Linda's daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:41 pm

Oh interesting! That makes sense about the veneers. Sounds like you made a good decision!

Wow 17 K steps!? I am so impressed! I think I have done that exactly once since I started keeping track of my steps over 2 years ago.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:12 pm

Hi Linda. I hope you had a good weekend and made some progress for your challenge. How is that going for you mentally/emotionally? Those can go both ways for me. Happy Monday!

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jan 27, 2021 4:08 am

Thanks Hippie!

Hi Alene! The challenge is actually going really well. I was worried that my teammates would be pressuring me to lose weight faster than I was able, but I’m currently in the lead so I’m not too stressed. Plus they’re all super nice and supportive.

Also, doc is joining me on a mini challenge that starts on Valentine’s Day. We will be a team of two and need to lose 6% in 3 mos. When he decides to do something, he’s in 100% so I think he will help motivate me. In fact those first 40 lbs that I lost was largely because doc was doing it with me. We shall see!

So yesterday was a very difficult day. Last week I gave sweetpea a deadline to clean her room and do her laundry. I gave her till Sunday midnight, because her room was just completely out of hand. It was bad and I knew it couldn’t be helping with her grades, motivation, and feelings of self worth.

Anyway, come Monday morning it wasn’t clean so I told her I was intervening and would clean it myself. Well she flew of the handle at this and lost it. Doc was actually home and when he tried to talk to her, she yelled at him and slammed her door. We’ve told her a million times not to slam the door so he took off the door and told her to go to the guest room. Well we spent the next few hours thoroughly cleaning her room and I even did all her laundry.

I know it sounds weird to do all that for her but I know she was just completely overwhelmed and couldn’t start. She needed a clean slate. Sweetpea was very upset and apologetic afterwards. I think she’s mostly embarrassed that she let her room get so bad. Anyway, her mood is already better and hopefully this will help her get on the right track.

Okay did not mean to spend that much time on the messy room but other than that all is well. I haven’t had much of an appetite lately for some reason. Maybe it’s partly the teeth situation.

171.6 lbs

Break: smoothie bowl, sf cocoa
Lunch: smoothie
Dinner: zoodles w marinara
Dessert: small cookie

Exercise; walked dogs 🐩
Last edited by lpearlmom on Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Wed Jan 27, 2021 5:09 am

Sounds like you and Doc really are being a team on the Sweetpea room issue, too! I'm assuming when you said "we" you meant that he actually supported/helped you with the cleaning/laundry, etc.? That is AWESOME! Seriously, even if she hadn't changed her tune (which is delightful that she did), having Doc backing you up is great. It is NO JOKE to deal with upset teens. We need our partners to survive it!

BTW, I've done exactly the same thing with Challenger's Room - give him a deadline and then swoop in (generally at that point I also impose a take-away-the-cell-phone but I admit that's mostly for my own vindictive tendencies.....) At some point, they seem to lose the ability to break the task into small chunks and just fall apart.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Jan 27, 2021 5:42 pm

Ahh parenting teens! Its funny how similar it can be sometimes. We have threatened to take the door off, but haven't actually done it yet. We have cleaned our teens room for her at least once. I remember my parents did that for me when I was in 8th grade and I was so upset and embarrassed! But my room didn't get that bad again. Glad you and Doc are on the same page! It is necessary for these tough parenting years I think.

I am glad sweetpea's mood is better! Hopefully this will help her feel like she can get stuff done and not be overwhelmed.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:14 am

Yeah auto, it was really nice to have him back me up and yes we cleaned together. Actually he’s been really stepping it up in the cleaning department lately. Im not sure why but it’s nice.

Hippie, i never thought we’d go through with the door thing either. Seems like more work than it’s worth but im pretty sure she wont be slamming it again at least for awhile. I think it did kind of help snap her out of her rut. She told me she was going to start taking her meds again , she joined a film club and went to the bookstore with her sister today. Baby steps!

Everything is going well although im feeling some financial stress. I dont really know why but it’s probably because taxes are coming up. I think my main worry is that we wont have enough saved for retirement. It’s just never enough, is it?

I did OMAD today because im trying to break through to the 160s.

170.6 lbs

Melon, 1/2 bagel, vegan queso w chips, sf mocha, 1 biscotti

Exercise: 15 mins pilates, ran 1 mile, too cold to walk the dogs 🥶
10k steps
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Jan 28, 2021 7:48 pm

I have those same worries about retirement. But, I try not to worry about it for now. We have always had what we needed when we needed it and I have to believe that will continue.

That is great that Doc is getting into the cleaning! It is so nice to have that support.

Good luck with OMAD! I actually was never able to do that even with all my IF and calorie restriction. I hope it goes well for you!

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Fri Jan 29, 2021 2:43 am

That’s a good point hippie. I think I’ve spent way to much worrying about finances and the truth is we’ve always been fine. I haven’t had to sleep on the streets yet.

Oh I’m not doing omad every day. No way. I find it unpleasant but I am trying to do it once or twice a week just till this challenge is over.

I started doing this thing where I’m only allowed to worry for a half an hour a day and I must say it’s kind of nice to know that you can free up your mind for the rest of the time. I spend a half hour every morning writing down all my worries and than move on. It’s taking some practice but it’s pretty freeing. I’m also reading Why we are wired to worry and it’s really interesting. I’m realizing I’m serotonin deficient and it might help explain why I care too much about social status. I also realize that it makes it almost impossible to for me to accept my body at anything below social standards. I just crave the validation too much. Anyway the book helps to train your brain to release feel good hormones. You’re supposed to focus on happy memories, be mindful, engage in exercise, cuddling, nurturing others etc to flood your brain with goodness. It’s pretty cool I must say. Really I think mindfulness is the key to happiness.

170.00000 lbs.
Are you serious! I tried everything to get this down to 169.9 today to no avail. Oh well it’ll happen.

Break: croissant , sf mocha
Lunch: small serving of vegan nacho dip w chips
Dinner: salmon, roasted Brussels sprouts (so good!!) , wine...

Exercise: walk dogs; 15 mins Pilates, 30 mins walk/run treadmill, walk w neighbors, walk with sweetpea

19k steps

Everyone wanted to go walking today! Well it’s the last day of my step challenge so that should help. I’m 4th out of 130 ppl. Not bad but I’ll be glad to no longer be a slave to this watch. Ugh, it’s starting to annoy me.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Jan 29, 2021 2:31 pm

Nice continued efforts on the step challenges! I remember a similar feeling, however, after last April when I made it a goal to go 15K+ every day - after that month, I lost interest in wearing my fitbit! When it broke last fall, I haven't bothered to replace it.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Tue Feb 02, 2021 6:27 am

Yeah auto, it’s definitely nice not ro feel tied to the thing. I like it for working out but I don’t like being a slave to it.

Things are okayish. I had a weird thing happen with a friend. We usually have coffee about every other week and I hadn’t heard from her in awhile so i texted her on Thursday morning. Well I didn’t hear back from her all day which isnt a big deal but also not like her. I also didn’t hear back from her for most of Friday so i called and left a message. Well Saturday nothing and i really started to worry because suddenly everyone around me seems go be getting covid. So i texted some mutual friends and they hadnt heard from her so i texted her one more time just asking if she was okay. Nothing but finally on Sunday she texted me “want to come over this week?” I was like oh you’re alive! I was worried about you!

Well she didnt say anything to that. She didn’t acknowledge it at all eventhough I mentioned it twice. I thought it was odd and am thinking she felt like i was being overbearing. Im not normally one to worry so much but these are unusual times. I didn’t expect her to apologize for not getting back to me sooner but thought she would say sorry you were worried, that was sweet of you to care. I dont know the whole thing just didn’t sit well and i ended up telling her id touch base in a couple weeks. I think i just need space.

Sweetpea is suddenly being super engaged and productive and even keeping her room clean. It’s nice but makes me wonder if this is a manic stage. It’s complicated. Rosebud is good but i feel like we’re not as close as we used go be. Im sure its a teen thing but makes me a little sad.

Doc is good. Working hard. Im feeling really guilty though because i bought something really expensive without checking with him first. I got a dyson hair wand that is now hiding in my closet. 🤦🏼‍♀️

I went overboard big time this weekend so my weight is up but im sure it’ll go back down in a couple of days. I want to hit 168 sometime this week.

Okay, I guess I’m not doing great. I will need to work on my mental health this week.

174.2 lbs

Breakfast: sf mocha
Lunch: cantaloupe
Dinner: tofu stir fry, rice

Exercise: none.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Feb 03, 2021 4:26 am

Oh what a day. Took sweetpea to her psychiatrist and it did not go well. Too complicated to explain but I’m proud of myself for not losing my cool afterwards and just giving her a hug. I swear I barely recognize this cool, calm & collected mom I’ve become. Where was she 17 years ago? Probably sleep deprived and overwhelmed.

I’m feeling a little insecure lately. I just don’t have the most active social life right now although a lot of that is due to covid. I also kind of disconnected from my political friend group. I don’t know why I do this but every few years I kind of walk away from my friend group usually after a period of intense socializing/closeness. I think it triggers HS memories of being rejected from my main friend group when I was going through a hard time for other reasons. It’s like I want to reject everyone before they have a chance to reject me.

Then I go for a period of not having much of a social life and I start to feel bad about it. Inevitably I get into a new friend group and start the cycle all over again but I can’t keep doing this? Finding a new friend group at 80 might be tough. :/ Oh well, doc and I still have couples that we go out with and our neighbors remain our good friends. I guess when COVID is over I can restart my cookbook club too and that’ll help. Heck, I guess things aren’t quite so bad.

172.8 lbs

Break: piece of breakfast casserole, melon
Lunch: carton of yogurt, sf mocha
Dinner: enchilada bowl, 2 glasses of wine
Dessert: milk and a couple of ginger thins

Exercise: walked dogs 🐕 30 mins ; Pilates 15 mins; walk/run treadmill 30 mins.

Oof Pilates is hard! But I’m enjoying it nonetheless.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:29 pm

Sounds like things have been a little rough Linda. I am sorry. I had a weird friend thing happen this weekend myself. We normally talk every other week on the phone and she texted to reschedule at the last minute with a weird excuse and then never texted me back when I texted her back to confirm our next talking time. You're right, these are weird times so I try to be understanding and give people their space when they need it. Sometimes I need space from my friends too but they are really understanding when I am ready to pick it back up.

Glad you were able to be cool and calm in a potentially heated moment! That really is a huge accomplishment.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:40 pm

Hi Linda. Nice job on the calm cool and collected thing with Sweetpea! I'll need to borrow you when I need a little of that in my house. ;-)

Interesting that you are basically feeling like crap mentally, because I just barfed my own bad feelings on my thread. :roll:

The worst part is how at the end of your post you wrote "heck things aren't all that bad.." I totally get that!!!! well, that is my summary too, but I STILL FEEL BAD. :!:
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:27 am

I had to laugh when i read your comment Hippie we so often have parallel things going on in our lives. I really hate those awkward social interactions. Im trying to hang in there because i tend to be way too ready to write ppl off.

Auto, yeah if im honest im still feeling a little shaky and stupidly i had a couple of glasses of wine and last night and it kinda of wrecked my day. Jeez moderation does not come easily to me. I hope we both feel better soon. Ive been day dreaming about future vacations & that has been a nice escape.

Well... I got my veneers today! They look fantastic although i dont really think i look too different. Probably because i dont really have a toothy smile or anything but im 100% glad i did it. My dentist also said they’ll pretty much last for life so im feeling better about that as well. I think all these external changes ive been trying go make are some kind of belated midlife crisis. I guess it could be worse?

I woke up not feeling well so took an S day and ate whatever. I didnt work out or even walk the doggies but back on track tomorrow.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Feb 05, 2021 3:38 pm

Oh man I could go for some veneers. Perfect white teeth, ah! I bet for the $$ I spent getting Flowerpup's wooden skewer removed, I could have got them!!!!!
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Fri Feb 05, 2021 7:12 pm

Omgosh, the amounts were practically identical auto! ☺️😁
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:14 pm

Linda, I know! It does seem like we often have a lot of parallels going on. I still haven't heard from my friend but an old friend who kind of fell off the planet for almost a year reached out and we had a good talk, so that was nice.

So happy you have your veneers! I am kind of self-conscious of my teeth and I dont' smile big in pictures, but I think I do in real life. It must feel really good to not be self-conscious anymore.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Feb 07, 2021 6:33 am

Thanks hippie. It is really nice. My sister had braces but I never did. My mom offered but I think I knew it would be a struggle for her to afford so I declined. Really nice to have them fixed after all those years.

I’m really struggling with trying to eat less. I’m trying to fast again because I know I can only get so far with NoS. I’m having such a hard time with clean fasting though even though I definitely get less hungry when I do. The thought of having nothing but water or black tea just feels so unappealing though. I think I’m going to have to just suck it up and do it though because my weight is all over the place.

I’m now in 4th place out of 5 ppl in my group. The competitive side of me doesn’t like that but the rebellious side of me doesn’t want to go along with the group. I’m glad I signed up for the individual challenge but this team challenge is becoming a nuisance. I would probably drop out if I could but I don’t want to let anyone down. They’re really all such lovely ppl. I think I need to just focus on the long term challenge which doesn’t end till may 2022 and not worry too much about the team challenge. It’s just causing me to try to overly restrict which inevitably backfires on me leading to a day or two of overeating big time.

176 lbs 😢

Break: “sausage “ , kale and bean skillet dinner, couple fries, wine, a martini 🍸
Dessert: kitty cat cookies, milk, see’s lollipop

Exercise: walk dogs—30 mins, ran 1 mile, walked on treadmill 15 mins.

Steps 15k
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Feb 07, 2021 7:48 pm

15K steps is great! I have dabbled with fasting again but I just don't like anything that tells me I can't eat. I am such a rebel! For example, I noticed that after I downloaded an app to keep track of my habits and mark them with yes or no that I actually had a harder time sticking to them, and I think its because now I felt like I "had" to, rather than it being my choice. The same goes for fasting. Telling myself I can't eat til a certain time activates my rebel and makes me unhappy over the long run. Yet if I am not hungry or busy I will skip breakfast without a thought. (although I DO have cream in my coffee)... Anyway, I feel your struggle!

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:36 am

Thanks Hippie! Between walking the dogs and doing stuff around the house (we have a v long house), I usually get at least 10k. If i go on the treadmill, i get even more. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be helping with the weight loss stuff.

I don’t mind the not eating part so much but the whole “clean” fasting thing really annoys me. I think i found a solution though. I think im going to give ADF (alternate day fasting). Ive always resisted it but it really makes the most sense. You can have 500 calories on your fasting days so i can have my sf mochas which are only 100 calories each. I love the fact that i can eat 3 meals on the other days because sometimes i miss having breakfast. I know it’s going to be tough but im excited to give it a try.

Of course i picked the worst day to start. Doc ordered a ton of yummy food for the super bowl but i just keep telling myself i can have it tomorrow. I may be in bed by 8 pm though. ☺️

176.2 😏

3 sf mochas, 1 vitamin water

Exercise: none
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:21 pm

Yeah, the clean fasting thing is for the birds! :D But seriously for ME, I find I don't miss food as much when I have creamy coffee. Have you read Six miles to supper or seen the author's youtube channel? She does "non clean" fasting with cream in her coffee. She also walks six miles a day.

Anyway, good luck with ADF! I hope last night went ok for you! I miss having breakfast too. It always seems like such a nice way to start the morning.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Feb 10, 2021 2:08 pm

Oh yes, I love her! I actually met in person when she was coming through AZ. I love her attitude. So much more inspiring than being told what to do.

I’m realizing ADF is pretty brilliant. Knowing I can eat full meals the next day, makes it pretty darn easy to fast the day before. I’m reading krista varady’s book and it’s so encouraging. She’s one of the top researchers on ADF so I trust her pretty much. She does encourage eating a small 400 cal meal and a 100 cal snack on your fasting days but somehow that feels odd to me. Maybe I could just have a post workout smoothie plus milk in my tea or something. I’ll play around with it.

I was planning on just drinking my sugar free cocoa drinks with almond milk but then I was reading how bad artificial sugar for you is so I threw out the whole container. Now I’m wondering if that was a bit extreme but really I think I’d be better just drinking lots of water and tea. I dunno 🤷‍♀️. I just get so attached to my drinks. Seems a bit unhealthy.

Ugh, so yesterday I started feeling sick and today I feel even worse so have to go get a covid test today. So freakin scary. I really hope I don’t have it. I’ve been so careful overall although have taken risks here and there like getting dental work and eating in a restaurant in Sedona. I’m getting a rapid test so I guess I’ll know sometime today. 🙏 🤞 🙏🤞
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:12 pm

Wow you met her in person? Awesome! I randomly found her on a Youtube channel and I liked her attitude so much that I bought her book.

I am glad that ADF is working for you! The artificial sugar is a hot debate. I don't really know what the answer is. I DO know that my DH has sciatica which gets way worse when he drinks artificial sweetener every day, but if he just drinks it on the weekend he is fine.

Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry that you feel sick. I hope that you don't have COVID and that you feel better soon! If you get a chance, please update us when you can.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:52 pm

Fingers crossed about the COVID test results, Linda.

Pinkie - fascinating about a possible link between sciatica and artificial sweeteners!
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:08 am

Thx hippie & auto. Negative test-woot! I still feel sick but doesn’t seem like a big deal in comparison to having covid.

Yes, hippie shes super nice but it was weird seeing someone in person that you only know as an online persona. I really enjoyed her book too. She’s just very encouraging which i love.

I ended up eating a lot despite being sick which made it worse so looking forward to having a fast day tomorrow. I ended up reading more about sweeteners and decided they’re probably fine in moderation so i went out and bought more sf cocoa. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Im a mess but thats okay. I do need to drink more water though so will work on that. Thinking about doing some infused water thing.

171.6 lbs

Break: bagel w cream cheese, sf cocoa, bite of muffin
Lunch: 1/4 falafel, couple bites baba ganoush, mango
Dinner: large blta sandwich (w veg bacon), small yogurt
Dessert: couple handfuls chocolate chips, lollipop, coconut water

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:42 pm

FWIW, I've always enjoyed me some nice diet soda on occasion (especially as substitute for alcohol!!!!), and I usually feel that in moderation, it's certainly better than the processed foods (or alcohol!) that I would have been consuming. I'm sure some people are more sensitive to it than others, but I've never had any symptoms I've suspected of being linked with diet soda. Well, I guess it makes me burp, lol, but I think we can agree that's the carbonation!
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:45 pm

So glad the test was negative!

Yes I actually love diet coke. I don't like regular coke as its too strong, but diet coke is just right. I get it when we get take out or back in the old days when we would go out to eat. so about once a weekend! :)

Auto, I found some interesting articles linking inflammation of the sciatic nerve in rats and aspartame when I googled. I thought that was pretty interesting!

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:49 am

Thanks auto & hippie. Boy do I miss carbonation! But it’s worth the trade off for no reflux.

Slept and watched tv most of the day but got a burst of energy tonight so hoping tomorrow I can get back to things. I’ve been obsessed with this YouTuber that does ADF. I don’t really know why but I like that she’s just very basic as my girls say. She’s not trying to have this fake perfect persona. Anyway she’s lost like 75 lbs in 10 mos.It’s pretty impressive.

I’m excited to eat tomorrow.

2 sf “mochas”, cucumber slices & broccoli stems, 1 cup soup.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:37 pm

Wow! Looks like you had a successful ADF day yesterday! How do you feel today?

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Feb 13, 2021 3:25 am

Hi hippie, honestly it was easy. Knowing i can eat whatever the next day makes it seem like not too big of a deal. The hard part is pacing myself on an eat day. Its very similar to learning how to manage an S day. My adf book says to eat without restriction on your eat day but that feels odd. She says that in her many years of experience ppl eat about 110% of their TDEEs on feast days. Since theyre eating about 25% of their calories on fast days, there’s still enough calorie deficit for a nice steady weight loss. We shall see!

That being said, i did eat/drink quite a bit today! I will need to find a good balance so i can be sure to enjoy my off days without getting too stuffed. I thought about doing a NoS approach on my eat days but i think that is going to max out my willpower. I’ll figure it out.

Im feeling much better today and even took the doggies for a walk. Cant wait to get back to exercising next week. I decided to hire a company to clean our house every other week. I cannot even express how excited i am. We haven’t had anyone clean our house in a year. I think i did a pretty good job but the deep cleaning just isnt getting done as much as it should. This is going to help so much. Ive been really good about the budget lately so i feel totally okay with this choice. Yay, yay, yay!! Anyway...

Break: toast, veggie sausage, couple bites of the shrimp and veggies i made for the family last night.
Lunch: chips, 1.5 muffins. Mango
Dinner: veggie sausage, piece of pizza. Glass wine, margaritas
Dessert: piece of chocolate, lollipop, frozen yogurt

Walked dogs 🐕
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:04 pm

So happy you get to have your cleaners come! That will feel amazing, I'll bet. How are Cupcake and Tessa doing together these days?
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by Jen1974 » Sat Feb 13, 2021 7:19 pm

I love my house cleaners!! Well worth it!! We too tried over COVID to do it on our own & it never felt as clean!!

Glad to hear the ADF is going well for you!!

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Feb 13, 2021 9:33 pm

Glad you will get to have your house cleaned! I bet that will feel good.

Sounds like ADF is working well for you! I definitely think I would have trouble pacing myself on an eating day. Hope your day is going well!

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Feb 14, 2021 1:46 am

Auto, they’re much better but not exactly bffs just yet. Cupcake constantly annoys Tessa but it’s pretty clear Tessa is all bark and no bite at this point so it’s not really stressful. Poor cupcake just loves Tessa so much. She just wants to love her. It’s pretty cute actually. Cupcake will run up to Tessa full speed while Tessa’s barking at her and cuppy will slide into a roll and lands on her back right next to Tessa, paws up to show her submission. Endless entertainment those two. 😁

Thanks Jen & Hippie! it really is such a treat. Totally worth it if you can afford it in my opinion!

ADF is going well. I love that I can have 500 calories on my fast day. That means I can eat in social situations if they come up. Eating a small bowl of soup or salad at a restaurant with other ppl
Seems much more doable than sitting there with a black cup of coffee. Also, since I don’t like to talk about dieting or losing weight in front of the girls, they won’t have to know I’m fasting.

I’ve decided to plan out my meals on my eat days, treats and all. I think knowing I have yummy stuff to look forward to will make it easier not to mindlessly eat all day.

Anyway, today went well.

Sf mocha, small lightly dressed salad, plain tea
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Feb 15, 2021 2:36 am

I had such a good day today! Im finally feeling 100% and felt great to have lots of energy. Doc had to work so the girls and I just hung out. The weather was beautiful so had all the windows and french doors open. I made skinnytaste waffles for breakfast and we even made mini ones for the dogs. Then i “helped” rosebud go through all her clothes and get her room picked up. Man she has a lot of clothes. Both the girls like to go thrifting which means low prices, high volume. Dang do they dress cute though. So creative.

Having my meals and snacks planned out made all the difference in the world. Why haven’t i figured put this very obvious solution before is beyond me but im pretty excited. I felt very satisfied and had little trouble not picking between meals.

I gave the girls a box of see’s chocolate and doc got a box of low carb gourmet treats. Despite not getting home till after 6pm doc still remembered that it was Valentine’s Day nd brought me a beautiful orchid plant. Let’s hope I can keep it alive!

I was a little bummed that my weight wasn’t down more but when i added it all up, I realized I was still down 2.6 lbs. this week. And that’s with some pretty heavy eating days in there and no exercise. Hopefully with some calmer eat days and a bit of exercise my weight will continue to go down.


Break:2 waffles w light whipped & strawberries, 1 veg sausage , sf mocha
Lunch: shrimp burger (from Trader Joe’s-so good!); grapes
Snack: 2 pieces chocolate, carton of nf yogurt
Dinner: piece of zucchini lasagna, toast, salad, wine
Dessert: bowl of froyo

Really enjoyed the waffles. Made a lot so I froze the rest.

I made the lasagna for doc because it’s his absolute favorite. It uses lasagna noodles so is low carb. I sub the meat with impossible meat and use smoked mozzarella for about 1/3 of the mozzarella. Its so so good!
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Feb 15, 2021 7:04 pm

Linda, my 17 yo dresses so creatively too! I wish I could share pictures but suffice to say her sense of style blows mine out of the water at her age.

Glad that ADF is working so well for you! And 2.6 pounds in a week is amazing! Happy to hear that things are going so well for you and that planning your meals is making such a big difference.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:04 am

Thanks hippie! I feel like our daughters would get along so well!

Today was a fasting day. Really a modified fast is more accurate but too lazy to type that out every time. 😁 It went really well and was barely hungry to be honest. It is amazing how far you can stretch 500 calories though!

I spent the entire day prepping the house to be cleaned tomorrow. Omg we just have way to much stuff. But i got everything organized and decluttered. Well i mean good enough. It’s straightened and the can get to the dirt. Can’t wait! I hope they do a good job.

Was quite a lot of work though and im pooped. I got almost 14k steps today from mostly around the house. Everyone is still getting along really well. (Knock on wood).

Fast day:
Sf mocha, iced tea, small lightly dressed salad with shrimp, sf mocha

Exercise: walked dogs 🐩, worked around 🏡.
13.5 k steps
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:13 pm

I think they would! They sound like they have some things in common for sure. :)

Glad to hear the modified fast worked well for you!

I can imagine the work involved in getting the house ready for cleaning! Our house wouldn't even be able to pass muster at the point of clutter it is at right now. Hope the cleaning goes well!

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:44 am

Definitely took all day yesterday and then the cleaners were here for 5 hrs today! It looks beautiful and shiny. Im so happy. They did miss a couple spots but nothing major. We have them coming every other week now so that’ll be amazing.

Today was good. Not super hungry but am feeling a little anxious. I think because my weight is not where it’s supposed to be for some of the mini challenges i signed up for. There’s one that ends next monday and i need to be like 170. I’m a couple pounds above that, but hopefully ill make it. Doc and i are starting a team one tomorrow so that’ll be interesting. Im mostly worried about letting my team down but im confident ill make the main challenge.

I decided a need a new hobby and/or focus. I want to get more serious about Pilates and im interested in taking up quilling. Sweetpea said she’d do it with me so that might be fun. She did warn me that she might get super frustrated though. Well, at least she knows herself. 😁

Tomorrow is a fast day and im thinking about only doing like 200 calories instead of the whole 500. Basically Id just have 2 sf mochas. Having today planned out was so helpful. So nice not to graze all day and have some satisfying meals.

172.6 😬

Breakfast: overnight oats w mango, 2 veg sausages, sf mocha
Lunch: asian salad w shrimp, avocado toast
Snack: 2 wedges of laughing cow cheese
Dinner: asian cauliflower wings (didn’t come out so great)
Dessert: serving of lemon thin cookies, tea

Didnt exercise cuz the cleaners were here from 730-130.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:09 pm

How did it go with the cleaners? Did they do a good job for you? I had to laugh at how you spent the whole day getting ready for the cleaners. But decluttering is one of my BEST hobbies, LOL!

I think that would be so neat if you and Sweetpea had a hobby to do together.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:00 pm

Glad the cleaners did a mostly good job for you!

A hobby with sweetpea would be neat! Does she spend much time with you these days? My 17 yo pretty much lives in her room at this point, and I see her for meals and sometimes a chat after dinner.

Its nice that your food plan worked and you were able to enjoy your day without constant grazing.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:13 am

Auto: They did a really great job considering what a big task it was. The girl’s bathroom alone would have taken me forever. For some reason they missed the rug in the living room, but im assuming it was just an oversight since everything else was so sparkling clean. Doc always makes fun of me for cleaning before the cleaners come but you kind of have to pick up or else you risk them putting things in odd places which is super frustrating. Honestly it’s another perk to having them come because it forces me to get the house together on a regular basis, but yeah it’s kinda funny.

Hippie: yeah, im super happy with it. Our house looks beautiful and it really makes a difference with my mood when im in a clean, organized environment. Im trying really hard to keep it perfect but it’s a lot of work! Both my girls spend most of their time in their rooms, but sometimes sweetpea gets chatty and will come hang out with me. She’s also usually happy to go on walks or run errands with me. Rosebud is more introverted and needs a lot of alone time. Im the same way so respect her space.

Today was pretty good although i had trouble sleeping last night so didn’t end up working out again. Hoping to get back on track tomorrow. So tired and doc still isn’t home from work. :/

173 lbs 😏 I swear im never getting out of the 170s!

Fast day:

Sf mocha, iced tea, glass of wine (i know), small salad with thin piece of bread.

Exercise: walked dogs 🐩
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by Sammybunny711 » Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:51 am

I feel ya on being stuck in a "decade" you don't want to be in. I'm hovering at 185.6 and it's killing me. I am so happy to be firmly out of the 190s, but will be sooo happy when I can kiss 180s goodbye, too!
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:07 pm

My 17 yo is more introverted, which is why it doesn't worry me that she spends a lot of time in her room. I am interested to see what the other girls grow up to be like.

Do you have more trouble sleeping on fasting days? I have read in the literature that fasting gives you so much energy that it can be hard to sleep. I know that was true for me back when I used to fast.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Fri Feb 19, 2021 6:13 am

We will get there bunny!

Hippie: yeah i dont worry about them spending so much time in their rooms. Seems lie a pretty normal teenage thing esp during covid. I know they’re sick of seeing me 24/7. I know some ppl have a harder time sleeping with fasting but strangely I usually sleep better. I think it was my meds (wellbutrin). They seem to rev me up sometimes and then i just have to skip a day or two and im fine. I think it’s like a build up in my system or something.

Omgosh so freakin tired. Ate a little more than id like to but mostly stuck with my plan.

170.2 lbs So close to 169 but i did at least make my goal for my first min challenge so thats a relief.

Break: avocado toast with an egg, watermelon, sf mocha
Lunch: tuna melt, 1 serv chips with salsa, banana
Snack: yogurt; berries, nuts
Dinner: scallops, spaghetti squash, 2 rose cocktails
Dessert: cookie thins, milk, 1 lollipop

Exercise: walked dogs 🐕, treadmill—30 mins
13.7k steps
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Feb 19, 2021 6:29 pm

Yeah I know my daughter is probably sick of me! When I think about how I was at 17, I can' t imagine having to stay home with my entire family every day.

Glad fasting doesn't make it harder to sleep for you.

Congratulations on 170! Very exciting! :)

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Feb 20, 2021 5:33 am

I know Hippie. A rough age to be stuck at home for sure.

Had a nice day. Waled the dogs, did some pilates, puttered around the house and did some meal planning. I didn’t cook dinner. It was a fasting day for me so the girls just ordered sandwiches and doc had leftovers.

Tomorrow night we are going to our neighbors for dinner. They’re wonderful cooks so i know itll be great. In fact the husband went to culinary school at one point but is now a nurse. He & I connect on food while doc and him connect over medical stuff. He’s also an activist so there’s that. His wife is an art teacher and in fact was one of the girl’s favorite teacher. She’s just an amazing person. Super talented, kind, funny, patient a great mom. So many things. I admire her but am also slightly envious of her.

It’s fine though. We all get along really well. It’s nice to have another couple that we both get along with. That's hard to find. I have a good friend that always likes to go out with us on couple dates but doc finds the husband boring. Plus they aren’t very adventurous eaters. Our favorite thing is to try new and interesting restaurants. We also don’t mind spending a decent amount of money on a good meal. To them the Cheesecake Factory is their idea of a splurge night. Nothing wrong with Cheesecake Factory but thats like a Wednesday night Postmates kind of thing for us.

Anyway excited to hang out. It’s been awhile but now 3 out of 4 of us have our vaccines so i think it’s pretty safe. Im making pistachio cake and tahini ice cream to bring. Hope it turns out okay.

Fast day:

Sf mocha, pickle, sauerkraut, small salad, sf mocha, lollipop

Exercise: 20 mins pilates, walked dogs
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Sat Feb 20, 2021 3:55 pm

Have fun socializing!! Are you the "4th" that doesn't yet have a vaccine? I might have missed that on your thread, though. My parents and my hubby's parents still waiting....! I did go walking with a friend yesterday that has gotten both doses. She said the second one had her sick in bed for 2 days afterwards. The same thing happened to my sister. It sounds like Doc didn't have that happen?
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Feb 20, 2021 4:21 pm

I love going out to eat and trying new things! It's one of my favorite pre-pandemic things to do. Unfortunately, my husband has sensory issues and eats about 5 things. LOL It's ok, though, sometimes he will take me to a restaurant and just eat beef jerky beforehand. It sounds like you have a really fun night planned for tomorrow night!

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by Jen1974 » Sat Feb 20, 2021 6:39 pm

Linda: me too on the couple friends. It seems hard to find a good match & even harder with kids. Most people my age have younger kids so it puts my kids either babysitting when we’re together or not wanting to be around at all!! People we’ve met with kids my kids age tend to be older & while we’ve met a few we click with, We act/dress younger than we are & don’t typically fit in with an older crowd.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by alene1 » Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:15 pm

I hope you had a nice visit with your friends. That pistachio cake sounds fab!

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:34 am

Auto: yes im the one without a vaccine yet. I think im going to be one of the last to receive it since i dont work in a risky job and i dont have any underlying conditions. But since we know a lot of med ppl, im slowly becoming surrounded by vaccinated ppl which possibly means more socializing. Doc felt a bit sick for about a day. Another friend felt nothing and the other had similar experience as doc did. One day of feeling a little off is definitely worth it imo.

Hippie: your hubby sounds very sweet to still join you even though thats not his thing. Btw, beef jerky is one of docs favorite snack. He said that in high school he went through a phase where all he ate was root beer , sourdough bread and beef jerky. Im pretty sure i was living off of granola bars, salad and yogurt in hs. I guess hs boys aren’t as concerned about their weight. 🙄

Jen: these particular friends are around our age but we have a lot of younger friends too. I always say it’s because we’re so immature. It kind of works out though because our girls can watch their kids while we all go out. Win win.

Thanks alene!

We did have fun but i ate way too much! I also, overdid it on the booze big time which is pretty ironic after all the alcohol discussion on autos thread. ☺️ I think it’d been too long since i socialized and i was definitely nervous. I hope I didn’t embarrass myself too much. Especially since the husband has been sober for like 40 years. I notice that i start to kind of try to impress ppl when im nervous and then later im like why did i say that? Oh well what can you do? They either like me or they dont. Nothing i can do about it.

I felt pretty hung over the next day which is something I haven’t experienced in a long time and one i hope not too experience again. Doc and i took a drive to jerome the next day and i got super car sick. We dis have a nice time though and i eventually felt better.

My weight is all over the place though and im starting to worry im never going to lose this weight. I feel like ive been working really hard since early December and really only down about 5-10 lbs depending on the day. Ugh, ugh ugh but i really do feel like ADF is the right path for me. I did notice that today was the first feast day that I wasn’t feeling crazy hungry so I’m hoping that my body is finally adjusting. Maybe if i dont overeat on my eat days, ill start ro see more results. 🤞

174.2 😏

Break: avocado toast with an egg on top, banana
Lunch: veg dog with sauerkraut and roasted corn
Snack: nf yogurt w half granola bar
Dinner: fish burrito w low carb tortilla and cauliflower rice
Dessert: 1 c froyo

Exercise: walked dogs 🐕, 31 mins intervals inclines treadmill
13.5 k steps
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:37 pm

Oh well what can you do? They either like me or they dont. Nothing i can do about it.
It seems like this is the theme on our threads these days!!!!

Glad you had with your friends and managed to still have a nice time with Doc the next day on your drive (once you felt better).
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by Jen1974 » Tue Feb 23, 2021 6:54 pm

LOL, it’s does seem to be a theme!! Right there with you Linda on second guessing everything I say, usually in the middle of the night :lol:

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Feb 24, 2021 5:26 pm

Yeah my husband didn't have to worry about his nutrition or his weight until he was in his thirties. He lived on Pizza and chicken nuggets...

Sorry, you felt hungover! I hope you are feeling all better now and that your week is going well.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:13 am

Thanks you guys! I swear i think im just very out if practice and there’s going to some awkward social situations in my future. Maybe thats why this theme is being developed here lately or maybe social anxious, thinker types are attracted to this lovely community we’ve got going on. Im still not feeling great about that interaction but it is fine. Im listening to a book called Be Yourself on audible about social anxiety. It’s interesting but I don’t 100% relate to it. I really have no trouble with strangers oddly enough and ive always been one to speak up in class or in life in general but i get anxious with ppl i care about. Like i just want them to like me a little too much and that makes me anxious. 🤷‍♀️ i think im frustrated too because im having trouble reading the wife. I cant really tell if she likes me or is just being her normal kind self. Anyway omg overthinking much?

Okay other than that all is well. I found a dermatologist that i really love and she’s helping to get my skin in shape. She gave me dysport injections and boy what a difference already. Next she’s going to help get rid of all my broken blood vessels. They did an analysis of my skin and it said my skins age was 53. Ill be 53 in may so i guess that’s about right. I thought it’d be much worse growing up on the beach and all. She did say I should sleep on my back though. Been trying. It’s hard.

I ate more than i planned today but not too badly. On my eat days i can technically eat like 3500 cals a day and still lose weight since im ha e such a big deficit the other days.

170.4 🙄

Break: toast, 1 egg, mango
Lunch: sweet potato with black beans, cheese, salsa
Sf mocha
Dinner: 3 tacos, guacamole, chips, beans, margaritas
Dessert: froyo, 1 lollipop

Exercise: walked dogs 🐶, treadmill 30 min
14,5 k steps

Sooo tired.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Feb 27, 2021 9:33 pm

I know what you mean about social anxiety with the people you know vs strangers. I will pick apart a conversation in my head and worry if I said the right thing, or acted interested enough, didn't talk about myself too much. I do try to tell myself that most people are busy doing the SAME thing. They are not analyzing my words and actions, they are analyzing their own. But it's still tough. I used to feel that way every time I had to talk to one of my professors too. So yes! Totally relate to overthinking. :)

I don't know if I could sleep on my back! Is it for better skin?

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Feb 28, 2021 6:13 am

Yeah it’s so hard not to overthink social interactions. I realized that i tend to out barriers up and generally wait for others to initiate things. She probably isn’t even sure if i want a closer friendship or not. Her husband and i were friends first so that adds another layer of strangeness to it all. Actually i seem to get along best with their daughter which is kind of funny. She’s in her mid 20# but we have a lot of similar interests. I do really like her mom though so decided to text her today and ask if she wanted to go walking tomorrow. She seemed really pleased and im proud of myself for putting myself out there.

Today went well although I actually wasnt feeling well. I basically watch the food network and meal planned all day. Oh i also did some quilling. I really love it. I forgot how fun it was to totally lose oneself in a hobby. I definitely think it’s good for my mental health. Was a fasting day today and pretty sure i stayed within my 500 calories. Hoping the scale is kind to me tomorrow. Ive been obsessively watching this YouTube channel about this woman who does ADF. She vlogs every day and its been so interesting to see her progress. Also interesting to see that even though shes lost 108 lbs, she still really struggles with body image.

Fast day: sf mocha x2, 1 bagel with cream cheese
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:05 pm

I've always heard that people that have younger friends are the young ones at heart! So it doesn't surprise me one bit that you hit it off the best with the 20-something daughter!
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:09 pm

Good for you for putting yourself out there and setting up a walking date with her! That's awesome! I hope it goes well!

Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by ladybird30 » Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:54 am

Walking dates are terrific
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:47 am

Thx auto, i still think im 20 so it does make sense we’d get along.

Well after all that she ended up needing to reschedule. Oh well, we will see. Im not everyone’s cup of tea.

Rough day yesterday w sweetpea. We got into a fight and she broke down and told me that she was worried she wasnt going to graduate. Ohmygoodness... this is so stressful. I feel so badly for her. She’s always been outgoing and easily made friends but the friend group rejection she experienced really impacted her mental health. Then her bf broke up with her and i think her self esteem is completely gutted. I mesn how does someone recover from something like that? Oh i know, they grow up to be someone who feels devastated when their friend has to cancel on them. It’s just all so hard sometimes. I feel like i failed her too. I wish i could go back and do things differently. Sigh, she just needs to graduate and then maybe she can have a fresh start.

Boy am i a downer today. Itll be okay. We will get through this. Everything else is going okay. Im really enjoying adf way more than i ever thought i would. I actually kind of look forward to my fasting days and i dont feel deprived or really even hungry at all. And i realky look forward to my eat days. It’s always exciting to go to bed knowing i can eat tomorrow. I never thought id do this again but ive actually been kind of keeping track of my calories. I just want to make sure i dont go crazy on my eat days and completely undo fast days. I mean planning its much more fun planning a 2400 calorie day than the old diet days of trying to plan an 800-1200 cal day. It’s just kinda making sure ive got everything spread out in an enjoyable way.

Im trying to increase my exercise intensity as well so we will see where this takes me. I decided to onky weigh weekly. It just messes with me too much.

Fast day:
Sf mocha, small sushi bowl with cauliflower rice, mimi skinny margarita
Boy am i good at stretching those 500 cals.

Exercise: walked dogs 20 mins, pilates 17 mins, treadmill cross train video 37 mins
Steps 13.5 k
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by alene1 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:10 pm

Hi Linda. Don't assume that she doesn't want to walk with you. There is a very good chance something just came up!! I'm glad you're enjoying your up and down days. We are all so different in what works well for us. So sorry about Sweet Pea. I hope that things smooth out. Sending hugs!!

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:15 am

Thank you alene! It’s fine. She is just kind of a hard person to read and for all the time we’ve spent together, i still dont really feel like i know her. I just can care about it too much though.

Sweetpea has been hard at work trying to catch up. Shes grumpy about it but im so happy to at least see she cares enough to try to push through this. Im sure she will graduate. 🤞

Im so tired. Pushed myself hard on the treadmill. Tomorrow we are getting our taxes done. This is such a huge stressor for me every year. We owed so much last year and im expecting the same this year but at least we are ready for it this time. Ill be so glad when it’s over.

Eat day:

Break: small piece zucchini bread, toast, veg bacon,
Lunch: tuna sandwich, fruit w yogurt, sf mocha
Dinner: 2 1/2 crab enchiladas, 3 cuties, glass of wine, mini skinny margarita
Dessert: see’s sucker

Exercise: walked 🐕 25 mins, interval running on treadmill 30 mins
17.5k steps
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Mar 04, 2021 12:15 am

Sweetpea can do it! I noticed with my daughter that the teachers were really motivated to help her graduate and as long as she was working, they were helpful and encouraging, which was really helpful to my daughter as well. I bet Sweetpeas teachers are most likely the same.

Good luck with the taxes tomorrow! Always an unfun task but it sounds like you are mentally prepared.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:23 am

Thank you for the encouragement hippie. It’s so nice to have somebody that gets it. Her school is very tiny and i think they’re definitely motivated to help her graduate. In fact i just looked up their graduation rate and it’s 100% so i feel like theyll do whatever it takes to get her through. Either that or she’ll be the first one not to graduate from there in awhile.

Im kind of struggling today. Just feeling very weepy and fragile. Just lots of little things adding up and feeling like i have no real social circle now that im no longer involved in activism. I really need to be able to get back to having a social life of some kind. I know as soon as we can start going to restaurants, ill feel better. We used to regularly go to dinner with doc’s co workers who are super into food like we are. We also had a few other ppl we’d go out with regularly. The good news is that they just opened up vaccines for 55+ and 45+ would be next which is my group. Feels like things are moving right along so there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Food wise all is well. Ive been easily staying on track for my Eat days, my fasting days as well as my exercise. I really hope my weight is down when i do my weigh in on Saturday. 🤞

Fast day:
2 sf cocoas, 1 iced tea with almond milk, small bowl of carrot soup, small piece of sea bass.
Pretty sure i ate more like 600 cals today but its fine.

Exercise: walked dogs, “hiked” on treadmill
14k steps
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:43 pm

Even better with a small school, Sweetpea won't get lost in the cracks. It sounds very promising!

Sorry you are struggling. That's great news about the vaccines in your area! They just opened up 65+ down here and I haven't even seen anything below that mentioned in the schedule, so we will see. Have you thought about joining an outdoor group of some kind? They have lots of walking and biking meetup groups here in my area. I have been happy to not have a social life but it could be because I am so drained from being home with the kids all day. I really miss going out to eat with my husband though! That was one of our things too.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:16 am

Hopefully you will start to feel a little more socially connected soon. And get to go out to eat with friends!
Oh i know, they grow up to be someone who feels devastated when their friend has to cancel on them.
This actually made me laugh - it cut a little too close to home. However, just the other day I was pondering how the painful things we go through in life are the very things that develop our character. If everything had gone well for me all the way through, I would be so totally totally totally selfish and lack empathy almost entirely. I doubt you or Sweetpea would ever trend that way - you have such gentle personalities. But nevertheless, you might have a different character if life hadn't offered up some exceedingly hard times. It is in the fire that we form.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Fri Mar 05, 2021 5:21 am

I hope so hippie! Thats a great idea about joining a club. I love biking but stopped doing in when doc lost interest. :/

“It is in the fire that we form.”
That’s beautiful auto and definitely made me think. I do think the hard stuff ive been through has helped me have more compassion for others. Thanks for that perspective. 💜

Im feeling a lot better today. I finally asked doc if i had acted like a jerk when we were at our friends and he looked very confused. I told him i was worried i had been tacky talking about wanting chanel purses and to go on fancy vacations. She is very down to earth & budget conscious. Anyway he said i was totally fine and had nothing to worry about. He reminded me how they were airing their dirty laundry in front of us and telling us about their martial struggles. He figures if their that comfortable with us, we can pretty much let our hair down around them and not worry. I felt much better after our talk.

I really thinking not having been social for so long is increasing the intensity of any social anxiety i had before. Before our talk i went into a coffee shop and the lady behind me was standing fairly close to me with her daughter who didn’t have a mask on. The daughter started coughing and i was just feeling so anxious that i almost said something to her. But i just got out of there fast and felt weird about the whole thing. I dont want to become that cranky person who gives dirty looks to moms. Everything was just feeling like too much and i felt close to having a panic attack on the way home. Luckily doc saved the day. He was home when i got there in his usual cheerful mood and then we had our talk.

That was a very long way of saying im feeling better! ☺️ I also gave myself the day off (perks of being your own boss) and spent most of the day quilling. It’s so relaxing and easy to learn. Im loving. I worked out and didnt overeat so that’s good. It always makes me nervous when things are going so well in this area because i know it wont last forever and the struggling will return. Jeez, why am I always waiting for the other shoe to drop?

Break: toast w cream cheese (had to remake this because cupcake sat on the first piece 🤦🏼‍♀️) , mango, sf mocha
Lunch: greek yogurt with fruit, granola and almond butter—was delicious.
Dinner: chipotle cauliflower tacos with pea guacamole, skinny margarita
Dessert: 2 chocolate suckers

Exercise: walked dogs 🐕🐕, treadmill 30 min cross training video.
12.5k steps
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by ladybird30 » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:10 am

So nice that you can talk to Doc like that. Glad you are feeling better today.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Mar 05, 2021 4:24 pm

Luckily doc saved the day. He was home when i got there in his usual cheerful mood
What a perfect partner you have! :lol: 8)
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Mar 05, 2021 7:01 pm

Im glad you were able to talk to Doc! Its always helpful to get the view of someone who was there too. My social anxiety has definitely gone up since the pandemic. It's like its added a whole other layer, worrying about safety and masks and new ettiquete and staying six feet apart.

I also agree with Doc, if your friends were talking about their marital troubles, sounds like they are pretty comfortable with you guys and you can definitely be yourselves and get to know each other better.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by Jen1974 » Sat Mar 06, 2021 12:06 am

I love your husbands reaction to your worries about your night with friends!! I try to remember that I’m not over analyzing them so they are probably not over analyzing me either when I go down the rabbit if hole of “why did I say that?!?!”

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Mar 06, 2021 4:22 am

Thanks you guys! Yes, he’s not perfect but maybe perfect for me? He really grounds me in these moments. I did end up starting my cycle today so that’s probably part of this. It always intensifies my insecurities. I did sort of realize that i need to have a better sense of self and not let myself get knocked down so easily. That’s probably something i should have figured out a long time ago but hey better late than ever. But if i let my self worth be determined by outside forces, well then Im at the mercy of other ppl’s whims. I could be feeling amazing one moment and horrible the next instead of having a steady self assurance of someone whose comfortable in my their own skin. Anyway, something to work on for sure.

Today was really good although I didn’t sleep well so had to fo easy on the exercise. I disnt have too much trouble with my fasting day but am definitely looking forward to tomorrow. I think ill take a little bit of a splurge day and not worry too much about what im eating or how much. I feel like i did pretty well this week so am really hoping i get below 170 tomorrow. 🤞

Time to sleeeep.

Fast day: 2 sf cocoas w almond milk, low cal pasta dinner, honeydew melon
Exercise: dogs , treadmill

10k steps
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:48 am

Well I definitely splurged today! Dont really remember all i ate but i think i needed to have a day off.

Im volunteering tomorrow at a vaccine sight so i will be getting my first dose. I have to be there at 6am! Nervous! Hope i can sleep!

168 lbs woot!! 🎉🎉

Ate: chips and guacamole, keto pancakes, cauliflower hash browns, quinoa breakfast cookies, chocolate, avocado toast, wine, vodka gimlet, froyo...

Walked dogs
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:35 pm

Congrats on the weight and on the first dose! Good luck!

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Mar 08, 2021 4:39 am

Thank you hippie! Omg, over 8 hours on my feet today at the volunteer sight. It was fun though. Got to meet lots of interesting ppl snd it’s always nice to feel useful. Im utterly exhausted though and got a little sunburned gosh darn it. Oh well. Was easy to fast today though because i kept so busy.

My arm hurts and sleep calls.

Fast day:
Sf cocoa, small bowl ceviche, froyo bar, lollipop

16k steps (my watch says i stood for 16 hrs today. )
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Mar 08, 2021 1:05 pm

thanks for your encouraging words on my thread linda! hope your arm feels less sore today and hope you have a great week! <3
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:05 pm

Wow that sounds like a busy exhausting day! I hope you enjoyed your well-earned sleep and that your arm starts feeling better soon!

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Tue Mar 09, 2021 8:54 pm

That's so awesome that you volunteered! And got to meet people, and interact, and share your kind heart!
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:29 am

Thanks auto, hippie and deb! It was a really rewarding experience but took me awhile to recover. I was so tired yesterday that I actually went to bed at 7pm! Probably a combination of the long day and the effects of the shot. Im starting to feel back to my old self today though.

I overate a lot yesterday and today had a little trouble fasting because I had the bright idea of making banana bread. Still i think i only went about 100 calories over my allotted 500 calories. Not sure ill lose any weight this week. We shall see.

Oh and doc wants to buy a boat and it’s stressing me out. I know it’d be a lot of fun but theyre not cheap.

Fast day:
2 sf mochas, low carb crab quesadilla , piece of banana bread, iced tea

Rest day.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by Jen1974 » Thu Mar 11, 2021 1:36 am

I love homemade banana bread!! Pretty impressive that you had some without going that much over your goal!! That sounds like a win to me :D

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Fri Mar 12, 2021 5:24 am

Thanks jen! I love it too. We put nuts and chocolate chips in it and use sour cream to keep it moist. So dangerous!

Been a weird week. Ive been so tired, irritable and having brain fog. Needless to say i have barely exercised and my eat days have been a little over the top so I definitely don’t think ill lose anything this week. Hopefully I haven’t gained.

Good news is that it looks like sweetpea will definitely graduate. She even managed to get her humanities grade up to a B somehow. She’s in a much better mood and i think it’s going to be nice having them both home next week for spring break.

We’re also going ahead with the boat purchase. It still makes me a little nervous but it’ll be really nice to have something to do when it’s 100 degrees out. I do love the water too. I grew up 5 blocks from the beach and really miss spending time in the water. Doc wants to take up wake surfing which is great exercise so all around i think it’ll be pretty cool to have.

Kinda dreading the weigh in tomorrow. Maybe ill just skip it...

Fast day: 2 sf mochas, cup of soup w slice of bread
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Mar 12, 2021 3:22 pm

Have fun with the boat! You are encouraging me to take the plunge and spend a ton of money on our summer trip. It's nothing crazy wild, but we want to go to Silverwood Theme Park (Idaho) for 2-3 days, and stay in a fun hotel. For 4 of us, that will be a hefty bill. Plus, I will need to board the dogs and I've settled on a board & train - not because of the training aspect but because he only keeps 6 dogs at a time and I've worked with him before and he is gentle and I trust him with my dogs. I was thinking maybe for the training he could work on their scent finding skills. We like to do games like that with them, and they have caught on pretty quickly, but maybe he could get them to the next level. Anyhoo, that is super expensive, but theoretically worth it because I would be able to fully relax while away. We are getting another stimulus check, right? :mrgreen:

Note - this probably should have been on my thread, sorry, but I think I was looking for you to say "go for it! spend a ton of $$!!" LOL, I am so dysfunctionally human.

Congrats about Sweetpea! What a relief!
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:28 pm

Yay! Thats great news about Sweetpea! I feel kind of similar to you about the boat in my life except its with a new truck. My dh is bound and determined to buy one soon and I am freaking out because they are expensive. I know it will all work out though, just like you and the boat! It will be fun to have in the summer, and a great way to get out and away yet safely. (Covid wise)

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Mar 13, 2021 3:38 pm

Auto: please never apologize auto for writing a bunch on my thread ! I sincerely enjoy reading about what others are thinking/experiencing so much! Your trip sounds amazing and i hope you’re able to go for it. I just think we all need to celebrate a bit now that we are actually able to get out there some. I cannot tell you how much planning gor future events has lifted my spirits and those around me. I was talking to my mil about possibly visiting her this summer and i could see how much joy that idea was bringing to her. And yesterday i was making plans with a friend who has heart problem, and therefore has been extra careful, for mid-april and it was like a dark cloud disappearing above us. I think a lot of us have been struggling with low grade depression for months. And 100% agree about the dogs. That is the one thing I worry about when we’re away so having a trustworthy care taker is priceless.

Thanks hippie! You were right about her teachers. They’re really being generous and actually letting her catch up over spring break. Im confident she will graduate thank goodness. Large purchases are always stressful but somehow it seems to work out. I did tell doc he needs to sell off some of his other toys though. He’s got a rockcrawler he never uses anymore and we also have some atvs that are gathering dust. A truck does sound fun. I hope you can find a way to make it work!

Well i didn’t lose or gain last week which is fine but a little disappointing. I did decide not to count calories on my eat days yesterday and find I actually eat less. My main issue though is that i do fine all day but as soon as i have a cocktail, i decide indulging in sweets is a great idea. Hmmm... back to having to find that nice balance between none and too much. I yhink one or two glasses of wine is fine but if i have a sweet cocktail it triggers something. Yesterday i had a margarita during our family zoom happy hour so i think ill need to stick to wine or the occasional martini.

I am starting to feel thinner though so that’s nice. It’s crazy how much difference a few pounds can make. I am on track for my long term goal but it’s just VERY slow going. 🤞

Breakfast: veggie wrap, sf mocha
Lunch: smoothie, piece of fruit
Snack: couple bites here and there of nuts, cheese, chips but very minimal
Dinner: salmon salad, 2 margaritas
Dessert: froyo, halo ice cream, chocolate chips, lollipop 🤦🏼‍♀️

Exercise: 35 min treadmill jog/walk on incline
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Mar 14, 2021 5:16 am

Definitely a mixed bag kind of a day. On the one hand i had a nice quiet day hanging out with the girl’s & quilling. On the other hand, i had a bit of a traumatic experience as I was trying to sign rosebud up for driving lessons of all things. I paid for a package deal from one company and then tried to set up her first lesson (all this was online). Well, unfortunately they didn’t have anything available till like May and they had weird times like noon on a Tuesday. Well hello she’s in school.

Anyway, so i emailed them explaining that this wasn’t going to work for me and could i please have a refund. Well about 10 mins later, the owner calls me up and comes at me with guns loaded. I told him I didn’t appreciate him being rude to me and that id just like a refund at this point. Well he snapped and just went off on me like you wouldn’t believe. He called me a horrible person and a bad mother. I swear nobody has spoken to me like this before. I hung up on him but he called me right back. I decided i just needed to get through this so i could get my $600 back so i said let’s reset and both agree to be respectful. He apologized... kinda but then basically said i should apologize too. At this point i just wanted my money back so i gave him a have assed one. He actually tried to start up with me again but I managed to contain things. He agreed to give me my money back and I actually thanked him.

Im so upset. Upset that he treated me like this. Upset because i know if i were a man it would have gone down differently. Upset that I didn’t disengage immediately. Upset I apologized and thanked him. Honestly if i could do it all over again i would have hung up immediately and written the money off. The whole thing is just so ugly. I know i need to report him to BBB and write up a negative review but honestly i just want to forget the whole thing ever happened. Ugh, doc was very sweet about all and gave me a big hug when he got home. He was pretty upset about it too. Anyway, ill be okay and it was a good reminder to always choose kindness when possible.

Well fasting went well at least and i was able to get a workout in which felt great. Very excited to eat tomorrow though!

Fast day: 2 sf mochas, 3 oysters, strawberries, broccoli

Exercise: walked dogs 🐩, 32 min treadmill “hike”
11k steps
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by Jen1974 » Sun Mar 14, 2021 4:02 pm

That all sounds awful Linda!! I feel like people have gotten worse over COVID. I try to remember that anyone who felt good in life WOULD NEVER treat others that way, and work to nit give them the power to ruin my day, but it’s easier said than done!!

Yay on the boat!! We have an older pontoon & it’s one of our favorite things to do!! We have made so many memories on the boat so it was well worth the money :D

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:24 am

Totally Jen, I’m not giving anymore energy. Not worth it! So glad to hear your family gets good use out of your boat.

We are still figuring out the financing but it should be finalized next week. Doc is majorly into it and has been reading up on all things boating. He even started working out to get in shape for wake boarding. Hey whatever it takes!

Today was nice. I did a lot of cooking so was on my feet all day. We are having a post vaccine get together on the 3rd. I’m so excited to be having ppl over finally! I decided I want to do fish tacos and margaritas so I did a bit of a practice run today. I made two kinds of salsas, crema and refried beans. I wasn’t up for frying fish or making the tortillas but will do so next week. I had a mostly snacky day but it was a light snacking so luckily I don’t feel sick or overly full.

So happy the girls have spring break this week. That means sleeping in which really means laying in bed for an extra hour. I can’t actually sleep in anymore. :/

I didn’t sleep well last night so didn’t feel up to exercise but will do so tomorrow.

167.6 lbs woot!

Break: waffle, fruit
Snacks: fruit. Chocolate, chips
Dinner: 2 fish tacos, beans, guac
Dessert: froyo bar, more chocolate

Looks like a lot but everything was small portions
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:55 pm

That sounds so fun to have a post vaccine get together! I can't wait til we can do stuff like that. Im so sorry about that awful driving school man! That is horrible! I am glad you got some support from Doc. I always try to remember that people who are that mean are miserable and its not personal against me. It's still really hard and makes me feel bad though.

Yay for spring break! Ours is next week and I am very excited.

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by Jen1974 » Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:31 pm

Congrats on the lower weight!! Your menu sounds really good!! I love entertaining & always do test runs before too :D

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:37 am

Thats so true hippie! I feel like he must be in a lot of emotional pain. Yeah im really looking forward to hanging esp because I haven’t seen the one couple for a year now even though they only leave several blocks away.

Thank you Jen! It should be fun.

Today started out a little rough but then got better. I was just feeling really badly about how ive handled so many of my female friendships. It seems like i end up sabotaging just about all of them. I think it’s because of an incident in HS. After my dad passed away, i lost all of my friends too. And then my mom lost our house. Just a very painful time and i feel like im constantly watching for something to be upset about. I cling on to it as a reason to be passive aggressive or just break things off completely. Maybe a case of hurt them before they hurt me? It’s complicated.

I kind of picked myself up though and realized that now that im aware of this, i can work on it and make sure i break the pattern. I can’t change the past but as maya angelou said “when you knew better, you did better. “

Well, nobody said life was going to be easy. At least my girls are doing well, doc & I are good and the puppies are as affordable as ever. Also, fasting was easy todsy.

Ate: a little fruit, 5 oysters, 2 sf mochas

Exercise: walked dogs 🐕, Pilates 18 mins, ran on treadmill 30 mins
14k steps
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Mar 17, 2021 4:55 am

Good day although i feel like ive been going non-stop and am exhausted. A little overly full from dinner but not too bad. Looking forward to my fast day tomorrow. Getting my haircut for only the 3rd time in a year. Housecleaners coming tomorrow too! Should be a good day!

Breakfast: egg salad on toast, veg sausage, sf mocha
Snack: crackers & a wedge of cheese
Lunch: veg hotdog, banana & spinach smoothie, chocolate
Dinner: tortilla casserole (so good!)
Dessert: more chocolate ☺️

Exercise: treadmill “hike”-32 mins; walked dogs 🐶
16k steps
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:40 pm

It sounds like you are doing really well with your realizations! Sometimes it's hard to recognize these truths about ourselves and our situations, but once we do we can work to change it. It's great that you have been able to realize what is going on and work on breaking the pattern.

The tortilla casserole sounds good! Do you have a recipe?

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by Jen1974 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 7:38 pm

I find female friendships hard too!! I struggled with friends in middle school & always felt like if I wasn’t perfect friends would bail, which is probably why I have so much social anxiety!!

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:35 am

It’s true hippie. Sometimes we just got to be brutally honest with ourselves so we dont stay stuck in negative patterns forever. I do feel like my friendships will be more rewarding going forward.

Here’s the recipe. Super easy and a big hit with everyone in our house. Freshly grated cheese makes a big difference ive noticed: ... -casserole

Jen, thanks for letting me know im not alone. All that old baggage really stays with us doesn’t it? I can tell you’re a fantastic friend though. 💜

Well today was pretty good. It was SO good to see my hairdresser. We really hit it off and she is just so good for my ego. Even if that is just part of her job, ill take it. She complimented my skin, my outfit and then she gave me an adorable haircut to boot. Layers and bangs and no more roots!

I had more to type but falling asleep...

Fast day—popcorn, fruit, sf mocha

Rest day.
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Fri Mar 19, 2021 5:56 am

Ooof, boy did I eat a lot today. I started out just really hungry but later I just ate cuz I wanted to eat. It’s okay. I’m taking the long view. I’ll still get to my goal.

Was a nice quiet day and my house is sooo clean. Makes me happy. Hung out, did laundry, spent time with the girls and then went to my well woman check up. Hate going to the drs but she told me I won’t have to get another pap for 5 yrs—woot!

Not sure I can remember all I ate!

Break: oatmeal, fruit, veg sausage, muffin
Snack:popcorn, chips& salsa
Lunch: tortilla casserole, chips, sf iced blended
Dinner: cheeseburger salad, wine
Deserts: chocolate chips, brookie, chocolate covered s’mores

Oh dear!

Exercise: walked dogs—30 mins; treadmill 32 mins—walk/run
17 k steps
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Mar 19, 2021 4:20 pm

Sounds like a great week for self care! A new haircut and a well woman check up! Good for you! ( I need to do that one soon myself)

I hope you enjoyed your oatmeal! :D

Thanks for the recipe, that looks delicious! I am putting it on the menu plan for next week. :)

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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Mar 20, 2021 4:30 am

Thanks hippie. Was a good day for sure!

Well had my first real failed fasting day today. Just really has the munchies and it started to add up. Not a binge or anything but definitely more than 500 Cals. Trying not to beat myself up about it. I think it’s partly because I tried on some new clothes yesterday from my clothing rental subscription and they were a little tight. Just feeling a little bit discouraged I think.

Not giving up though. Tomorrow’s an eat day then back on track Sunday. My group challenge ends on the 30th and will be a relief for sure. It’s been more pressure than anticipated.

Otherwise today was good. Took the dogs on a walk this morning but then sweetpea wanted to go on another one in the afternoon. It was getting hot out though so we took the dog stroller for Tessa. Well about halfway through, cupcake just laid down in the shade so we had to put her in there too. I definitely thought Tessa was going to make a fuss about having cuppy in her space but she was surprisingly tolerant about the whole thing. It was pretty cute.

Saw my neighbors on the walk and we chatted for awhile. I kinda had this realization that you can’t force ppl to like you so why stress about it. Instead why not just relax and have fun? It really is more freeing to just stop trying to control other ppl’s perceptions/opinions. I mean obviously I’m not going to try to be an ass but trying to fit into a certain mold is pointless.

Anyway, doc is on his way home. Finally!

Fast(ish) not really day: popcorn, fruit, veg dog, lollipop, handful nuts, sf mochas

Exercise: 18 mins Pilates, 2 walks with dogs 🐕
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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Mar 21, 2021 12:13 am

Hi Linda!

Aww they are so adorable in the stroller! I used to put my shih tzu in our jogging stroller when she would get worn out on walks, and I would carry or wear the baby. :D

I agree with not being able to control people's perceptions about you! They are going to think what they think and you really can't stop them. I have that realization sometimes but then I forget it again when I get around people. Thanks for the reminder!

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