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by Jen1974 » Sun Mar 07, 2021 4:25 pm

My son & his roommate both had similar things & were sick soon after COVID!! My son seemed to have on & off shortness of breath for months after & a slight lingering cough that came & went. From what I’ve heard it sounds pretty normal (:

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by April » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:16 pm

Thanks that is so comforting to know I am not the only one with lingering symptoms, I can't get a straight answer from anyone on how long shortness of breath will last!

So NEGATIVE on the second test, so so so relieved. I also spoke with two nurses and both of them agree that all of my symptoms (accept for the shortness of breath) are textbook typical of "fallout" after a traumatic event, stating my cortisol is likely very high and I should rest as much as possible, eat well, and find as many calming and stress reducing activities as I am able to get through - and also to take melatonin and magnesium.

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Re: April's Keep it Simple at 50

Post by automatedeating » Tue Mar 09, 2021 8:52 pm

Yeah, I was going to say that your illness symptoms seem also fitting for fall-out from having panic attacks, etc. Our emotions and our health are so intricately connected.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

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