Blondie Log

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Blondie Log

Post by Blondie » Sat Jul 09, 2005 10:38 am

No snacks, no sweets, and no seconds in a technical sense. Since I pretty much had seven successful days (including 2 S-days) before today, and I like idea of starting on a non-Monday (or an S day), I’m going to count this as a SUCCESS and move on :)


B: oatmeal with a banana cut up in it; decaf coffee.

L: small salad with dark greens, tomato, and a little leftover eggplant and tofu from Thursday night’s stirfry dumped on it; 3 strawberries, an orange and two small pieces of multigrain bread.

D: salad from Whole Foods (included tomatoes, artichokes, olives, green beans, chick peas, grilled squash, walnuts, etc., yum), three small rolls.

4 liters of water over the course of the day (I don’t drink soda, juice, or milk).

Funny stuff: nothing was on a plate today. Breakfast was way small (but totally enough, this is my normal breakfast) and lunch definitely would have fit on a small plate, but the salad at dinner was in a plastic container that was skinnier than a plate but taller, if that makes sense. It all fit in there, including the rolls, but probably would have pushed limits of the Y axis of a plate, ‘specially the rolls…

Also, after practically breaking my arm patting myself of the back about my exercising virtue, I post for the first time on my day off :lol:

I'm posting this early Saturday morning. I'm getting ready to go camping for the weekend...s'mores anyone??? Woo hoo!!!
What Navin said.

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Post by navin » Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:49 am

Hmm, camping and S'mores do sound good! My big outdoor expedition today will be to ride my bike to the post office. Lewis and Clark, eat your hearts out..

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Post by Blondie » Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:46 am

Days 2 - 3 (S Days)

"Camping" was really fun (actually, calling it camping is a stretch, it was really a party where everyone camped out--it was catered, for Pete's sake). I didn't eat much at all, on Saturday--nothing in-between meals, a nice salad for lunch, a few crabs for dinner (didn't go overboard) and exactly one piece of birthday cake.

Unfortunately, the whole thing resulted in a hangover of medium complexity, which led to my eating on Sunday a little differently than I otherwise would have--an extra bowl of raisin bran, a sandwich for lunch that was richer than what I usually have (artichokes, pesto, and fresh mozzarella on ciabatta) and some frozen yogurt after dinner. Nothing binge-like, just a little heavier. Whatever, it happens, the weekend was fabulous!

Saturday - ran 6 miles; taught swimming lessons for two hours (cutie patootie 3-5 year olds, the "pikes" and "pollywogs"); walked only about 2 miles.
Sunday - walked around 2 miles; mostly vegged out.

Hope everyone's weekend was as great as mine!

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Post by navin » Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:57 am

I think you did pretty good for the weekend. Your S-days are very tame (food wise) compared to mine.. :lol:

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Post by Blondie » Mon Jul 11, 2005 2:44 pm

Thanks, N. I'm working on it--for me it's mostly a matter of thinking about it: am I really hungry for this? It doesn't always work... :wink:

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Post by navin » Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:51 pm

Yep, can't say I don't have the same problem myself sometimes.... or often times... or... :oops: :)

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Post by Blondie » Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:41 am


Heinous migraine prevented me from working out. Had to get in a cab and ditch work early to get in bed and lie very still for a bunch of hours. Would not wish this on anyone. :cry:

B: plain oatmeal with fresh strawberries
L: toasted veggie sandwich on whole wheat, small bag o' pretzels
D: very small serving of chick peas, fava beans, and squash in spicy tomato sauce, salad with a ton of gorgeous fresh veggies, multigrain bread, small apple in 4 oz. plain yogurt

Might weigh myself some time this week. Haven't worked out what my relationship with the scale is going to be...

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Post by Blondie » Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:22 pm

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Post by Ariel King » Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:36 pm

What a cute pic Mandy! Those are some strong-looking legs.

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Post by navin » Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:37 pm

Mandy, I wuoldn't mind looking like that *after* losing my extra weight. You look pretty healthy to me.. from that picture, you're a runner, huh? I bet you could run circles around me, I can run a 5K in a couple hours... :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:22 am

You go Blondie Mandy Girl!!!
I love your #32 tattoos on your arm and legs!!!
Great action shot!
I agree with Nathan, you look fantastic already!
And running on grass???
That is a killer only rivaled by running on sand...
(I used to love to run, but now I am slow baby.... hee!)
PS... Heinous Migraines must seriously suck.. :cry:
Migraines are common when a person has too much trapped Gallbladder energy... The liver and gallbladder meridians make up the Wood element... It is typical for Wood people to "love movement" and running does fit that bill... Can we play a game Mandy? What's your favorite primary color, Season, taste (from the five tastes, sweet, sour, salty, bitter, spicy?)... This will add more "picturesque" info for me to work with...
I'll look for a link to explain a possible helpful point you can press on to make your migraine go away... It's Gallbladder point 31 or 30, one of those, and it's pretty much smack in the middle of the ITB where your fingertips would fall when you have your arms at your sides..... The meridian starts on the temporal bones of the skull.. If you can "call the energy away", by pushing down on a more distal accupressure point, the excess "stuck" energy will hopefully, dissipate, and so will the headache...
Some people I know also suggest an ice pack directly at the base of your skull.... Okay now going to look for descriptive link..
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:40 am

I'm slow but I'm now remembering your first post...
You are definitely a Wood/Yang upward energy kind of gal! LOL...
Here's a very decent diagram of the pathway I'm trying to describe to you..
Don't get overwhelmed with all the numbers.. As you will see, there are quite a measurable amount of points on the temporal bones... (The meridians are bilateral, but the chart is only showing one side... it's the mirror image on the other side...)
Gallbladder #1 is right next to the eye, in that little indentation where your finger just fits... The point I am suggesting you find on yourself, is smack in the middle of the illiotibial band... I'm sure number 30 or 31 would both work, since the idea is to "draw" the energy "down the line" and away from where it is trapped, ie: your poor head...
Practice finding this point *before* you need it... Just sink into that area, gently but firmly and see if anything feels like you are "on something"
My guess is you will definitely feel some energy move right away... Don't dig in, this is subtle, and so, in learning to feel energy, you must always use the thinking "Less is more" in terms of pressure... If you are "on something" and you really focus your attention, the energy will just bubble up under your fingers...
Good luck... Perhaps you might want to consider trying accupuncture one day...
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
Here's the link... don't worry about the article (and the fact that the diagram is of a man! LOL...)
It's just a very clear picture... The Wood Element is just part of the Five Element system of accupuncture, and it's found in men and women...
So...Gallbladder 31 is the point you want...
Hope this helps! ... lement.htm

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Post by Blondie » Wed Jul 13, 2005 1:25 am

Thanks Ariel, Nathan, and Deb! I can recognize that I look pretty good (especially because that pic was 6 about pounds ago), but I'd like my clothes from a few years ago to fit again, and about 20 pounds from now is where I feel the best...also, for me, healthy is just as much about attitude (in this case relationship with food) as outward appearance, and some of my habits could use some reconditioning, regardless of how I look... :D

Ok, I love stuff like this, Deb, although I don't TOTALLY buy it...are you gonna tell my fortune? :wink:

What's your favorite....
primary color: blue
Season: summer (autumn a close second)
taste: oooh, so hard to say...salty or spicy (and I like sweets ok, but nothing too sweet like soda; I like bitter beer and dark chocolate, etc, I think I'm a "non-taster" on that tastebuds scale thing)

My new meds (I got into a new headache clinic at Georgetown) suck. The thing is, I get aura beforehand, so with the right meds, once I notice the neurological symptoms I should be able to nip the pain in the bud. This new medicine didn't stop the headache from coming on and caused earlier onset of nausea than I have ever experienced. Blah. Maybe acupressure (sp?) points are the next thing to try? :wink:

SO ANYWAY, despite the lingering/rebound headache preventing my normal exercise again, Day 5 was a SUCCESS

B: plain oatmeal; decaf coffee

L: spinach salad with tomatoes and tofu, two small pieces of whole grain bread, 8 strawberries

D: veggie "stirfry" (for lack of a better word) with eggplant, broccoli, spinach, and salsa (with added fresh onions and garlic; two small pieces of whole grain bread; small apple in plain yogurt

Note: I almost always have an apple cut up into 4 or 5 oz. of plain yogurt with dinner; this obviously doesn't go on my dinner plate, nor would it likely fit. I have no compunction about keeping this part of my dinner, though, despite that it might qualify as seconds--it's just not what I'm worried about and it's not the kind of thing that made me gain weight. Plus, my dinners are very light--veggies take up a lot of room, though!!

Wow, this post turned long. Talk to you all later...ZZZzzzzz...

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Post by Blondie » Wed Jul 13, 2005 1:27 am

Oooh, thanks Deb--our posts must have crossed in cyberspace...will definitely take a stab at this (intentional stabbing-migraine-pain pun :cry: )

Have a great night!


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Post by Blondie » Wed Jul 13, 2005 1:35 am

Addendum to Day 5: I forgot, I did manage to walk the five mile round-trip to and from work (in the million degree heat and bajillion percent humidity) it appears my exercise compulsion is in tact... 8)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:41 pm

Ha ha!!! Madame Deborah here, ready to read your fortune!
You will be eating dinner soon!
(was that good? LOL..)

No, Mandy, I'm not no fortune teller! Heh..
I was just curious to see if any of those answers would give me more of a complete picture of you...
The tastes you mentioned, Salty, Spicy, Bitter are associated with Water, Metal, and Fire... The associated seasons of those tastes are Winter, Fall, and Summer...
The Wood element is associated with the taste Sour, and the season Spring.. And the color Green...
Blue is associated with the Water element.... That's the Kidneys and Urinary Bladder... You don't really seem to have all your associations in one element, and I think that's probably good... I don't see much Earth in you though... Earth is Stomach and Spleen... Earth people tend to be slower, more homebody types, and major worriers! LOL.... You don't seem to fit that bill either... And, one thing I will say, is that since you really don't seem to have any serious Earth imbalance, as you would have a very strong craving for sweets, and not the dark chocolates or bitter beers, since those indicate more tendency towards Fire (the Heart ) I'm not surprised that you don't really have a major weight issue or eating problem...
Well I'm sure this is turning into one giant confusing mess...
Heh heh...
Are you sure you don't like Green, Sour and Spring? LOL....
8) Deb
(oh and fatty foods, that's Gallbladders job... So when there's a big Gallbladder imbalance, you either LOVE fried foods or HATE them, depending on whether you have too much or too little GB energy...)
Well have a nice evening!
Hope I didn't trigger any migraines for you with all this stuff! LOL...

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Post by Blondie » Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:58 am

How fun, Madame Deborah! That's funny about green, sour, and spring (like the only ones I didn't pick, not that I dislike those things--a good sour apple jolly rancher (green) on a nice April day rocks!). haha!



In addition to no funny stuff (my meals get repetitive, so I'll spare you the details) I had a killer kickboxing workout and walked the five mile round trip to and from work. I guess I have rejoined the living. :D

Hump day is over, folks (at least in EDT)! Yahoo!


PS Why oh why are beautiful fresh berries so pricey? :cry:

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Post by Blondie » Fri Jul 15, 2005 2:40 am

Day 7 7/14 = SUCCESS...

...and a hard fought success.

Normal breakfast and lunch, blah blah, but went to a Mexican restaurant with some friends for dinner. Had a gorgeous salad with avacado, walnuts, oranges etc...but NOT ONE TORTILLA CHIP. This was huge for me. :) Whew.

Nice workout, too--swam 1500 meters and ran 4 miles.

Been out and about a lot lately, looking forward to a quiet sweekend.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:18 am

You deserve it girl!
Rock on!!!
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:23 am

Congratulations on the tortilla chips! I know how hard that is.

Your exercise is really great. It is an inspiration to me to keep going.

About the caffeine in the, that isn't an ignorant question. There is a "caffeine meter" on the box, so I guess that many people ask this. I bought the decaf version of this stuff, which is supposed to average 5 mg caffeine per cup, the same as decaf coffee. Celestial Seasonings also makes a regular (caffeinated)'s black tea with cinnamon, ginger, roasted chicory, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, black pepper, and vanilla bean. I like this better iced than hot for some reason; seems like it has a more pronounced taste, but maybe it's just the weather.

Keep up the good work with the no-s diet and exercise!

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Jul 15, 2005 2:59 pm

Vanilla Hazelnut and English Toffee??? Gadzooks! I'll be on the lookout for those!

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Post by cvmom » Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:02 pm

Hi Mandy:

I just went through the same thing last Friday with the Mexican Food. It is hard to resist when it is on the table. (Be we did prevail, didn't we!!! :) )

My family is going to a Mexican restaurant on Saturday and I thought to myself...yeah, Saturday, I may have a few chips!

Today will not be easy because I am taking the kids to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I'm going to eat a full meal before I go so that I won't be tempted.

Well done on the swimming. You must feel great!!!!


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Post by reinhard » Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:09 pm

I wish someone would post a truly horrendous "before" picure -- you know, black and white, giant sweat pants, frown. You're all just so good looking to start with...

Nice work, blondie. 1/3 there.

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Post by Ariel King » Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:29 pm

ROFL... NoS is sorely in need of a truly large "poster child" who could wow the world with his/her before and after pics. I have no doubt people could lose a LOT of weight with this plan... they just need to somehow find your webpage. Till then - I'm afraid you're stuck with the beautiful people (but at least you fit in - as Deb has said, you're not so bad yourself). :lol:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:18 am

Hi Blondie! Hey Reinhard! In all sincerity, I think, after being a very large woman for a few years there when Richard was still a toddler, that it might be very painful to have to look at that in a photo...

I actually do have a pre NoS "Black and White" photo of myself at my very heaviest... but no frown Rein, and no sweat pants... Just a big old smile and fat cheeks, and a cute little boy who is giving me a nice kiss, holding a twig! It's stuck in a shoe box somewhere but I'll dig it out and see if I can put it up... I was dating a guy who was a semi professional photographer at the time, and he loved black and white... So do I! It's more timeless looking.. But as for my image,,, It just hurts to look at it... So much sadness is wrapped up in that weight gain.. So many unhealthy life circumstances which lead up to it...

I know you were just being cute when you asked for a "horrendous" before photo...
But you know what? I think it's equally important for people to be concerned with taking care of themselves *now* even if they aren't already giant... You know that saying, an "ounce of prevention"...

Reinhard, you yourself only put on 40 lbs, and you are very tall... What was your motivation for starting NoS? I doubt it was vanity, and I also doubt it was pressure from the media... And I really doubt that it was your burning desire to emulate Jared from subway... You just felt tired of being "husky"... You wanted to be healthy?... Well whatever, we are all sure grateful that you created this for whatever personal reasons... Thank you so much! Hug hug hug!!!!

Having a giant "poster child" isn't going to make NoS any more "sellable"... It will appeal to people who just want to cultivate some good old fashioned willpower and discipline of the body and mind...
And for those of us who feel like they are gigantic,,,,
Just love yourself now! No postponing self acceptance...
You don't need an "after" photo to be loved!
You are loved now!
If you didn't love yourself, why would you be here anyway? :wink:
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:20 am

ps...Thanks Blondie for letting me hog your space! :wink:
8) Deb

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Post by Blondie » Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:25 am

Ah, Madame Deb, my space is your space--plus you bumped me to 2 pages! :)

I tend to agree with you about "before" pics. While it might be interesting and motivating for other people to look at someone's before and after, I can see how a dramatic before would summon so many painful feelings. I guess some people draw motivation from seeing themselves at their heaviest, but it seems like the best motivation for getting healthy might be loving oneself and wanting to be the best "you" possible rather than the self-loathing and shame that an unflattering pic might inspire.

On the other hand, I could be full of it. Either way ;)


Day 8, Friday, July 15 = SUCCESS

No snacks, no sweets, no seconds.
Slightly funny stuff: pretty big dinner, but I feel good about it, given my relatively active day and the long run I needed to fuel for Sat morning(I'm about to leave the house).
Exercise: 4 miles walking, 20 minutes cycling, 90 minute step and sculpting class.

Have a great weekend, NoS-ers.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 16, 2005 3:40 pm

Mandy.. when and where do you walk? 4 miles is a lot!... I'm trying to make myself get into that again... I've been all talk and no walk though for months...
I think the answer for me is early evenings though, as they are quite comfortable and it would be a good way to walk off dinner a bit....
Have a nice one... Have you tried to find GB 31 on your ITB yet?
If you can't exactly find the precise spot, you will still be able to find it if you just put all your fingers down, like a pad, at the side of your legs and press the whole pad down... But remember, less is more...
Okay no more point pushing! LOL...
8) Madame Deb

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Post by Blondie » Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:56 pm

Day 9, Sat., July 16: rousing SUCCESS

Eating-wise, very much like a N day, except for some frozen yogurt in the afternoon--with/after lunch--and an extra roll at dinner. I think I've decided that snacks are just out for me, S day or not, unless it's a really unusual situation.

Exercise-wise, very very good--no pain from the injury that kept me from running for several weeks/months this winter and spring. 8 mile run at 7 am and taught swimming lessons to the kiddies 9-11 am. Walked approximately 4 miles.

But the best news is that I cleaned house a little--went through the closet. Some of my clothes that haven't fit in a while are now looking pretty darn good on me if I do say so myself. Not my very skinniest clothes, mind you--I told them I'd see them in 10-12 more pounds and kissed them goodbye into the back of the closet...but my favorite courdoroys (why can't I ever spell that word--was that right?) some suits for work, some running clothes, some other stuff. Kinda wish it were fall so that I could wear some of my cute fall clothes that fit again. No. No, no I don't--I love summer :)

So here's my question. What do you guys do with clothes that have become too big? Having never gained and then lost, I don't know what to do...optimistically give them away? Keep them just in case?


Love and baggy khakis,

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Post by peetie » Sun Jul 17, 2005 1:37 pm

I have heard two schools of thought on this issue. One is to give them away so that you are telling yourself I will never gain this weight back again and need these clothes. OR, put them away and wait and see for practicality purposes.

What I do, since I have gone up and done through the ages, is put them in a sort of "halfway house" in a bag in the garage. After a reasonable amount of time.....several months for me.....I either need them again, or I give them to a charitable organization.

And what a nice problem to have! Much better than needing to give away small clothes!


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Post by cvmom » Sun Jul 17, 2005 3:11 pm


I regularly take things to the Goodwill, including clothes that are tired or don't fit.

I also have a rule that if I bring something new in the closet then 2 things have to exit. I do this culling because we don't have a very big closet so I have to be practical.

Yes, I do have a few things that I can't part with. (See my post regarding the Levi's scale.) But, beyond that, my philosophy is get rid of those clothes that are too big. I never want to see them again. :!: :!: :!:


BTW, I have a $200 pair of jeans that are too loose. I don't want to give them to Goodwill. Anyone who wants a size 30 Joe's Jeans (The Muse style) can send me a private message and I will mail them to you.

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Post by navin » Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:03 pm


Another vote for "give them away". Goodwill/Salvation Army are good ideas, I also give some of my old clothes to this organization that gives food/clothes/whatever to homeless people. Very satisying to see people scooping up my old clothes and making good use of them.

Of course, I am a guy, and I'm a software developer (meaning dess code at work is pretty casual.) Most of my "nice" shirts were between $10 and $20, and I can't remember the last time I paid more than $30 for a pair of khakis. So parting with them is not a big financial disaister. :)

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Post by navin » Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:04 pm

Dru -

Wow, $200 for a pair of jeans? I don't think my whole wardrobe is worth that much. :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:28 pm

Hey Dru! Can you send 200 dollars instead! LOL..
Just kidding..
8) Deb

Is size 30 too big or too small?
Being nosy here! LOL..
I would kill to be in size 30!!!!

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Post by cvmom » Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:03 am

:D :D

I am a dingbat. I meant a size 30 waist! And yes, they are too big. I'm not going to buy anymore jeans until fall because it is too hot. Sorry Deb, you cannot have the money because alas, it went to my Macy's bill.

Just thought you all should know that I have been putting Ikea furniture together now for 4 hours. I got stuck on step 5 for like 2 hours and realized I'd put the pegs in the wrong holes. So, I have made my younger son a wobbly bookcase. Meanwhile my older son put together an enormous bookcase, an ottoman and a locker style cabinet. Lord help my brain :!:

I have eaten a lot of S junk today so I know that could be the reason.


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Post by Blondie » Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:58 am

Day 10, Sunday, July 17, S day.

Nothing spectacular to report eating-wise (sushi was good for dinner, though).

Exercise: 1500 meter swim and a pretty intense sculpting class at the gym. I also walked about 4 miles and took a light 30 minute or so jog to test drive my new prescription running orthotics. Result = new blister. :x

Dru, I like your in and out closet rule. I have a one year rule--if I haven't worn it in a year, it's gone (aside from "skinny" clothes ;) ). My mom was very diligent about giving clothes to Goodwill growing up, so I definitely know that routine.

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Post by cvmom » Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:12 pm

Yes, Mandy. Keep the skinny clothes. As long as they don't go out of style or are wrong for your figure. I just got rid some (3 sizes smaller) tapered slacks. After reading "What Not To Wear" by Trinny and Susannah I noted that they are not good for my form.

Have a beautiful day. I am so glad it is an N Day. I need this structure.


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Post by Blondie » Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:29 pm

Day 11, Monday July 18: SUCCESS

Sick. Temp 101 F. Home from work today. The insidious summer cold. :cry:

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Post by Ariel King » Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:34 pm

Sorry you're sick Mandy. That's 2 now by my count (I think Gwendo is ill too). :( Hope you feel better very soon.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:00 pm

Those bastard insidious Summer colds!!!! :evil:
Sorry you are feeling blech... :(

Rest and feel better soon Mandy! :D
I know it's probably not in you to just "laze around"... but take it easy..
Lot's of fluids, you know the usual advice...
Got any friends who can russell you up some nice fresh chicken soup?
I'm sending you some groovy healing vibes right now!!!!!
8) Madame Deb

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Post by Blondie » Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:37 pm

Thanks Ariel and Deb. Being sick stinks.

Day 12, Tuesday July 19: SUCCESS (sick, no exercise, slept through breakfast, but NoS).

Hope everyone's week is going well.

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Post by navin » Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:21 pm

Being sick is a downer... you sound an awful lot like me when sick... not very hungry, but not very energetic either. :(

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Post by Blondie » Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:50 pm

Day 12 & 13 (July 19 & 20) SUCCESS.

Yipptydoo. Still sick.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:34 pm

Sorry Blondster... That sucks rocks!
Good work on still having two successful days!
Hope it passes soon! Try eating a bunch of watermelon... someone told me it's a good way to wash out our systems...
It's got lots of nutrients too!
8) Deb

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Post by Blondie » Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:28 pm

Wow, watermelon sounds not altogether non-delightful right now. What a miracle. ;) Thanks Debonator.

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Post by Blondie » Fri Jul 22, 2005 1:18 am

Day 14, Thursday July 21: SUCCESS but still trying extract this alien from my nasal cavity. I think I could only start to feel better from this point...

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Post by navin » Fri Jul 22, 2005 1:49 am

but still trying extract this alien from my nasal cavity.
That sounds like it has all the makings of a bad science fiction movie.

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Post by cvmom » Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:37 pm


Are you feeling better????


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Post by Blondie » Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:49 am

Day 15, Friday, July 22: SUCCESS

Made it through a NoS day that included a major league baseball game and not even a blip. No pretezels, peanuts, nachos, crackerjacks, not even a beer (skipping the beer was definitely because I probably would have barfed, given my constitution this week). Incredible!!

First time skipping 5 days of working out in a row in a LONG TIME, :? but it didn't even make me restless, as it usually does, because I knew it was just not possible, I felt so bad. Am going to try to go for a jog tomorrow. :D

Happy weekend everyone! Esses all around!! :wink:

PS Thank you everyone for your well wishes, I'm feeling much better!! I haven't really been keeping up on everyone's check in, but I will...

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Post by navin » Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:10 pm

Good job, and glad you're feeling better. Yeah, there are two motivations for not getting snacks at those ballgames... not only are they sugary and/or fatty snacks, they tend to be wicked expensive, too. (We have a minor league team here, but it's the same deal...)

Have a good weekend... and... go Nationals! :D

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Post by Blondie » Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:01 pm

Whaaaat, you don't like paying $4 for a bag of 13 peanuts?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jul 24, 2005 12:40 am

Highway robbery all around us!
Sometimes I wish I had no memories of the past...
I still remember going to the movies for under 10 bucks for 2 kids and one adult, and I don't know how much the peanuts/popcorn was, but it wasn't what it is now :evil: ....
So Ms. Blondie, are you feeling any better today, or are you still barfitrocious?
See ya later :D
8) Deb

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Post by Blondie » Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:46 pm

Day 16&17, Sat&Sun, July 23-24: S days :)

I think I have rejoined the living. Last week was no fun.

Went for a 3 mile jog on Sat (sloooow), and did 6 miles and lifted weights on Sunday. Blood has resumed circulation. :wink:

And my pants are falling down today. I had picked them up from the dry cleaner's and left them in my office, then put them on when I got here this morning. They used to fit and now are too big. It's a fine problem to have and I very much prefer it to the alternative...but nevertheless I look like a jackass because, well, my pants are falling down.

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Post by sibyl » Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:32 pm

I have a picture of you walking about the office with one hand clutching coffee and/or a report, and the other one holding up your pants. :lol:

That's awesome, though, that you'd have enough of a change that you need new (smaller!) clothes!

Also, I am very glad to hear you are feeling better.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a bunny with a pancake on its head".

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Post by Blondie » Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:37 pm

I have a picture of you walking about the office with one hand clutching coffee and/or a report, and the other one holding up your pants.
No joke--that is EXACTLY what I looked like.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:15 pm

Ha ha!!!!
That's awesome Mandy!!!!!
Sibyl's right on eh?
Love it!
8) Deb
So happy you're better girly!

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Post by navin » Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:59 pm

Mandy, I'd be careful. I'm pretty sure the type of attire you describe would be against the dress code where I work. : :D

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Post by Blondie » Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:37 am

Day 18 (Monday, July 25): SUCCESS

Nothing interesting to report. :)

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Post by Blondie » Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:05 pm

Weird coupla days (but I knew about them beforehand).

Day 19: Tuesday, July 26
Ran 6 miles. Normal day through dinner, but I had proclaimed Tuesday an S day because I had to fast all day Wednesday and today until dinner, so I had a piece of my mom's banana-cranberry bread with vanilla yogurt really late. Not a huge transgression in any case, but I think it's fair to just call Tuesday an S day (actually it was after midnight, so I guess I could roll it into Wednesday--whatever, I'm not worrying about it).

Day 20: Wednesday, July 27
No food. Water, a little gatorade, a little veg boullion. No exercise.

Day 21: Thursday, July 28 (today, so far).
No food or water until after medical procedure. No exercise.

After the thing today, I won't be home until around 5. I'm proclaiming it another S day to the extent that I will probably have a little more than one plate for dinner, but I certainly won't be be eating as much as I would if I ate 3 meals instead of one. Weird way to reach day 21 I guess--skipping 5 meals in a row, followed by a big dinner--but so unusual that I have no worries that I've wrecked my NoS habit.

It's been an odd two weeks. Sick most of last week, skipping a lot of exercise. And this week--fasting is weird. Hunger comes and goes. Have not fallen of the NoS wagon, in my opinion, but I hope to really get back to normal next week.

Take care, y'all.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:43 pm

Ooooh.... I don't like "procedures"...
Hope you are okay girly girl!!!
Fasting huh? Let me know if you have any mystical experiences.....
Whatever you are going through, hope it is smooth and uneventful...
Prayers out to Mandy!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Blondie » Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:09 pm

Ok, so after 5 weeks I finally probably violated NoS. Maybe not in the strict technical sense with virtual plating, but definitely funny stuff at the very least...Went to another baseball game (Did YOU see the first ever Nationals grand slam, cuz I was THERE. So fun!!) and this time ate various crap (didn't have dinner beforehand like last time). Plus 100 beers (or at least it feels like it was a 100 this morning). Definitely not the best choices for quality of calories...but hey, rarely do that, it was fun, it was like a Saturday night...I feel no remorse. :)

Otherwise I've been doing well. Feeling MUCH better health-wise than my oogy couple of weeks--cold is gone, no more medical procedures on the horizon. I've been exercising my little (ok, medium-sized) booty off, including an awesome run yesterday morning. It was insanely hot, so I did a quick 30 minutes of hill repeaters...THAT will get your blood pumping, I tell ya! Yee haw.

Hope everyone is doing well. Catch y'all later.

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Wilkerson's slam on TV

Post by Kevin » Fri Aug 05, 2005 5:38 pm

I'm glad you were there to see it in person. My son and I were watching it on TV and as soon as the pitcher let go of it my son muttered "that's gone."

Picture perfect swing, a thing of beauty. Thigh high, a bit off speed, and right on the plate... say goodbye.

Still though, Patterson's pitching was the really remarkable event of the night. He looks like the next big thing, doesn't he? 94 MPH fastballs that move like a chipmunk on amphetamines.

I'm glad there's another Nats fan on the board (even if its only a casual thing). I don't feel so alone now.

Go Nats!

P.S. Next time you're at RFK, try the pizza. It's suprisingly good.
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Post by Blondie » Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:44 pm

My son and I were watching it on TV and as soon as the pitcher let go of it my son muttered "that's gone."
I turned to my friend when Wilkerson stepped up and said, "grand salami," my friend said "nah..." then BLAM!

You're right, it was a fun game, particularly after the last one I saw--Clemens striking out 10 in 14-1 rout. I have 4 or 5 games left on my part of a season ticket. It's been a lot of fun, but RFK really sucks. :?

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Clemens debacle.

Post by Kevin » Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:04 pm

I was there for that game, too. The scoreboard went out: I took that as a terrible omen. I was there for the loss to Toronto in late June that sort of started their slide. Sigh.

RFK looks good in baseball trim, but I find the seats cramped. Might be better in cooler weather.

Folks have been smackin' the ball there lately, though. Usually the other team, unfortunately.

I'm getting tickets for games again in September when the weather is more amenable. By then we'll be seeing their AAA prospects. The Expos had a great farm system (so the Nats do now), and now that they won't have to sell every good prospect to pay their current players, I think we'll see a pretty good, young team.

But the pizza is really pretty good, all things considered.
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Post by Blondie » Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:08 pm

I know, and it's surprising, considering the distance, ahem, to the wall--definitely not a hitter's ballpark.

I'll have to try the pizza next time. :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:37 pm

You guys make me want to be a baseball fan!
I love grand salami's!!!
And "blam" or any other interjection that you might find on a Batman show, like "Kablooey" is alright with me!!!
Have fun~
Kevin your son must really be great! Chip off the elder block!

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Post by Blondie » Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:41 am

That would be great, Deb, except I bet that would make you a <shudder> Yankees fan...?

Full disclosure: I'm a lifelong Red Sox fan. I grew up in Boston--that Clemens game against the Nats was a disaster, but I still love him, remembering seeing him pitch for *us* 20 years ago (I grant him the temporary insanity while he was with the Yanks before ending up back in Texas).

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Post by Blondie » Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:59 am

Ok, so I'm a little stalled...I don't know if I am getting sloppy or cocky or what, but my 12lb loss has slipped to about a net of 10lbs...nothing to sneeze at, but a little discouraging.

I'm going to start counting days again. Today is day 40 (how biblical). I'll see what happens from now until day 61...

On a bright note, I've been getting in much better shape. I've been plagued with injuries in the past year, but I've been able to keep them at bay for the last month. I'm actually training for the Philly marathon in November...I'm in week 4 of an 18 week training program. Yeehaw.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:07 pm

Blondie -- plateaus happen. If results were exactly commensurate with our efforts diet wouldn't be a problem at all. Also I don't know if 2 pounds are significant enough to get excited or discouraged about... I go up and down 2 pounds just about every day.

But it can't hurt to start counting days again if your behavior has been a little off. Much better than obsessing over the scale or imposing extra restrictions. Also it sounds like your exercise is bound to start paying measurable dividends soon.

Sorry it's been a while since I popped in here. Glad to see that big picture things are looking good.

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Post by navin » Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:44 pm

Blondie -

If my understanding of New York baseball is accurate, Deb could be a Mets fan. But it is impossible to be both - if you are a Yanks fan you hate the Mets, and vice versa.

And since I too am a Red Sox fan, we can both only hope that Deb will in her next post say, "Go Mets!" :)

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Post by Blondie » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:43 pm

Ah, is Long Island the Mets? I'm never sure...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:13 pm

The last time I went to a Mets game was when they were winning the World series in the mid 80's!!! You see, I am old!
Go Mookie!!!!! (Who must be in his mid fifties by now!!!)

Meanwhile, I have no clue who I like now! LOL....

Blondie, you will get back on your NOS horse and ride again!!!
I seem to recall you recently giving in to, as you put it, drinking 100 beers... I'm sure you were exaggerating (at least I hope!!! LOL...)
Maybe your beer swilling escapade the last time had it's revenge on you...
Beer is soooooo fattening... And then, afterwards, most people don't have a burning desire to get up the next morning and go for a jog....
But you had a cold also, so cut yourself some slack and move on baby!!!
Moderation will get you straight running girl!
See you at the next hurdle!!!

PS.. Go Mets! Or Yankees???? (there, I said that for you Nathan...)
I wish the Red Sox never broke the curse of the Bambino!!! Ha ha....
Meh, don't ask me to take sides...
I'm just against anything from New Jersey! :P

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Post by navin » Tue Aug 09, 2005 11:02 pm

Well Deb, just for you... since there will be a hockey season this year...

Go Devils! :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:17 am

Jersey Lover!!!!!

:wink: Deb

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Deb, Mets

Post by Kevin » Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:41 am


Ron Darling, one of the really good pitchers from the Mets mid-80s teams, does the TV play by play for the Nats. A very intelligent, Yale educated. He's maybe the best color guy I've heard in a long, long time. Nice quiet delivery, no annoying accent in his voice, deep understanding of the game. Just the guy for a town that's pretty much forgotten all there is to know about baseball...

We can argue later in the month when the Nats and the Mets begin their battle for last place. Sigh.
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Post by Blondie » Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:22 pm

And speaking of Mookie Wilson, Deb, (the last time I was at Shea was also probably around 1986), his nephew, PrestonWilson, was recently acquired by the Nats. He struck out 4 times against Houston, if I recall.

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Post by Blondie » Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:34 pm

Day 40.1 (Tues. 8/9): SUCCESS

No funny stuff. ;)
Ran 5 miles, walked 5 miles.
Feeling pretty good.
That is all.

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Post by Ariel King » Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:04 pm

Yay Mandy!!!! Glad to hear you're feeling & doing well. What does 40.1 mean?

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Post by Blondie » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:14 am

Thanks Ariel (in my head I always say your name in the voice of Sebastian from The Little Mermaid--AH-ree-ELLLE). I was starting to count again after day 40--40 days is "a long time" in biblical terms, so I was just trying to be funny...trying...;) )

Anyway! I blew it on 40.2. My parents and sister (from Texas, she used to live here in DC) were visiting. I was fine with working out (swam 1500 meters in just over my personal best time), breakfast, lunch, no snacks, and dinner (we went to my sister's and my favorite Middle Eastern restaurant; no appetizer, one (full)plate of gorgeous vegetables, hummus etc), but then they all wanted to go for frozen yogurt--my weakness as far as sweets go...sooooo, I had a medium cup of fat free toasted coconut frozen yogurt. Not a huge sin, but definitely not NoS.

So! starting back at day 40.1 today. :)

My sis and dad are [almost] as exercise-happy as I am...the three of us are about to go for a 5-ish mile run...if I have my way, we'll do my route that starts off by going up Mass. Ave (a steady 2 mile incline), but they might want to run to the Capitol--feh, tourists... ;)

Happy Thursday, my friends.

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Post by reinhard » Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:45 pm

Congratulations, Blondie. It's a little setback in the context of a broad victory. Social pressure is my weakness, too. Let it roll off and get right back on your feet. Perfectionism is useful as a motivating, clarifying goal, but we're not perfect. Accept the imperfection, seal it up like an oyster, and strive for another bout of "perfect."

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Post by Blondie » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:41 pm

Thanks, R. I'm not too worked up about it. ;)

Day 40.1 SUCCESS

No funny stuff, but it was kind of tough. I have insomnia (not exactly chronic, more like every few months for a few weeks) and the combo of being awake with nothing to do for hours combined with not having eaten in 8 hours makes it very hard not to go get something to eat. I'm not looking for suggestions for curing insomnia, just bitching, if that's ok. :)

Ran around 6 miles with visiting dad and sis. Lifted weights and walked about 3 miles.

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Post by Blondie » Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:34 am

Blew it again on Friday. Not really sure why. Ran and swam in the morning, was fine all day, jut started feeling really sluggish around dinner and just felt like I needed to eat some more. Not really concerned about it, but will start over. Geez.

So, Saturday was Day 40.1. Taught swimming lessons, biked, and lifted weights. Had a nice dinner. Fine day. About to go running now. Happy Sunday y'all.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:14 pm

Heck Mandy!!! Cut yourself some slack!
I mean don't you think forty days is a long time!!!
I'm sure Moses was plenty tired after walking for forty days and forty nights in the desert!
And he wasn't jogging and swimming (deserts are hard to swim and jog in),like you do, either! LOL.... :wink:

You are very active girl... Do you mind me asking you to consider whether you are eating enough overall, or are you skimping on portions?
You didn't mention what you "blew it" on... so maybe it was a whole bag of cheese flavored pringles or something really off limits... but if it was just a little more for dinner because of real hunger, I'd say you didn't "blow it" you were just hungry... Learn and live... :wink:
You are such a competitive natured person though... I bet a small blunder is like "blowing it" to people of your ilk! :D
Good luck on Monday!!!!!!
As for being tired, maybe it's the shifting Seasons or something.. I've been going through some sluggishness myself, and I'm not even close to the kind of activity you normally describe...
Put on some sunscreen while you are plodding through the desert!!!!!!
Hugs Blondie!!!!
8) Deb

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Post by Blondie » Sun Aug 14, 2005 8:36 pm

Hey Deb - Maybe Moses had a chance to jog through where the Red Sea was...maybe THAT's why it parted...he didn't know how to swim! No triathlete, he...

You are kind of right--it was just some extra regular, healthy food, and I'm not beating myself up about it at all. It probably wasn't real hunger, though, more like hoping eating more would make me feel less sluggish (which it didn't), so I think it was somewhere in between physical necessity for health reasons and a NoS screw up...I'm cool with it, but it was fishy in terms of NoS, so I'll call it what it is, ya know?

And you are probably right on that I'm not eating enough calories at meals to support my exercise habit--not portion-wise, exactly, but food that's not very calorie-dense. Being a vegetarian (well, mostly, these days, not strict like in the past), I'm very very careful to get my macronutrients and other nutritional requirements, but, though I'm not totally sure, since I don't actually count calories, I think I get them a little too efficiently (ie with too little food). So while I get plenty of protein, carbs, iron, folate, fiber, calcium, vitamins, etc etc, I could probably add some calories (probably in the form of some good fats). I'll have to reorganize that.

I think the sluggishness is partly that (too few calories), partly the weather (it's ho-ot right now, as I'm sure you know), and effects of the insomnia. One reason I exercise so hard is that I need to tire myself out so that I'm physically tired enough to help me fall asleep, 'cuz if I don't, I'm tired the next day, obviously. This can backfire if I exercise too hard, though ;)

ANYWAY!! Coincidentally, off to the grocery store. I love Whole Foods so much.


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Post by navin » Sun Aug 14, 2005 9:37 pm

Hey Deb - Maybe Moses had a chance to jog through where the Red Sea was...maybe THAT's why it parted...he didn't know how to swim! No triathlete, he...
Yeah, and I don't think they had bicycles in ancient Egypt or Israel either... :lol:

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Post by Blondie » Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:27 pm

Day 40.2 was an S Day.

Ran 10 miles, did a stretching/sculpting class at the gym, walked to grocery store and other errands and was POOPED at the end of the day. Gorgeous salad from Whole Foods for dinner with one whole grain and one olive roll, and yogurt and blackberries for dessert.

Good day :)

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Whole Foods

Post by Kevin » Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:20 pm

Another DC area reference... we like Trader Joe's.

You must be monster fit.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:46 pm

Great day Blondie!!!!!!!!!!!!
You rock!!!!! : :D
8) Deb

ps... I live for Whole Foods!!!!!
Too bad I can't afford to buy everything I need there...
They make some delish cornbread too.... Try that with your salad next time :wink:

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Post by Blondie » Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:21 pm

I know it--Whole Foods is expensive for a lot of things...worth it for the fruit, I think, though.

Day 40.3 went well. No funny stuff, swam 1500 meters and stationary-biked for 30 minutes to stretch my legs from Sunday's run. Also walked to and from work (round trip 5 miles).

Problem is, during the day I had what I thought was post-chlorine sniffles, which happens sometimes. I didn't feel oogy...but they are still with me today--plus a slightly sore throat and general blah-almost-malaise feeling.

NO no no no no no I am NOT gettng another cold. No no no. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Anyway, given the above, I may have made a mistake this morning. I was scheduled to run about 6 miles, but I woke up feeling ok but not that great. Normally if I don't feel like exercising, I don't--I have to plan rest days or I would probably never rest, so if an impromptu rest day presents itself because of schedule problems or blah-ness on my part, I just go with it. But for a couple of reasons**, I really wanted to get about 6 miles on my legs this morning.

Soo, I ran. 6 miles. Felt ok, even good, after about a half a mile, so I went ahead and did the normal hilly 6 mile route. Finished feeling good, as usual. Was running late, so took the subway to work instead of walking. Now I'm at work and my sinus/throat thing doesn't feel much better. I don't think I'm worse off (at least yet), and in fact there is definitely a school of thought in the running and exercise world that exercise won't make mild illness worse or delay recovery (eg no fever but just cold-type stuff) but I guess it's possible that exercising instead of skipping it will backfire--I guess I'll wait and see. Will probably skip kickboxing tomorrow night and instead go straight home to clean my apt (yikes, houseguest!!), take vitamin C, drink water, and take a foot spa. :D

Anyway, we'll see. Happy Tuesday, friends.

**This is kind of important for my training (time logged on the old legs), I don't like to jam up too much running near the end of the week closer to my long run, and also this weekend a nonathletic friend is coming to visit (with a lot of my friends, I would just make them run with me), so I won't have that much time to run. ANYWAY.

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Post by cvmom » Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:35 pm

Mandy. I hope you are not getting ill before your friends arrive. Man, can I just have one little tiny piece of your motivation for exercise? Please? I am so not into excercise. What forces you to do it?

BTW, I heard somewhere that if you have anything wrong with your head that it is okay to work out but if there is anything below the head (ie, stomach) you need to chill out. Maybe that's my problem. LOL


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Post by Blondie » Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:25 pm

I've heard that rule, too, Dru, and my illness is all upper I guess I'm good.

I don't know where I get the motivation. Motivation isn't really the word for it for me, I don't think, because that implies that I use it as a means to some result--which of course it true sometimes, like right now training in preparation of a marathon or to slim down or be generally more healthy...but for me exercise is an end in itself. Starting when I was little, with ballet, soccer, and gymnastics (or spending all day at the pool doing flips off the diving board), and continuing through high school and college.

I don't know, maybe other people can chime in--is it ever the case that exercising DOESN'T operate (at least at the end of it) to make you feel better (I mean excluding sickness and injury).

My mom always claims she's allergic to exercise. My dad runs and does triathlons with me. :)

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Post by navin » Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:40 pm

I don't know, maybe other people can chime in--is it ever the case that exercising DOESN'T operate (at least at the end of it) to make you feel better (I mean excluding sickness and injury).
For the most part I think you are right, with two caveats.
1. Some things are just difficult/unpleasant for some people. A lot of people love doing things like yoga and pilates, but I can't stand pilates, and always feel miserable when I do them. I've heard the same about running - I enjoy it but it can be difficult or painful for others (especially those with knee problems.)

2. I'm really really bad at certain sports, and losing never makes me feel good. :-D

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Post by Blondie » Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:04 pm

Ya, I guess I was operating under the assumption that a given person has identified a kind of exercise that isn't miserable--or that is too difficult so as to be frustrating. By no means do I enjoy ALL exercise--I am don't know how to play tennis, for example (though I REALLY want to learn), so that is frustrating to try, I'm a spectacularly bad golfer, I hate ultimate frisbee, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy wrestling or rugby (not sure about that, actually).

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Post by Blondie » Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:48 pm

Day 40.4 was fine, too, except that I'm up a few pounds. It's definitely because I'm retaining water for some reason. It's unusual for me. Blah.

The cold is on it's way out, though, luckily.

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Post by Ariel King » Wed Aug 17, 2005 6:08 pm

Hi Mandy. Good news on the cold... sorry about the water retention :P I think you're just one of those lucky/virtuous people for whom exercise is a big part of a "normal" life. I wish I could be that way, but for me, sitting on my butt all day feels like a normal life. I was never an athletic child, so that's probably part of the reason.

Sorry about the insomnia. Don't worry, I won't try to advise you on it (I couldn't if I wanted to, as I've never had that problem).

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Post by cvmom » Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:57 pm

Hi Guys:

I guess the reality is that we should all do what we love. If you love to run then run. If you love to hike, then hike. If you're into weightlifting then go for it.

There is something physical for everyone. I have a friend that takes hula lessons. I would like to try tap lessons. And Kev, I do like Pilates and Yoga. But you'd never catch me on a volleyball team. So, let's all think about what we love and just do it. Urban Rangering is fun, cheap and probably the best bet for all.

Thank you Mandy for being a good role model. Anyone that can run 10 miles has my complete respect.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 11:09 pm

"Practice like your hair is on fire!"

Zen proverb....

8) Deb

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Post by navin » Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:27 am

"Practice like your hair is on fire!"
Hmm, stop, drop, and roll? That might not be a bad workout. I think you're on to something.

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Post by Blondie » Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:39 am

Hmm, stop, drop, and roll? That might not be a bad workout. I think you're on to something.
This is so weird--I was going to mention it as a "weird thing seen while urban rangering," but I thought it might be too controversial (sex poilitics, religion)...but now I HAVE to mention it. On my walk to work yesterday, I passed a church and on the marquis (is that what you would call it for a church?) on the lawn it said:

"Stop, drop, and roll doesn't work in Hell."

Um, WHAT?! Love the doomsday stuff. :shock:


Day 40.5 was a-ok. I am still up a few pounds, which is sucky, but whatever. 8) I skipped kickboxing yesterday to make sure I was feeling better, and I'm about to go for a light run--4 miles of hill repeats!! :D

I added some nuts to my lunch salad for today. I actually went through and calculated how many calories and how much protein, carbs, fat, and fiber I was getting and I was a little surprised (btw, it was an annoying process, I don't know how people do it every day). Anyway, I get way enough protein, carbs, and fiber, but not NEARLY the RDA of fat, and overall not enough calories, even for weight loss. I was mostly surprised that I wasn't hungry on what I generally eat. I have lost about 14 pounds in about 6 weeks (except I am up 3-4 pounds right now), so I don't think I was in the so-called starvation mode that people talk about when too few calories are consumed (I think my metabolism was fine, prob due to exercise), and like I said, I didn't go hungry, but the number of calories I was eating couldn't have been healthy in any way, shape or form. So, yeah, I added some good fat (I got some soy nuts and some peanuts, which are actually both legumes, but whatever).

Sorry, that was kind of boring. :wink:

Have a thrilling Thursday, NoS-ers.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:48 am

That's so awesomely funny!!!!!
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

You are not boring Blondie!!!!!
And, yes that was a funny coincidence....
Doomsday! What a motivator eh??? LOL... :roll:
14 lbs in your first few months is fantastic!!!! :D
Glad to see you are feeling your usual up-and-at-em self!

You Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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